Islamic schools possess a priceless asset that must be harnessed and guided to its optimal capacity. The gift of faith that is inherent in us is a powerful instrument which can be used to nurture and inspire the innate potential in each individual. Educators have an obligation to use the power of faith to inspire our youth to excel in all they do and serve not only the school community but humanity as well.
Principals’ Academy
Board Leadership Forum
Networking Opportunities
Parallel Sessions
Celebration Banquet with Keynote Speaker Imam Suhaib Webb
Arabic and Quran
Optimizing the Learning Outcome in Quran Class
Building an Arabic Reading Program
Building Proficiency in Arabic through performance
Reviving Tafseer Class and Making it Productive and Enjoyable
Islamic Studies and Character Building
Formative and Summative Assessment in Islamic Studies Class
Building Empathy in the Classroom
Self Strengthening, Self Identity for Leadership and Civic Engagement
Transforming Islamic Studies into Beloved Classes
Curriculum and Instruction
Social and Emotional Learning
Working Successfully with Difficult Children
Reimagining the Science Classroom
Using Art Integration to Enhance Curriculum
Leadership Board and Administration
Leadership and Team Dynamics
Blueprint For School Improvement
Communication Strategies for Complicated Relationships
Creating Exceptional Boards
Friday, January 13
Curriculum & Instruction - ASCD Pam Robbins
Arabic and Qur'an Studies - Dalia El-Deeb and Lina Kholaki
Islamic Studies and Character Building - Azra Ali
Leadership: Principals and Adminstration - Habeeb Quadri and Omar Ezzeldine
Saturday, January 14
Creating an Exceptional Board - Maher Budair, Balanced Leadership Institute
Saffiyah Mustafa, Registration Coordinator
(317) 838 - 8129 or
Program Assistant
(317) 839 - 1814 or External Event Url
777 W Convention Way, Anaheim, CA, United States