MIA Collection Lectures
Special Exhibition Lecture Series
25 January 2018
6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Education Centre
The Awakening of a Persian Beauty
Dr. Annette Beseli

A few years ago the Museum for Arts and Crafts in Hamburg succeeded in purchasing from a private collection half of an early Safavid spiral vine carpet with animals. This fragment is the other half of a fragment that has been on display in the Hamburg Museum for many years. In a unique collaboration with the Museum for Islamic Art in Berlin, the two fragments were rejoined after several decades of separation. On the occasion of the reopening of the Islamic Gallery in Hamburg in the spring of 2015, the carpet was presented to the public in its original size and beauty for the first time in many, many years. This talk will give the audience an inside view of the restoration and the history of the two pieces.
Anette Beselin is speaking as the final lecture in celebration of MIA's Imperial Threads exhibition which will end on 27 January 2018

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Museum of Islamic Art (MIA)
Museum of Islamic Art, Doha, , Qatar