In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Under times of hardship and obstacles we sometimes don't know how to overcome, Muslim Youth need to have a role model, a mentor, an inspiration to keep fighting no matter what we come across. Want to find this role model, this inspiration who will undoubtedly help with these hardships? Join the Muslim Youth of North America this spring to delve into a history that is rarely talked about to the youth. A man who used to be a busboy worked his way up to succeed in ways that we cannot even imagine. After facing unbearable criticisms from the public, he still stood as an inspiration to thousands across the globe. This man is other than Malcolm X. From the challenges he faced to the way he handled them, Malcolm X has impacted innumerable lives, and yet several youth may not even know who this man is. Throughout the weekend, youth will explore the life of Malcolm and have the opportunity to reshape their lives! As Muslim Youth of North America, it is not only obligatory upon us to seek knowledge of our religion, but also worldly knowledge, as explained by several scholars. Now, we have the opportunity to listen to these very same scholars about the importance of people such as Malcolm X, who have not only shaped the world to be what it is today, but have shaped the Muslim people to be what they are. Join us at this MYNA camp for a chance to experience something that you've never experienced before, something that can only be experienced at this camp! External Event Url
1180 W Houston St, Anna, TX, United States