UMCP MSA Musallah

The Queens’ Ball presented by UMD MSA Sisters’ Committee
***Girls Only Event*** Who is a queen? She is a force to be reckoned with, a woman who is certain of her identity, and of her worth. She is wise, she is knowledgeable, she is kind, she is fierce, she is strong - all of which make her beautiful beyond imagination. Her journey towards achieving perfection is what makes her regal, and it is what makes her powerful. She is a woman who helps those around her, who pulls her sisters along with her on her quest towards excellence. She is you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The MSA Sisters Committee cordially invites you to the Queen's Ball! Join us on April 27th, 6PM, in Grand Ballroom Lounge, and embrace the royalty that you were born with! Come dressed as your favorite queen - historical, Muslim, non-Muslim, or fictional. The skies are the limit, so do not curb your imagination! Come, and let's celebrate our sisterhood, and our queendom. TICKETS: To secure a ticket, contact Zahra Nizami, Ayesha Hayat, or Ayesha Amsa. Tickets will be sold in person (cash or check) or via Venmo. Hurry, there is an incredibly limited amount of tickets and we are expecting a full house! $10 until 4/10/18 - UMD students (afterwards, all tickets will be $15!!) $15 - all non-UMD students ***TICKET SALES WILL CLOSE ON 4/20/2018 11:59 PM*** Registration will start at 6:00 PM, and the program will begin promptly at 6:30 PM.
4/27/2018 6:00:00 PM -04:00
Food Recovery Network (FRN)
Leftover food for the day is packed and sent to a nearby food shelter. We help to pack the food and store it in the shuttle.
4/19/2018 12:00:00 AM -05:00
Confidence & Surah Kaafiroon
Guest Speaker: Ayman alGhazali In this day and age, with the rise of Islamophobia and the appearance of hate crimes permeating our communities, it is important for us to arm ourselves with the knowledge of our deen - and more importantly, confidence in our right to practice the worship of One God. Join the Islamic Education Committee and the Sisters' Committee for a joint halaqah on the meaning of confidence as Muslim men and women facing the struggles and hardships of today, along with an in depth tafseer of Surah Kaafiroon! Tea and light refreshments will be served.
4/12/2018 6:00:00 PM -04:00
UMD Inter-MSA Summit
University of Maryland Muslim Student Association’s Inter-MSA Summit on April 6-8th. The Inter-MSA Summit is an opportunity for Muslim students from universities from the DMV (D.C., Maryland and Virginia) as well as the East Coast to come together, engage one another and get educated together. Hear lectures from interesting speakers, engage in activities with other Muslims students, visit the nations capital and the Diyanet Center of America. The topic this year is 21st Century Muslims: Life & Relationships. When we were considering topics, we thought we want to talk about something that impacts our generation that most forums don't really talk about. Advice about relationships, whether with Allah (SWT), our family, friends or even with the opposite gender are often defined by what our parents told us when we were younger. However, Islam has a lot to say about the topic and hearing it from scholars and your peers will give you insight that your parents may forget to pass on because of the awkwardness involved in it.
4/8/2018 12:00:00 AM -04:00
Fast-A-Thon: Summit Day 1
The UMD MSA cordially invites you to the 2018 Fastathon dinner! Fast-A-Thon is an annual event held by the Muslim Students' Associations on various campuses throughout the nation. In addition to raising awareness of global hunger, the theme for this year’s Fast-A-Thon is Life and Relationships, with a focus on interfaith unity and campus diversity. Fasting is not simply a detoxifying experience that transcends abstaining from food; rather it is an experience that challenges you to be the best version of yourself by avoiding gossiping, backbiting, slandering, lying, cheating, and all detrimental habits that we may form. On this day we invite the campus community to fast one whole day with us, or sacrifice one fulfilling meal of their day. In doing so, we hope to unify our campus community and place a focus on the state of humanity. Fast a day with us and join us for free dinner!
4/6/2018 6:00:00 PM -04:00
Join UMD MSA on a trip to ICNA-MAS Convention on March 30th to April 1st! Sign up to volunteer with us and you can get a free ticket for the 3 day convention! Insh’Allah we plan having a carpool arrangement to accommodate everyone who wants to come. Sign up sheet coming soon.
4/1/2018 12:00:00 AM -04:00
Tea Time: Living in Tomorrowland
This week's topic is going to be worrying about the future, or living in "tomorrowland". As students, we all face struggles, and we all find ourselves - at some point - facing the crippling anxiety that comes with thinking about what is to come. What will we do once we graduate? What careers will we pursue? What will happen next? Come and talk about these questions, and learn how to gain control over your thoughts (of course, with some tea). A dear alumni, Sayema Tareq-Saif, will be leading this discussion, from the perspective of a college graduate currently working as a teacher. About Tea Time: Tea Time is an all girls halaqah. Itwas started for the sole purpose of creating a safe space for girls to talk about relevant topics, while fostering individual growth and cultivating sisterhood. If you have any concerns, questions, or suggestions, please direct them to the Vice President of Sisters Affairs, Zahra Nizami, and she will be happy to address them and work with you.
3/29/2018 6:00:00 PM -04:00
In Light of the Quran: Tafseer Series
MSA's Education Committee presents the second session of the In Light of Quran Series. Join us on Thursday in the Musallah at 6 PM. Guest Speaker: Br. Ibrahim Khan Topic: Surah Ad-Duha: Removing Anxiety and Distress
3/15/2018 6:00:00 PM -04:00
Tea Time: Gossip Girl
For this week's tea time, we will be discussing the importance of sisterhood, female friendships, and the #girlssupportgirls movement in a freestyle discussion led by Samiha Ahmed. Come with thoughts and opinions! Tea will be served. ALSOOO we will be assigning secret sister partners!! Secret sister is a *super secret* gift exchange, where you get ya sista something nice because you love them ❤️ PS: This is an all girls halaqah. Tea Time was started for the sole purpose of creating a safe space for girls to talk about relevant topics, while fostering individual growth and cultivating sisterhood. If you have any concerns, questions, or suggestions, please direct them to the Vice President of Sisters Affairs, Zahra Nizami, and she will be happy to address them and work with you.
3/15/2018 5:00:00 PM -04:00
MSA General Body Meeting
Join us for our March General Body Meeting on the 14th at 5pm in the Mussallah! Donuts will be provided 🍩
3/14/2018 5:00:00 PM -04:00
Black Muslim Narrative Panel
Being Black and Muslim Panel Discussion Date: Tuesday, February 27th 7-8:30 pm Location: Nyumburu Multipurpose Room Description: This panel is focused on the experiences of being a Black Muslim and the struggles and uniqueness connected to this narrative. We would like to hear the stories of various individuals firsthand and learn the differences and similarities that define us, hoping to make a difference in certain narration. The first half will be a presentation of stories by the panelists while the second part will open up to a group discussion.
2/27/2018 7:00:00 PM -05:00
Allah & You: Series on Names of Allah by Chaplain Tarif
JOIN US FOR BROTHER TARIF’S FIRST HALAQA OF THE SEMESTER! “ALLAH & YOU: A journey of Self-transformation through Allah’s Beautiful Names" With our Muslim Chaplain, Tarif Shraim When: Every Wednesday night at 5:30 pm Where: MSA prayer room (Musallah) Join us in our new weekly series in which we will dig deeper into our relationship with Allah, His presence in our lives, and how to re-make our lives and cure our spiritual, emotional and intellectual ailments and doubts through His beautiful names and glorious words in the Quran. Each week, we will explore and discuss: 1- One beautiful name of Allah and how it manifest in our lives 2- One simple Duaa to fulfill our needs 3- One simple action we can do to grow in faith and gain fulfillment, healing and strength.
2/14/2018 5:30:00 PM -05:00
Seerah Halaqa
Come out to this brand new series “In Depth Series: The Seerah of the Prophet” presented to you by Abe Darwish and Anam Khatib. This halaqa will be held in the musullah every Monday after Maghrib inshallah!
2/5/2018 5:30:00 PM -05:00
Welcome Back Week
Join UMD MSA for our spring welcome back week! 1/29 Monday: Movie Night (Showing the Jungle Book in the Musallah 6pm) 1/31 Wednesday: Breakfast for Dinner (Musullah 5pm) 2/2 Friday: Hot Coco GBM (Musullah 3pm)
2/2/2018 12:00:00 AM -05:00
Breakfast for Dinner
Join us for the biggest event of Welcome Back Week, Breakfast for Dinner on Wednesday January 31st at 5pm in the Musullah (0204 Cole Field House). Food will be provided so just kick back, eat your breakfast favs, meet new students, and hanging out with friends 🍽
1/31/2018 5:00:00 PM -05:00
Icebreaker Ski-Board Trip
Asalaamu Alaikum everyone! Don't get sick of the cold yet! On Jan. 17th we will be having our winter ski trip to Whitetail Ski Resort. Please make sure to dress accordingly. We will be carpooling there and back to campus. All those planning on attending MUST REGISTER by filling out the form by January 15th. Details are provided below. Tickets will be bought at the resort. Registration: https://goo.gl/forms/5bTrr5cnvJXBc3hJ2 January 17th, 2017 Meeting place: UMD Musallah Schedule Meet up: 11:00 AM Arrival: 2:00 PM Lessons: 2:30 PM Return Equipment: 6:30 PM Prayer: 7:00 PM Departure: 7:15 PM Return: 9:00 PM Beginner Price: $40 4 hour Beginner lift pass Skiis/Board and helmet Lesson included Experienced Price: $43 4 hour All Mountain lift pass Skii/Board and helmet No Lesson Tubing Price: $25 2 hour pass You sit on a tube *First Come first serve basis
1/17/2018 11:00:00 AM -05:00
Committes Appreciation: Pie A Cabinet Member
Come to the last MSA event of the semester where cabinet thanks the active committee members for all their hard work and dedication this semester! In addition you get the chance to pie a cabinet member so come out since this is an opportunity that probably will never happen again 😂
12/11/2017 5:00:00 PM -05:00
2nd Annual CMLMD Fundraising Dinner
Students, alumni, parents and members of the community are invited to attend the 2nd annual Center for Muslim Life at Maryland (CMLMD) Fundraiser. We look forward to updating the audience on our progress in the last year and joining together to advance towards acheiving our mission even more in the coming year, God willing. CMLMD is a hub of service for UMD and various area colleges and universities offering programs in counseling, mentorship, experiential education, worship, and advocacy. A full-time Muslim chaplaincy is the flagship program of CMLMD. *Parking information* Option 1: Pay Stations In Union Lane Garage Union Lane Garage is equipped with pay stations to purchase parking in increments of 15 minutes, hours, or the whole day. There are pay stations located at the pedestrian entrances/exits to the garage. You can pay for time with credit card or cash at any of the pay stations or with credit card only by calling 888-580-PARK [7275]. Park in garage. Take note of your space number. Make payment. Optional: Add additional time later either at a pay station or by using your cell phone. The pay stations will issue a paper receipt for your records, which you do not need to display in your vehicle. Note: Pay stations do not issue change. Option 2: Free Parking In Lot 1 After 4PM Monday – Friday and anytime on Saturday and Sunday, visitors may park for free in Lot 1, the large surface lot just beyond the Cole Fieldhouse.
12/9/2017 6:00:00 PM -05:00
Science and God
RESCHEDULED FOR 12/6 Join us for a special halaqa given by our very own chaplain Brother Tarif that will layout the framework of thinking about God and science. You don’t want to miss this one.
12/6/2017 5:00:00 PM -05:00
MSA Ice Skating Trip
Salaams! Join us on Friday, 12/1/2017, for another DC trip! This time, we will be going ice skating at the Washington Harbour Ice Rink, and then grabbing some falafel from Falafel Inc. afterwards. We’ll leave from the musallah (0204 Cole Field House) after praying Asr (3:30 PM), take a bus to the metro, and take the metro to Georgetown إن شاء الله Hope to see YOU there in shaa Allah! This is an amazing opportunity to be able to strengthen the ties within the ummah (one skate, slip, and falafel at a time).
12/1/2017 3:30:00 PM -05:00
Sisters' Game Night!
Salaams! The UMD MSA Sister's Committee is inviting all the sisters to join us for a before-the-finals stress relief session featuring...GAMES! Come by the musallah (0204 Cole Field House) on Tuesday, 11/28, and unwind before exams season comes around. Games like Sorry, Tabboo, and good ol' cards will be provided (among many many more)! Light refreshments (aka the "brew") will also be served. ***You are more than welcome to bring your own games as well!
11/28/2017 6:00:00 PM -05:00
Muslim Monologues - Unity in the Ummah
Muslim Monologues: Unity in the Ummah is an opportunity for students to share stories related to their unique experiences as Muslim Americans through original and candid poems or creative performances. This program is an opportunity for all of us to learn, challenge our biases, and to think critically about ourselves and our society. If you are interested in performing at the Monologues, please fill out the following google form: https://goo.gl/forms/69V0B1PaBPb7YCTl1. Please sign up or join us for an unforgettable evening. Bring your own stories, an active mind and willingness to think outside the box. We would be thrilled to have you amongst our company in a night of understanding, empathy, and reflection. #MM17 Location: Hoff Theatre Time: November 20th, 6PM - 9PM
11/20/2017 6:00:00 PM -05:00
Science and God
Join us this week for a special halaqa given by our very own chaplain Brother Tarif that will layout the framework of thinking about God and science. You don’t want to miss this one.
11/15/2017 5:00:00 PM -05:00
The Events and Services Committee of the MSA is hosting a trip to the Natural History Museum AND Grand Trunk in Washington DC. Come out and join us together to have fun, to bond, and to strengthen our ties within the Ummah!
11/10/2017 2:30:00 PM -05:00
Unity Night
The MSA would cordially like to invite you to our 3rd annual Unity Cultural Night taking place on October 20th, 2017. If you love multicultural food, dressing up in ethnic fancy clothes, and taking out time to enjoy crafts and laughs with friends, then please come (and bring a friend too!). Your ticket is bringing along an ethnic dish of your choice, made by yours truly (or your mom). We look forward to seeing you! ***ALL DISHES MUST BE ZABIHAH*** SIGN UP TO BRING DISHES HERE: ter.ps/msacountries
10/20/2017 6:00:00 PM -04:00
Islamic Inspiration Week
Asalamu Alaykum everyone, UMD MSA is bringing you Islamic Inspiration Week! This week is dedicated to educating the greater campus community about Islam and show them a true representation of who we are. Here are the schedule of events: Friday: Paint Night Musullah 4 PM (Musallah is located on the side of Cole Field House) Sunday: HHRD Packing Day HHRD Headquaters in Baltimore 11AM - 5PM (Helping Hands for Relief and Development located at 1817 Whitehead Rd, Gwynn Oak, MD 21207-4104) Monday: Islam Tent 101 Hornbake Plaza 11AM - 3PM Tuesday: Beyond My Story Nyumburu Multipurpose Room 7PM - 9PM Wednesday: Meet the Muslim Chaplain Musullah* 5:30 - 7PM *Location subject to change Thursday: Interfaith Night Chapel 6 - 8PM MAM Career Center Prince George's Room 6 - 10PM Friday: Bring your Friend to Jummah Nyumburu Multipurpose Room 12:15 - 2PM Unity Cultural Night Nyumburu Multipurpose Room 6 - 9PM
10/20/2017 12:00:00 AM -04:00
MAM Career Center
An event that's hosted by the Alumni of Maryland that offers networking opportunities, advice and insight for undergraduate Muslim students looking to get into the workforce! Location: Prince George's Room, Stamp Student Union
10/19/2017 6:00:00 PM -04:00
Tea Time: Hijaab & Modesty
Tea Time is an all girls discussion that happens every tuesday at 6PM, headed by the MSA Sisters' Committee. As a part of the Islamic Inspiration Week, the sisters' committee decided to talk about the hijaab, because it is a prominent part of Islam - crucial to its core, and apparent to the world. We will discuss the importance of hijaab, modesty, as well as the stigma that surrounds the hijaab in todays political climate. All girls are welcome to join us for some tea, talks, and cookies this Tuesday from 6PM to 7PM. Bring a friend with you! Vivian Zohery, the chairwoman of the Islamic Education Committee, will be leading this discussion. PS: As stated above, this is an all girls discussion. Tea Time was started for the sole purpose of creating a safe space for girls to talk about relevant topics, while fostering individual growth and cultivating sisterhood. If you have any concerns, questions, or suggestions, please direct them to the Vice President of Sisters Affairs, Zahra Nizami, and she will be happy to address them and work with you.
10/17/2017 6:00:00 PM -04:00
Paint Night*
Salaams! To kick off Islamic Inspiration Week, the UMD MSA is going to be hosting a Paint Night* at the Musallah on October 13th at 3:30. Our own Amina Rahman will be leading the main activity, so come with your creative caps on! Paint, brushes, and cardstock will be provided. See you there!
10/13/2017 3:30:00 PM -04:00
MSA Sweatshirt Design Competition
Saalams all! MSA is having a competition for the best design to be featured on the new crewneck sweatshirts. This competition is being held from Monday October 2nd to Monday October 9th. You have a week to submit your designs through a Google form. Submit your designs as an image, document, or pdf. The cabinet will choose the best design and the winner will receive a sweatshirt for free! We will post the date for the sweatshirts availability for purchase for all the other memebers later on. To the designers be creative! https://goo.gl/forms/YQHugFmkGFcee7W63
10/9/2017 12:00:00 AM -04:00
Food Recovery Network
Join the MSA for Food Recovery Network and help us package food for a homeless shelter nearby. Come by to the 251 North Diner at North Campus at 8:30PM. Can't wait to see you all there!
9/28/2017 8:30:00 PM -04:00
Big/Little Progam-Orientation for Bigs!
Asalaamu Alaikum Bigs! Get excited for the launch of the Big Little Program for this year!! We are incredibly excited for all the cool things we have planned for this year so make sure to come out to the orientation on Thursday, September 28th 5-6 in Jiminez 1124! This orientation is MANDATORY for every Big. If there are schedule conflicts, please contact Alina Saif or Nimra Nadeem. If you are able to make it after 6, please let us know as well. Hope to see you all there!
9/28/2017 5:00:00 PM -04:00
Starry Night: Sister's Fall Freshmen/Transfer Welcome Dinner
**UMD STUDENTS AND ALUM ONLY** Salaams girls! It's that time of year again, to meet our new freshmen and transfer students and reconnect with old friends! Our theme this year is Starry Night - to welcome our new stars ✨ and to dance in the moonlight as sisters and friends (not literally though, this is a nonhijaabi event, but we'll try our best to make it look as starry as possible). We will be having a program with some fun icebreakers (so come out even if dancing isn't your thing), and of course some time to dance for those who want to! Come have some fun with us (don't forget free dinner), and let's get to know each other <3 All the Love, UMD MSA Sister's Committee Price: FREE!!! Attire: Come dressed in whatever makes you feel beautiful ✨ Time: Friday, September 15th 6-10PM Where: 2212 Benjamin Banneker at STAMP Registration: https://goo.gl/forms/prBV2FGAh7egkEKm2 YOU MUST REGISTER TO ATTEND; WE REALLY NEED THIS INFO FOR FAVORS, FOOD PORTIONS, ETC.
9/15/2017 6:00:00 PM -04:00
Welcome Back Dinner
FREE FOOD + WELCOME NEW STUDENTS + MSA FAMILY Salaams! The MSA Cabinet would proudly like to present this year's Welcome Back Dinner! Everyone is welcome to come join us at Colony Ballroom in STAMP this Friday to enjoy some good ol' Gyro Guy, hang out with old friends, and meet our newest additions. We would specifically like to see new students at this event so please join us and participate in activities catered to welcoming new students to the MSA family. Make sure to bring yourselves and, preferrably, a freshman/transfer student with you! Best, The MSA Cabinet 2017
9/8/2017 6:00:00 PM -04:00
MSA Welcome Week!
Assalamu 'Alaikum everyone! The University of Maryland, College Park's Muslim Student's Association is hosting Welcome Week, an entire week dedicated to welcoming new students, especially freshmen and transfer students! We have a list of events that will take place DAILY from 8/27 to 8/31. Make sure to invite all of your friends to come join the MSA for an excellent week and get to know fellow Muslim students at UMD! 8/27 Kick-off/ Pre-Eid potluck Location: Washington Quad Time: 1pm - 5pm Bring & eat some food. Meet some cool new poeple. Join the MSA community at our pre eid potluck. 8/28 Rock-Climbing Location: Eppley Rec. Center Time: 4pm - 6pm Wanna feel like bear grylls without the danger? Then come rock climbing FOR FREE at the Eppley climing wall. 8/29 Bowling & Pool Location: Adele H. Stamp Union, TerpZone Time: 6pm - 8pm Wanna show off your sick bowling skills? Don't have any bowling skills at all? Don't worry we got you covered. Practice bowling and pool for FREE as an MSA member at TerpZone MSA!! 8/30 Game Night! Location: Musallah (0104 Cole Field House) Time: 5pm - 8pm FIFA, Halo, Super Smash Bros. Enough said. 8/31 GBM & Ice Cream Social! Location: Musallah (0104 Cole Field House) Time: 5pm - 8pm Get some free ice cream while also learing about future MSA events, services, and ways to get more involved at our Ice cream social and 1st MSA General Body Meeting.
8/31/2017 12:00:00 AM -04:00
Musullah Cleaning Day Part 2
Help come out and clean the Musullah so that it is ready for the new semester!!!
8/23/2017 3:00:00 PM -04:00
Musullah Cleaning Day
Salaam Everyone! As you all know the semester is starting soon and the Musullah is in need of a deep cleaning. We are asking for volunteers to help us on Saturday at 12:00pm to come in and help us clean the Musullah and prepare it for all of the new and current students who are going to use it all semester! Thank you and JAK!
8/19/2017 12:00:00 PM -04:00
Eid Potluck Picnic
Come out to our Eid al-Fitr Potluck Picnic! Reunite with your friends and make new ones while enjoying some good ol' homemade food (courtesy of everyone, of course). Freshmen, friends, and siblings are all welcome!
6/27/2017 4:00:00 PM -04:00
Movie Night: The Prestige
The Muslim Student Association and United Methodist Church will have an interfaith movie night at the Memorial Chapel. The movie that will be playing is The Prestige. Pizza and refreshmants will be provided
5/4/2017 7:30:00 PM -04:00
Asalaamu Alaikum folks, Join your fellow Terp brothers and sisters on Friday, April 28 for some fun-in-the-sun relaxation before finals begin! Make sure you get a start on studying during the week so you're able to join in on the action! There will be food (Zabiha iA), friends, and football. As is tradition, the MSA will be meeting up at the Musallah and carpooling over to Lane Manor park, which is about 5 mins off campus. There will be $5.00 fee to cover the cost of food and drinks. We'll be grilling as soon as we get there. If you would like to contribute food, please get in touch with a cabinet member inshaAllah. Let's finish this semester out with some great fun - See y'all there iA!
4/28/2017 3:30:00 PM -04:00
The Prophet’s Way in Giving Advice
Who: Tarif Shraim (UMD Muslim Chaplain & Imam at DCA) When: Tuesday's 6-8pm Where: The Musallah 0204 Cole Topic: The Prophet’s Way in Giving Advice Join our MSA as we embark on a new Tuesday night halaqa on current and relevant topics with our chaplain, Br. Tarif Sharim. Hope to see you all there
4/18/2017 6:00:00 PM -04:00
Important! MSA General Body Meeting (GBM)
Join us for this very important General Body Meeting (GBM) on April 7th after Jammah at 2:45. In this GBM we will need everyone to vote on a NEW MISSION STATEMENT. We will also be going over the process of running for cabinet positions. We will then quickly go over the events for the rest of the semester. Again, it is important to you come to this GBM because every vote counts and your opinion of the MSA matters. In just a couple of days MSA will be conducting the election/nomination process. It is very important that you sign up on OrgSync so YOU can have a say on who you want leading the MSA. Register for OrgSync and then sign-up as an MSA member by visiting https://orgsync.com/64763/chapter
4/7/2017 2:45:00 PM -04:00
Interfaith with United Methodists
The United Methodists and MSA will be having an interfaith discussion on the topic of Adem and Eve in the Qur'an and Bible. It will be on Thursday, April 4nd at the Memorial Chapel! We only get a few chances a semester to get our groups together and it is important that we take the chance to do so. Pizza, snacks, and refreshments will be provided!!
4/6/2017 6:00:00 PM -04:00
Law School & Career Info Session
The University of Maryland Muslim Students Association is pleased to welcome Noha Moustafa and Zahir Rahman to campus to talk about building a career in the legal field. Noha and Zahir will talk about their paths from undergrad, to law school, to their firm, Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom. They will provide an overview of what it means to pursue a career in law and the various paths you can take: a career in "Big Law"; a career in international human rights; a career in politics and more! Noha and Zahir will also answer questions about how you can prepare yourself to embark on a diverse and interesting legal career. Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom provides legal services to the business, financial and governmental communities around the world in a wide range of high-profile transactions, regulatory matters, and litigation and controversy issues. Our clients range from a variety of small, entrepreneurial companies to a substantial number of the 500 largest U.S. corporations and many of the leading global companies. For more information, please visit www.skadden.com. Noha Moustafa grew up in Grand Rapids, Michigan and graduated in 2007 from City High School. She attended the University of Michigan, where she majored in Human Rights and Political Science and graduated with Distinction and High Honors. In undergrad, Noha wrote a Thesis on the Torture Tactics used in Guantanamo Bay and went on to win the William Jennings Bryan Prize for Political Science. Prior to attending law school, Noha spent a year in Egypt where she studied Arabic and was a middle/high school counselor. She attended the University of Michigan Law School, where she served on the executive board of the Michigan Journal of Race and Law and published a Note on The Right to Free Exercise of Religion in Prisons. Noha graduated cum laude and is currently a litigation associate at Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom in Washington, D.C., where she focuses on white-collar investigations. Zahir Rahman was born in Baltimore, Maryland and attended the Gilman School. He then traveled south to Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, NC where he graduated summa cum laude with a degree in political science. In 2010, Zahir received a Fulbright Scholarship to Morocco where he studied Arabic, researched youth political activism in the Arab Spring and published numerous papers and articles, including an editorial for Foreign Policy. Upon returning to the U.S., Zahir attended the University of Pennsylvania Law School, where he served on the executive board of the Law Review and graduated cum laude. He is currently a junior associate at Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom in Washington, D.C. and is a member of the firm's Energy and Infrastructure Projects practice group.
3/16/2017 7:30:00 PM -04:00
Bring A Friend To Jummah
Join University of Maryland Muslim community for Jummah, and bring a friend (or many) along with you! Just as some background, Jummah is a congregational prayer that Muslims hold every Friday. It begins with the adhan, or call to prayer, followed by a short sermon (a khutbah), and ends with the actual prayer. Islamic Inspiration Week (March 6 - 10) Islam Inspiration Week here at UMD is when the Muslim Students' Association use every day of the week to engage the campus community in learning about Islam, combating stereotypes surrounding Muslims, and essentially forming better relations with their Muslim counterparts.
3/10/2017 12:00:00 PM -05:00
Undercover for a Day
Undercover for a Day is for women to experience a day in the life of a hijab-wearing Muslim woman. Take the challenge on March 9th by stopping by the front of Stamp to get a free scarf to wear for the day (and to keep). Here is a video that explains the overall detail of the challenge and some example of people's experiences: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WosD_GTz_E Islamic Inspiration Week (March 6 - 10) Islam Inspiration Week here at UMD is when the Muslim Students' Association use every day of the week to engage the campus community in learning about Islam, combating stereotypes surrounding Muslims, and essentially forming better relations with their Muslim counterparts.
3/9/2017 12:00:00 PM -05:00
Fast-A-Thon is an annual event led by the Muslim Students' Associations on various campuses throughout the nation. In addition to raising awareness of global hunger, Fast-A-Thon is aimed at introducing the campus community to the importance of two of the basic pillars in the Islamic faith: charity (donating from one's provision to the less fortunate) and fasting (abstaining from food and drink from dawn till sunset for the whole month of Ramadan). WE challenge YOU to try to fast one whole day with us, or sacrifice one fulfilling meal of your day; to empathize, both physically and psychologically, with those around the world who do not have access to sufficient nourishment; and to give a little of yourself to find your spiritual center. In doing so, we hope to unify our campus community and place a focus on the state of humanity. Fast a day with us and join us for free dinner! Bring a canned item or donate money to a local charity or the UMD Campus Pantry! Sign up here: https://goo.gl/forms/0BxoddGz5ymiRfvu1 Islamic Inspiration Week (March 6 - 10) Islam Inspiration Week here at UMD is when the Muslim Students' Association use every day of the week to engage the campus community in learning about Islam, combating stereotypes surrounding Muslims, and essentially forming better relations with their Muslim counterparts.
3/8/2017 6:00:00 PM -05:00
Br.Tarif Halaqa: Prophet's Relationships With His Wives Part 3
Who: Tarif Shraim (UMD Muslim Chaplain & Imam at DCA) When: Tuesday's 6-8pm Where: The Musallah 0204 Cole Topic: Prophet's Relationships With His Wives Part 3 Join our MSA as we embark on a new Tuesday night halaqa on current and relevant topics with our chaplain, Br. Tarif Sharim. Hope to see you all there
3/7/2017 6:00:00 PM -05:00
Meet Your Muslim Neighbor
Meet Your Muslim Neighbor is a tabling event where you get to meet a Muslim Terp on campus. This is the best way to participate in an open dialogue; sharing honest questions and thoughts, receiving equally honest answers about Islam and the everyday life of a Muslim. The students will be very open to share their thoughts from their own personal experiences and perspectives. Islamic Inspiration Week (March 6 - 10) Islam Inspiration Week here at UMD is when the Muslim Students' Association use every day of the week to engage the campus community in learning about Islam, combating stereotypes surrounding Muslims, and essentially forming better relations with their Muslim counterparts.
3/7/2017 12:00:00 PM -05:00
Media (Mis)Representations of Islam and Muslims
(Mis)Representations is a discussion based on women, Islam & the media. The discussion is lead by Dr. Sahar Khamis, an associate professor at the Department of Communication here at UMD. She is an expert on Arab and Muslim media, and the former Head of the Mass Communication and Information Science Department in Qatar University. Islamic Inspiration Week (March 6 - 10) Islam Inspiration Week here at UMD is when the Muslim Students' Association use every day of the week to engage the campus community in learning about Islam, combating stereotypes surrounding Muslims, and essentially forming better relations with their Muslim counterparts.
3/6/2017 5:00:00 PM -05:00
Interfaith with United Methodists
The United Methodists and MSA will be having an interfaith discussion on the topic of Adem and Eve in the Qur'an and Bible. It will be on Thursday, March 2nd at the Memorial Chapel! We only get a few chances a semester to get our groups together and it is important that we take the chance to do so. Pizza, snacks, and refreshments will be provided!!
3/2/2017 6:00:00 PM -05:00
Muslim Mosaic: MSA Cultural Night
The MSA would cordially like to invite you to our 2nd annual Culture Night now renamed Muslim Mosaic, taking place on February 17th 2017. If you love multicultural food, dressing up in ethnic fancy clothes, and taking out time to enjoy crafts and laughs with friends, then please come (and bring a friend too!). Your ticket is bringing along an ethnic dish of your choice, made by yours truly (or your mom). We look forward to seeing you! ***ALL DISHES MUST BE ZABIHAH***
2/17/2017 5:00:00 PM -05:00
Br.Tarif Halaqa: How the Prophet Dealt With Anger/Disappointment
Who: Tarif Shraim (UMD Muslim Chaplain & Imam at DCA) When: Tuesday's 6-8pm Where: The Musallah 0204 Cole Topic: How the Prophet Dealt With Anger/Disappointment Join our MSA as we embark on a new Tuesday night halaqa on current and relevant topics with our chaplain, Br. Tarif Sharim. Hope to see you all there
2/7/2017 6:00:00 PM -05:00
The Art of the Quran
Turkey has come to DC! Join the Muslim Students Sports and Social at the Arts of the Quran exhibit and experience the beautiful manuscripts and elegant calligraphy that once belonged to Ottoman sultans. The exhibit is available until Feburary 20, so now's your chance to take a peek into Islam's history!
2/3/2017 2:30:00 PM -05:00
Br. Tarif's Tuesday Halaqa
Who: Tarif Shraim (UMD Muslim Chaplain & Imam at DCA) When: Tuesday's 6-8pm Where: The Musallah 0204 Cole Join our MSA as we embark on a new Tuesday night halaqa on current and relevant topics with our chaplain, Br. Tarif Sharim. Hope to see you all there
1/31/2017 6:00:00 PM -05:00
Sweet n' Greet
Enjoy time with old friends and make some new ones with the two best things in the world to start off your semester: coffee and donuts. Come to the Musallah after the second Jummah ends at 2:30 PM. See you there insh'Allah.
1/27/2017 2:30:00 PM -05:00
Sports & Social IceBreaker 2.0 Ski-Board-Tube
Payments made at resort Valid College ID REQUIRED REGISTRATION https://goo.gl/forms/GkHURfNkPKumRW6o1 Due by January 9th Transportation: We will be traveling by carpool from the UMD Musallah Meet-up: 12:00 pm (College Park Musallah) Departure: 12:30 pm NO MUSLIM STANDARD TIME. WE WILL LEAVE YOU. Price: $40 4 hour Beginner lift pass Skiis/Board and helmet Lesson included Experienced Price: $41 4 hour All Mountain lift pass Skii/Board and helmet No Lesson Tubing Price: $25 2 hour pass You sit on a tube *First Come first serve basis
1/11/2017 12:00:00 PM -05:00
Interfaith Event with United Methodist Church
The Muslim Student Assoication and United Methodist Church will have an interfatith event at the Memorial Chapel lounge. We will discuss the topics of brotherhood and sisterhood. Muslim Student Assoication will have this event instead of Br.Tarif's Halaqa this week. Pizza will be provided
12/1/2016 5:00:00 PM -05:00
Muslim Monologues: The Prophet's Promise
Muslim Monologues: The Prophet's Promise is an opportunity for students to share stories related to their unique experiences as Muslim Americans through original and candid poems or creative performances. This program is an opportunity for all of us to learn, challenge our biases, and to think critically about ourselves and our society. If you are interested in performing at the Monologues, please fill out the following google form: https://goo.gl/forms/4V42xudykh3xwSEF2. Sub-themes for the event include the Prophet's Relationships, his Perseverance/Endurance, and his Virtues. Performances will be touching upon these themes using different creative mediums. Please sign up or join us for an unforgettable evening. Bring your own stories, an active mind and willingness to think outside the box. We would be thrilled to have you amongst our company in a night of understanding, empathy, and reflection. #MM16 Presented by the University of Maryland Muslim Students’ Association and sponsored by PepsiCo, Inc.
11/18/2016 6:00:00 PM -05:00
MSA General Body Meeting (GBM)
As we near the end of the semester, the MSA will have a GBM this Friday at the Musallah at 3pm insh'Allah. In this GBM we will share our plan for the rest of the semester and give everyone a chance to tell us about concerns and how we can improve.
11/4/2016 2:45:00 PM -04:00
CAIR: Islamophobia in this Day and Age
Sr. Zainab Chaudhry from CAIR will be joining us to have a discussion based event on islamophobia in this day and age. She will also be incorporating discrimination and the current presidential elections in her theme
10/28/2016 3:00:00 PM -04:00
Food Recovery Network
“Among the best deeds are to feed the poor and the deserving and to greet those whom you know and those whom you do now know.” [Bukhari]. Join a group of MSAers as they head to the diner to recover food that would have otherwise been thrown out and donate it to a food shelter in Washington, DC. We meet at the Musallah or you can meet us at 8:30 at 251 North Campus Diner! All are welcome!
9/15/2016 8:30:00 PM -04:00
Br. Tarif's Halaqa: Accountability Away From Home
Who: Tarif Shraim (UMD Muslim Chaplain & Imam at DCA) When: Thursdays 6-8pm Where: The Musallah 0204 Cole Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about a subject that can insha’Allah completely transform your relationship with Allah and inspire deep faith and love for Him in your heart. Hope to see you all there
9/15/2016 7:00:00 PM -04:00
GBM + Ice Cream Social
Welcome back MSA terps, to get things kicked off this year, the MSA is going to have a General Body Meeting (GBM) and then ice cream right after. So come by the Musallah at 3pm insh'Allah
9/2/2016 3:00:00 PM -04:00
Our Three Boys Memorial
Hello! On Wednesday, February 24th, three boys, three friends, three sons, and ultimately three innocent lives were stripped from this world by an act of hate. Mohamed Taha Omar, 23. Adam Mekki, 20. Muhammad Tairab, 17. Say their names. Remeber their names. Join UMR and the MSA at hornebake plaza as we write messages for their families.
3/7/2016 10:00:00 AM -05:00
The IceBreaker: Ski & Snowboarding
Late Registration Tickets Beginner & EZ Lift ticket, Ski/Snowboard Equipment, and Lesson. *BUS & DINNER NOT INCLUDED *The bus will be divided. Boys in front, Girls in back. No exceptions unless minor Meet-up: 10:00 am (College Park Musallah) NO MUSLIM STANDARD TIME. WE WILL LEAVE YOU. Depart Whitetail (back to UMD): 7:00 pm Arrival (at UMD) : 9:00 pm
1/13/2016 10:00:00 AM -05:00
Inter-MSA REAL TALK: Hardship & Crisis
Calling DMV area MSA members! Enter: REAL TALKS: INTER-MSA EDITION Let us unite as one Ummah and support each other in the face of adversity. Join the University of Maryland MSA (UMD) in collaboration with the MSAs of: University of Baltimore (UB) University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) Johns Hopkins University (JHU) George Washington University (GWU) Towson University (TU) Georgetown University (GU) American University (AU) Some of you may want to sit in a cubicle cramming for your exam, or in bed catching up on sleep, while others might want to avoid life in general and catch up on Netflix away from everybody. This is an opportunity for all of us to get out and gain some skills/tools to work towards our goal of “getting our lives together” or “dealing with the ‘crazy’ in our lives.” In light of recent events and the adversity that we are facing, we have made an inter-MSA initiative to stand together to support one another and learn how to respond and act. REAL TALK is a student-led facilitated discussion where people come together in an open space to discuss different themes in order to share ideas, understand the different dynamics and demographics of other people and to have guided conversation and reflection with Chaplain Tarif Shraim. The workshop session provides action items and tools to address issues mentioned in discussions. Topic of the Month: HARDSHIP & CRISIS Sub-themes: TBA ---------------- Carpool Information: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hxEKR9ed11S6dy-bmvksaL0vRFXP9ReFBvhs86-1Xv4/edit?usp=sharing
12/3/2015 5:00:00 PM -05:00
MSA REAL TALK: Life Relationships
Introducing our exciting new program - MSA REAL TALKS! REAL TALK is a student-led facilitated discussion where people can come together in an open space to discuss different themes in order to share ideas, understand the different dynamics and demographics of other people and to have guided conversation and reflection following the Friday juma’a khutbah with Chaplain Tarif Shraim. Topic of the Month: LIFE RELATIONSHIPS Sub-themes: God-consciousness Preservation of the Self Mannerisms Roles
11/6/2015 3:00:00 PM -05:00