A 10-week special SeekersCircle, live from Sydney, Australia and telecast to approved Learning Centres around the world. Join Imam Afroz Ali a in a unique SeekersCircle which is a Study of Imam Ghazzali’s Iljām al-‘Awwām ‘an ‘Ilm al-Kalām, also refers to the Translation of Shaykh Abdullah bin Hamid Ali, titled “A Return to Purity In Creed”.

A masterpiece that provides unambiguous clarity about what the Early Generations (the Salaf) truly believed and how they understood Islamic Doctrines. The text helps the contemporary Muslim living in the midst of extremes, to return to the Purity of the Islamic Creed.

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What are SeekersCircles?

SeekersCircles are free online community-focused study groups (halaqāt) broadcast to centers across the world. Each study group covers key Islamic topics in an inspiring, engaging manner. SeekersCircles are led by top scholars and seeks to promote (1) individual faith and learning and (2) community building by gathering together individuals for Islamic learning in their own community and instilling in them the Prophetic concern for service.

For TELECAST information: http://seekersguidance.org/seekerscircles

For LIVE classes registration: http://alghazzali.org/events/iljam

Enquires: academydirector@alghazzali.org | circles@seekersguidance.org External Event Url