My Journey: An Inter-generational look at finding Islam in the West
(Yama Niazi, Imam, Islamic Society of Santa Barbara)

You will not want to miss this special event. Imam Yama Niazi of the Islamic Society of Santa Barbara has achieved international renown for his approach that is relevant with today’s youth and which spans generational and cultural boundaries. Join us for a special night.

8:00pm Isha

After Isha: Dessert and Coffee

** About the speaker
Yama Niazi, Imam of the Islamic Society of Santa Barbara, was born in Afghanistan and migrated with his parents to the United States at the age of seven. Growing up in the United States and having an understanding of the culture and well as studying Islam with American Muslim scholars, led Yama to take on a unique perspective of Islam in America. His students have described his demeanor and manner of speaking to exude sincerity and care. Yama has achieved international renown for his approach that is relevant with today’s youth that spans multiple cultures. He has been invited to programs alongside top scholars throughout North America and Canada. Through his teaching, lecturing, mentorship, and religious leadership, Imam Yama aims to foster love for Islam and appreciation of the vast richness of Islamic tradition in new generations of American Muslims.

Imam Yama currently resides in Santa Barbara, CA with his wife and three children. External Event Url
Islamic Society of West Valley
7060 Owensmouth Ave, Canoga Park, CA, United States