Shaykh Amir Saeed
Al Azhar University Graduate, Faculty of Shariah

Upcoming Parts to this Series:
Ahmad Ibn Hanbal: GPS, March 1st, 2013

Completed Parts to this Series:
Abu Hanifa: GPS, Friday, December 14th, 2012
Malik Ibn Anas: GPS, Friday, January 4th, 2013

Imam Ash-Shafi'I, the founder of the Shafi'I Madhab (school of thought). Born in Gaza Palestine on 150 hijri, the year Imam Abu Hanifa passed away. His blood line meets the Hashimi tribe, hence being from the prophetic blood line. Being a master in the Arabic language, Hadith and benefiting from his predecessors Abu Hanifa and Malik ibn Anas, developed his own school of thought in accordance with his environment. Little did he know that his methods of extrapolating rules and regulations from the Qur'an and Sunnah will become a prominent Madhab.

Shaykh Amir Saeed is a scholar of the traditional Islamic sciences and an active mentor and teacher of the Muslim community. He has had the blessed opportunity to study with some of the most brilliant minds of Islamic thought in Mauritania, Nadwat ul Ulema of India, and Egypt where he completed his specialized degree in Islamic Jurisprudence at the prestigious Al-Azhar University. Along with Islamic law, he has also studied a number of other subjects including Arabic, tazkiyya (self-purification), pre-Islamic poetry, exegesis of the Quran and noble traditions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) obtaining an Ijazah (tradional certificate of completion) in the Saheeh of Al-Bukhari. External Event Url
Islamic Foundation, Villa Park, IL
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