Muslim Education & Converts Center

Living Islam Monthly Gathering
As-salaamu 'alaikum! Are you struggling with finding a balanced way to practice your Islam and be a part of American society? Do you sometimes feel isolated from friends and family? Are you getting depressed about current events? You're not alone. We're all struggling with many of the same issues. Come and talk about it! On Saturday, December 16, M.E.C.C.A. will be hosting our monthly Living Islam gathering where we get together with our resident scholar, Ustadh Tariq Ameer, and discuss current events, ask questions about fiqh and spirituality, and share our personal struggles and triumphs with one another. Then we end the evening with a delicious dinner. The gathering is FREE but registration is required. RSVP before 12pm on December 16th: info@meccacenter.com Please join us! meccacenter.com/2017/12/11/living-islam/
12/16/2017 6:30:00 PM -05:00
Unani-Tibb: An Introduction to Traditional Islamic Medicine
Unani-Tibb: An Introduction to Traditional Islamic Medicine with Dr. Shahid Bukhari ‘Tibb’ comes from the root meaning in medicine from Arabic, and dates from the early Islamic period (750-1000 CE). ‘Unani’ means Greek, and Unani Tibb refers to the tradition in South Asia. The tradition is based on earlier Greek medicine and was developed within the Islamic Empire by Muslim, Christian and Jewish scholars. They were supported by Muslim rulers keen to develop medical and scientific knowledge. This led to a large-scale translation movement converting texts into Arabic. It also generated enormous amounts of new medical knowledge, collected in encyclopedias by scholars such as Ibn Sina. These were translated from Arabic into Latin and became the basis of European medical teaching for many centuries. Tibb is based on the Greek concept of humors in which the mixture of humors contributes to an individual’s temperament. The Hakim, or doctor, keeps the individual’s temperament internally balanced and in harmony with the environment. Practitioners use the gentlest treatments possible to restore balance. They often advise changes in lifestyle, diet, and exercise. The progressive Muslim occupation of India from the 11th century brought new medical knowledge. Muslims’ growing influence in South Asia over the centuries saw Tibb expand too. Tibb eventually became Unani Tibb, or Greek medicine, throughout the region. It developed as a tradition and shared materia medica ideas with Ayurveda. Dr. Shahid Bukhari is a graduate of Tibb Traditional Medicine and Herbalism, who initially started his practice in London but then moved to Manchester opening his successful business in the North West of England. Dr. Bukhari is a Master Iridologist and studied at the Holistic Health College with Peter and Angela Bradbury. In this seminar, Dr. Shahid will explain: • What is Unani Medicine? • The approach Unani-Tibb Medicine takes to help heal patients compared to that of modern medicine • The concept of hot, cold, dry, wet and how that can affect our long-term health • Unani treatment through diet, exercise, and hijama (cupping) • An introduction to healthier living and small changes we can make to have a greater impact on our well-being through nutrition
10/27/2017 7:00:00 PM -04:00
Dr Shadee Elmasry at MECCA
Come join us this Sunday, September 10th for a special gathering with Dr. Shadee Elmasry. He will be reading and reflecting on Ahadith from one of the most famous collections of Hadith, Riyadh As-Salihin (The Gardens of the Righteous) by Imam An-Nawawi. Date: Sunday September 10, Time: 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Where: 4 West 43rd St, Suite 416, New York, NY 10036 Cost: Free Ages: 12+ Dr. Shadee Elmasry began studying the traditional sciences rigorously at age 18, and has since studied all over the world under several luminaries of our time. He is the founder of Safina Society, an institution dedicated to the cause of traditional Islamic education in the West. Currently, Dr. Elmasry has found his way back home as Scholar in Residence, Director of Education and Community Affairs, and Director of Religious Programming at the New Brunswick Islamic Center in New Jersey.
9/10/2017 1:30:00 PM -04:00
Open House!
As-salaamu 'alaikum! Please join us at M.E.C.C.A. on Saturday, September 9 from 2-5 p.m. and get a glimpse into the fantastic courses and activities we will be offering this fall*, insha' Allah. We will be hearing from two of our wonderful teachers, Ustadh Tariq Ameer and Ustadh Meurad Osman, who will be discussing two topics of critical importance to our ‘ummah: Session 1 - 2pm-3pm: Ustadh Tariq Ameer will answer the ever important questions, "What is a madhhab, and why is it necessary to follow one?" Session 2 - 3pm-4pm: Ustadh Meurad Osman will discuss the immense importance of learning and understanding the essential science of Aqidah." Refreshments will be served. To RSVP for the Open House, email info@meccacenter.com *Early registration deadline for our fall semester is Sept 12. Please register in person at the open house or visit our website at http://www.meccacenter.com.
9/9/2017 2:00:00 PM -04:00
Ramadan Guide to Prophetic Nutrition & Fitness
Date: Sunday, May 7th, 4:00 - 6:30 pm Venue: 4 West 43rd St, Suite 416, New York, NY 10036 Cost: Early registration $10 (If registration & payment received by May 2) Late registration: $15 Registration link: http://conta.cc/2ogxbQV *Refreshments will be served* **Space is limited** Class description: Learn how to prepare for Ramadan with the help of nutrition coach, movement therapist and personal trainer, Sister Zainab Ismail. This session will be open to all as a communal reminder of Ramadan's virtuous deeds and Prophetic ways along with professional nutrition and exercise advice. We will discuss how to set our spiritual goals, make a plan to complete them and share best-practice tips. We will go over a sample Ramadan meal plan (suhoor/iftar ideas), Prophetic inspired foods, essential exercises to maintain health and weight in this special month. We will answer frequently asked questions about nutrition, exercise, physical, and spiritual health during Ramadan. A guide to success inside and out.
5/7/2017 4:00:00 PM -04:00
Prophetic Nutrition with Sister Zainab Ismail
In the fast-paced lives we lead, our health and nutrition often take a backseat. It's important to reduce anxiety and stress while maintaining a balanced diet. We've been blessed with the prophetic traditions as a framework to incorporate into our hectic lives. In this class we will discuss the healing benefits of several prophetic inspired foods and how to incorporate them into our lives. Also, we will discuss reduction of anxiety and stress through prophetic example. The goal is to provide tangible steps to improve overall health and well being so we may draw closer to Allah ﷻ and His Prophet ﷺ. Saturday, March 11, 3pm - 6pm Cost: $10 before March 7 and $15 after Registration: www.meccacenter.com
3/11/2017 3:00:00 PM -05:00
Preparing for Ramadan
Preparing for Ramadan In this intensive workshop, students will learn not only about the technical aspects of Ramadan, but also the spiritual meaning of this blessed month. We will explore the rules of fasting, including ways of maximizing its rewards. This class will also elaborate on one's relationship with Allah and how to use Ramadan as a means of getting closer to Him. The basic rules of Zakat, celebrating Ramadan in Halal and meritorious ways, Eid and strengthening the community and brotherhood will also be discussed. When: Saturday June 4th 6:30 - 9:30pm Free admission - Registration is required, please register only if you are attending. Refreshments will be served Teacher: Ustadha Zainab Chaudhry is a practicing attorney in New York. After graduating law school in 1998, she worked for several years as a judicial law clerk for the New York Court of Appeals. She studied Arabic for four years at various language institutions in Syria, where she also studied tajweed, Shafi'i fiqh, and several other Islamic sciences at the hands of several traditional teachers and scholars. She currently resides in Albany, New York, and works as an Assistant Solictor General with the NYS Attorney General's Office. To register email info@meccacenter.com No children under 12 please. Seminar held at 4 West 43rd St, Suite 416, New York, NY 10036
6/4/2016 6:30:00 PM -04:00
Janazah (Funeral) Seminar
Janazah Seminar Preparing for death is not easy, and most of us are not ready when it comes. Therefore, it is essential for every Muslim to understand the outward and inward rulings of Janazah (Funeral). In this seminar, students will learn what to do when someone dies, including how to perform burial, washing, shrouding, and funeral prayers. A demonstration will be performed by Paak Funeral Home. Speaker: Imam Kemal Cecunjanin Imam Kemal Cecunjanin has studied for ten years in the Middle East. Initially he studied Arabic at the University of Damascus; thereafter he studied in Jordan under Shaykh Nuh Ha Mim Keller. He studied Arabic at the Qasid Institute as well as Shafi Fiqh, logic and theology with Shaykh Qusay Abu S'id; Hanafi Fiqh with Shaykh Faraz Rabbani; and Arabic with Shaykh Ali Hani. Imam Kemal also studied in Yemen at Dar Al-Mustafa and attended lessons with Habib Umar Inb Hafiz and Habib Salim Al-Shatiri. Imam Kemal is the founder of mimber.org and the director of Iqra Quran Program at Masjid Al-Noor in Connecticut. He also teaches at Jesus Son of Mary Mosque in Connecticut and M.E.C.C.A. When: Saturday April 30, 6:30 - 9:30pm Where: 4 West 43rd St. Suite 416, New York, NY 10036 Free admission - Registration is required, to register email info@meccacenter.com Refreshments will be served No children under 12 please
4/30/2016 6:30:00 PM -04:00
The Rejuvenation of the Soul and the Rectification of Society
God Most High says in the Blessed Qur'an, "Verily, God does not change the condition of people until they change what is within themselves." In order to rectify society, it is essential for individuals of that society to sincerely direct their hearts to God Most High, and rejuvenate their souls. In this seminar, we will recognize the importance of this connection between the individual and the general community, and examine how purifying ourselves and revitalizing our hearts will help us to rectify the society around us. When: Saturday April 2, 5:00-10:00pm Where: 4 West 43rd St. Suite 416, New York, NY 10036 Cost: $25* before March 28, $30 thereafter *Includes Dinner No children under 12 please Teacher's Biography Imam Muhammad Adeyinka Mendes currently serves as Founding Director of SacredService for Human Liberation, Lead Arabic Instructor for Fawakih Institute Atlanta, and as a Lecturer at Madina Institute USA. He was born in the United States and reared there as well as in Nigeria. He embraced Islam at age 17 after a life changing journey to Jerusalem just a few weeks before his high school graduation. Along with specializing at the university level, Muhammad Mendes has been trained for over two decades in the classical Sacred Sciences by notable scholars from around the world. He is invited to deliver Friday sermons, present at conferences, speak at universities, teach at spiritual and educational retreats, and lecture on Classical and Modern Standard Arabic, the Sacred Sciences, and African Diasporic History at national and international venues. In addition to establishing the Annual Rawdah in 2003, a grassroots Islamic educational initiative, he has focused on translating and teaching rare Arabic manuscripts from West Africa concerning theology, Qur'anic exegesis, jurisprudence, ethics, spirituality, medicine, and metaphysics. Muhammad Mendes teaches a radically non-sectarian, non-misogynistic, and non-violent methodology of Islam rooted in its classical and intuitive traditions. It is an Islam that is positively engaged with society and appreciative of human diversity, and that is empowering to women and youth. As a student and passionate advocate of Permaculture, Sacred Economics, Islamic Gift Economics, Liberation Therapy, interfaith collaboration, and intentional community building, he strives to practically contribute to the healing of our world at every level. He resides with his wife and five very energetic children in Atlanta, Georgia, where he can sometimes be found composing a poem atop Stone Mountain or playing ping-pong at Madina Institute USA.
4/2/2016 5:00:00 PM -04:00
Marriage Reality 101
Marriage is half our faith, and has great importance in Islam. We know and understand this, yet sometimes we encounter difficulties and problems that we just don't know how to resolve. In this session, we will take a close look at some common issues as well as less common difficulties we may face in marriage, and the practical Islamic solutions and ideas that can help us to resolve these issues and overcome these difficulties. We will also examine the nature of the mutual understanding between husband and wife, and the utmost importance of maintaining not only a loving relationship, but also healthy and balanced one. When: Saturday Mar 19, 5:00 - 8:00 pm Where: 4 West 43rd St. Ste 416, NY,NY 10036 Free admission* Registration is required A light meal will be served To register email info@meccacenter.com No children under 12 please Teacher's Biography Ustadh Tariq Ameer began his formal Islamic Studies during college in Atlanta, Georgia with Ustadh Jamal Hysaw and Shaykh Muhammad Mendes. After graduation he traveled to Tarim, Yemen where he studied at the former Badr Institute and thereafter Dar Al Mustafa. Upon his return to the United States he continued his studies with local teachers including Shaykh Khalil Abdur-Rashid, Dr. Shadee El Masry, as well as teachers from Qibla (formerly known as Sunnipath). Ustadh Tariq has received ijaza in different texts in the subjects of Shafi'i Fiqh, Aqeedah, Hadith terminology, Shamaiil, as well as covered texts without ijaza in Hadith, Arabic, Mantiq, and Usul Fiqh.
3/19/2016 5:00:00 PM -04:00
Sisters Gathering of Remembrance!
Rejuvenate your heart with love of God and His Messengers! Come listen and sing to traditional poems (qasa’id) that have been passed down from generation to generation in Islamic history. These songs are filled with gems and praises of God and His messengers, especially the Prophet Muhammad (may peace and blessings be upon all of them). Let your creativity pour out of your soul! If you would like to share a song or poem that you have written yourself, please feel free to share a copy of it with the coordinators, and we will include it in the schedule insha'Allah. A light meal will be served after the gathering. We look forward to your attendance! Coordinators: Ustadha Hajira Ali / Sister Haseena Sahib When: Saturday September 26, 5:30-7:30 pm Where: 4 W. 43rd St. Suite 416, New York, NY 10036 Free admission RSVP is required, please RSVP by Saturday, September 26th at 12pm To RSVP e-mail info@meccacenter.com No children under 12 please.
1/30/2016 5:30:00 PM -05:00
ALCHEMIYA & M.E.C.C.A. Present A Film Screening of THE BLESSED TREE Followed by a Alchemiya Presentation by Waseem Mahmood FRIDAY JANUARY 8 2016 Time: 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM EST Venue: Muslim Education and Converts Center of America Inc. 4 West 43rd Street, Suite 416, New York, NY 10036 Free Admission | All Welcome Secure Your Space - Register E-mail - info@meccacenter.com No Children Under 10 Please ------------------------------------------------------ Film Synopsis “The thing that deserves to be loved most is that which brings forth the from the depths of our spirits the recollection of the Divine Name. The title of the Holy Prophet of Islam is Habib Allah, the beloved of God. This hub, this love for the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) could be described as the great transformative emotion of Islam”. - Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad Did you not see how Allah illustrated the example of a sacred saying? Like a sacred tree, which has firm roots and branches reaching into heaven. Bearing fruit at all times by the command of its Lord, and Allah illustrates examples for people so that they may understand.[Ibrahim 14:24-25] The Blessed Tree documentary is the rediscovery of the tree whereas a child the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessing be upon him) met with Bahira, the Christian monk who foretold the Prophethood of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him). A meditation on the themes of love of the Prophet, veneration of holy sites, grace and symbolism. This film tells the story of the meeting between the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings be upon Him) and a Christian monk named Bahira. The meeting happened in the shade of a tree. This incident was when the Prophet Muhammad was 12 years old. Fourteen hundred years later that same tree was discovered still alive in the northern deserts of Jordan. The only tree alive in hundreds of square miles of emptiness. This tree is a link to the life of the Prophet and a place of pilgrimage today. Join us for the exciting event at M.E.C.C.A where we will screen the documentary and our host, Zainab Ismail will be having a skype conversation with Waseem Mahmood, the Programs Manager from Alchemiya. They will discuss the vision of the video on demand service and ideas on other future content for the service platform to benefit the global audience. *Please Share Widely* #IslamInColour #MuslimCulture #IslamOnDemand
1/8/2016 6:30:00 PM -05:00
Refuting Misinterpretations of the Qur'an
These are difficult times for the entire world, and an especially trying time for Muslims. Those who have committed horrific crimes in the name of Islam, a beautiful and tranquil religion, have caused those outside of the faith to doubt all Muslims, and even blame them and also to blame Islam. The people who blame Islam and all Muslims cite specific verses as evidence the Quran commands the killing of infidels, and even claim that Islam encourages Muslims to lie to non-Muslims. In this session, we will take a closer look at these verses and learn how to discredit and refute such claims. When: Saturday Dec 26, 1:00 - 4:30 pm Where:4 West 43rd St. Ste 416, NY, NY 10036 Free admission* Registration is required Teacher's Biography Shaykh Monawwar Ateeq is an internationally recognized scholar of Islamic Law. He is a graduate of the classical Islamic sciences and has studied the Arabic language for 15 years at institutes in the UK, Damascus, Kuwait, Morocco, and Pakistan. He has ijazah (permission to teach) from major Muslim scholars to teach the classical Arabic and Islamic sciences and is the youngest Mufti in the UK. He is currently a researcher, and teacher of Islamic sciences and Arabic in the UK, as well as an author, translator, editor, and blogger. *All are welcome. To register email info@meccacenter.com No children under 12 please
12/26/2015 1:00:00 PM -05:00
The Beloved Messengers of God
Please join us for a special seminar featuring stories of our beloved Messengers of God, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad, may Allah bless them all and grant them peace. We will learn about key moments from their lives and their incredible journeys. When: Saturday December 19, 6:00-8:30 pm Where: 4 West 43rd St. Suite 416, New York, NY 10036 Free admission* Registration is required. To register, email info@meccacenter.com. Teacher's Biography: Ustadh Tariq Ameer began his formal Islamic Studies during college in Atlanta, Georgia with Ustadh Jamal Hysaw and Shaykh Muhammad Mendes. After graduation he traveled to Tarim, Yemen where he studied at the former Badr Institute and thereafter Dar Al Mustafa. Upon his return to the United States he continued his studies with local teachers including Shaykh Khalil Abdur-Rashid, Dr. Shadee El Masry, as well as teachers from Qibla (formerly known as Sunnipath). Ustadh Tariq has received ijaza in different texts in the subjects of Shafi'i Fiqh, Aqidah, Hadith terminology, Shamaiil, as well as covered texts without ijaza in Hadith, Arabic, Mantiq, and Usul Fiqh.
12/19/2015 6:00:00 PM -05:00
The Nature of the Prophetic Mission
The Nature of the Prophetic Mission The life and mission of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, is a deep ocean of lessons for us to learn and examples for us to follow. In this session, we will learn the content and priorities of the life of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, focusing on some of his blessed qualities and characteristics. We will also discuss the importance of his mission and the significance of his message in our lives. When: Saturday December 12, 6:00-10:00pm Where: 4 West 43rd St. Suite 416, New York, NY 10036 Free admission* Registration is required. Email info@meccacenter.com to register. Teacher's Biography: Shaykh Jihad Hashim Brown has been trained in philosophy of religion, Muslim jurisprudence, and dialectic theology. After receiving degrees in Psychology and Near East Studies from Rutgers University, he went on to pursue Islamic Studies with prominent religious authorities in Syria and Morocco. He has worked extensively with Muslim communities in the United States and Europe and has appeared frequently on numerous satellite television outlets in the Middle East, as well as the BBC and CNN. He has been a regular columnist for the UAE's The National newspaper, and is regularly consulted by governments and institutions in the West and in the Middle East on Islam and international relations, and is the author of several works. Shaykh Jihad is currently working as a free-lance research writer and academic consultant, and is residing with his family on the Hillsborough River in Central Florida.
12/12/2015 6:00:00 PM -05:00
It’s easy to fall into the devil’s trap, or even the trap of one’s own ego. The majority of us experience this at some time in our lives, and when we do, it’s important to know how to get out of the trap. In this session, we will learn how to effectively strengthen ourselves and limit our weaknesses against Shaytan and our egos. When: Sat Nov 28, 1:00 – 4:30 pm Where: 4 West 43rd St. Suite 416, New York, NY 10036 Free admission* Registration is required Teacher ‘s Biography Shaykh Ahmad Dabbagh is a teacher of self-purification whose family lineage links back to Imam Hasan al-Basri, may Allah have mercy on him. He was born in Pakistan, and grew up in Denmark. He began to learn Islam and memorize the Qur’an at 6 years of age. He has studied Islamic belief, Jurisprudence, Hadith, Self-Purification, Seerah, and other Islamic sciences, gaining ijazah (permission to teach) from various teachers. He has also received ijazah in several paths of self-purification. He has traveled all over the world, and has recently, with the assistance of his students, established three centers of self-purification in Northwestern England, and has also launched a television station where various Islamic lectures can be viewed. In addition to his Islamic studies, Shaykh Ahmad Dabbagh has studied at the Salford University and University of Central Lancashire, and has gained his BTEC First and National Diploma in Business & Finance. He then achieved his Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration and his DPSI Diploma in Public Services. The Shaykh has worked for the police and prison services in the U.K. He currently resides in Greater Manchester, UK with his family, and chooses to drive as a means of livelihood and does not take any wage for the work of religion. *All are welcome. Free admission registration is required, to register e-mail info@meccacenter.com No children under 12 please
11/28/2015 1:00:00 PM -05:00
It’s easy to be thankful to Allah most High during times of ease and happiness. However, real life is messy, and many of us are faced with difficult situations, and some of us fall into a state close to despair. In this session, we will learn how to handle difficulties in our present time by looking at the Prophetic biography, the hadith of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and our connection with Allah most High. When: Sat Nov 21st, 6:00 – 8:30 pm Where: 4 West 43rd St. Suite 416, New York, NY 10036 Free admission* Registration is required. Please email info@meccacenter.com to register. Teacher ‘s Biography Ustadh Tariq Ameer began his formal Islamic Studies during college in Atlanta, Georgia with Ustadh Jamal Hysaw and Shaykh Muhammad Mendes. After graduation he traveled to Tarim, Yemen where he studied at the former Badr Institute and thereafter Dar Al Mustafa. Upon his return to the United States he continued his studies with local teachers including Shaykh Khalil Abdur-Rashid, Dr. Shadee El Masry, as well as teachers from Qibla (formerly known as Sunnipath). Sidi Tariq has received ijaza in different texts in the subjects of Shafi’i Fiqh, Aqeedah, Hadith terminology, Shamaiil, as well as covered texts without ijaza in Hadith, Arabic, Mantiq, and Usul Fiqh.
11/21/2015 6:00:00 PM -05:00
Fit For Allah Fall Semester (5 sessions) 2 spaces left!
Wednesday's 6:30-7:30 pm (5 weeks) October 21th - November 18th Do you want to start an exercise routine and jump start a healthy lifestyle? Our Beginner basics class will introduce and teach you full body exercises that every woman needs. The exercises are for all beginners and those who have not been working out previously. We take a step by step approach to improving flexibility, cardiovascular endurance, and strengthening your muscles. We encourage, motivate, and empower you along the way. This is a great way to make a positive change in your life in a fun and supportive atmosphere! Let's get Fit For Allah! This is a sisters' only class: 1. Lose fat! 2. Improve muscle tone! 3. Better flexibility 4. Gain energy & focus! 5. Strengthen and stabilize your whole system! 6. Get expert health and fitness advice! 7. Connect and have fun with sisters! 8. Motivate your mind and body be an active Muslimah!! Don't miss out space is limited 2 spots available! Cost $60 (serious applicants, please inbox us to register today). No walk-ins/no refunds you must pre-register. Call M.E.C.C.A: (212) 354-4320 office hours below Wed-Fri noon-3pm Sat 11am-6pm Sun 11am-8pm Instructor bio: Sister Zainab Ismail has been helping clients achieve their goals in health and fitness for 20 years in New York City. She is a graduate Fellow of Applied Functional Science from The Gray Institute and Nutrition for life nutrition coach. Zainab has been a facilitator for The National Academy of Sports Medicine and Master Trainer for Free Motion Fitness. Zainab has lectured in several fitness centers here in the US as well as in Hong Kong and Malaysia. Zainab has also presented at the national conferences ICNA and ISNA teaching exercise/nutrition to Muslim women. Most recent Zainab has presented at the University of Toronto’s Holistic Well-Being Symposium sponsored by the Muslim Chaplaincy on Prophetic nutrition and physical health. As a full-time therapist, she integrates an eclectic approach of soft-tissue therapy, movement conditioning and nutrition coaching in New York City. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “The strong believer is better and more beloved to Allah than the weak believer.” Narrated by Muslim
11/18/2015 12:00:00 AM -04:00