Association of Bosniaks of Delaware Valley-Philadelphia
Youth Night, 4th Big Brother Big Sister Meeting and 1st BBBS Iftar
6/17/2017 12:00:00 AM -04:00
0.0000Predramazansko druženje/The Scent of Ramadan
5/14/2017 5:00:00 PM -04:00
0.00003rd Big Brother Big Sister Meeting
Community Garden & Games
4/29/2017 12:30:00 PM -04:00
0.0000Sjećanje na Isra i Mi'radž
Program: 17:00h Čas za djecu o Isra i Mi'radžu/mekteb 18:00h Ikindija-namaz i program povodom Isre i Mi'radža 19:45h Akšam-namaz Lejletu'l-miradž - nedjelja, 23. april 2017. Ovo je noć u kojoj je Muhammed, neka je mir i spas Božiji na njega, uz Božiju pomoć uzdignut do mjesta do kojeg nikad niko od ljudi ni prije ni poslije njega nije stigao. To se dogodilo 27. noći mjeseca redžeba 621. godine. Božiji Poslanik je te noći najprije nošen od Časnog Hrama u Mekki do džamije El-Aksa u Jerusalemu, a potom uzdignut kroz pojedina nebesa do Sidretu-l-muntehaa (Lotosa nad sedmim nebom) ili još bliže Uzvišenom. Tu se Poslanik, neka je spas i mir Božiji na njega, susreo sa nekim poslanicima, a razgovarao je i sa Uzvišenim Bogom. Na miradžu su objavljena posljednja dva stavka poglavlja El-Bekare, naređeno je pet dnevnih namaza muslimanima, a kao uspomena na razgovor vođen na miradžu u namazu se uči tkzv. ettehijat, na svakom sjedenju prilikom obavljanja namaza. Ovaj dan je i Dan vakifa - onih koji svoju imovinu ostavljaju kao zadužbinu na korist generacijama poslije njih.
4/23/2017 6:00:00 PM -04:00
0.0000Big Brother Big Sister Program 2nd Meeting
Big Brother Big Sister of Bosniaks in Philadelphia-South Jersey 2nd Meeting!! BE PART OF SOMETHING…BIG You don’t have to change your life to change theirs. When: Saturday; April 1st @ 12:30pm Meeting will include: 1) Recap of the last month 2) Presentation 3) Lunch 4) Group Activity 5) SKY ZONE!!! Prices for Sky Zone: 60 Minutes $16 plus $2 for socks PLEASE fill out waiver or we can do it at the place but it is easier if everyone does it at home and prints it out.
4/1/2017 12:30:00 PM -04:00
RSVP to by March 1st! Program: 09:30am Registration and Breakfast 10:00am The Qur'anic Worldview: Reason and Purpose of Creation 11:00am Break 11:15am Workshop: Noah's Ark 12:15am Dhuhr Prayer and Lunch 01:30pm Community Engagement and Programs 02:15pm Break 02:30pm Role of Muslim Youth in Today's Environment 03:30pm Asr Prayer 04:00pm Open Discussion with Ermin 05:00pm End of Program and Free Activities Facilitators: Ermin Sinanovic, PhD Imam Amir Duric Age: Youth and Young Adults (Flexible) LIMITED # of entries! Attendance fee: $10 For more info: 856-266-8625 Looking forward to hosting you. Welcome!
3/4/2017 9:30:00 AM -05:00
0.0000Youth Night
Schedule: 08:32 PM Maghrib and Iftar 09:45 PM Welcome words and Lecture by Hafiz Riyad 10:15 PM Isha and Taraweeh 11:15 PM Break after Taraweeh 11:30 PM Prezentations and Short Discussion, Nasheeds 00:30 PM Entertainment Ping-pong tournament for boys Palačinke time, challenge for girls:-) 02:00 AM Night prayer and dhikr (remembering Allah and supplications) 03:00 AM Sahur time 04:15 AM Fajr prayer and mukabela
7/3/2016 12:00:00 AM -04:00
0.0000Mjesec posebnih prilika!
6/5/2016 8:30:00 PM -04:00
0.0000Youth Convention
PROGRAM 10:00 AM Gathering, breakfast and coffee 10:45 AM Welcoming words 11:00 AM The purpose of life; why we are created by Imam Amir 11:45 AM Break 12:00 PM Importance of Marriage and Keeping Virginity (More about relationships in Islam) by Allen Kolenovic 12:45 PM Preparation for ZUHR 01:00 PM ZUHR PRAYER 01:15 PM LUNCH 02:15 PM What happens after death and why prayer is so important by hafiz Semsudin Imamovic 03:00 PM Break 03:15 PM Q&A (Open discussion) 04:15 PM Preparation for ASR 04:30 PM ASR PRAYER 05:00 PM Role of youth before and now by Imam Saami (Muslim American Community Association in Voorhies) 06:00 PM MAGRIB AND DINNER 07:00 PM Outside activity (Funplex)
3/5/2016 10:00:00 AM -05:00
0.0000Youth, Movie and Pizza Night
Highlights 7:00PM Isha prayer/Jacija 7:30PM Movie 8:45PM Pizza and refreshments 9:30PM Discussion
1/30/2016 7:00:00 PM -05:00
0.0000Ice Skating Night
11/20/2015 7:00:00 PM -05:00
0.0000Putopisi sa hadždža
Vremenski raspored: 19:00h Zajednička večera 19:45h Jacija-namaz 20:00h Nadahnute priče sa hadždža (iskustva naših hadžija) 20:30h Predavanje dr. Ermina Sinanovića 21:00h Omladinsko druženje
10/23/2015 7:00:00 PM -04:00