The ISCJ Weekend School in conjunction with the ISCJ LIT Program presents a new initiative targeting high school students With Dr. Ahmed Mohamed - ISCJ Resident Director of Youth Islamic Studies.

This program will be addressing many of the contemporary topics that face young Muslims in today’s society.

This program will be offered on two different timings for your convenience: for one hour on Saturdays at 5:15 pm OR Sundays at 12:00 pm.
The program will commence on Saturday, Oct. 21st & Sunday, Oct. 22nd
This program will follow the ISCJ-WES calendar - Sept. to May

You Registration is confirmed once you make course payment at:
Please choose category as ISCJ Youth - LIT

Clearing the Mist 101

Course Summary:
This course will address many of the contemporary topics that face young Muslims in the West, along with the misconceptions associated with them (e.g. Identiy, Sharia, Evolution, Atheism, etc...).

This course will be presented in an interactive discussion style to help identify misconceptions, help students articulate ideas, teach students to speak in a group and allow critical thinking of the topic being addressed.

Course Objectives:
By end of this course students should be able to:
Discuss the Islamic perspective regarding the topics addressed.
Counterargue the misconceptions posted by critics regarding the addressed topics.
Have pride, confidence, and ability as a Muslim to publicly discuss the addressed topics.

10 min Fiqh of Worship: Book of Purification - 101

Course Summary:
This course will cover the basics of Purification. The format is based on a 10 min Q&A discussion session at the beginning or end of every class. External Event Url