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It is our great pleasure and honor to have Dr. Abu Anas Naji al-arfaj as a guest in Finland. He is Expert in communication Skills and Da'wah dialogues with over 30 years of experience in education and dialogue.

Zaad Event
Time table of Day 9/04/2016
People register their names on Time: 11:00-12.00
Dr. Abu Anas Naji al-arfaj’s
First lecture on Time:12:00-13:30 Titles which include are:
-Intercultural communication skills
-How to present the beauty of Islam?
-(A step by step approach)
-Secrets of happiness & success!
Duhur Prayer and lunch on Time:13::30-15:00
Lesson: How do I talk about islam? Time:15:00-15:45
(Taalib Al Haqq)
Small break 15 min.
Dr. Abu Anas Naji al-arfaj’s Second part of the lectures
(non-muslims and muslims) on Time: 16:00-17:30
-The ABCs of our culture!
-Have you discovered its real beauty?
Day ends Time 17:30 !!!

Dr. Abu Anas Naji al-arfaj
He is Expert in communication Skills and Da'wah dialogues with over 30 years of experience in education and dialogue.

some videos about him.

Make reservation here: External Event Url
Martinlaaksonpolku 4, 01620 Vantaa
Martinlaaksonpolku 4, 01620 Vantaa, Finland