Maryum Islamic Center

Monthly MIC Community Share- A- Dish Dinner
Asalamualaikum Brothers & Sisters! Maryum Islamic Center invites you for a shared-dish Community Dinner, Saturday JANUARY 6th at 6PM. We are planning to have this community dinner by the first Saturday of every month, Inshaallah. Please bring an extra dish to share with your brothers and friends. When: Saturday JANUARY 6th at 6PM. Where: Maryum Islamic Center 9150 Rumsey Rd Suite: A4 Columbia, MD 21117 See you all there,
1/6/2018 6:00:00 PM -05:00
Monthly MIC Community Share- A- Dish Dinner
Asalamualaikum Brothers & Sisters! Maryum Islamic Center invites you for a shared-dish Community Dinner, We are planning to have this community dinner by the first Saturday of every month, Inshaallah. Please bring an extra dish to share with your brothers and friends. When: Saturday December the 2nd After Maghreb. Where: Maryum Islamic Center 9150 Rumsey Rd Suite: A4 Columbia, MD 21117 See you all there, Wasalam. Maryum Center.
12/2/2017 5:00:00 PM -05:00
Monthly MIC Community Share- A- Dish Dinner
Asalamualaikum Brothers & Sisters! Maryum Islamic Center invites you for a shared-dish Community Dinner, We are planning to have this community dinner by the first Saturday of every month, Inshaallah. Please bring an extra dish to share with your brothers and friends. When: Saturday November 4th After Maghreb. Where: Maryum Islamic Center 9150 Rumsey Rd Suite: A4 Columbia, MD 21117 See you all there, Wasalam. Maryum Center.
11/4/2017 6:00:00 PM -04:00
Mental Health Matters. Making Sense of Current Events
Maryam Islamic Center and Islamic Leadership Institute of America invite you to attend a panel discussion and open forum for the community on July 22, 2017 from 2 to 4 pm. Having difficulty talking with youth and children about current events, including the recent increase in violence against Muslim youth in our area? Interested in learning more about stress, anxiety and depression and how these can impact our families in the current social climate? Please join us for what we hope, insha Allah will be a fruitful discussion on mental health and stress. Panelists include a local Muslim psychiatrist, a local mental health specialist with 17 years of experience working with complex trauma and mental health issues in teens and families, leadership from ILIA, and IQRA school principal. Questions and discussion are welcome! Light refreshments will be served.
7/22/2017 2:00:00 PM -04:00
Monthly MIC Community Share- A- Dish Dinner
Asalamualaikum Brothers & Sisters! Maryum Islamic Center invites you for a shared-dish Community Dinner, Saturday May 6th after Maghreb. We are planning to have this community dinner by the first Saturday of every month, Inshaallah. Please bring an extra dish to share with your brothers and friends. When: Saturday May 6th After Maghreb. Where: Maryum Islamic Center 9150 Rumsey Rd Suite: A4 Columbia, MD 21117 See you all there,
5/6/2017 7:30:00 PM -04:00
Maryum Islamic Center Fundraising Dinner
Please join Maryum Islamic Center's 5th annual fundraising dinner on Saturday April 8, 2017 at 2:00 pm. We are excited to announce that this year marks the beginning of our Arabic Immersion School, approved by the state and it will be following the Howard County curriculum. Kindergarten class starts this Fall insha Allah. We are also delighted to have Sh. Amr Elsamny as our keynote speaker this year. Please join us for an enjoyable dinner and support our continued growth as a community resource for our Muslim Ummah. When: Saturday April 8th At 2PM Where: Wild Lake Interfaith Center 10431 Twin Rivers Rd Columbia, MD 21044 Babysitting is available with entertainment. Come enjoy our variety of delicious dishes.
4/8/2017 2:00:00 PM -04:00
Maryum Islamic Center Fundraising Dinner
Please join Maryum Islamic Center's 5th annual fundraising dinner on Saturday April 8, 2017 at 2:00 pm. We are excited to announce that this year marks the beginning of our Arabic Immersion School, approved by the state and it will be following the Howard County curriculum. Kindergarten class starts this Fall insha Allah. We are also delighted to have Sh. Amr Elsamny as our keynote speaker this year. Please join us for an enjoyable dinner and support our continued growth as a community resource for our Muslim Ummah. When: Saturday April 8th At 2PM Where: Wild Lake Interfaith Center 10431 Twin Rivers Rd Columbia, MD 21044 Babysitting is available with entertainment. Come enjoy our variety of delicious dishes.
4/8/2017 2:00:00 PM -04:00
Monthly MIC Community Share- A- Dish Dinner
Asalamualaikum Brothers & Sisters! Maryum Islamic Center invites you for a shared-dish Community Dinner, Saturday February 4th after Maghreb. We are planning to have this community dinner by the first Saturday of every month, Inshaallah. Please bring an extra dish to share with your brothers and friends. When: Saturday February 4th After Maghreb. Where: Maryum Islamic Center 9150 Rumsey Rd Suite: A4 Columbia, MD 21117 See you all there,
2/4/2017 5:00:00 PM -05:00
Important Meeting for Howard County Residents Regarding CB-9 Bill
Please join us along with hundreds of Howard County residents in support of CB9-2017 bill. This bill would make it illegal for police officers or other government officials to demand anyone's immigration status. Without this bill, police could profile people by race, ethnicity or religion. Police could stop people for a broken taillight and ask for a proof of immigration status. If you don’t have a document with you to proof that you are legal in the US, police could detain you until your status can be proven. This violates the rights of ethnic and racial minorities and we need to prevent it. We need at least 100 Muslims to attend this meeting on: Sunday, January 29, 4:30pm-6:00pm The Wilde Lake Interfaith Center 10431 Twin Rivers Rd, Columbia, MD 21044 Send an email to Howard County Council to let them know that you support CB9-2017. Email: Councilmail@howardcountymd.gov If you have any questions, contact Ahmed Elmi at aaelmi2014@gmail.com
1/29/2017 4:30:00 PM -05:00
Maryum Islamic Center School Advisory Group
Assalaamu Alaykum brothers and sisters, Alhumdulilah, the Maryland State Department of Education awarded Maryum Islamic Center permission to open a private religious school. The school will use the Howard County Public Schools curriculum, while also teaching Quran, Islamic studies and Arabic. We want your input and hope you can join us on: Sunday, January 8, 3:00 -5:00 p.m. Maryum Center, 9150 Rumsey Rd, 4A, Columbia, MD 21045 Refreshment will be served. If you have any questions, please contact me.
1/8/2017 3:00:00 PM -05:00
Monthly MIC Community Share- A- Dish Dinner
Asalamualaikum Brothers & Sisters! Maryum Islamic Center invites you for a shared-dish Community Dinner, Saturday January 7th after Maghreb. We are planning to have this community dinner by the first Saturday of every month, Inshaallah. Please bring an extra dish to share with your brothers and friends. When: Saturday January 7th After Maghreb. Where: Maryum Islamic Center 9150 Rumsey Rd Suite: A4 Columbia, MD 21117 See you all there,
1/7/2017 5:00:00 PM -05:00
Monthly MIC Community Share- A- Dish Dinner
Asalamualaikum Brothers & Sisters! Maryum Islamic Center invites you for a shared-dish Community Dinner, Saturday January 7th after Maghreb. We are planning to have this community dinner by the first Saturday of every month, Inshaallah. Please bring an extra dish to share with your brothers and friends. When: Saturday January 7th After Maghreb. Where: Maryum Islamic Center 9150 Rumsey Rd Suite: A4 Columbia, MD 21117 See you all there,
1/7/2017 5:00:00 PM -05:00
Monthly MIC Community Share- A- Dish Dinner
Asalamualaikum Brothers & Sisters! Maryum Islamic Center invites you for a shared-dish Community Dinner, Sunday December 3rd at 5:30PM We are planning to have this community dinner by the first Saturday of every month, Inshaallah. Please bring an extra dish to share with your brothers and friends. When: Saturday Dec 3rd@5:30PM Where: Maryum Islamic Center 9150 Rumsey Rd Suite: A4 Columbia, MD 21117 See you all there,
12/3/2016 5:30:00 PM -05:00
Monthly MIC Community Share- A- Dish Dinner
Asalamualaikum Brothers & Sisters! Maryum Islamic Center invites you for a shared-dish Community Dinner, Sunday November 12th after Maghreb. We are planning to have this community dinner by the first Saturday of every month, Inshaallah. Please bring an extra dish to share with your brothers and friends. When: Saturday Nov 12th @6:30PM Where: Maryum Islamic Center 9150 Rumsey Rd Suite: A4 Columbia, MD 21117 See you all there,
11/12/2016 5:30:00 PM -05:00
Monthly MIC Community Share- A- Dish Dinner
Asalamualaikum Brothers & Sisters! Maryum Islamic Center invites you for a shared-dish Community Dinner, Sunday October 1st at 5:30PM We are planning to have this community dinner by the first Saturday of every month, Inshaallah. Please bring an extra dish to share with your brothers and friends. When: Saturday Oct 1st @5:30PM Where: Maryum Islamic Center 9150 Rumsey Rd Suite: A4 Columbia, MD 21117 See you all there,
10/1/2016 5:30:00 PM -04:00
Maryum Center's Open House Sep 10th.
SalamuAlaikom Dear Brothers and Sisters, We have recently relocated to our new location in Columbia MD. Alhamdullilah we are in the process of renovating the space to make it more welcoming and to suit our community needs. We invite you to join us for an open house on Saturday September 10, 2016 to formally open and tour the new Maryum Islamic Center. Please come learn more about our ongoing activities and plans for new youth, educational, and recreational activities, Insha Allah. We hope you will join us for this open house. Light refreshments and tea will be served. Where: 9150 Rumsey Rd, Ste A4. Columbia MD 21045 When: Saturday, September 10, 2016 between 1:30 PM to 5:30 PM
9/10/2016 1:30:00 PM -04:00
Maryum Center's Annual Fundraising Dinner
Assalamualikom Wa Rahmatu Allah Wa Barakatu السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركا ته Dear Brothers and Sisters Please mark your calendars for Maryum Islamic Center's 4th annual fundraising dinner on Sunday May 22, 2016 at 4:00 pm. We are excited to announce that this year's keynote speakers are: - Dr. Yassine Daoud. - Sheikh Adel Mahmoud Al Morsi - Sheikh Essam Tawfiq Please join us for an enjoyable dinner and support our continued growth as a community resource for our Muslim Ummah. When: Sunday May 22nd At 4PM Where: Wild Lake Interfaith Center 10431 Twin Rivers Rd Columbia, MD 21044 Tickets are: $25 for a single $50 for a family Jazakom allah Khieraa
5/22/2016 4:00:00 PM -04:00
Maryum Center's Annual Fundraising Dinner
Assalamualikom Wa Rahmatu Allah Wa Barakatu السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركا ته Dear Brothers and Sisters Please mark your calendars for Maryum Islamic Center's 4th annual fundraising dinner on Sunday May 22, 2016 at 4:00 pm. We are excited to announce that this year's keynote speakers are: - Dr. Yassine Daoud. - Sheikh Adel Mahmoud Al Morsi - Sheikh Essam Tawfiq Please join us for an enjoyable dinner and support our continued growth as a community resource for our Muslim Ummah. When: Sunday May 22nd At 4PM Where: Wild Lake Interfaith Center 10431 Twin Rivers Rd Columbia, MD 21044 Tickets are: $25 for a single $50 for a family Jazakom allah Khieraa
5/22/2016 4:00:00 PM -04:00
PATH Interfaith Gathering and Lunch.
Please join us at the next PATH Interfaith gathering, following up from the successful meetings at Beth Shalom in February and at Maryum Islamic Center in December. In the face of increased Islamophobia and hate in the public discourse, the enthusiasm for more opportunities to come together as a united Howard County community has been astounding. Take the next step in strengthening relationships with your neighbors by joining us for food, discussion and training on how to act together in order to bring justice for all Howard County residents. The food being served is all vegetarian non-dairy, Kosher and Halal approved.
4/3/2016 2:00:00 PM -04:00
Looking for peace at home? You're not the only one.
- What causes trouble in the household - Why husband and wife argue and don't seem to solve anything - How the Messenger of Allah dealt with family issues such as "silent treatment" - How to develop peace and tranquility following the sunnah and more..
1/16/2016 7:00:00 PM -05:00
PATH Meeting at MIC against Islamophobia.
Assalamualikom Wa Rahmatu Allah Wa Barakatu Dear Brothers and Sisters, MIC, in coordination with PATH ( People Acting Together in Howard County), is holding an open meeting on Saturday 12-5-15 at 5 pm. We cordially invite you to attend and support this meeting, during which several important timely topics will be discussed and explored. Also invited are community members of different faiths, religious leaders from surrounding churches and synagogues, representatives from the Board of Education, and representatives from the Howard County Police Department. Due to recent circumstances, Islamophobia has grown and stories about Muslims being harassed and attacked have become ever more frequent. There is no time like the present to increase community dialog around these challenging dynamics. During the meeting, a variety of topics are planned. Anticipated topics include ideas and concerns associated with refugee settlement as reflected in media coverage, realistic considerations of actual needs and circumstances of refugee families who currently reside or may in the future relocate to MD; the current rising trend of attacks and harassment toward Muslims in the community; stereotyping and lack of knowledge/understanding about Islamic principals, beliefs and individuals, and the need for continued interfaith dialog. We encourage you to attend so our community's voices can be heard by important county agencies, so that we can engage in proactive and socially responsible dialog regarding emerging public events, as well as support Interfaith efforts within the County. Maryum Islamic Center has been impressed with the efforts and interest of community members in the interfaith community regarding the welfare of Howard County's Muslim citizens. We look forward to the opportunity to open this timely dialog. Other ideas are welcome, insha-Allah. If you have any additional ideas to make this a successful event at MIC, please send an email to : info@maryumcenter.com or call Br Hassan : 443-538-5344 We hope to see you on Saturday December 5th, 2015 Insha-Allah . Jazakom Allah Khieraa Maryum Islamic Center www.maryumcenter.com
12/5/2015 5:00:00 PM -05:00