Abdullah B. Umar said that Rasulullah SAW said: "The Merciful One shows Mercy to those who are themselves merciful (to others). So show Mercy to whatever is on Earth, then He who is in heaven will Show Mercy to you." (Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi)


Welcoming Rahma through the Power of Giving

Iftar-&-Dinner at MAS Youth Center of Dallas


Tuesday, August 14, 2012


7:30pm (Please be on time as it is Ramadan)


MAS Youth Center of Dallas
740 F Ave; Suite 303
Plano; TX 75074


Shaykh Gyasi McKinzie


Saad Najmi: (214) 908-8436

Nabiha Hasan: (580) 319-2857

Shaykh Gyasi McKinzie: (901) 289-2097


You, your families, and friends; join us at this Iftar-&-Dinner; and your presence will be source of benefit through prayers and support for our Sisters, Brothers, Children, and Elders in humanity in dire needs globally, in particularly in Burma, Syria, Assam India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan;

Need your presence in large numbers, and please come on time at 7:30pm., so that you are able to get full benefits of the presentation by Shaykh Gyasi McKinzie: "Welcoming Rahma through the Power of Giving".

Please invite others kind hearted people like you to this event...

If you cannot come, please do visit www.HHRD.Org; and get the Rewards & Blessings of Giving during Ramadan (Aameen). External Event Url
MAS Dallas
1515 Blake Dr, Richardson, TX, United States