Come one come all: to Walk in each other's Shoes, and then eat off each other's plates!

Join neighbours from around Hyde Park - residents, mosques, universities, schools, neighbourhood forum, council, police, churches and more - for friendly fun cross-cultural conversations.

7-9pm at All Hallows Church, Leeds and 9-11pm at Leeds Grand Mosque.

We're all invited to observe/join our Muslim friends at sunset prayers, and then to break fast with them (hurray!) courtesy of the super SYRIAN COMMUNITY OF LEEDS الجالية السورية بليدز/ بريطانية

As Jo Cox reminded us, there is so much #morethatunitesus than divides us - so in her honour let's learn about each other's day-to-day lives and #buildbridgesnotwalls. External Event Url
All Hallows Leeds and Leeds Grand Mosque
9 Woodsley Rd, Leeds LS6 1SN, UK