Assalamu Aleykum

Currently the management of Ajyal Islamic Centre is in the process of renewing our lease for the next 5 year term. With the current exorbitant monthly rental increase from $10,000 to $13,700 which to become effective in August, 2018, places Ajyal in a very dire need to meet its financial target to cover this cost.

Failure to meet this target on or before August 2018, would result in the CLOSURE of the Ajyal Islamic Centre because of its inability to cover its much-needed operational costs. The risk of the closure would result in negatively impacted on the many ongoing success stories, including members of the community, youth, children, new Muslims, recent refugees and immigrants who have adopted Ajyal Islamic Centre as their ‘second home’ whilst on their towards integration into Canadian society.

we're looking for communiry support to rease the needed funds to keep our centre open and serving our congregation ... Together we can make this difference.

Ajyal Islamic Centre

A Place to go a Community to grow External Event Url
Alice Mackay Room
Vancouver Public Library (downstairs) 350 W. Georgia St., Vancouver, BC, Canada