For this year's campaign, we invite our sisters and brothers in faith to affirm that every human being is precious in God's eyes – and that includes women and girls!
Make a pledge by sharing your photo with one of the following messages:
• Because we are precious in God's eyes, I encourage my faith community to protect, support and accompany survivors of rape and violence.
• Because we are precious in God's eyes, I will denounce trafficking of women and children.
• Because we are precious in God's eyes, I will not keep silent on sexual and gender-based violence.
• Because we are precious in God's eyes, I oppose harmful practices like female genital mutilation (FGM) and child marriage.
• Because we are precious in God's eyes, I will invest in education for girls
• Because we are precious in God's eyes, I will support women's and girls' quest for justice.
• ...or write your own pledge!
Since 2015, a broad faith-based coalition advocates for the dignity of girls and women and highlights the crucial work that faith based actors are doing during these 16 Days, and every day, to eliminate gender based violence.
Participating organizations
Anglican Communion, Church of Sweden, Finn Church Aid, Islamic Relief Worldwide, Lutheran World Federation, Mission 21, World Communion of Reformed Churches, World Council of Churches, World YWCA. External Event Url
2455 NE Interstate 410 Loop #150, San Antonio, TX 78217, USA