Our families are growing up around numerous trials & fitnas. The environment we live in has its pull. Movies, music, video-games, social-Media, gangs, pornography, homosexuality ... you name it. How will our children not be affected by all this? Every good parent feels overwhelmed by the immense responsibility of bringing up a human being to be a good Muslim. Do you want to hear timeless, practical advice from Quran and Sunnah for parenting in the modern age? Then attend our upcoming event with your family to find out how.
‘I am a Muslim, Alhamdulillah, why do I need to worry about the Big Question?’ What if your co-worker, neighbor, or child asks you, ‘Why?’ Are you strong enough to withstand doubts and temptations in the age of faithlessness? A powerhouse presentation combining Bible, science, and Seerah that will reaffirm the faith of the audience and equip them with evidence that Islam is the truth that can withstand doubts and temptations in the age of faithlessness.
Visiting Speaker: IMAM KAMIL MUFTI
Educated at the University of Texas at Austin, Mauritania, and Egypt, Imam Kamil Mufti is a pragmatic, moderate, and conservative scholar of Islam. Passionate about promoting tolerance among diverse Muslim schools of thought and interfaith harmony through education, he has served as a Resident Scholar at the Islamic Foundation of Peoria (IFP), IL, for the past six years, where he has worked towards community building and countering Islamophobia. He is currently working towards Phd in Islamic Studies. External Event Url
5400 Bell Forge Ln E, Antioch, TN, United States