Syria, Yemen, and Myanmar are enduring some of the worst international crises of our generation. Through famine, war, displacement - millions of lives are being unjustly tortured and killed.

Together we can help hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. Shaykh Sulaiman Moola will be touring with Islamic Relief Canada to fundraise for our 3 major appeals this year. Will you answer the call?

Date: Saturday December 31st, 2016
Location: Masjid-Ur-Rahman
Cause: Aleppo, Myanmar, and Yemen
Time: 4:30 PM

Date: Saturday December 31st, 2016
Location: Masjid Al-Noor
Cause: Aleppo, Myanmar, and Yemen
Time: 8:00 PM External Event Url
Vancouver Canada
toronto,ontario, Toronto, ON, Canada