Diyanet Center of America
Sponsor A Ramadan Iftar!
Ramadan 2018 Iftar Sponsorship at Diyanet Center of America! Monday to Thursday Full Day $2,500 Partial $1,250 x 2 Other... Friday to Sunday Full Day $4,500 Partial $1,500 x 3 Other... Please visit for sponsorship. If you want to donate less, visit drop a note of which day you wanted to donate! For any question, please write us an email, we are responding fast! - #Ramadan #Ramadan2018 #Iftar #Community #Masjid #Mosque #donate #zakat #sadaqah #fitr #DCA
5/16/2018 12:00:00 AM -04:00
0.00002018 Hac Programı Kayıtları
AMERİKA DİYANET MERKEZİ 2018 YILI HAC ORGANİZASYONU KAYITLARI BAŞLADI Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nden hacca gitmek isteyenler için düzenlenen hac organizasyonu kayıtları Diyanet Center of America ile gerçekleştirilecektir. Bu yılki hac organizasyonu 7-30 Ağustos 2018 tarihleri arasında gerçekleşecektir. MÜRACAATLAR Önkayıtlar 15 Mayıs 2018 tarihine kadar adresinden yapılabilecektir. Detaylar ve kayıt için adresini ziyaret edebilirsiniz. - #hac #hajj #Mecca #Medina #DCA #USA #ABD #organizasyon
5/15/2018 10:00:00 AM -04:00
0.0000Pre Ramadan Shopping Spree
Moon Bounce Galaxy, LLC and Diyanet Center of America will be hosting another event this coming May 12th and May 13th. It will be at the same place at Diyanet Center of America Turkish Bathhouse and Sports Center Building. Gate will be open from 10:00 AM - 9:00 PM. For vending opportunities please call 202-999-7090 or 240-200-9004 or message us from here. - #bazaar #indoor #Ramadan #Diyanet #Center #DCA #games #vendor #moonbounce
5/13/2018 12:00:00 AM -04:00
0.0000Türk Aile Buluşması - V - Anneler Günü Özel
Amerika Türk Aile Buluşması - Anneler Günü Özel Programı 12 Mayis 2018 Cumartesi Günü saat 8:00pm'de, Potluck Usulu olarak, Amerika Diyanet Merkezi'nde! - Çocuklar, gençler, kadınlar, erkekler, ve tüm bu yazıyı okuyabilenler, Aile Buluşmasına davetlisiniz :) Çaylar bizden, ikramlar sizden! - Adres: 9610 Good Luck Road, Lanham, MD 20706 Diyanet Center of America - *This program in Turkish. - #Turk #Turkish #Aile #etkinlik #dmvarea #maryland #washingtondc #virginia #cocuk #genc #program #cay #tea #tradition #gelenek Diyanet Center of America KAGEM DCA
5/12/2018 8:00:00 PM -04:00
0.0000Storytime Puppet Show & Book Signing and Youth Writing Workshop
Storytime Puppet Show ⎹ Book Signing ⎹ Youth Writing Workshop with Author Tayyaba Syed by KAGEM DCA - May 12, 2018, Saturday / 2:00pm-4:30pm - Auditorium, Cultural Center, DCA Complex 9610 Good Luck Road, Lanham, MD 20706 - The Blessed Bananas' Author Author Tayyaba Syed coming to Diyanet Center of America. There will be storytime puppet show, book signing and youth writing workshop with the author. Storytime and book signing will be free and open to the ALL AGE GROUPS. Writing workshop will be $5 per kid and open to the 8-13 Years-old. - #storytime #workshop #puppet #show #craft #book #signing #kids #event #youth
5/12/2018 2:00:00 PM -04:00
0.0000Kur'an Sohbetleri
Amerika Diyanet Merkezi Hanımlara Özel Kur'an Sohbetleri Her Cuma Akşamı 7:45pm 11:00pm arası Guest House Class 120'de! İlk Sohbet 22 Eylül 2017 Cuma Günü Başlıyor! Adres: 9610 Good Luck Road Lanham Maryland 20706
5/11/2018 12:00:00 AM -04:00
0.0000In Memory of Saba Mahmood
In Memory of Saba Mahmood: A Talk on Anthropology of Pious Women Speaker Ferhan Guloglu - May 6, 2018, Sunday, 2:00PM KAGEM DCA House 7021 97th Avenue, Lanham, MD 20706 - A free, open to the public event!
5/6/2018 2:00:00 PM -04:00
0.0000Qur'an Class
Qur'an Class by Diyanet Center of America - Every Saturday between 11:00am to 1:00pm at Guest House Class 120 - No Fee, No Registration, Ladies only, walk-ins are welcome - 9710 Good Luck Road, Lanham, MD 20706 DCA Complex - #Quran #class #dca
5/5/2018 12:00:00 AM -04:00
0.0000Kur'an Sohbetleri
Amerika Diyanet Merkezi Kur'an Sohbetleri This program in Turkish. - Her Cuma Akşamı 7:45pm'de Yatsı Namazı Sonrası Guest House - Class 120 (Misafirhane Binası) - Program sadece hanımlara özeldir. Çay-kahve ikramı yapılacaktır. - #sohbet #Kuran #Amerika #Diyanet
5/4/2018 12:00:00 AM -04:00
0.0000Ramadan Umrah - 2018 USA
Ramadan Umrah 2018 - Diyanet Center of America / United States 7 Days in Mecca - 3 Days in Medina 5 Stars Walking Distance Hotels Breakfast & Dinner Free of Charge Examinations & Medicines with Turkish Airlines & Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı - Application Deadline: May 1, 2018 Details and Registration: - #umrah #diyanet #amerika #america #usa #mekke #medine #tur #tour #maryland #virginia #losangeles #sanfrancisco #newyork #washingtondc #newjersey #atlanta #houston #miami
5/2/2018 12:00:00 AM -04:00
0.0000National Muslim Soup Kitchen Project
Muslim Soup Kitchen Project by Zakat Foundation of America & KAGEM DCA at Diyanet Center of America - April 29, 2018, Sunday / 10:30am - Cafeteria, Guest House, DCA Complex 9610 Good Luck Road, Lanham, MD 20706 - Donate now and be part of it! Feed those in need! - #national #muslim #soup #kitchen #nmsk #nmskp #msk #DCA #KAGEM #helping #food #feed #unity
4/29/2018 10:30:00 AM -04:00
0.0000Çocuklar için Türkçe Eğitimi
Amerika Diyanet Merkezi “Çocuklar için Türkçe” programları 18 Mart-29 Nisan 2018 tarihlerinde adresinde kayıtlara açıktır. Bu programın amacı; Amerika Birleşik Devletlerinde büyümüş ve Türkiye’de hiç eğitim almamış 7-15 yaş arası çocuklara Türkçe ve Türk kültürü eğitimi vermektir. – 7 yaş altı öğrenciler kabul edilmemektedir. – Kurs kontenjanı 20 öğrenci ile sınırlandırılmıştır. – Kayıtlar aşağıdaki form aracılığıyla online yapılacaktır – Kursa devam etmek ve giriş-çıkış saatlerine dikkat etmek önem taşımaktadır. – Kurs boyunca mazaretsiz üç defa getirilmeyen çocukların kayıtları silinecektir. – Veliler öğrencileri getirdiklerinde program görevlisi Hilal Monis’e teslim etmek zorundadır. – Dersten 10 dakika önce getirilen öğrencilere velileri eşlik etmek zorundadır. – Öğrencinin kendi başına velisini beklemeyip ayrılması durumunda Amerika Diyanet Merkezi herhangi bir sorumluluk kabul etmemektedir. – Kaybolan eşyalardan DCA sorumlu değildir. – Kurs ücreti olmamakla birlikte öğrencilere yapılacak etkinlikler için bağış kabul edilmektedir. Bağışlar için adresini kullanabilir veya külliyemizde nakit olarak yapabilirsiniz.
4/29/2018 12:00:00 AM -04:00
0.0000Paper Marbling - Ebru Workshop
Paper Marbling – Ebru Workshops by KAGEM DCA – Every Saturday 12:00pm to 3:00pm Starting at March 10 One Time Price (13 week/39 Hour) $250 Monthly Price (4 week/12 Hour) $100 Daily Price (3 Hour) $30 Cash Payment is available, please fill&submit form. – KAGEM DCA House 7021 97th Avenue, Lanham, MD 20706 Diyanet Center of America Complex – Note: It is a women-only event. Note 2: Walk-ins and cash payments are available. Note 3: Tea-Coffee will be served during the workshops. – Sample Artworks from Instructor Sabiha Ozgur - REGISTER NOW – If you have any question, please type us via or comment below!
4/28/2018 12:00:00 AM -05:00
0.0000Çocuk Kulübü
Amerika Diyanet Merkezi’inde KAGEM DCA tarafından düzenlenen “Kagem Çocuk Kulübü” 2018 Bahar dönemi 16 Mart-27 Nisan 2018 tarihlerinde adresinde kayıtlara açıktır. - Bu programın amacı; 7-12 yaş arası çocuklara Dini Bilgiler ve Değerler Eğitimi vermektir. Eğitim dili Türkçe olup amaçlarımızdan birisi çocukların Türkçe gelişimlerine katkı sağlamaktır. – 7 yaş altı öğrenciler kabul edilmemektedir. – Kurs kontenjanı 20 öğrenci ile sınırlandırılmıştır. – Kayıtlar aşağıdaki form aracılığıyla online yapılacaktır – Kursa devam etmek ve giriş-çıkış saatlerine dikkat etmek önem taşımaktadır. – Kurs boyunca mazaretsiz üç defa getirilmeyen çocukların kayıtları silinecektir. – Veliler öğrencileri getirdiklerinde program görevlisi Hilal Monis’e teslim etmek zorundadır. – Dersten 10 dakika önce getirilen öğrencilere velileri eşlik etmek zorundadır. – Öğrencinin kendi başına velisini beklemeyip ayrılması durumunda KAGEM ve Amerika Diyanet Merkezi herhangi bir sorumluluk kabul etmemektedir. – Kaybolan eşyalardan KAGEM sorumlu değildir. – Kurs ücreti olmamakla birlikte öğrencilere yapılacak etkinlikler için bağış kabul edilmektedir. Bağışlar için adresini kullanabilir veya külliyemizde nakit olarak yapabilirsiniz. - #cocuk #kulup #kids #kidsclub
4/27/2018 12:00:00 AM -04:00
0.0000Turkish Language Classes
Turkish Language Classes by KAGEM DCA at Diyanet Center of America 3 Months - 3hr per week - 39hrs Total Education - Every Thursday between 11:00am-2:00pm KAGEM DCA House 7021 97th Avenue, Lanham, MD 20706 DCA Complex - Program open to everyone older than 10 Years-old Starting at February 1, 2018, Thursday - One-Time, Monthly and Cash Payment available! Please visit link below! Register by visiting;
4/26/2018 12:00:00 AM -05:00
0.0000Arabic Class
Arabic Class by KAGEM DCA - Every Wednesday: 1:00pm to 2:30pm 7021 97th Avenue, Lanham, MD KAGEM DCA House - Free Conversational Arabic Classes for ladies. Students should have basic Arabic reading and writing skills. Starting on Feb 7! - Registration; - #arabic #language #course #class #kagem #family #women #ladies #program
4/25/2018 12:00:00 AM -05:00
0.0000Women's Qur'an Halaqa
Women's Qur'an Halaqa by KAGEM DCA - Every Wednesday: 11:00am to 12:30pm - Program is open to ladies of all ages and free. Class will cover #Reading, #Tajweed and #Tafseer. - Starting on Feb 7! Registration; - #Quran #Halaqa #ladies #women #family
4/25/2018 12:00:00 AM -05:00
0.0000Türk Aile Buluşması - IV
Amerika Türk Aile Buluşması - IV. 21 Nisan 2018 Cumartesi Günü saat 8:00pm'de, Potluck Usulu olarak, Amerika Diyanet Merkezi'nde! - Çocuklar, gençler, kadınlar, erkekler, ve tüm bu yazıyı okuyabilenler, Aile Buluşmasına davetlisiniz :) Çaylar bizden, ikramlar sizden! - Adres: 9610 Good Luck Road, Lanham, MD 20706 Diyanet Center of America - *This program in Turkish. - #Turk #Turkish #Aile #etkinlik #dmvarea #maryland #washingtondc #virginia #cocuk #genc #program #cay #tea #tradition #gelenek Diyanet Center of America KAGEM DCA
4/21/2018 8:00:00 PM -04:00
0.0000Muslim Youth in America: Opportunities & Challenges Ahead
Muslim Youth in America Opportunities & Challenges Ahead - Presented by Diyanet Center of America Tri- State Imam Council TASC - April 14, 2018, Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:30PM - Auditorium, Cultural Center, DCA Complex 9610 Good Luck Road, Lanham, MD 20706 - PANEL 1 4:00pm-5:00pm Diyanet Center of America Panel: Racism and Gender Inclusion in Mosque Communities Moderator: Ahmet Aydilek, Prof. Dr. Speakers -Jameel Johnson, Prince George's County Muslim Council -Seyda Karaoglu, Diyanet Center of America and The George Washington University -Ermin Sinanovic. International Institute of Islamic Thought --- PANEL 2 5:15pm-6:15pm TASC Panel: Youth and Civic Engagement “What do the youth want from us?” Moderator: Gunay Evinch, Esq. Speakers -Albab Ali, National Coordinator of Young Muslims -Suliman Mir, Community Liaison for the NYC Mayor’s Office -Aklima Akter, Platform - A New Generation of Politically Empowered Women - #youth #event #dicsuss #panel #seminar #DCA #TASC #TRISTATE
4/14/2018 4:00:00 PM -04:00
0.0000A Muslim Book of Shapes by Hena Khan - Book Launch Event
Please join children’s author Hena Khan to celebrate the launch of her new book, Cresent Moons and Pointed Minarets: A Muslim Book of Shapes, the much-anticipated sequel to Golden Domes and Silver Lanterns: A Muslim Book of Colors. - The program will include a reading, craft activity, tea and snacks, book sales and signing. - Saturday, April 14, 2018, 2pm-4pm. Free, no registration event at Auditorium, Cultural Center, Diyanet Center of America. - #book #launch #event #kid #muslim #life #cresent #moon #minaret
4/14/2018 2:00:00 PM -04:00
0.0000Laylat al-Miraj & Award Ceremony
Diyanet Center of America Presents Laylat al-Miraj Night Special Program & Revival With The Prayer Contest Award Ceremony on April 13, 2018, Friday, 8:00PM at DCA Complex - Please join us, open to the public and free event! - Maghrib Prayer: 8:00pm at DCA Mosque The Program will be held right after Maghrib Prayer at Auditorium, Cultural Center. PS. Isha Prayer will be at 10:00pm! - #community #night #pray #dua #miraj #mirac #kandil #DCA #dmvarea
4/13/2018 8:00:00 PM -04:00
0.0000Türk Aile Buluşması - III
Amerika Türk Aile Buluşması 7 Nisan 2018 Cumartesi Günü saat 8:00pm'de, Potluck Usulu olarak, Amerika Diyanet Merkezi'nde! Aksam Namazi: 7:45pm - Çocuklar, gençler, kadınlar, erkekler, ve tüm bu yazıyı okuyabilenler, Aile Buluşmasına davetlisiniz :) Çaylar bizden, ikramlar sizden! - Adres: 9610 Good Luck Road, Lanham, MD 20706 Diyanet Center of America - *This program in Turkish. - #Turk #Turkish #Aile #etkinlik #dmvarea #maryland #washingtondc #virginia #cocuk #genc #program #cay #tea #tradition #gelenek Diyanet Center of America KAGEM DCA
4/7/2018 7:45:00 PM -04:00
0.0000DCA at ICNA MAS Convention
Diyanet Center of America at ICNA - MAS Convention 2018 Visit Us on March 31, April 1, 2018! Booth Number: 403-405 Address: 1 W Pratt Street, Baltimore, MD 21201 Baltimore Convention Center - DCA Gift Shop & Traditional Surprises! - DCA Session The Struggle of Muslim Youth for the Soul: Islam and Atheism Session at Room 331-332 on March 31, 2018, 9:00PM An important problem among youth! Please save the date & join us! - #icna #mas #convention #baltimore #DCA #gift #shop #Turkish #traditional #session #youth #Islam #atheism
4/1/2018 12:00:00 AM -04:00
0.0000Islam & Atheism - ICNA MAS Session
The Struggle of Muslim Youth for the Soul: ISLAM & ATHEISM ICNA - MAS Convention 2018 & Diyanet Center of America March 31, 2018, Saturday, 9:00PM-10:30PM Room: 331-332 Venue: Baltimore Convention Center - Moderators: Dr. Ahmet Aydilek University of Maryland, Baltimore Dr. Ahmet Selim Tekelioglu Georgetown University Speakers: Br. Tarif Shraim University of Maryland, Baltimore Br. Sharif Braxton Sr. Hena Zuberi - Many Muslim youths are in search of spiritual nourishment. However, the urgent intellectual, emotional and spiritual needs, questions and concerns of the youth often go unaddressed by our Muslim communities and institutions. The inability to relate to the younger generation and at times, the outright censure of their doubts and opinions push them to the periphery of the religion, often leading them to leave it altogether. The purpose of this session is to shed light on the struggles of our Muslim youth today, the cultural, social and academic assault on their faith as well as the growth of atheism. The session will explore how to offer our youth a relevant and practical Islam that meets their spiritual, emotional and intellectual needs, and empowers them to win the battle for their faith. - #islam #atheism #session #icna #mas #convention #baltimore #DCA #youth #muslim #empower #intellectual #emotional #spiritual
3/31/2018 9:00:00 PM -04:00
0.0000Qur'an Class
Qur'an Class by Diyanet Center of America - Every Saturday between 11:00am to 1:00pm at Guest House Class 120 - No Fee, No Registration, Ladies only, walk-ins are welcome - 9710 Good Luck Road, Lanham, MD 20706 DCA Complex - #Quran #class #dca
3/31/2018 12:00:00 AM -05:00
0.0000Kur'an Sohbetleri
Amerika Diyanet Merkezi Kur'an Sohbetleri This program in Turkish. - Her Cuma Akşamı 7:45pm'de Yatsı Namazı Sonrası Guest House - Class 120 (Misafirhane Binası) - Program sadece hanımlara özeldir. Çay-kahve ikramı yapılacaktır. - #sohbet #Kuran #Amerika #Diyanet
3/30/2018 12:00:00 AM -05:00
0.0000Little Learners
Little Learners for Kids Ages 3+ - Does your kid love learning and asking about everything? Let him\her join this program and explore. Program is open to kids ages 3+ - February 8th, 2018 through March 28th, 2018 - 8 Classes (every Wednesday) Starting from 11:00am to 1:00pm Registration is a must for every week. – Note: We are not charging anyone for this program but kindly asking your any amount of generous donations for keeping up it. Online and cash payment available. Our online donation link: - #little #learner #kid #education #craft #game #fun #friends #Kagem #house #school Embassy of Turkey, Washington D.C. Yunus Emre Enstitüsü-Washington D.C. Diyanet Center of America Musiad USA "Independent Industrialists and Businessmen Association" Aya Montessori
3/28/2018 12:00:00 AM -05:00
0.0000Türk Aile Buluşması - II
Amerika Türk Aile Buluşması 24 Mart 2018 Cumartesi Günü saat 7:30pm'de Amerika Diyanet Merkezi'nde! - Çocuklar, gençler, kadınlar, erkekler, ve tüm bu yazıyı okuyabilenler, Aile Buluşmasına davetlisiniz :) Çaylar ve ikram bizden! - Adres: 9610 Good Luck Road, Lanham, MD 20706 Diyanet Center of America - *This program in Turkish. - #Turk #Turkish #Aile #etkinlik #dmvarea #maryland #washingtondc #virginia #cocuk #genc #program #cay #tea #tradition #gelenek Diyanet Center of America KAGEM DCA
3/24/2018 7:30:00 PM -04:00
0.0000Neighbor Kitchen Project - Help the Homeless
A Community Initiative Donate and Help Now! - The event will be on March 24, 2018, Saturday 11:00AM, Cultural Center, DCA Complex - With your donation & help; We are buying food! We are preparing packages all together! And we are delivering to the homeless.
3/24/2018 11:00:00 AM -04:00
0.0000Refugee Women on the Axis of the Middle East and Europe from a F
Refugee Women on the Axis of the Middle East and Europe from a Female Perspective Speakers; Radiye Sezer Katırcıoğlu, Chair of Committee on Equality of Opportunity for Women and Men, Member of the Parliament of the Turkish Republic Ayşe Sula Köseoğlu, Member of the Parliament of the Turkish Republic Elif Doğan Türkmen, Member of the Parliament of the Turkish Republic Sibel Özkan, Board Member of the Diyanet Center of America Hatice Koç Kanca Expert Assistant at the Directorate of Religious Affairs Time & Date: March 19, 2018, Monday, 7:30pm Venue: Auditorium, Cultural Center, DCA Complex, 9610 Good Luck Road, Lanham, Maryland 20706 By; Women, Family and Youth Center (KAGEM DCA) & Diyanet Center of America PS. Free, no registration & public event, light refreshments will be served.
3/19/2018 7:30:00 PM -04:00
0.0000Spring Weekend Bazaar
Spring Weekend Indoor Bazaar by The Hammam Turkish Bath | Sports Center and Moon Bounce Galaxy, LLC at Diyanet Center of America on March 17-18, 2018 from 10:00am to 9:00pm, two days. - For sponsorship and vending opportunities please call or text; 202-999-7090 - #bazaar #event #indoor #spring #season #clothes #jewelry #buy #traditional #food #accessories #gift #shop #weekend #maryland #washingtondc #virginia
3/18/2018 12:00:00 AM -04:00
0.0000Türk Aile Buluşması
Amerika Türk Aile Buluşması 10 Mart 2018 Cumartesi Günü saat 7:30pm'de Amerika Diyanet Merkezi'nde! - Çocuklar, gençler, kadınlar, erkekler, ve tüm bu yazıyı okuyabilenler, Aile Buluşmasına davetlisiniz :) Çaylar ve ikram bizden! - Adres: 9610 Good Luck Road, Lanham, MD 20706 Diyanet Center of America - *This program in Turkish. - #Turk #Turkish #Aile #etkinlik #dmvarea #maryland #washingtondc #virginia #cocuk #genc #program #cay #tea #tradition #gelenek Diyanet Center of America KAGEM DCA
3/10/2018 7:30:00 PM -05:00
0.0000Seekers of Guidance: The Etiquette of Seeking Knowledge
Seekers of Guidance presents “The Etiquette of Seeking Knowledge” “حلية طالب العلم” in both English and Arabic Languages When: Part 1: The Etiquette of the Seeker’s Inner Self Saturday February 17th from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM Part 2: The Etiquette of the Seeker with the Scholar Saturday February 24th from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM Many, are those who begin كثيرون هم من يبدأون Few, are those who continue و قليلون هم من يستمرون It is very rare, to succeed ونادرون جداً من يفوزون This is the condition of every affair هذا هو الشأن في كل أمر So be from the few , perhaps you will be from the successful ! – P.S: This is a women only event. Please register visit
2/24/2018 12:00:00 AM -05:00
0.0000Mini Montessori
Mini Montessori for Kids by Diyanet Center of America Ages 4-6 - Starting on February 21, 2018 Wednesdays 10:30am to 12:30pm 10 Weeks Session - Visit link below for details and registration; - #mini #montessori #preschool #school #kids #children #education #craft
2/21/2018 12:00:00 AM -05:00
0.0000Beyond Bilal (ra) - A Discussion For Youth
Beyond Bilal (ra) A facilitated discussion for youth, on the recently released Bilal Movie and the status of Bilal (ra) and other luminous black companions of the Prophet (saw) - Speakers: Brother Ahmad El Amin and Sister Hena Zuberi - A free public event by KAGEM DCA at Diyanet Center of America February 11, 2018, Sunday 3:30pm Display Area, Cultural Center, DCA Complex - #public #event #bilal #movie #discussion #youth
2/11/2018 3:30:00 PM -05:00
0.0000Winter Weekend Indoor Bazaar
Winter Weekend Indoor Bazaar at Topkapi Saray 9720 Good Luck Road, Lanham, Maryland, Diyanet Center of America Complex on Saturday, January 20th, 2018, 10:00am to 9:00pm For Vending please call 202-999-7090 & 202-200-9004 This event will be hosted by Moon Bounce Galaxy, LLC and there will be having free moon bounces set up for the kids through the entire event. #indoor #bazaar #winter #weekend #event
1/20/2018 10:00:00 AM -05:00
0.0000Women's Words Open Mic
What’s in your heart? Women’s Words Open Mic Event Come join us for an evening of soul sharing! What’s in your heart during these turbulent times? Bring your written word pieces, songs, stories, or other art pieces. 5 minute slots are available per person - Spaces are limited! JAN 13 7:30pm-9:00pm REGISTER a brief description of your piece; KAGEM DCA 7021 97th Avenue, Lanham, MD 20706 - Note: no video will be allowed during the event. This is a WOMEN ONLY event! Refreshments will take place after the open mic. *Please keep in mind that Kagem DCA still constitutes as a religious space - we ask respectfully that you be courteous with your language choices - - #women #event #open #mic #kagem #dca
1/13/2018 7:30:00 PM -05:00
0.0000Diyanet İşleri Başkanı Prof. Dr. Ali Erbaş New York'da
Diyanet İşleri Başkanı Prof. Dr. Ali Erbaş New York'da Türk Amerikan Toplumu İle 13 Ocak 2018 Cumartesi Günü Saat 6:30pm'de buluşuyor! Adres: Brooklyn Eyüp Sultan Camii / 2812 Brighton 3rd St. Brooklyn NY 11235 Saat: 6:30pm Yer: Diyanet Mosque of Brooklyn Eyüp Sultan
1/13/2018 6:30:00 PM -05:00
0.0000Deen, Dunya & Dinner - Mikaeel Smith & Jeremy McLellan
Deen, Dunya & Dinner - Tarbiyah Academy Gala on Jan 13, 2018, Saturday at 4:30pm Speeches by Imam Mikaeel Ahmed Smith from Qalam and Comedian Jeremy McLellan Comedy For Registration Visit - #Gala #Dinner #Tarbiyah #Academy #Comedy #Speech #Maryland
1/13/2018 4:30:00 PM -05:00
0.0000Diyanet İşleri Başkanı Prof. Dr. Ali Erbaş DCA'de
Diyanet İşleri Başkanı Prof. Dr. Ali Erbaş Amerika Diyanet Merkezi'nde (TACC) Türk Amerikan Toplumu ile 12 Ocak 2018 Cuma Günü Saat 7:00pm'de buluşuyor! Adres: Diyanet Center of America / 9610 Good Luck Road Lanham Maryland 20706 Saat: 7:00pm Yer: Amerika Diyanet Merkezi (Türk-Amerikan Toplum Merkezi) - Sayın Diyanet İşleri Başkanı Prof. Ali Erbaş Biyografisi 1961 yılında Ordu’nun Kabadüz İlçesi Yeşilyurt Köyünde doğdu. İlkokulu Yeşilyurt Köyü İlkokulunda okudu. 1980’de Sakarya İmam-Hatip Lisesi’nden, 1984’de ise Marmara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi’nden mezun oldu. 1982-1993 yılları arasında Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı İstanbul Fatih Müftülüğüne bağlı çeşitli camilerde din görevlisi olarak vazife yaptı. Marmara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesinde 1987’de Tefsir Anabilim Dalında “Kur’an’daki Tekrarlar” isimli teziyle Yüksek Lisansını, 1993’te ise Dinler Tarihi Anabilim Dalında “İlâhî Dinlerde Melek İnancı” isimli teziyle doktorasını tamamladı. 1988-1990 yılları arasında İstanbul Haseki Eğitim Merkezinde Master ve Doktora öğrencileri için açılan ihtisas kursuna devam etti. 1993 yılında Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dinler Tarihi Anabilim Dalı’na Yardımcı Doçent olarak atandı. 1994 yılı Temmuz ve Ağustos aylarında Paris’te Centre George Pompidou ve Sorbonne Üniversitesi kütüphanelerinde Dinler Tarihi ve Din Bilimleri alanında araştırmalar yaptı. Daha sonra 1996-1997 öğretim yılının başından itibaren bir yıl boyunca Strasbourg Beşerî Bilimler Üniversitesinde misafir öğretim üyesi olarak alanıyla ilgili araştırmalar yaptı. 1997-1998 öğretim yılı başında yurda döndü ve Kasım 1998’de Doçent, Ocak 2004’de Profesör oldu. 1993-2006 yılları arasında Dinler Tarihi Anabilim Dalı Başkanlığı ve yine aynı tarihler arasında Felsefe ve Din Bilimleri Bölüm Başkanlığı yaptı. 1997-2002 yılları arasında 5 yıl Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dekan Yardımcılığı, 2006-2011 yılları arasında iki dönem aynı fakültenin Dekanlığını yürüttü. 2003-2011 yılları arasında Sakarya Üniversitesi’nde Senato Üyesi, 2006-2011 yılları arasında ise aynı üniversitede Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi olarak görev yaptı. 2011 yılında Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı Eğitim Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğüne atandı. Prof.Dr. Ali Erbaş 08 Haziran 2017 tarihi itibariyle Yalova Üniversitesi Rektörlüğüne atandı. 17.09.2017 Tarihinde Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı’na atandı. 12 kitabı, çok sayıda makalesi ve yurt içinde ve yurt dışında sunduğu pek çok sempozyum bildirisi ve konferansı bulunan Prof. Dr. Ali Erbaş, iyi derecede Arapça ve Fransızca bilmektedir. Prof. Dr. Ali Erbaş evli ve 4 çocuk babasıdır. - Embassy of Turkey, Washington D.C. Yunus Emre Enstitüsü-Washington D.C. TASC Anadolu Agency TRT Diyanet Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı TRT World
1/12/2018 7:00:00 PM -05:00
0.0000Meet the Author: Saba Syed
Meet the Author by KAGEM DCA's Young Ladies Saba Syed (Umm Reem) Authour of 'An Acquaintance' Friday, January 5th, 2018, 7:30pm at Cultural Center, DCA Complex - She has written "An Acquaintance" (available for pre-order) to the Muslim communities, not only as a new YA fiction written by a Muslim author about Muslim minority in US, but also and especially to discuss the content of the book which resonates with our Muslim youth and their parents/families. Both youth and parents struggle, and both need to hear the challenges of each other, so a good understanding can be formed. About An Acquaintance: Set in post-9/11, small-town America, "An Acquaintance" is a story that encapsulates the daily struggles of teenage Muslim girls in the West. Sarah Ali is an intelligent and quintessential teenage Muslim girl who strives to excel both academically and spiritually, balancing her life between her faith-based values and American teen norms. - About the Author: Saba Syed (also knows as Umm Reem) is a specialist writer. She has an undergraduate in Islamic Studies, and she also studied Arabic language in Egypt and University of Qatar. She earned her ijaazah in recitation of Hafs from Egypt. She takes special pride in parenting her four children, aged from 20 to 2 years of age. She helped her older two memorized Qur'an at home, while specially focusing on the meanings of Qur'an. Now she enjoys connecting with Muslim youth through her older teenagers, and helping other parents understand the world of contemporary youth. - #book #meet #author #DCA #KAGEM
1/5/2018 7:30:00 PM -05:00
0.0000Convert Meet & Greet Event
The Diyanet Center of America is happy to announce Convert Meet and Greet, an event where converts/reverts will have the chance to connect about their experiences over food and guest speaker Jameel Aalim-Johnson from Prince George's County Muslim Council. Converts to Islam are some of the most dynamic and diverse individuals in our community. However, viable access to lasting brotherhood and sisterhood amongst converts can often be difficult. The DCA seeks to rectify this with the first ever Convert Meet and Greet. Regardless of how long you've been Muslim or even if your not Muslim and are just interested in Islam, please join us for a night of food, knowledge and fellowship! Convert care packages will be distributed! For registration please E-Mail your First & Last Name and Event Name to; Schedule as follows: 7:30-7:40 PM - Qur'an Recitation 7:40-7:50 PM - Introduction of the evening detailing the schedule, a short conversion story and the introduction of the speaker 7:50-8:10 PM - Meet & Greet, For 20 minutes attendees can meet and greet each other 8:10-8:50 PM - Guest Speaker, Jameel Aalim-Johnson, PGCMC 8:50-9:00 PM - Closing remarks/end -- For registration please E-Mail your First & Last Name and Event Name to; #convert #islam #muslim #meet #greet #event #DCA #muhtedi
12/30/2017 7:30:00 PM -05:00
0.0000Qur'an Class for Ladies
Qur'an Class for Ladies at Diyanet Center of America Every Saturday between 11:00am to 1:00pm Guest House Class 120 For any questions or request please comment below or type us via
12/30/2017 12:00:00 AM -04:00
0.0000Cuma Gecesi Etkinlikleri
Cuma Gecesi Etkinlikleri Amerika Diyanet Merkezi & Kadın Aile Gençlik ve Eğitim Merkezi'nde! These programs are in Turkish Yatsı Namazı 8:00pm Çocuk bakımı 3-6 yaş arası için Çocuk Bakım Odasında olacaktır Amerika Diyanet Merkezi 9610 Good Luck Road Lanham MD 20706 KAGEM DCA 7021 97th Avenue Lanham MD 20706 Küçük Hanımlar Kulübü 7-12 Yaş Arası / 7:30-9:00pm KAGEM EVİ Minikler Değerler Eğitimi 3-6 Yaş Arası / 7:30-9:30pm ÇOCUK KULÜBÜ / Cami Altı Kur’an Sohbetleri Hanımlara Özel / 7:45-11:00pm MİSAFİRHANE - SINIF 120 Aslanlar Kulübü 7-12 Yaş Arası / 8:30-10:00pm KÜLTÜR MERKEZİ Gençler Kulübü 13-17 Yaş Arası / 8:30-10:00pm KÜLTÜR MERKEZİ Cuma Sohbetleri Erkeklere Özel / 8:30-11:00pm TÜRK KONAĞI Soru ve önerileriniz için
12/29/2017 12:00:00 AM -04:00
0.0000Gardens of The Righteous
Gardens of The Righteous Every Thursday After Isha Prayer DCA Mosque - 9610 Good Luck Road, Lanham, MD 20706 Isha Prayer 8:00pm Event 8:30pm #righteous #speech #dca #islam #talk
12/28/2017 12:00:00 AM -04:00
0.0000The Sultan and The Saint - Film Screening
Unity Productions Foundation #Movie The Sultan and The Saint Film Screening at Diyanet Center of America December 26, 2017, Tuesday, 7:30pm Auditorium, Cultural Center, DCA Complex Free Event, Free Parking, Open to the Public, Refreshments Provided! ps. PG Movie #movie #screening #film #DCA #free
12/26/2017 7:30:00 PM -05:00
0.0000Değerler Eğitimi 2017 Kış Kampı
Değerler Eğitimİ 2017 – Kış Kampı programımız 24-31 Aralık tarihleri arasında gerçekleştirilecektir. Program kapsamında katılımcılar bir hafta boyunca Kur’an-Kerim ve ezber seviyelerini geliştirecek, dini bilgilerini artıracak, çeşitli seminerler, atölyeler ve geziler vesilesiyle sosyal ve kültürel anlamda zenginleşeceklerdir. Ayrıca sportif ve eğlenceli faaliyetler ile dinlenmiş olarak okullarına/eğitim hayatlarına döneceklerdir. Değerli gençlerimizi bu programda hep beraber görmek istiyoruz. Kontenjan sınırlıdır. Tarih: 24-31 Aralık 2017 Giriş: 24 Aralık 2017 Pazar Saat: 2pm-6pm arası Çıkış: 31 Aralık 2017 Pazar 11am: Veda Programı / 12pm: Kapanış Yaş: 13-19 Yaş arası Kız ve Erkek Ücret: 250 USD Kayıt:
12/24/2017 2:00:00 PM -05:00
0.0000Qur'an Halaqa for Ladies
Qur'an Halaqa for Ladies by KAGEM DCA KAGEM DCA House, 7021 97th Avenue, Lanham, MD 20706 Beginner-Intermediate Level Class will cover tafseer, tajweed and reading skills. Kids are welcome. For any question please comment below or email us via;
12/19/2017 12:00:00 AM -04:00
0.0000Seerah Contest Award Ceremony
Seerah Contest Award Ceremony happening at Diyanet Center of America at this Saturday, December 16, 2017, 10:30am Awards will be; 1st Place Winner: Tablet + 300 USD 2nd Place Winner: Camera + 200 USD 3rd Place Winner: Smartwatch + $100 Quick Questions and Gifts session | Results | Contest Experiences | more.. No Registration, Free Event, Free Parking, Kid Friendly, Open to Public #contest #seerah #siyer #Prophet #Muhammad #dca #kid #education #Islam
12/16/2017 10:30:00 AM -05:00
0.0000Time to Be Thankful: Neighborhood Kitchen Project
Time to Be Thankful: Neighborhood Kitchen Project for Homeless 'The best charity is that given by one who has little' Donate Now! Special Thanks to Pizza Tempo for 100 Home Made Bread Donation! If you want to sponsor, e-mail us via #donate #charity #homeless #helpinghand #help #dca #neighborhood
12/16/2017 10:30:00 AM -05:00
0.0000Kufi Style Calligraphy Classes
Kufi Style Calligraphy Classes When: Every Saturday from October 7th - December 16 th. After Zuhr Prayer (2.00pm ) Where: DCA Library Teacher: Ahmet Belal Price: $120 for 3 months (Materials are not included) Registration: Diyanet Center of America & KAGEM DCA #calligraphy #class #dmvarea #art #design #dca
12/16/2017 12:00:00 AM -04:00
0.0000Küçük Hanımlar Kulübü
Küçük Hanımlar Kulübü 7-12 Yaş Arası Kız Çocukları için 13 Ekim - 15 Aralık 2017 tarihleri arasında Her Cuma 7:30pm ile 9:00pm saatlerinde düzenlenecek programlara bu adresi ziyaret ederek kayıt olabilirsiniz! This program is in Turkish. #kagem #dca #kids #fun #cocuk #kulup #diyanet #amerika
12/15/2017 12:00:00 AM -04:00
0.0000Toddler's Bilingual Tales
Toddler's Bilingual Tales by KAGEM DCA at Diyanet Center of America 18-Month-Old to 5-Year-Old Children must be accompanied by caregiver! No Fee - No Registration Every Thursday at KAGEM DCA House between 10:30am to 11:30am #kids #tales #games #fun #education #toddler
12/14/2017 12:00:00 AM -04:00
0.0000Moon Bounce - Open House
Open House Moon Bounce event at Diyanet Center of America December 9, Saturday All-Day Free Event 9720 Good Luck Road, Lanham, MD 20706 DCA Complex #TopkapiSarayDC #MoonBounceGalaxy #DCA
12/9/2017 10:00:00 AM -05:00
0.0000Amina's Voice: Community Story Time
Amina's Voice: Community Story Time with author Hena Khan December 2, 2017, Saturday at 12:30pm Auditorium, Cultural Center, DCA Presentation, Book Sale, Book Signing and Bake Sale for the Homeless No Fee | No Registration | Event by KAGEM DCA #dca #event #kid #story #Storytime #washingtondc #maryland #virginia
12/2/2017 12:30:00 PM -05:00
0.0000Mawlid Al-Nabi Program
Mawlid Al-Nabi Program at Diyanet Center of America Qur'an Recitation Mawlid Nasheed Potluck Dinner after Isha Prayer November 29, 2017, Wednesday After Maghrib Prayer Maghrib Prayer: 5:00pm Isha Prayer: 7:00pm No Registration | Free Parking #DCA #Mawlid #Muhammad #SAW #Mosque #Masjid #WashingtonDC #Maryland #Virginia
11/29/2017 5:00:00 PM -05:00
0.0000Neighborhood Kitchen - Feed the Homeless
Neighborhood Kitchen Project by KAGEM DCA Feed the Homeless Volunteers Needed to Help Make Care Packages Donate Now November 11, 2017, Saturday 11:30am You can donate anytime for helping the homeless people! Maryland Washington DC area #Virginia #Homeless #Help #People
11/11/2017 11:30:00 AM -05:00
0.000029 Ekim Cumhuriyet Bayramı Özel Programı
Cuma Sohbetleri 29 Ekim Cumhuriyet Bayramı Özel Programı Konuşmacı: Kılıç Buğra Kanat Not:29 Ekim için pasta kesilecektir! DCA Divan Hall 9600 Good Luck Road Lanham MD 20706 27 Ekim 2017 Cuma Günü Yatsı Namazı Sonrası 8:30pm
10/27/2017 8:30:00 PM -04:00
0.0000Mevlid ve Dua Programı
Mevlid ve Dua Programı Diyanet Center of America DCA Camii 9700 Good Luck Road, Lanham, MD 20706 27 Ekim 2017 Cuma Günü Akşam Namazı Sonrası 6:30pm Rahmet-i Rahman’a kavuşmuş necip ecdadımızın, şehitlerimizin ve cemiyetimizden vefat eden kardeşlerimizin aziz ruhları için Mevlid ve Dua Programı düzenlenecektir! KAGEM DCA TRT World Anadolu Agency The SETA Foundation at Washington D.C. Yunus Emre Enstitüsü-Washington D.C. İbn Haldun Üniversitesi TRT Haber Zakat Foundation of America Embassy of Turkey, Washington D.C.
10/27/2017 6:30:00 PM -04:00
0.0000Matrakçı Nasuh Exhibition - 16th Century Genius
Matrakçı Nasuh Exhibition - 16th Century Genius at Diyanet Center of America Opening Ceremony at October 6, 2017, Friday, 14:30pm 9610 Good Luck Road, Lanham, MD 20706 No Registration - Free Parking - No Fee Turkish Presidency IKASD Embassy of Turkey, Washington D.C.
10/13/2017 12:00:00 AM -04:00
0.0000Mini Montessori
Mini Montessori Tutorial for ages 4-6 While in the beautiful, inviting, and thoughtfully arranged Montessori Classroom at the Diyanet Center of America your children will have the opportunity to be guided through Montessori – inspired lessons in language arts, practical life, geography, mathematics and science. Through Montessori instruction students become: moral beings socially responsible spiritually aware confident independent intrinsically motivated citizens of the world academically prepared free within limits stewards of the earth Fall Session: Begins 10/4 Wednesday’s at 10am-12:00pm 10 week session $250 Sibling discount $225 All children attending this program must be potty trained before they can attend. REGISTER NOW: #Montessori #Mini #Kids #Education #DCA
10/4/2017 10:00:00 AM -04:00
0.0000Qur'an Class
Qur'an Class For Sisters at Diyanet Center of America Every Saturday between 11:00am to 1:00pm Guest House Class 120 9610 Good Luck Road, Lanham, MD 20706 Starting from September 23, 2017, Saturday at 11:00am! For questions and registration feel free to comment below.
9/23/2017 11:00:00 AM -04:00
0.0000Kur'an Sohbetleri
Amerika Diyanet Merkezi Hanımlara Özel Kur'an Sohbetleri Her Cuma Akşamı 7:45pm 11:00pm arası Guest House Class 120'de! İlk Sohbet 22 Eylül 2017 Cuma Günü Başlıyor! Adres: 9610 Good Luck Road Lanham Maryland 20706
9/22/2017 7:45:00 PM -04:00
0.0000Cub Scouts Registration Event - Kindergarten to 5th Grade
The Cub Scouts will be holding a registration event on Saturday September 9th, 2017 at DCA in the Guest House Cafeteria from 11:00- AM - 1:00 PM. By becoming a Cub Scout your child learns various practical skills ranging from arts and crafts to outdoorsmanship as well as how to be a good productive citizen. Cub Scouts teaches leadership and character development in some fun and amazing ways! Learn more at the meeting on this flier! Cub Scouts is a program for boys in Kindergarten through 5th grade. If you have any questions please contact
9/9/2017 11:00:00 AM -04:00
0.0000Eid Festival - Eid al-Adha
9/1/2017 8:00:00 AM -04:00
0.0000Community Volunteers: DCA Clean Up & Garden Care
Community Volunteers Join Us Daily for This Special DCA Clean Up & Garden Care Event Refreshments will be served. Everyday between; August 10 to 16, 2017, 6:30-7:30pm
8/10/2017 6:30:00 PM -04:00
0.0000Night Out with The Chief
Night Out With The Chief! Meet the Prince George's County Chief of Police at the Diyanet Center of America Chief of Police Henry P. Stawinski III and his command staff will be available for any questions, comments or concerns in regards to the community. August 9, 2017, 6:30pm Cultural Center, Auditorium DCA Complex
8/9/2017 6:30:00 PM -04:00
0.0000Young Women's Eid Party
Young Women's Eid Party by KAGEM DCA July 23, 2017, Sunday 4:00pm to 8:00pm Display Area, Cultural Center, Diyanet Center of America Open to all young women 15-25. Feel free to invite your friends, and the friends of your friends! For registration please visit;
7/23/2017 4:00:00 PM -04:00
0.000015 Temmuz Mevlid Programı
15 Temmuz Mevlid Programı 15 Temmuz 2017 Cumartesi Saat 9:00pm'de Amerika Diyanet Merkezi Camii'nde! Diyanet Center of America 9610 Good Luck Road, Lanham, MD 20706
7/15/2017 9:00:00 PM -04:00
0.0000Qur'an Contest Award Ceremony
DCA Qur'an Contest Award Ceremony July 9, Sunday, 3:00pm Auditorium, Cultural Center 9610 Good Luck Road, Lanham, MD 20706
7/9/2017 3:00:00 PM -04:00
0.0000Summer Camp
DCA ACTIVE Elementary Summer Camp Application for July 5 – August 4 Ages 6-12 Summer Camp Tuition: $595 (sibling discount $550) Please submit a completed application by the registration deadline of May 26 and submit a $50 deposit along with one reference. Applications that are not complete will not be processed. Deposit refunded only if your child is NOT accepted in the program. CONTACT: | REGISTER NOW: 9610 Good Luck Road LANHAM MD 20706 Monday to Thursday: 8:30am to 3:00pm, Fridays: 8:30am-2:15pm Five Week Program Quran | Arabic | Islamic Studies Archery | Martial Arts | Team Sports Swimming & MORE – Fee: $595 Sibling Discount: $550
7/5/2017 8:30:00 AM -04:00
0.0000Degerler Egitimi 2017
Değerler Eğitimi 2017 Ön Kayıtları Başladı! Yaş: 13-18 arası Erkekler için 3-15 Temmuz 2017 Kızlar için 17-29 Temmuz 2017 Ücret: $500 Not: Ön Kayıt ücretsizdir. Not 2: Program kontenjan ile sınırlıdır. Asıl kayıta kabul edilenler, 1 Haziran 2017’de açıklanacaktır.
7/3/2017 9:00:00 AM -04:00
0.0000Here We Are Forever - Film Screening
Film Screening at Diyanet Center of America 'Here We Are Forever' June 23, 2017, Friday, 9:30pm Auditorium, Cultural Center, DCA Complex KAGEM DCA & Kudüs Bilinci Derneği #film #movie #qudus #kudus #jeruselam #dca
6/23/2017 9:30:00 PM -04:00
0.0000Shadow Puppet Show with Henna
Shadow Puppet Show at Diyanet Center of America Henna Artists for all Kids and Adults June 21, 2017, Wednesday After Iftar #Karagoz #Hacivat #Show #Games #Kid #Event #Program #dca #Henna #Artist
6/21/2017 9:30:00 PM -04:00
0.0000Laylat al-Qadr Night
Laylat al-Qadr Night at Diyanet Center of America 8:41pm Maghreb Prayer 8:50pm Iftar 9:30pm Talk by Moutasem Atiya 10:00pm Talk by Dr. Yasar Colak 10:35pm Isha & Tarawih Prayers
6/21/2017 8:30:00 PM -04:00
0.0000Kids Iftar Program
Ramadan Iftar Program for Kids -Every Saturday after Magrib Prayer (around 8.30-10.00) -June 17 -Guest House – Cafeteria -Sponsored by KAGEM DCA -Ages between 6-10 years old only -Special kids menu, stories, arts and crafts and a different surprise each week. -Registration is required for each week. Every Monday we will open a new registration for following Saturday. -REGISTER BELOW For June 17, This Saturday
6/17/2017 8:30:00 PM -04:00
0.0000Neighborhood Kitchen
A Community Service Initiative to Feed the Homeless HELP US PREPARE CARE PACKAGES at June 17, 12:00pm, DCA Complex or/and MAKE A DONATION BELOW TO SUPPORT THIS PROJECT! Any questions please type us;
6/17/2017 12:00:00 PM -04:00
0.0000Youth Iftar & Night Program
Youth Iftar & Night Program Iftar, Tarawih, Sports Activities in Gym/Multipurpose Center, Outdoor Console Games, Qiyam al-Layl Prayer at 2:00am, Suhoor together Join Us Tonight! There is no age limit!
6/17/2017 12:00:00 AM -04:00
0.0000Eid Toy Drive
Eid Toy Drive with Islamic Relief USA June 9, 2017, Friday, 4:00pm to 8:00pm Display Area, Cultural Center, Diyanet Center of America
6/9/2017 4:00:00 PM -04:00
0.0000Iftar & Tarawih Night with Mohammad Jebril
Join Us on June 4, 2017, Sunday, Iftar & Tarawih Night with Mohammad Jebril at DCA Complex Muslim Legal Fund of America & Diyanet Center of America
6/4/2017 8:00:00 PM -04:00
0.0000Yassine Daoud - Ramadan 2017 Speakers
Diyanet Center of America #Ramadan2017 Speakers June 3 Yassine Daoud 9:30pm DCA Mosque, 9610 Good Luck Road, Lanham, MD Iftar Everyday Free Parking Kid Events Tarawih Prayer Muqabla (Qur'an Reciting) (Khatm)
6/3/2017 9:30:00 PM -04:00
0.0000Kids Iftar Program - 2
#Ramadan 2017 at Diyanet Center of America Kids Iftar Program with KAGEM DCA Every Saturday, After Maghreb Prayer at Guest House Cafeteria, DCA Complex Ages between 6 to 10 years old only! Registration is required for each week. Please visit
6/3/2017 8:00:00 PM -04:00
0.0000Kids Iftar Program
#Ramadan 2017 at Diyanet Center of America Kids Iftar Program with KAGEM DCA Every Saturday, After Maghreb Prayer at Guest House Cafeteria, DCA Complex Ages between 6 to 10 years old only! Registration is required for each week. Please visit
5/27/2017 8:30:00 PM -04:00
0.0000Berat Kandili Programi
Berat Kandili Programi May 10, 2017, Wednesday, 8:00pm #Amerika #Diyanet #Merkezi #Camii
5/10/2017 8:00:00 PM -04:00
0.0000Purification of the Hearts - 3-Day Retreat Program
May 5, 2017 - Friday - Between Maghrib and Isha - FREE May 6, 2017 - Saturday - 10am to 8pm May 7, 2017 - Sunday - 10am to 6pm Lunch will be served. Program is open to everyone. You can join any day and any hour to this 3 day retreat program. For registration, tickets and details; -Shaykh Salek Bin Siddina Shaykh Salek is from Mauritania, West Africa, a country known for producing some of the Muslim world’s most knowledgeable scholars. He studied for over 17 years in the famous mountain region of Taganat, from numerous accomplished scholars including Murabit al-Hajj, one of the greatest scholars of our age. In addition to memorizing the entire Quran in two of its recitations, he has studied and mastered some of the most advanced texts in the disciplines of Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh), arabic grammer (nahu), doctrinal creed (aqida), prophetic narration (hadith), and the study of the life of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him (seerah). From a family tracing its lineage back to the Prophet, peace be upon him, himself, he is respected and widely regarded amongst his peers as a scholar of the highest caliber. He currently runs a school in Mauritania teaching the Quran, Islamic law, and numerous other subjects to children and adults of all ages.
5/7/2017 12:00:00 AM -04:00
0.0000Purification of the Hearts with Shaykh Salek bin Siddina
Date/Time Date(s) - 05/05/2017 (Between Maghrib and Isha) 05/06/2017 (10:00am - 8:00pm) and 05/07/2017 (10:00 am - 6:00 pm) Location Diyanet Center of America 9704 Good Luck Road Lanham, Maryland 20706 United States Program is open to everyone. You can join any day and any hour to this 3 day retreat program. Limited special tickets are on sale! -Shaykh Salek Bin Siddina Shaykh Salek is from Mauritania, West Africa, a country known for producing some of the Muslim world’s most knowledgeable scholars. He studied for over 17 years in the famous mountain region of Taganat, from numerous accomplished scholars including Murabit al-Hajj, one of the greatest scholars of our age. In addition to memorizing the entire Quran in two of its recitations, he has studied and mastered some of the most advanced texts in the disciplines of Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh), arabic grammer (nahu), doctrinal creed (aqida), prophetic narration (hadith), and the study of the life of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him (seerah). From a family tracing its lineage back to the Prophet, peace be upon him, himself, he is respected and widely regarded amongst his peers as a scholar of the highest caliber. He currently runs a school in Mauritania teaching the Quran, Islamic law, and numerous other subjects to children and adults of all ages.
5/7/2017 12:00:00 AM -04:00
0.0000National Muslim Soup Kitchen Project
Annual National Muslim Soup Kitchen Project "A community service initative to help feed the homeless" Date: Saturday April 29 Time: 11am Location: DCA Fellowship Building 9704 Good Luck Road, Lanham MD 20706 A great family event to give back to the community. Food will be donated to Martha's Table in DC To Volunteer or Donate please use this link: Thank you to our event sponsor: Penny Appeal USA | KAGEM DCA
4/29/2017 11:00:00 AM -04:00
0.0000Official US Tour: Concert & Comedy Night
Official US Tour Concert & Comedy Night Featuring: Khaled Siddique & Prince Umi & Ali Official Early Bird Tickets on sale! April 28, 8:00pm, Auditorium, Cultural Center, DCA Complex 9610 Good Luck Road, Lanham, MD 20706 To see their works please check link below!
4/28/2017 8:00:00 PM -04:00
0.0000Mirac Kandili Programı
Amerika Diyanet Merkezi Mirac Kandili Programi 23 Nisan 2017 Pazar 6:30pm - Yemek Ikrami 8:00pm - Aksam Namazi 8:30pm - Mirac Kandili Programi 9:30pm - Yatsi Namazi 9:45pm - Hicaz Fotograf Sergisi
4/23/2017 8:00:00 PM -04:00
0.0000Meet the Author Series with Meraj Mohiuddin
Meet the Author Series with Dr. Meraj Mohiuddin April 22, Saturday, 6:00pm at Auditorium, Cultural Center, DCA Meet the Author Series: Dr. Meraj Mohiuddin American physician and writer, author of Revelation:The Story of Muhammad, Winner of the 2016 Best International Non-Fiction Book Award at the 3rd largest international book fair in the world. Light Refreshments Provided Free and open to public KAGEM@DIYANETAMERICA.ORG ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ABOUT THE AUTHOR Dr. Meraj Mohiuddin is an American physician and writer. The son of Indian immigrants, he was raised on the East Coast with a strong emphasis on sports and education. With a college background in neuro-science and medical degree from Northwestern University, he moved to Boston to complete his training in Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine. While teaching at Harvard Medical School and its affiliated hospitals, Dr. Mohiuddin developed an interest in international relief work and created a curriculum to encourage young American doctors to share their skills in the developing world. Dr. Mohiuddin has no formal training in the Islamic sciences. He considers himself a mainstream American-Muslim who believes that every prophet lived a timeless example of moderation and integrity. He has no political agenda other than to close the gaps of disharmony between Jews, Christians, and Muslims. “By getting to know our prophets,” he writes, “we can hope to attain a more compassionate, more gracious version of ourselves.” Dr. Mohiuddin is an avid reader and is particularly interested in studying how modern advances in cognitive and behavioral sciences can deepen our understanding of classical Islamic thought. Ultimately his love for the outdoors brought him to Phoenix, Arizona where he enjoys trail-running, archery, and camping. He lives with his wife and son, and his parents live down the street.
4/22/2017 6:00:00 PM -04:00
0.0000Meet & Greet Event with Haji Noor Deen
Meet & Greet Event with Haji Noor Deen April 21, 2017, Friday, 7:00pm Auditorium, Cultural Center, DCA Complex Refreshments provided Meet Master Calligrapher Haji Noor Deen. His art will be available for sale all week in the Cultural Center Exhibit Hall between April 17-21. 9704 Good Luck Road, Lanham, MD, 20706 Co-Sponsors Azzad Funds and KAGEM DCA
4/21/2017 7:00:00 PM -04:00
0.0000Adult Calligraphy Workshop
Adult Calligraphy Workshop with Haji Noor Deen April 17-20, 2017, 7:00pm - 9:00pm Early Bird Special: $99 All materials provided. 9704 Good Luck Road, Lanham, MD, DCA Complex For questions please type us via; or KAGEM DCA & Diyanet Center of America
4/20/2017 12:00:00 AM -04:00
0.0000Youth Calligraphy Workshop
Youth Calligraphy Workshop with Haji Noor Deen April 17-20, 2017, 10:30pm - 12:20pm Youth Ages 10+ Student: $75 Sibling Discount: $50 All materials provided. Register Here: 9704 Good Luck Road, Lanham, MD, DCA Complex For questions please contact: or KAGEM DCA & Diyanet Center of America
4/20/2017 12:00:00 AM -04:00
0.0000History, Memory, Identity - Symposium
Diyanet Islamic Research Institute & George Mason University Ali Vural Ak Center for Global Islamic Studies Presents 'History, Memory, Identity' Graduate Student Colloquium on Middle Eastern & Islamic Studies April 8-9, 2017 at Diyanet Center of America For details please visit;
4/9/2017 12:00:00 AM -04:00
0.0000Cooking Club featuring Author of My Halal Kitchen
KAGEM DCA Monthly Cooking Club Series Featuring Author and Founder of My Halal Kitchen by Yvonne Maffei Learn cooking tips and secrets from culinary expert Yvonne Maffei and enjoy the meal together! Workshop: The Deeper Meaning of Halal: Clean Eating & Conscious Living Cooking Demo | Q&A | Book Signing Diyanet Center of America 9704 Good Luck Road Lanham MD 20706 Register now before tickets sell out. Program open to all.
4/8/2017 2:00:00 PM -04:00
0.0000Community Appreciation Luncheon
The Diyanet Center of America cordially invites you to the First Annual Community Appreciation Fundraising Luncheon celebrating the DCA’s One Year Anniversary. Please join us on April 1st to be a part of this incredible event. The Diyanet Center of America is a unique complex in many ways, but now up to us as a community to take responsibility in addressing what is needed. Since community building starts with our youth, we would like to share upcoming programs and projects designed for our youth. Now that the DCA complex is complete, we now need to make accommodations that meet the needs of our youth. A few of these projects include starting a Montessori School, building a community playground, adding basketball goals to our multipurpose gymnasium, and building a soccer field. We turn to you for support to help us achieve the next step. We hope to inspire our community to look towards the future in our youth, as they are the future! Our efforts to complete the Montessori School, community playground, and sports projects will not be successful unless we have the support of everyone in the community. We need your support to accomplish more. We look forward to seeking you at our First Annual Community Appreciation Fundraising Luncheon on April 1st. Thank you to our Sponsors Sky Marble and Granite, Inc, Islamic Relief USA & KAGEM DCA FOR TICKETS & RSVP PLEASE VISIT; SPONSORSHIP PACKAGES FOR THE EVENT Video, Print Document, Stage, Social Media Promotions /
4/1/2017 2:00:00 PM -04:00
0.0000Community Storytime: Big Red Lollipop
Musiad USA "Independent Industrialists and Businessmen Association" & KAGEM DCA Presents Community Storytime for Kids "Big Red Lollipop" by Award winning Children's Author & Storyteller Rukhsana Khan. March 25th at 2pm Cultural Center Auditorum Diyanet Center of America Special gift to all our young guests, plus book signing! Bake Sale for our "Neighborhood Kitchen" project --------------------------------------------------------------------------- About the Author: Born in Lahore, Pakistan and immigrated to Canada at the age of three, she grew up in a small town in southern Ontario and was ruthlessly bullied. Drugs were against her religion (so was suicide) so she turned to books and became hopelessly addicted to the written word! When a grade eight teacher told her she was a writer, she thought the idea was crazy. Writers were white people. They were from England and America. To be ‘sensible’ she graduated from college at the top of her class as a biological-chemical technician. When she couldn’t get a decent job she decided to be ‘unsensible’ and become a writer. It took eight years to get her first book published. Now she has twelve books published (one of which was chosen by the New York Public Library as one of the 100 greatest children's books in the last 100 years). Some of her books have been published in other countries and in different languages. She has appeared on television and radio lots of times, and has been featured at conferences and festivals around the world. She lives in Toronto with her husband and family.
3/25/2017 2:00:00 PM -04:00
0.0000Neighborhood Kitchen for Homeless - 2nd Round!
#Neighborhood #Kitchen 2nd Round! Help us prepare care packages for #homeless! Donate via; and join as March 25, 12:00pm, Fellowship Hall, DCA Complex Watch the previous event video!
3/25/2017 12:00:00 PM -04:00
0.0000Film Screening - Little Gandhi
Film Screening - Little Gandhi at DCA! March 18, 6:00pm, Auditorium, Cultural Center Little Gandhi tells the heart-wrenching and tragic tale of iconic Syrian peace activist Ghiyath Matar. The story of Matar, dubbed "Little Gandhi” for his strict code of nonviolent protest, takes viewers through the Syrian people’s peaceful pursuit of freedom and democracy only to be met with live ammunition from the Syrian regime. While the documentary follows the journey of a young man dedicated to peaceful change – and the international attention his story received -- it also reflects the plight of all Syrians in their long fight for freedom. Little Gandhi, received "Excellence in Filmmaking” award at the 2016 European Independent Film Festival (Paris), and more recently the winner of "Best Foreign Documentary" award at the 2016 International Family Film Festival in Hollywood, CA. Earlier this year, the film was invited for two special screenings in Washington, DC: The first screening took place on the Hill for Members of U.S. Congress, while the other was at the U.S. Navy Memorial with keynote speaker Assistant U.S. Secretary of State for Human Rights, Tom Malinowski. Internationally, The film was screened in Doha, Qatar for International dignitaries & Ambassadors earlier this year & was also invited by Amnesty International to screen for the first time in London (UK).
3/18/2017 6:00:00 PM -04:00
0.0000Hijaz Memories Exhibition
Hijaz Memories Exhibiton at DCA! March 17, Friday, 2:00pm (After Jum'a Prayer) Display Hall, Cultural Center Turkish Airlines & Diyanet Center of America
3/17/2017 2:00:00 PM -04:00
0.0000Soulful Sounds of Solidarity: Art of the Qur'an
The Sanctuaries and Diyanet Center of America Presents An artistic celebration of interfaith collaboration inspired by the Smithsonian Exhibit: Art of the Qur'an At a time of deep social division, witness the power of the creative arts to bring Muslim and non-Muslim neighbors together. Enjoy live music, poetry, painting, and more inspired by the Islamic world. This one-of-a-kind arts showcase will feature collaborations between racially and religiously diverse artists responding to themes from the Smithsonian's historic "Art of the Qur'an" exhibit. It will also feature voices from different local Muslim communities. 6:00pm -- Doors 6:30pm -- Part I 7:30pm -- Intermission (for Isha'a prayer) 7:45pm -- Part II 8:45pm -- End FREE Event! But limited seating. Donations will be gratefully accepted. Light Refreshments provided. Please direct any questions to Join us on March 11th at 6:00pm 9704 Good Luck Road, Lanham, MD Auditorium, Cultural Center, DCA
3/11/2017 6:00:00 PM -05:00
0.0000Celebrate Women's International Day with KAGEM DCA
Celebrate International Women's Day with KAGEM DCA March 11, 2017, Saturday, 1:00pm 7021 97th Avenue, Lanham, MD, DCA Complex Wellness Workshop Cooking Demo Do it Yourself Skin Care Door Prizes & more.. WOMEN ONLY EVENT Free skin care products, wellness workshop, traditional Arab Cuisine, door prizes by SiwarBox and more! Refreshments provided. Babysitting available. Please RSVP for babysitting due to limited space. Online: $15 Door: $20 For registration and details: Sponsored by KAGEM DCA ------------------------------------------------------- WELLNESS DISCUSSION: Being Mindful: The Inner Transformation to Weight Loss. Lead by author Cordelia Gaffar DIY WORKSHOP: Natural Skin care Lead by My Honey Bee COOKING DEMO: by Aleppo Kitchen
3/11/2017 1:00:00 PM -05:00
0.0000Young Women Meetup
Young Women Meetup at KAGEM DCA! Social Activity, Insightful Discussion, Spiritual Empowerment for Young Women Ages 15-25 Location: Kagem House, 7021 97th Avenue, Lanham, MD, DCA Complex Time: 11:00am For any question feel free to type us;
3/11/2017 11:00:00 AM -05:00
0.0000Jum'a Prayer & Hifz Program Graduation Ceremony
Khutbah with Imam Ali Tos at 12:30pm at DCA Mosque! There will be a Graduation Ceremony for 2nd Hifz Student of DCA Hifz Program after Jum'a Prayer.
3/11/2017 12:00:00 AM -05:00
0.0000Göbekli Tepe: Değişen Paradigma ve Din Arkeolojisi
Göbekli Tepe: Değişen Paradigma ve Din Arkeolojisi March 10 2017 Friday 8:00pm Guest Speaker: Bilal Toprak The Catholic University of America & Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi
3/10/2017 8:00:00 PM -05:00
0.0000KAGEM Aile Buluşması
KAGEM DCA Aile Bulusmasi, 4 Mart 2017 Cumartesi saat 7:30pm'de, 7021 97th Avene, Lanham, MD Diyanet Amerika Merkezinde. Tanismak, sohbet etmek ve cay-kahve ikramimiz icin ailecek sizi de davet ediyoruz. *This program is in Turkish.
3/4/2017 7:30:00 PM -05:00
0.0000Let's Talk Peace: An open dialogue with our neighbors
Open Dialogue with our Neighbors, Mosque Tour, Lunch, Gift Bags and opportunity for Q&A Diyanet Center of America 9704 Good Luck Road Lanham MD 20706
3/4/2017 10:00:00 AM -05:00
0.0000Education in Islam
Education in Islam with Prof. Recep Senturk from FSMU March 2, 2017, Thursday. 7:45pm at Conference Room, Cultural Center, DCA This program is free and open to public.
3/2/2017 7:45:00 PM -05:00
0.0000Black History Month: Film Screening and Discussion
Unity Productions Foundation & Diyanet Center of America Presents: Black History Month Discussion and Film Screening of Prince Among Slaves Discussion Lead by Daniel Tutt & Fatimah Fanussie A great family program. Limited seats, first come first serve. Cultural Center Auditorium This event is free and open to public. Light Refreshments provided Program sponsored by KAGEM DCA & Unity Productions Foundation
2/25/2017 7:30:00 PM -05:00
0.0000Neighborhood Kitchen - For Homeless
DCA Presents! Neighborhood Kitchen Event A community service initiative to feed the homeless! Help us prepare 200 sandwiches on Feb 25, 1:30pm! Make a donation to support this project click here; For any information and details feel free to type us;
2/25/2017 1:30:00 PM -05:00
0.0000Türkiye'de Sistem Tartışmaları
22 Şubat 2017 Çarşamba günü saat 7:30pm'de Gazeteci-Yazar Kemal Öztürk ile 'Türkiye'de Sistem Tartışmaları' konferansı Diyanet Amerika Merkezi'nde! *This program is in Turkish
2/22/2017 7:30:00 PM -05:00
0.0000Community Town Hall with Maryland Representatives
Prince George's County Muslim Council Presents: Congressional Representatives Town Hall A community discussion with Maryland Representatives Steny Hoyer (D-5) & Anthony Brown (D-4) Tuesday Feb. 21 at 7:30pm Cultural Center Auditorium Light refresments provided Sponsored by PGCMC
2/21/2017 7:30:00 PM -05:00
0.0000PGCMC Townhall Event with Maryland Representatives
Prince George's County Muslim Council Presents: Congressional Representatives Townhall A community discussion with Maryland Representatives Steny Hoyer (D-5) and Anthony Brown (D-4) February 21st at 7:30pm Cultural Center Auditorium Light Refreshments Provided Please RSVP: Program sponsored by Prince George's County Muslim Council
2/21/2017 7:30:00 PM -05:00
0.0000Community Night Fitness & Swimming for Women
DCA ACTIVE invites you to an evening of Swimming and Fitness A women only event Free Swim, Fitness Demos, and work with a Personal Trainer Light Refreshments available Learn about DCA ACTIVE membership and programs, Free T-Shirt for all new member registration. Women only. Boys 6 and older not allowed to join activities. Information and details;
2/17/2017 7:00:00 PM -05:00
0.0000Qur'an Class for Ladies
2/12/2017 11:30:00 AM -05:00
0.0000An Evening of Remembering Allah
An Evening of Remembering Allah program in collaboration with Al-Madina Institute
2/11/2017 6:00:00 PM -05:00
0.0000Community Storytime: the Ilyas & Duck Show
Community Storytime featuring children's author Omar S. Khawaja and Ilyas & Duck Diyanet Center of America Cultural Center Auditorium Information and details;
2/11/2017 1:00:00 PM -05:00
0.0000Young Women - Weekly Halaqa
KAGEM DCA: Introducing a group for young women at DCA Our Mission: To provide young Muslim women ages 15-25 with the opportunity to get empowered to become leaders and make changes in their environments, through social activities, insightful discussions, and spiritual empowerment. Increasing knowledge while having fun! Saturday, February 4th 11am-2pm Come see what we're all about at our opening event. For all young women ages 15-25! Refreshments will be served InshaAllah KAGEM House 7021 97th Ave, Lanham, MD 20706
2/4/2017 11:00:00 AM -05:00
0.0000Khutbah with Suhaib Webb
Khutbah with Suhaib Webb at DCA Masjid Jum'a Prayer February 3, 2017 Friday, 12:30pm
2/3/2017 12:30:00 PM -05:00
0.0000The Opening Ceremony: Surah Al-Fatiha
Join us this Sunday, January 29th for a special session on Surah Al-Fatiha with Fawakih Institute! Ustadh Saif Omar will dive into some of the gems and inner meanings of Surah Al-Fatiha and give participants a taste of the Arabic language. Venue: KAGEM House 7021 97th Ave Lanham, MD
1/29/2017 2:00:00 PM -05:00
0.0000Book Discussion - The Whole Brain Child
Book Discussion at #KAGEMDCA #TheWholeBrainChild Sunday, January 29, 2017 1-2:00pm Diyanet Center of America Complex #family #youth #women #education #center #dca #book #discussion
1/29/2017 1:00:00 PM -05:00
0.0000Hablemos de la Paz: Un vistazo a la vida del musulmán
Descubra: la recitación del corán con tradución un recorrido por la mezquita una introdución al islam sesión de preguntas y respuestas DCA Cultural Center Auditorium Bolsas de regalo gratis | Aperitivos | Programa el español --------------------------------------------------------------------- Let's Speak Peace: A Glimpse at the life of a muslim Program In Spanish Experience: Introduction to Islam Mosque Tour Qur’an Recitation/Translation Question and Answer Session Complimentary Gift Bags | Refreshments | Free Admission Program Sponsored by Diyanet Center of America
1/28/2017 10:00:00 AM -05:00
0.0000Cooking Club Series
KAGEM DCA Monthly Series Cooking Club January Cooking Club featuring Guest Emine Fettah who will be sharing her expertise on traditional Turkish Tea time favorites. Learn from our guest chef and enjoy the meal prepared together. $5 suggested donation (material fee) Due to limited space, we encourage you to RSVP by emailing
1/22/2017 1:00:00 PM -05:00
0.0000Post Inauguration Community Potluck
HOPE 2017 Post Inauguration Community Potluck Next Steps for the Muslim Community Let's work together as a community to move forward. Discussion lead by Imam Tarif Shraim & Nadia Hassan, National Board Member of the Muslim Democratic Caucus Family Friendly Event Activities for Kids included Light Refreshments Provided. Potluck Event Program sponsored by KAGEM DCA
1/20/2017 7:00:00 PM -05:00
0.0000Meet&Greet with Elizabeth Hanson
Event will be at Divan Hall, Fellowship Hall in DCA between 3-5pm. Short Bio; Elizabeth Y. Hanson, HSM, LAc Elizabeth Hanson, educator, coach, writer, and speaker, believes in providing children with an excellent education and instilling a strong moral fiber in them. She believes that making a positive change in the world and creating a better place for all begins with the family; your family. "Children are my concern: my children, your children, everyone's children. In particular, I want your children to enjoy their childhoods, develop a passion for learning, and to grow up to be their very best." Program Sponsored By Kagem DCA & Mecca Books
1/15/2017 3:00:00 PM -05:00
0.0000Mawlid: In Praise of the Messenger
Please join us on January 14th Sponsored by Diyanet Center of America & Al-Madina Institute
1/14/2017 6:30:00 PM -05:00
0.0000Comedy Show with Jeremy McLellan
Get ready to laugh Comedy Night with Guest Comedian Jeremy McLellan A standup comedian based in Charleston, SC where he won the 2015 and 2016 Charleston Standup Comedy Competition and was named Best Local Comic in the Charleston City Paper. Saturday January 7th Cultural Center Audtiorium WE ARE SOLD OUT! Thanks for your interest. Sponsored by KAGEM DCA
1/7/2017 7:00:00 PM -05:00
0.0000Blood Drive
DCA Cultural Center For your convenience we are offering the ability to schedule your appointment online visiting Please use Sponsor Code Diyanet Center of America to schedule your life saving donation or contact with Altan for questions. For questions on eligibility please call Donor Services at: 1-866-236-3276 If you are O+, O-, B- or A- blood type?, we need you red cells! Please click here to see how you can help!
12/23/2016 12:00:00 PM -05:00
0.0000Community Storytime with Ilyas & Duck
DCA | Community Storytime Cover to Cover Bringing Storybooks Alive Featuring Ilyas & Duck Storybooks by Award winning author and the creator of Ilyas & Duck Omar Khawaja A family fun event Sunday December 18th at 12:45pm Cultural Center Auditorium Sponsored by KAGEM DCA (formerly known as DCA Women's Committee) #ilyasandduck #maryland #dmvarea #kid #show #storytime #dca
12/18/2016 12:45:00 PM -05:00
0.0000Mevlid Kandili Programi
Aksam Namazi 5:00 Mevlid Programi 5:30 Yatsi Namazi 6:30 Yemek ve Ikram 7:00
12/11/2016 5:00:00 PM -05:00
0.0000Amerika Gençlik Buluşması
17-25 Yaş arası Kanada ve Amerika'da yaşayan/okuyan genç kızlarımıza yönelik Kadın, Aile ve Gençlik Merkezi (KAGEM DCA) tarafından 24-27 Kasım 2016 tarihleri arasında 4 gün-3 gecelik program düzenlenecektir. Kayıt ve detaylar için adresini ziyaret edebilirsiniz.
11/27/2016 12:00:00 AM -05:00
0.0000Women's Fitness & Wellness Workshop
DCA ACTIVE's Women's Fitness & Wellness will includes Free Swimming, Nutrition Workshop, Free Body Assessments, opportunity to participate in various Fitness Classes, and work with experts to help design a weight loss plan that's right for you. Refreshments provided. This event is free open to public. This program is for Women & Girls only. (boys 6 and older will not be permitted to join the fitness & swim sessions).
11/20/2016 10:00:00 AM -05:00
0.0000Meet the Author & Cooking Club series: The Gaza Kitchen
Cooking Club & Meet The Author Series Events at DCA
11/12/2016 1:00:00 PM -05:00
0.0000Eid al-Fitr Prayer
Prayer: The Eid prayer will be on July 5, 2016 at 8 am. There will be only one Eid prayer. Breakfast: Will be served Right after the Eid Prayer. Zakaat-ul Fitr / Sadaqat-ul Fitr: $10 for each member in your household. It is recommended to pay this before the Eid Prayer. Notes - Please come early due to limited parking spaces. - Please come to the Eid prayer in a state of Wud’oo (Ablution) and bring your prayer rugs. - We are urging everyone to carpool for all events. - Overflow parking will be available at Veteran of Foreign Wars at 9800 Good Luck Rd., Lanham, MD 20706 (Walking Distance from the Mosque) -Details and questions about Eid al-Fitr visit -For live stream subscribe us on Youtube!
7/5/2016 8:00:00 AM -04:00
0.0000Imam Tarif Shraim 14 week lecture series
'Ascending to Allah': A life changing practice each week to prepare our minds, hearts and souls for a transformative Ramadan experience.
3/5/2016 12:30:00 AM +00:00
0.0000Jonathan Brown
'Justice and law in the Islamic Tradition'
2/21/2016 12:30:00 AM +00:00
0.0000Hajii Noor Deen
Join us to meet world famous Calligrapher Hajj Noor Deen!
11/23/2015 12:00:00 AM +00:00