Salam ladies!

This is a new series we hope to keep running In'Sha'Allah

It's called Sister's Sessions and is an informal gathering for sisters only to discuss, debate and give our opinions on Islamic topics related to women.

Each session will have a different topic as the focus of our discussion and the first session's topic is:
'Forgiveness and Judgement: The Parable of the Prostitute'

We'll be discussing and giving our opinions on Forgiveness and Judgement amongst Muslim women today and how that affects our lives whether it be in person or on social media.
We'll be using the Parable of the Prostitute as a starting point to get ideas flowing but the discussion will revolve around our ideas and opinions on forgiveness and judgement in general.

It's on the 8th of March beginning at 6pm at the Chaplaincy.
Snacks and drinks will be provided but feel free to bring your own to share!

It's an informal gathering so please come along and bring a friend!

I hope you can all make it to the event In'Sha'Allah

Thank you!
Aleemat (Co-President and Head Sister) External Event Url
Chaplaincy, University of Warwick
he Chaplaincy The University of Warwick Gibbet Hill Road Coventry CV4 7AL, Coventry, United Kingdom, ,