This weekly class will give seekers an understanding of the vision and spirit of Islam, beginning at the most basic level. Topics will include: an introduction to the Quran, prayer and fasting, morality in everyday life, developing good character, destiny and fate, and the life of the Prophet Muhammad. Whether just curious about Islam, newly practicing, or a lifelong Muslim who would like a refresher, all are welcome. This course will explain the most fundamental aspects of the faith. The class is based on the book "Being Muslim" by Asad Tarsin.

Imam Khalis strongly recommends you bring your children, especially if they are of reading age.

Instructor: Khalis Rashaad
Where: Ibrahim Islamic Center
When: Every Wednesday evening from 7 - 8:30PM starting February 3, 2016.
Duration: 13 Weeks
Cost: Free External Event Url
Ibrahim Islamic Center - Houston, Texas
5215 Almeda Rd, Houston, TX, United States