ICNA Relief

Comfort Care Packs; Essentials Pantry
The ICNA Relief USA; MA Field Office in Partnership with the Ummati Foundation will be distributing Comfort Care Packs on a Monthy Basis. Each Pack will Contain Essential Hygiene Products, Household Cleaners and Food Staples for Low Income Families. These Essential Items May Not Be Purchased with Food Stamps Making it Difficult for Low Income Families to Obtain. These Items are Usually Not Distributed Through Traditional Food Pantries.
12/8/2018 12:00:00 AM -05:00
ICNA Relief Canada Matrimonial Mingle
ICNA Relief Canada is hosting a Family Matrimonial event on May 11,2018 to create a platform for the community to meet other families and individuals interested in connecting for marriage. When: May 11, 6-9 PM. Where: Maple Banquet Hall, 1325 Eglinton Avenue East, Mississauga, ON L4W 4L9 Ticket: $30 per person (first come first serve basis) Only available online Dinner will be served. Register Here: https://icnareliefcanada.ca/matrimonial-event-2018 For any questions, please call at 905-997-8777 or 905-858-1067
5/11/2018 6:00:00 PM -04:00
What's Your Legacy? ICNA Relief MA Benefit Dinner
Join ICNA Relief Massachusetts on May 5th with keynote speakers Br. Majed Mahmoud and Sr. Estela Rodriguez-Jebril at our annual benefit dinner as we come together to support our ongoing services and programs in Boston. Lets come together to open our doors for all those in need in our community. We can't wait to see you all there! Purchase your tickets today at icnarelief.org/boston. Free babysitting is available.
5/5/2018 7:00:00 PM -04:00
Changing The World from Home: MD Benefit Dinner
Join ICNA Relief Maryland on April 29th with special guest speakers Imam Siraj Wahaj and Sr. Malika Macdonald at our annual benefit dinner as we come together to support our great programs and services in Maryland. Purchase your tickets today at icnarelief.org/maryland.
4/29/2018 6:00:00 PM -04:00
Changing Communities With Compassion: Orlando Banquet
Join ICNA Relief Orlando on April 28th with special guest speakers, Wisam Sharieff and Majed Mahmood, as we come together to help our communities. Without your help, ICNA Relief would not be able to help the Central Florida community with its programs, such as serving over 700 people on a monthly basis, providing women with a place to stay at our Women’s Transitional Home, free health fairs, and much more! Get your tickets today at www.icnarelief.org/orlando. Lets come together to bring change in our communities. We can't wait to see you all there!
4/28/2018 7:00:00 PM -04:00
Changing the World from Home - ICNA Relief Orlando Banquet
Changing The World From Home A benefit dinner for ICNA Relief's Women's Shelters, Refugee Services, Food Pantries, Free Health Clinics and other humanitarian projects. Featured Guests: Ust. Majed Mahmoud Ust. Wisam Sharieff Details are TBA! We look forward to seeing you there, insha'Allah! Visit us on our website for more information on our projects: http://icnarelief.org/ Tickets: icnarelief.org/orlando About ICNA Relief: ICNA Relief USA seeks to alleviate human suffering by providing caring and compassionate service to victims of adversities and survivors of disasters. ICNA Relief USA strives to build healthy communities, strengthen families and create opportunities for those in despair while maintaining dignity and advocating for basic human needs.
4/28/2018 7:00:00 PM -04:00
Mothers: Cornerstones of our Communities
Join us in honoring our mothers and helping build our network of supporting mothers as they go through some of the most intense phases of life. We have been serving moms in the suburbs for almost 3 years and we are ready to expand! This event will introduce and launch our services into the Chicago area and serve more inner-city, refugee and immigrant moms. This event is for everyone, if you have a mother, are a mother, or believe in the impact of a mother. Megan Wyatt, Founder of Wives of Jannah will be our guest speaker! Join us!
4/28/2018 2:00:00 PM -05:00
SFL: Car Workshop
Ever find yourself stuck on the side of the road with a flat tire and no idea what to do? Or you get back to your car after a long day at school/work and your car battery is dead? Be flustered no more! Come learn how to: - Change a tire - Jump a battery - Pump air in a tire - Check your oil And much more!
4/28/2018 2:00:00 PM -04:00
Foster Parent Workshop & Dinner
Learn what it's like to be a Foster Parent! Learn about the service of caring for an orphan, or a child in need in your neighborhood. Speakers: Sheikh Hassan Aly- Mecca Center Imam & Director Kristina Engel DCFS LCSW - Public Service Administrator Chuck Dorthy DCFS - Resource Recruitment Specialist Community Dinner 7 pm Foster Parent Workshop after Maghrib Questions contact chicago@icnarelief.org
4/27/2018 7:00:00 PM -05:00
Muslims For Humanity | ICNA Relief WA Annual Dinner
Join ICNA Relief Washington on April 21st with Sh Yassir Fasaga, Imam Rafiq Mahdi, Imam Mohamed Joban, and Sh Fazal Hassan, as we host our Annual Fundraising Dinner to support our many great programs and services such as food pantries, back 2 school giveaways, and much more. Tickets are $20 per person, or $50 for a family of 4. >12 years are free. Together lets help care for our community. We hope to see you all there.
4/21/2018 5:30:00 PM -07:00
Changing Communities With Compassion: St. Louis Banquet
Join ICNA Relief St. Louis on April 21sh with special guest speakers Sh. Saad Tasleem and Sh. Abdul Hakim at our annual benefit dinner as we come together to support our great programs and services in Missouri. Lets come together to bring change in our communities. We can't wait to see you all there! Purchase your tickets today at icnarelief.org/STL.
4/21/2018 6:30:00 PM -05:00
Legal Workshop for Seniors: Wills and Estates
Seniors! This is for you! Learn how to Protect your rights, your property, and your legacy with our legal workshop on Wills and Estates presented by Attorney Asiya Khan in Mississauga. What: “Wills & Estates Workshop” When: Monday April 16, 2018, at 10:30 am - 1:30 pm Where: 15-3375 Thomas Street Mississauga Registration required Call 905.858.1067 or email nargis@icnareliefcanada.ca
4/16/2018 10:30:00 AM -04:00
Curriculum Night
This is a curriculum event for the community; an opportunity to share your curriculums and peruse others'. We welcome curriculum from all subject areas and grade levels. Please complete the registration at the link below to list what curriculum you plan to bring, see any curriculum you'd be interested in looking through, sell/trade curriculum, or to see one of our curriculum demos. Suggested donation of $1 to ICNA RELIEF REGISTRATION LINK: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fpkfNQwt-oFvp4WSgRpYh-2pDonfUomSWqGdpPnFSTo/edit?usp=sharing This event will help empower all educators from all walks of life; from homeschooling families to traditional educators. *We highly encourage parents to come child-free to this event; however, we understand the need to bring children. Therefore, there will be a separate room where kids will stay in order to give the parents a chance to explore the information (unsupervised room).
4/13/2018 7:00:00 PM -04:00
Changing Communities with Compassion
4/7/2018 6:00:00 PM -05:00
Food distribution
Our food pantry will be open from 10am-1pm on the first and third Saturday of April. Please come if you are in need or know of a family in need! Please park on 53rd street if the parking lot is full.
4/7/2018 10:00:00 AM -05:00
Food distribution
Our food pantry will be open from 10am-1pm on the first and third Saturday of April. Please come if you are in need or know of a family in need! Please park on 53rd street if the parking lot is full.
4/7/2018 10:00:00 AM -05:00
Hunger Prevention Day of Service
We will be preparing and serving dinner to the guests at Rosie's Place; join ICNA Relief Muslims for Humanity as we serve those in our community who are in need InshaAllah. Rosie's Place is Boston's Oldest Shelter for Homeless Women Sponsor Meal Here: www.icnarelief.org/donate Please fill out volunteer registration form as slots are limited. If we have enough interest we will consider serving dinner on a monthly basis InshaAllah: Register Here: https://goo.gl/forms/xARJdQOdzxJpbhD13
3/25/2018 2:30:00 PM -04:00
Changing the World from Home - ICNA Relief Tampa
Changing The World From Home A benefit dinner for ICNA Relief's Women's Shelters, Refugee Services, Food Pantries, Free Health Clinics and other humanitarian projects. Featured Guests: Sr. Dunia Shuaib Dr. Altaf Husain Sh. Yasir Qadhi $35 Adult Ticket | $500 Table Sponsorship Babysitting available For more info contact (954) 260-2137 We look forward to seeing you there, insha'Allah! Visit us on our website for more information on our projects: http://icnarelief.org/ Tickets: icnarelief.org/tampa About ICNA Relief: ICNA Relief USA seeks to alleviate human suffering by providing caring and compassionate service to victims of adversities and survivors of disasters. ICNA Relief USA strives to build healthy communities, strengthen families and create opportunities for those in despair while maintaining dignity and advocating for basic human needs.
3/18/2018 5:00:00 PM -04:00
Changing The World from Home: NY Benefit Dinner
Join us at our annual benefit dinner on March 17th as we come together with special guests, Dr. Yasir Qadhi, Br. Monzer Taleb, and comedian Azhar Usman, to support the opening of a family shelter in New York! Purchase your tickets today at icnarelief.org/NY
3/17/2018 7:00:00 PM -04:00
What Saves Your Marriage? Marriage Tools for Men
*Pre-Registration on Eventbrite required Divorce is becoming more common in North America, irrespective of cultural backgrounds. The Muslim community is no exception. Divorce is never easy and will not be an easy decision. Divorce comes with many social, spirutal, and financial consequences for the husband, wife and their children. Can marriage be saved? The purpose of this get together is to share tips, advice, and practical solutions on guiding young men through the early stages of marriage and through the premarital/engagement phases. when: March 17th, 3pm- 7pm venue: ICNA Youth Studio, 15-3375 Thomas Street, Mississauga register: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/what-saves-your-marriage-what-men-need-to-know-tools-for-marriage-tickets-42476785208 Please note, this event is for males only. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Agreement By attending any event or program of ICNA Relief Canada, you are aware the photography, audio, and video recording will be done by staff and volunteers. By entering the event, you are giving ICNA Relief Canada consent to interview(s), photography, audio recording, video recordings and their release, publication, exhibition, or reproduction to be used for news, web casts, promotional purposes, telecasts, advertising, inclusion on websites, social media, or any other purpose by ICNA Relief Canada and its affiliates and representatives. Images, photos, and/or videos may be used to promote similar events in the future. You release ICNA Relief Canada, Staff and all persons involved from any liability connected with the taking, recording, digitizing, or publication and use of interviews, photographs, computer images, video and/or sound record recordings. You have been fully informed of your consent waiver of liability, and release before entering the event.
3/17/2018 3:00:00 PM -04:00
Changing the World from Home: ATL Benefit Dinner
SAVE THE DATE! ICNA Relief Atlanta presents: Changing the World from Home, a benefit dinner to support our amazing projects, such as food pantries, feeding the homeless, social services, and more. Join us on March 16th with special guest Sh. Yaser Qadhi! Date: March 16, 2018 | Friday Time: 6:00 PM Venue: Al Noor Banquet Hall Tickets: Adults $25 Please buy your ticket today at: www.icnarelief.org/Atlanta Or you can contact: 770-300-0067 info@icnaga.org
3/16/2018 6:00:00 PM -07:00
ICNA Relief Georgia's 7th Annual Banquet
ICNA Relief Atlanta served over 24,000 people in Metro Atlanta in 2017. ICNA Relief established below projects in Atlanta area: 1.) Hunger Prevention 2.) Women Shelters 3.) Refugee Assistance - ESOL, RACE and SAT, SAHI 4) Health Clinics - Atlanta/Athens 5.) Food Pantry at Clarkston 6.) Back2School Giveaway 7.) Muslim Family Services 8.) Qurbani/Udhiyah Meat Distribution 9.) Ramadan Ifhtar 10.) Internship/ Volunteer Training program 11.) Disaster Services 12.) Fitrah Management Free BabySitting will be provided
3/16/2018 6:45:00 PM -04:00
IRC March Break: Crafty Kids
It will soon be March Break, which means it is time for IRC March Break Youth Programs! ------------------ Pablo Picasso. “Every child is an artist. ...----------------- * Must absolutely pre-register on Eventbrite* Crafty Kids- March 15th A day for young kids between ages 7-12. Come and enjoy arts and crafts and have fun. There will be various arts and craft activities that will spark the inner artist in the kids! The kids will be able to take their masterpieces home :) Materials will also be provided for those who register, while quantities last. Also, bring a tasty snack or a dish to share with other! Please Kindly Note: Kids are required to attend event with parent and guardian Bring your own scissors Event will be videotaped and photographed Pre-registration is required Limited spots For inquiries call Dr. Humaira 905-997-1827 Tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/irc-march-break-program-crafty-kids-tickets-43261531405
3/15/2018 11:00:00 AM -04:00
Youth Take Over: Making A Difference In Your Community
Youth Takeover: Making a Difference in Your Community: Youth Take Over After attending the workshop, young adults will gain a greater understanding of different methods of civic engagement. Plus learn about a cool new app to find places to volunteer! We will start by sharing stories from other community members that have made an impact on the local community and engage in discussing the importance of volunteering. We will discuss ways to have younger voices heard, ideas made into reality, and joining a youth council and more. We hope to give the opportunity for youth, seniors, and adults alike to engage in one session in hands-on activities that will help young adults build the skills to become an effective community leader, empowering others, with a strong focus on communication. For youth 15 and above Date March 14 Time :11:00am-2:00pm Venue: 15-3375 Thomas Street,Mississauga Pre-registration on Eventbrite is required Free event Limited spots Contact ICNA Relief Canada for more information at icnauniversity@gmail.com Register Here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/youth-take-over-making-a-difference-in-your-community-tickets-43216573936 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Agreement By attending any event or program of ICNA Relief Canada, you are aware the photography, audio, and video recording will be done by staff and volunteers. By entering the event, you are giving ICNA Relief Canada consent to interview(s), photography, audio recording, video recordings and their release, publication, exhibition, or reproduction to be used for news, web casts, promotional purposes, telecasts, advertising, inclusion on websites, social media, or any other purpose by ICNA Relief Canada and its affiliates and representatives. Images, photos, and/or videos may be used to promote similar events in the future. You release ICNA Relief Canada, Staff and all persons involved from any liability connected with the taking, recording, digitizing, or publication and use of interviews, photographs, computer images, video and/or sound record recordings. You have been fully informed of your consent waiver of liability, and release before entering the event.
3/14/2018 11:00:00 AM -04:00
Changing Communities With Compassion
ICNA Relief Presents ICNA Relief Austin's Annual Benefit Dinner KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: Sh. Yasir Birjas & Ust. Haris Qudsi TICKETS: Single: $15 Family: $30 Family w/Children: $40 Babysitting will be available. FOR MORE INFO: Br. Mumtazul Karim: 512-917-2544 Sr. Asra Nazneen: 717-576-9349 Br. Bazil Farid: 512-289-8643 Register online at icnarelief.org/austin
3/10/2018 6:00:00 PM -06:00
ICNA Relief's MFS 11th Annual Fundraising Banquet
Join us for our 11th Annual Fundraising dinner. A Night of Inspiration: Building a Legacy. Be inspired by those who have overcome strife and difficulties through our programs and aspire to be like those who have worked so hard in the community to give the less fortunate the tools they need for success! To register, visit our website at www.muslimfamilyservices.org/banquet.
3/4/2018 3:00:00 PM -05:00
Feed Your Neighbors, Feed the Hungry.
Join ICNYouth and ICNA Relief as we come together to feed those in need in the Chicagoland area. Our food drive will bring food relief to refugees, sisters in transitional housing and underprivileged families in our local communities. Each box costs $35 and contains the basic food necessities to help those families in need. Once we collect, we will purchase the items and box them together before we distribute. Feed your neighbors, feed the hungry. How can you help? 3 different ways! 1. Donate monetarily through our launch good campaign launchgood.com/feedthehungryfooddrive 2. Donate the specific food items and quantities on the flyer by bringing them to ICN Ogden throughout the month (or better yet, bring them on the day of packaging) 3. Come help package the items into boxes to prepare for distribution on Sunday March 4th at Noon at ICN Ogden
3/4/2018 12:00:00 PM -06:00
ICNA Relief Annual Banquet
Purchase your tickets here: CHI.ICNARELIEF.org WHAT IS YOUR LEGACY? When we give donations or zakat, how often do we see the ripple effect, or meet the people whose lives have been transformed? Inshallah, please join us at the Islamic Circle of North America Relief ( ICNA Relief) annual banquet to see God's blessings and barakah, your compassion and your donations, holding families together. And how often do our co-workers and friends get to see Islam in Action versus the stereotypes? Do bring a friend. TICKETS:$60/ person, $250/family of 5 and $600/ table. Ages 3 - 11 : $10 For questions or for sponsorships please contact chicago@icnarelief.org Dinner to be served following registration Speakers: Mufti Azeemuddin, Imam Darus Salam Masjid & Tarek El-Messidi, Activist & Founder of Fast-a-thon Sh. Abderraoof Alkhawaldeh, Chairman for North Texas Islamic Council
3/3/2018 6:30:00 PM -06:00
The Power of the Pen: Our Untold Story
The Power of the Pen: Our Untold Story We are thrilled to invite you to experience a ‘spiritual feast’ that benefits clients in need at our exclusive fundraising dinner: The Power of the Pen, Our Untold Story. Why Untold? People will talk about us and tell our story on our behalf. Unless we take charge of our own narrative and tell our own story and take charge of the pen, we will always be at the mercy of others: “Nun. By the pen and what they inscribe, You are not, [O Muhammad], by the favor of your Lord, a madman. And indeed, for you is a reward uninterrupted. And indeed, you are of a great moral character.” Surah Qalam: Versus 1-4 Your donation will empower people: ICNA Relief’s pledge this year is to empower everyone in need through education, literacy, workshops for youth and adults, ESL classes, financial assistance and other services that uplift others and provide a safe place to learn and grow. Speakers: Ustadh AbdelRahman Murphy from Qalam Insititute Tasleem Jamila aka TAJ is an internationally renowned poet, vocalist and cultural producer. Samira Fazal - The Writer - Pakistani author and screenwriter best known for scripting Dastaan Tickets: $25 pp/ $80 family of 4 Venue: New Brunswick Islamic Center 1330 Livingston Ave, North Brunswick Township, NJ 08902 More info: NJ@icnarelief.org
3/3/2018 6:00:00 PM -05:00
Life After Divorce: Secrets for A Content Life - For Sisters
* Pre-Registration on Eventbrite Required Life doesn't end after divorce and nobody should feel like it does even for a moment. Why do some women do well after divorce, while others get stuck? It all depends on the tools this woman was given in preparation for this life transition. Many women feel victimized and this guides their actions post-divorce, others feel a sense of empowerment and strive to become mentally, spiritually, and physically stronger than they were when they were married. Regardless, be a survivor and face your situation. Your attitude will dictate the quality of the rest of your life. Join us for an evening to rediscover yourself and find out the best ways to become more self-aware, spiritually revived, and simply figuring out who you are and what you want as a woman for yourself again going forward. Date : March 3,2018 Time :3:00-7:00pm Venue : 15-3375 Thomas street Register: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/life-after-divorce-secrets-to-a-content-life-for-sisters-tickets-42471507422 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Agreement By attending any event or program of ICNA Relief Canada, you are aware the photography, audio, and video recording will be done by staff and volunteers. By entering the event, you are giving ICNA Relief Canada consent to interview(s), photography, audio recording, video recordings and their release, publication, exhibition, or reproduction to be used for news, web casts, promotional purposes, telecasts, advertising, inclusion on websites, social media, or any other purpose by ICNA Relief Canada and its affiliates and representatives. Images, photos, and/or videos may be used to promote similar events in the future. You release ICNA Relief Canada, Staff and all persons involved from any liability connected with the taking, recording, digitizing, or publication and use of interviews, photographs, computer images, video and/or sound record recordings. You have been fully informed of your consent waiver of liability, and release before entering the event.
3/3/2018 3:00:00 PM -05:00
Curriculum Night
This is a curriculum event for the community; an opportunity to share your curriculums and peruse others'. We welcome curriculum from all subject areas and grade levels. Please complete the registration at the link below to list what curriculum you plan to bring, see any curriculum you'd be interested in looking through, sell/trade curriculum, or to see one of our curriculum demos. Potluck event if you wish; no obligation. Suggested donation of $1 to ICNA RELIEF REGISTRATION LINK: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fpkfNQwt-oFvp4WSgRpYh-2pDonfUomSWqGdpPnFSTo/edit?usp=sharing This event will help empower all educators from all walks of life; from homeschooling families to traditional educators. *We highly encourage parents to come child-free to this event; however, we understand the need to bring children. Therefore, there will be a separate room where kids will stay in order to give the parents a chance to explore the information (unsupervised room).
3/2/2018 7:00:00 PM -05:00
Changing the World from Home: OKC Benefit Dinner
ICNA Relief Oklahoma presents: Changing the World from Home - A Benefit Dinner for ICNA Relief's projects (shifa free clinic, food pantry, disaster relief, and more) in Oklahoma with special guests Sh. Yassir Fazaga and Sh. Ibrahim Abusway. Date: Saturday, February 24, 2018 Time: 6:00 pm Venue: Mercy Mission Building | 3840 N. St. Clair Ave, OKC Free Registration: icnarelief.org/OKC For more info call: 580-340-0525
2/24/2018 6:00:00 PM -06:00
Building Power For Change: Faith-based Community Organizing
Building Power For Change: Introduction to Faith-based Community Organizing As a faith based individuals let's address the problems and concerns of our community. Take the first step in this introduction and meet more like-minded individuals as we learn how to use power to our advantage. Presentation will be given by Frank McMillan from Jersey City Together. Refreshments will be served. Event is co-hosted with Islamic Council of Hudson County (Jersey City Chapter) and Jersey City Together. If you have any questions, feel free to email Amaney at akazlak@icnarelief.org
2/24/2018 1:00:00 PM -05:00
Changing The World From Home: Annual SFL Banquet
Changing The World From Home A benefit dinner for ICNA Relief's Women's Shelters, Refugee Services, Food Pantries, Free Health Clinics and other humanitarian projects. Featured Guests: Sr. Dunia Shuaib Dr. Altaf Hussain Mufti Hussain Kamani $25 Presale | $40 at the Door | Babysitting available For more info contact us at: tqureshi@icnarelief.org or (954) 342-6235 We look forward to seeing you there, insha'Allah! Visit us on our website for more information on our projects: http://icnarelief.org/ Link for tickets will be available soon inshaAllah. About ICNA Relief: ICNA Relief USA seeks to alleviate human suffering by providing caring and compassionate service to victims of adversities and survivors of disasters. ICNA Relief USA strives to build healthy communities, strengthen families and create opportunities for those in despair while maintaining dignity and advocating for basic human needs.
2/17/2018 6:00:00 PM -05:00
Bridging The Gap
Dear Ladies, Assalamoalaikum. This is to inform you that due to some unforeseen circumstances along with difficult weather conditions, our "Mother Daughter Fun Event" called *BRIDGING THE GAP* has been postponed. The updated details are as follows: *Mother & Daughters event* *Day: Sunday, Feb 11, 2018* *Time: 1:00 pm - 4:30 pm* *Where: ICNA Resource Center* *3442 93 St, NW Edmonton T6E 6A4* *Age Specs for Daughters: 14 yrs and up. Refreshments will be served. Kindly register on the link given below to participate in this event https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1dXRMfHN77CaxlFHU08Du7aGoi_QFg0GUp0t1SpX7wPU/edit Come with your daughters and celebrate this beautiful relationship. We will have some activities and games to strenthen the bond between mothers and daughters.
2/11/2018 1:00:00 PM -07:00
Tax Workshop
ICNA Relief NJ will be offering a tax literacy workshop as part of Refugee Empowerment Program. It is very important for refugees to learn about the US tax system and know their rights and responsibilities as taxpayers. Another aspect that motivated us to have this workshop is the fact that most refugees are low income earners so a tax refund would be a great help. Finally, when it is time to apply for US naturalization, it is a requirement to provide IRS- Certified copies of income tax forms filed for the previous 3 years.
2/11/2018 1:00:00 PM -05:00
Changing the World from Home: AZ Benefit Dinner
SAVE THE DATE! ICNA Relief Arizona presents: Changing the World from Home A Benefit Dinner for ICNA Relief's women's supportive housing and refugee services in Arizona with special guest Sh. Monzer Talib. Date: February 9th, 2018 Time: 6:30 pm, Dinner will be served by 7 pm Venue: Hilton Mesa- 1011 W Holmes Ave, Mesa, AZ 85210 Tickets: Adults $20 Students $15 Family (2 adults & 2 kids) $50 Table of 8 people $150 Please buy your ticket today at www.icnarelief.org/Arizona Or you call: Salina Imam 480-600-6676 Sohani Alam 602-618-0568 Saba Haroon 480-235-4228
2/9/2018 6:30:00 PM -07:00
Speak Your Mind! Youth Sisters Event
YMS Devon & Shams Clinic Present….. Speak Your Mind! An open space for young sisters to connect and discuss mental health topics Registration Required: https://goo.gl/forms/RXPnASCtRVEUcuQw2 Date: Friday, February 9th 7:00-9:00pm Location: IQRA Institute, 2550 Eisenhower Avenue, Suite B, Trooper, PA 19403 Ages: 13-25 years old (sisters only) Cost: FREE (donations welcome to help cover costs) Details YMS Devon has partnered with ICNA Relief’s SHAMS Clinic to offer a platform for young sisters to ask questions surrounding mental health. Part 1: How to open a safe, productive dialogue with your parents regarding mental health (from youth perspective) Part 2: How to self-heal (spiritually) if you are suffering from mental health issues, if you do not have access to parents/professionals Part 3: Q&A session with audience Agenda 6:15pm Opening Reception/Refreshments 7:00pm Interactive Speakers Presentations 8:00pm Q & A Audience Driven Session Speakers Sister Aneeza Haq , MSW, LCSW Sister Rabab Alma MBA, MA, LMFT BIOS Sister Aneeza Haq , MSW, LCSW Aneeza Fazli-Haq is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker having over 15-years of experience. She graduated with honors from New York University School of Social Work. She has 5-years of post-graduate specialized training in child development, play therapy, and contextual couples and family therapy. As a clinical social worker, Aneeza is trained to work with a broad spectrum of mental health issues including depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, substance abuse disorders,oppositional defiant disorder, and attention deficit disorder. She also specializes in interpersonal issues including parent-child conflict, parenting skills training, marital and family discord. Aneeza uses an integrative approach to counseling weaving in elements of neuroscience, cognitive behavioral therapy, play therapy, development history, family dynamics, interpersonal therapies, and mindfulness and faith-based practices for optimal symptom relief. Sister Rabab Alma MBA, MA, LMFT Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist International Life Coach Rabab Alma, MBA, MA, LMFT is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. She graduated with a Masters degree in Marriage and Family Therapy from LaSalle University. Rabab has been working with individuals, couples and families for over 9 years. She is an Arabic and English speaking therapist. In addition to working with families and individuals, Rabab is specialized in coaching leaders and individuals to reach their goals and build the life of their dreams. In addition to serving clients in Wayne, PA, Rabab is specialized in treating trauma and uses her skills to serve refugees and uninsured clients at an additional location in the northeast of Philadelphia. Rabab is a Clinical Fellow of the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists After migrating to the U.S at 23, Rabab decided she wanted to develop her career and pursue higher education. She entered corporate America and earned an MBA. Though Rabab enjoyed corporate America, she realized this was not her passion. She decided to pursue the psychology field. She was committed to raising her child on her own and moving one step at a time to succeed and excel. As a committed community member, Rabab uses her expertise and education to serving the refugees community and the under-privileged population. Rabab is a Scream Free Parenting Certified Leader. She is trained in Play and Sand Tray Therapy at the Family and Play Therapy Center in Philadelphia. Rabab offers in-state (PA) therapy and counseling sessions. She also offers in-state, out of state and international coaching services.
2/9/2018 6:00:00 PM -05:00
Foster Parent's Workshop | Chicago
Join us at our Foster Parenting workshop to learn what it takes to be a foster parent. DCFS representatives and Imam Hassan Aly from Mecca Center will be holding a panel discussion and answering all of your questions. Babysitting provided. For more information contact chicago@icnarelief.org
2/3/2018 5:30:00 PM -06:00
ICNA Relief Girls Night: Dholki
*Limit of 30, Registration on Eventbrite is REQUIRED. We are having a Dholki ! That's right, come join us for a cozy evening-in of fun, drums, food, henna, and good company! We invite you to join us on February 2, 2018 from 6pm-9pm at 15-3375 Thomas St. Mississauga, ON for this women’s meet and greet gathering. Bring as many friends as you like! This event is a potluck, please try to bring a dish too! And wear your best... Dress Code: Party Wear Age: 14 and above -Meet Greet -Potluck -Make new friends -Fun Food Enjoy -Much more For more information contact icnauniversity@gmail.com or 905-997-1827. Hope too see you there! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Agreement By attending any event or program of ICNA Relief Canada, you are aware the photography, audio, and video recording will be done by staff and volunteers. By entering the event, you are giving ICNA Relief Canada consent to interview(s), photography, audio recording, video recordings and their release, publication, exhibition, or reproduction to be used for news, web casts, promotional purposes, telecasts, advertising, inclusion on websites, social media, or any other purpose by ICNA Relief Canada and its affiliates and representatives. Images, photos, and/or videos may be used to promote similar events in the future. You release ICNA Relief Canada, Staff and all persons involved from any liability connected with the taking, recording, digitizing, or publication and use of interviews, photographs, computer images, video and/or sound record recordings. You have been fully informed of your consent waiver of liability, and release before entering the event.
2/2/2018 6:00:00 PM -05:00
Inter-Generational Game Night
* RSVP on Eventbrite is required, limited space ICNA Relief is hosting an Inter-Generational Game Night for Guys! Fun, Games, Food, Discussion! All youth ages 12 and above are welcome with parents, uncles, and grandparents! For more information contact icnauniversity@gmail.com or 905-997-1827. We hope to see you there! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Agreement By attending any event or program of ICNA Relief Canada, you are aware the photography, audio, and video recording will be done by staff and volunteers. By entering the event, you are giving ICNA Relief Canada consent to interview(s), photography, audio recording, video recordings and their release, publication, exhibition, or reproduction to be used for news, web casts, promotional purposes, telecasts, advertising, inclusion on websites, social media, or any other purpose by ICNA Relief Canada and its affiliates and representatives. Images, photos, and/or videos may be used to promote similar events in the future. You release ICNA Relief Canada, Staff and all persons involved from any liability connected with the taking, recording, digitizing, or publication and use of interviews, photographs, computer images, video and/or sound record recordings. You have been fully informed of your consent waiver of liability, and release before entering the event.
2/1/2018 5:03:00 PM -05:00
Essentially You: Natural Healing with Essential Oils
Discover the Healing Properties of Essential Oils with Dr. Wendy Manchester Ibrahim; a Traditional Naturopath doTerra Advocate. Dr. Wendy will Share with Us Healthy Living Tips and Ways in which Our Food and Lifestyle Choices Effect Our Health and Well-being. January 13, 2018 @ 4:00PM The ICNA Relief Amal Women's Center 37 Intervale Street, Boston, MA 02121 Disclaimer: As with any health concern; it is always best to consult with a physician before starting any alternative health regimen especially if you have a chronic illness.
1/13/2018 4:00:00 PM -05:00
Seniors Skilled Project-Workshop on "Computer Skills"
ICNA Relief Canada's Mississauga Resource Centre is pleased to inform you that we are starting computer workshops on Sundays for indidvuals 55+ as part of our "Seniors Skilled Project" sponsored by the Ministry of Seniors Affairs, in collobartion with PEACE Services. Registration is required. For more details call 905-997-8777 ext. 245 or email Dr. Nargis at nargis@icnareliefcanada.ca
12/31/2017 12:00:00 AM -04:00
ICNA Relief at Mas-ICNA Convention
ICNA Relief can't wait to see you all at the 16th Annual MAS-ICNA Convention happening at the McCormick Place Convention Center in Chicago, IL. If you haven't registered already, or would like more information, be sure to visit www.masicna.com. We're hard at work at planning some eye-opening and interactive activities. We got things planned for everyone! Save the date and stay tuned for details!
12/30/2017 12:00:00 AM -06:00
ICNA Relief Girl's Get Together
Did someone say girls night?! That's right, come join us for a cozy evening-in of fun, food, henna, and good company! In support of ICNA Relief Youth and Family Initiatives, we invite you to join us on December 25th, 2017 from 4pm-7pm at 15-3375 Thomas St. Mississauga, ON. Bring as many friends as you like! This event is a potluck, please try to bring a dish too! Dress Code- Party Wear -Meet Greet -Potluck -Make new friends -Fun Food Enjoy -Much more RSVP on Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/icna-girls-gathering-tickets-41124768289 For more information contact icnauniversity@gmail.com or 905-997-1827. Hope too see you there! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Agreement By attending any event or program of ICNA Relief Canada, you are aware the photography, audio, and video recording will be done by staff and volunteers. By entering the event, you are giving ICNA Relief Canda consent to interview(s), photography, audio recording, video recordings and their release, publication, exhibition, or reproduction to be used for news, web casts, promotional purposes, telecasts, advertising, inclusion on websites, social media, or any other purpose by ICNA Relief Canada and its affiliates and representatives. Images, photos, and/or videos may be used to promote similar events in the future. You release ICNA Relief Canada, Staff and all persons involved from any liability connected with the taking, recording, digitizing, or publication and use of interviews, photographs, computer images, video and/or sound record recordings. You have been fully informed of your consent waiver of liability, and release before entering the event.
12/25/2017 4:00:00 PM -05:00
Seniors Skilled Project-Workshops on "Computer Skills"
Seniors! (Senior's Loved Ones, tell your Senior family members) here is your chance to improve your Computer Skills! Mondays at 10:30 AM. Eight classes! ICNA Relief Canada's Mississauga Resource Centre is pleased to inform you that we are starting computer workshops on Sundays for indidvuals 55+ as part of our "Seniors Skilled Project" sponsored by the Ministry of Seniors Affairs, in collobartion with PEACE Services. Location: 15- 3375 Thomas Street, Mississauga, ON L5M 6V8 Registration is required. For more details call 905-997-8777 ext. 245 or email Dr. Nargis at nargis@icnareliefcanada.ca
12/18/2017 12:00:00 AM -04:00
Rohingya Fundraiser
Join ICNA Relief, ICNA Sisters, MCNA and ICCM in helping to serve the Rohingya people. We may not be able to help everyone, but we can help someone. For more information contact: Br. Ashar Najum- 647-206-0365 Br. Salman- 416-706-9685 Sr. Farhat Shahid- 416- 878-1983 / icnasistersmcna.milton@gmail.com
12/17/2017 5:00:00 PM -05:00
Winter Blessing Bags for the Homeless
Salams/Hi! Join ICNA Relief this Saturday, December 16th to distribute Winter Blessing Bags to the Homeless. We will be meeting in front of Trinity Church in Copley Sq at 12pm for introductions & an ice breaker! We will then split the group into two and distribute the bags in Copley & Downtown. Lets bring warmth & genuine conversations to those less fortunate inshaAllah(God willing). Hope to see you there!
12/16/2017 12:00:00 PM -05:00
Fundraising Dinner for The Rohingyas - Helping Hand
Assalamu Alaikum , Nearly 400,000 Rohingya Muslims have been forced to flee from the genocide to Bangladesh. They need our help! Join HELPING HAND in providing immediate relief to our Rohingya brothers and sisters in need. Insha Allah, there'll be a fundraising dinner on December 9th at ICJC. The event is FREE and open to all. Please invite your family and friends. Babysitting will be provided for FREE in the old ICJC Masjid Building! Jazak Allahu Khairan!
12/9/2017 6:00:00 PM -06:00
HeArts for Hunger
ICW and ICNA Relief are collaborating on raising food and funds for our Food Pantry and Hunger Prevention program! What better way to spend a Friday night, with food, family, games and art? All for charity! Join us for this fun filled night!
12/8/2017 6:00:00 PM -06:00
What Mothers Need to Know
What Mother Needs to Know This gathering is for mothers who are (1) seeking marriage for their son or daugther or (2) their son or daugther is engaged, thinking about proposals, or already recently married. We will have acitivies and discussion in a casual, comfortable environment. The purpose of this get together is to share tips, advice, and practical solutions on guiding your child through the early stages of marriage and through the pre-maritial phases. Communication to our young adults is the key. While parents may have very useful advice, it is often discarded by the child because of the way the advice was delivered. It is important that sons and daugthers approaching marriage trust their parents advice and feel their parents relate to their perspectives on marriage when marriage matters come up. This is less liekly to happen if the child feels their parent understands them, the culture they were raised in, and can appreciate culutral and generational differences. We need our young adults to receive healthy, relatable, practical marriage advice on how to deal with marital challenges before they come up or simple guidance on selecting the proper spouse. Parents- We kindly request that you do not attend with your son or daugther. We want to encourage open, honest and judgement-free, discussion. CONTACT/MORE INFO: 905-997-1827 or email matrimonial@icnareliefcanada.ca
12/6/2017 6:30:00 PM -05:00
An Evening with Doctors
**Note, the original venue/date/time of this event has changed to: December 3, 2017 6:30-8:30pm Meadowvale Community Centre- Youth and Seniors Room ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part of ICNA Relief's Post-Secondary Pathways Series, Join us for Post-Secondary Conversations: An Evening with Doctors. This is a solid, relaxed, information night for high-school students interested in pursuing careers in Healthcare/Medicine. This event is also designed for current undergraduate university and college students who would like more informaion on submitting successful applications for Med School in Canada or abroad, or attaining admission to any other graduate program in the medical field. Tips and advice will be given on selecting the correct program, strengthening applications, and what to do outside of the classroom to achieve your personal, academic, and career goals. Come meet Doctors and med students from top universities in a fun, relaxed, and open environment. For further information, contact icnauniversity@gmail.com or 905.997.8777 p.s. - Be prepared. Be relaxed. If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door. --------------------- Agreement: You agree that during this event, you may be photographed, videotaped or featured in electronic media
12/3/2017 6:30:00 PM -05:00
Learn What it Takes to be a Foster Parent - Free
We are so excited to announce that our first foster parenting workshop in 2016 led to four new licensed foster families! Earlier this month, DCFS contacted us with news of a Fictive Kin program, where a child can be placed with relatives or those who have an emotional bond with the child, including teachers and neighbors, without requiring an existing license. Unfortunately, the need for Muslim homes is growing. Please come and bring a friend, to learn how you can change a life! Please rsvp http://bit.ly/2zEFyLH
12/2/2017 10:30:00 AM -06:00
Domestic Violence Panel Discussion
Panelists include an Imam, psychiatrist, a certified counselor and social worker.Imam Yousef Hussin, Dr Faisal Ahmed, Sr Nassiba Cherif (LMFT) and Sr. Areeba Siddiqui
12/1/2017 7:30:00 PM -08:00
Giving Tuesday with ICNA Relief
Celebrated on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving and the widely recognized shopping events Black Friday and Cyber Monday, #GivingTuesday kicks off the charitable season, when many focus on their holiday and end-of-year giving. It is a "Global Giving Movement". This is ICNA Relief's 2nd year participating. Our goal for this year is to support our Women's Shelters. With over 14 Women's Shelters across the country, we provide many services such as counseling and case management. Join the movement today to help support our efforts to help our homeless sisters off the streets and towards a better life. Join the movement at icnarelief.org/GivingTuesday
11/28/2017 12:01:00 PM -08:00
Winter Gear Market
Winter Gear Market ICNA Relief USA and the ISBCC are partnering to transform the ISBCC's Function Hall into a Winter Gear Market for community members to "shop" in a way which preserves their dignity while still ensuring those in need recieve winter attire for no cost. Please donate and/or purchase items of the wish list. Winter Gear Drive Deadline: Friday, November 17 Drop off new or gently used coats, sweaters, gloves, scarves & socks (new) Winter Gear Market Sunday, November 26 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm ISBCC 3rd floor function hall Volunteers Needed Wish list: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/V1A4I048EDKA **Items donated will also be used to esemble "Winter Blessing Bags" for the homeless at a later date TBA
11/26/2017 1:00:00 PM -05:00
Atlantic City Thanksgiving Giveaway
Join ICNA Relief NJ, ICNA-NJ and American Muslims for Hunger Relief and Masjid Muhammad of Atlantic City for our annual Thanksgiving Giveaway. We will be distributing clothing, hats, gloves, winter hats, ear warmers, long john shirts as well as a hot lunch for families. Location: Atlantic City Recreation Division 250 N New York Ave, Atlantic City, NJ 08401 When: Saturday November 25th 12PM-4PM For more information contact Shahid Farooqi at 315-534-0790 “Let not any of you belittle or look down upon a good deed, even if it be that you smile in the face of your brother.” -Muslim
11/25/2017 1:00:00 PM -05:00
What Every Girl Needs to Know- Tips, Advice for Marriage
This gathering is for young women who are seeking marriage, engaged, thinking about proposals, or already recently married. Many young women today do not get practical marriage advice on how to deal with marital challenges. Unfortunately, these young women go into marriage having ideas of fairy tales, much romance, or that just a little bit of pressure is to be expected....only to be completely surprised, unable to cope, or quick in having thoughts of divorce. The problem is people do not give young women the real, nitty-gritty truth or advice many times because it can be a very touchy subject or they get advice from family where there is often a culture and generational gap that makes advice less practical or useful. However, we wanted to create a forum where more experienced women with marital counseling experience can share their personal wisdoms, marriage stories, solutions, tips, and answer all questions relating to new marriages. This is good just for general knowledge and storing for a later date and also for those who are currently married and face daily challenges whether it be communication, culture, or unmet expectations. Nobody is perfect, but we want to help women learn the best tactics to cope with imperfections and have a beautifully successful family of their own. This event will be different from advice from parents which sometimes does not translate well in light of today's trends and the cultural and age gap between young women raised in Canada and their parents raised back home. If you are in a cross-cultural marriage, or your spouse is also from back-home this event is particularly useful. Please join us and our marital experts. Parents/Moms/Auntys- we kindly request you do not attend with your girl- this event is for the young women only. We want to encourage open, honest and judgement-free, discussion. Contact/More Info: 905-997-1827 Registration Link: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/what-every-girl-needs-to-know-tickets-39597817137 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Agreement By attending any event or program of ICNA Relief Canada, you are aware the photography, audio, and video recording will be done by staff and volunteers. By entering the event, you are giving ICNA Relief Canda consent to interview(s), photography, audio recording, video recordings and their release, publication, exhibition, or reproduction to be used for news, web casts, promotional purposes, telecasts, advertising, inclusion on websites, social media, or any other purpose by ICNA Relief Canada and its affiliates and representatives. Images, photos, and/or videos may be used to promote similar events in the future. You release ICNA Relief Canada, Staff and all persons involved from any liability connected with the taking, recording, digitizing, or publication and use of interviews, photographs, computer images, video and/or sound record recordings. You have been fully informed of your consent waiver of liability, and release before entering the event.
11/24/2017 6:30:00 PM -05:00
Living an Authentic Life; Women's Self Empowerment
Create Honesty Presented by Michelle Mercier (https://createhonesty.com/) It is a gathering of amazing, like minded women who want to feel inspired and empowered. The focus of the afternoon is providing everyone with tools to put themselves first and make their self care a priority. Its about making you feel good from the inside out! Sunday Novemebr 19th 2:30M to 4:30PM at the Amal Women's Center 37 Intervale Street, Boston, MA 02121 What can I expect if I attend? A lot of laughter, honesty and positive thinking. Also, you can expect to leave feeling confident and empowered. You will also feel closer to your Sisters and ready to serve as a support system for one another’s self care. What people are saying: "Michelle is a strong, motivated, powerful women who helps to give all women strength when they feel like they have very little left to give. She is creative, confident and a wonderful life coach. We should all be as lucky to have her in our corner." L. Louis
11/19/2017 2:30:00 PM -05:00
Women's Leadership Summit
We are proud to announce that we will be hosting a women's ONLY summit for the first time in south florida. This initiative will be hosted by ICNA Relief and lead by WISE, a Muslim women’s organization based in New York. We will have instructors fly down to help teach us essential skills to grow as Muslim women in our community. This summit will be a ground breaking event created to help train and empower women by remarkable women. This two day seminar will consist of : -Professional Development -Entrepreneurial Skills -Community Building Strategies -Grassroots Organizing -Self-Defense "Our goal is to inspire a network of young Muslim female leaders to become catalysts for the advancement of their communities and the world. Through leadership, self-defense, and social entrepreneurship trainings, we strengthen the skills of young women to overcome violence and become ambassadors for female empowerment." - (IM) WISE This will be a valuable weekend for those who want to learn how to grow as Muslim women and how to make an impact within their community!! REGISTER HERE: https://goo.gl/forms/pQWJxcdrpevDNDWm2
11/19/2017 12:00:00 AM -05:00
NY Thanksgiving Giveaway
Join ICNA Relief, the Muslim Youth of Long Island, and special guests Carrie Solages (Nassau County Legislator) and Mufti Mohammad Farhan (Children of Adam) for our annual Thanksgiving Giveaway. We will be distributing winter clothing, gloves, hats, socks, groccery items and more! Join us 11:30am on November 18th at the Inwood Community Center if you would like to be a part of this Thanksgiving Giveaway. Location: 270 Lawrence Ave, Lawrence, NY 11559 Sponsored by: Masjid Hamza, LIMS, ICLI, Darul Quran, Young Muslims, Masjid Bilal, Crescent High School, MDQ Academy, Hamza Academy For more information contact Shahid Farooqi at 315-534-0790
11/18/2017 11:30:00 AM -05:00
Shifa Clinic Athens Volunteer Banquet
Join us as we recognize the hardwork and dedication of our Shifa Clinic volunteers. Please see flyers for more details. Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 Time: 7:30pm - 9:30pm Location: UGA University Village Housing Office 710 East Campus Road Athens, GA 30605 Dress: Business Casual Parking: There is a lot right outside the building (S21) that will be free to park in during the event. If you have any trouble finding the address just give Clifvonne Webb (770)-530-6717 or Faiz Saulat (904)-505-6719 a call and we'll help get you there! If you haven't RSVP'd or need to change your RSVP, please do so by filling out this form (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeSx1NEdOZk1PM_qakaaxRcjtscVKfTc_NBZQS1zuMTsktofg/viewform). Thank you! We hope to see you all there!
11/16/2017 7:30:00 PM -05:00
Healthy Family Relationships & Positive Parenting
Join us for a workshop on building healthy and strong family relationships. Learn how to better communicate as a parent and ways to help guide your kids in today's world given culutral and age gaps. Light Refreshments will be served. To confirm your attendance contact: nargis@icnareliefcanada.ca or farida@miag.ca or call 905-270-6252 Please RSVP by November 9th
11/13/2017 11:00:00 AM -05:00
An Evening with Engineers
Fun-filled and informative night for highschool students interested in pursuing Engineering. Come meet Engineers from top universities in a fun, relaxed, and open environment. For further information, contact icnauniversity@gmail.com. Agreement: You agree that during this event, you may be photographed, videotaped or featured in electronic media
11/12/2017 3:00:00 PM -05:00
Domestic Violence Workshop with Imam Tahir
FREE workshop hosted by ICNA Relief on the topic of domestic violence and abuse. Join us with Imam Tahir Anwar on November 10th. Also join us to learn how YOU can help support the building of ur first women's shelter in Sacramento! icnarelief.org Our existing domestic violence shelter in Orange County:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DEUxvoZ1T2Q
11/10/2017 7:30:00 PM -08:00
Mexican Cooking Class
Hi Ladies IRC will be hosting an Epicure Cooking Class on Thursday, November 9 from 6:30 - 8:30 pm. The intent of the class is to provide the community with inspiration, tips, tools and kitchen hacks to prepare 20 minute clean meals in a fun and social gathering with friends. We all going to learn how to make Mexican fajitas in less than 20 minutes. This mexican delicious meal with homemade guacamole and salsa is a great dinner or lunch that everyone will love. Especially kids. And you will all get to try out the food...how exciting! SAVE THE DATE! Share this invite with your friends and family. It will be a really fun night where we will be all learning something new about healthy, easy cooking. Unfortunately, this class has limited space in a kitchen setting, we kindly request that children under 13 do not attend as a matter of safety. Register Now! --- Agreement: You agree that during this event, you may be photographed, videotaped or featured in electronic media
11/9/2017 6:30:00 PM -05:00
Couples Workshop
ICNA Relief Presents: COUPLES WORKSHOP with Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Saadia Z. Yunus, MA, LMFT Learn how to transform your negative patterns Build trust and safety with one another Discover new ways to respect and appreciate each other REGISTRATION REQUIRED. LIMITED SEATING. $20 per couple* LIMITED BABYSITTING AVAILABLE: $5 per child* *All proceeds go to ICNA Relief
11/8/2017 7:00:00 PM -05:00
Garry Gardner Memorial Bowls for Hunger Project
ICNA Relief and Etz Chaim Synagogue invite you to the Garry Gardner Memorial Bowls for Hunger Project being held Nov 5th from 11:30am-2:00pm at the Congregation Etz Chaim. ICNA Relief and DuPage County food pantries will receive a percentage of all funds raised. See flyer for more details. Please join us with your friends and families.
11/5/2017 11:30:00 AM -06:00
Gracious Grandmothers: A Celebration Putluck
Join us as we celebrate and show our sincere gratitude for the grandmother figures in our lives! Let's thank her for all the cooked food, recipes, wisdom, and life lessons she has given us. This gathering is a time to bond with our friends and family. It is a time to come together, meet new people, and show our love for grandma while sharing stories and yummy potluck dishes. All women and girls are encouraged to attend, this is an inter-generational party! Registration: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/gracious-grandmothers-an-appreciation-potluck-tickets-39229918743 Call 905-997-8777 / 905-997-1827 or email donor-relations@icnareliefcanada.ca for more information. ❤️ Grandmother. Naani. Abuela. Neh-Nah. Nano. جدتي . جدة . 外婆 . Glam-Ma. ❤️ ----- Agreement: You agree that during this event, you may be photographed, videotaped or featured in electronic media
10/31/2017 5:00:00 PM -04:00
Ordinary People Creating Extraordinary Communities
Join us with Br Mohammed Ibn Ahmed and Sr Dunia Shuaib at our Benefit Dinner in Virginia on October 28th. Proceeds will go towards our services such as Women's Transitional Homes, Refugee Services, Food pantries and more! Register online today at icnarelief.org/virginia Sister Dunia will be having a 10 minute book signing after the event.
10/28/2017 6:00:00 PM -04:00
Social Work in Light of The Qur'an & Sunnah
Join us with Shaykh Omar Haqqani as we discuss Social Work in light of The Qur'an and Sunnah. This is a FREE event open to adults and kids ages 14+. When: Sunday, October 22, 10:30am Where: Islamic Society of Northwest Suburbs Shaykh Omer Haqqani is well respected through Chicago and beyond, as a Khateeb/Speaker at some of the major mosques, where he speaks on a weekly basis. His qualifications include a Diploma from University of Damascus, Syria, as well as a B.A in Shariah from the prestigious institute of Nadwat ul Ulema, Lucknow. In addition to his religious qualifications and religious work through our Chicagoland, Shaykh Omer works full-time as a Sr. IT engineer. These qualifiactions along with his expereicen gives Sheikh Omer a unique balance between Deen and Dunya.
10/22/2017 10:30:00 AM -05:00
Disaster Dash - 5K
10/21/2017 10:00:00 AM -04:00
Peace at Home Symposium: Build A Happy, Healthy Family
Peace at Home: The Power of Change is in Our Hands Tickets: $10 More information at http://dvmcf.net/meetings/peace-at-home/ ICNA Relief and CAIR Philadelphia proudly present a one-day symposium on what it takes to build a healthy, happy family. What does it take to create a happy family when modern life threatens to overwhelm us? This symposium brings together experts who will present ideas that can easily be put to use in your own home to bring families closer together and build stress-free, strong, healthier, happier relationships where everyone flourishes and even the teenager treasures family time. The aim of the presentations and workshops is to: - Build a spousal relationship foundation - Become a better parent - Manage family members’ behavioral issues - Enhance child-parent connection Read more at http://dvmcf.net/meetings/peace-at-home/
10/21/2017 9:00:00 AM -04:00
Support Burma Relief - Fundraising Dinner
10/15/2017 6:00:00 PM -06:00
Support Burma Relief
Join ICNA Relief Canada and the Muslim Council of Calgary on Sunday 15th October for a Fundraising dinner for Rohingya Genocide victims, who are going through unparalleled human rights abuses in the form of torture, hatred, oppression, gross injustice and genocide, perpetrated by organized gangs and supported by the government. Tickets Adults: $15 Family of four: $50
10/15/2017 5:30:00 PM -06:00
Postsecondary Pathways : Information Night for Highschool students & parents
ICNA Relief Canada presents Postsecondary Pathways Information Night for highschool students and their parents on October 15th, 6-8 PM at Mississagua Valley Community Centre. L.C.Taylor Room A free, focused info session to help guide through post secondary selection and application process. Spaces limited. Sign up now @ https://postsecpathway.eventbrite.ca.
10/15/2017 6:00:00 PM -04:00
End Hunger Crop Walk - Compete & Win
You were a lifesaver when Bushra and her children hadn't eaten for 3 days. When they went store to store asking for groceries and were turned away. Your donations to ICNA Relief's food pantries enabled us to provide them with food. Will you be a life saver and join us at the NIFB CropWalk to end hunger, this Sunday? Every donation, every participant saves lives. http://bit.ly/ICNAReliefCropWalk2017 1 in 5 llinois residents use food pantries! Join hundreds of our neighbors to end hunger. Register at http://bit.ly/ICNAReliefCropWalk2017 Our presence shows Islam in action, a core ICNA Relief principle. When you sign up, next to your name, mention an Islamic school ( weekend or full time) that you'd like to support. The school raising the maximum donations or largest number of participants wins the ICNA Relief End Hunger Award. Registration/ Suggested Donation Individual: $10 minimum; Family: $30 minimum All participants must register/donate at http://bit.ly/ICNAReliefCropWalk2017 What: 3-mile walk on the Prairie Path and Great Western Trail When: 1:30 p.m. Sunday October 15th, 2017 Where: Lombard Common.433 E St Charles Rd, Lombard, IL 60148 Why: ● More than 1 in 5 Illinois residents use food pantries. Your participation alleviates the suffering of our neighbors right here in DuPage County. ● Our presence shows Islam in action, a core ICNA Relief principle. ● Northern Illinois Food Bank provides $8 worth of food for every $1 donated. ICNA Relief Food Pantry, along with food pantries in Villa Park, Addison and Lombard, will receive a percentage of all donations raised. The walk will also fund bathrooms for 4 schools in Vietnam. T-shirts for participants will be provided on site. If you have questions or need more information please contact Sr. Beena Farid at beena@icnarelief.org To volunteer at the event, sign up here https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WEoKvnfImjfLRXTvdMLZC7KZQ2CfVEMKpgdZD3aIf-0/edit?usp=drivesdk Jazak Allah Khair !!!
10/15/2017 1:00:00 PM -05:00
ICNA Relief So Cal Oct.14th Benefit Dinner
EVENT IS SOLD OUT. THANK YOU! Join ICNA Relief on October 14th for our Annual Benefit Dinner with special speakers Imam Siraj Wahhaj, Shaykh Omar Suleiman, and upcoming US Senate Candindate, Deedra Abboud. Our MC & Comedian for the night will be the hilarious Jeremy Mclellan. It's sure to be an amazing night filled with Love, Mercy, and Compassion. Support ICNA Relief, an organization that helps those in need locally through food pantries, refugee services, a domestic violence shelter, feeding the hungry, financial assistance, free medical clinic, dental and eye clinics, counseling services, and much more. Only through your support are we able to go through with this much needed work. Abu Hurairah narrated that the Messenger of Allah said: " Whoever relieves a Muslim of a burden from the burdens of the world, Allah will relieve him of a burden from the burdens on the Day of Judgement. And whoever helps ease a difficulty in the world, Allah will grant him ease from a difficulty in the world and in the Hereafter."
10/14/2017 5:30:00 PM -07:00
Children's Self-Esteem Workshop
Saadia Z. Yunus, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, will be facilitating a children's self-esteem workshop for girls and boys ages 7-11. Children will learn skills needed to enhance self-esteem and self-efficacy and will participate in activities to improve their sense of self. Children will be given tools to take home to live a positive life. LIMITED SPACE AVAILABLE. REGISTRATION REQUIRED. Email info@saadiazyunus.com to register or visit the Eventbrite page: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/childrens-self-esteem-workshop-tickets-38441406281 No fee, but there is a suggested donation to ICNA Relief of $10.
10/11/2017 6:30:00 PM -04:00
Stand-up Comedy for a Cause w/ Jeremy McLellan
Get super excited for our upcoming ten-city comedy tour with the talented Jeremy McLellan Comedy AND Faizan Mumtaz ! All proceeds from our 10 city tour will be going towards refugee projects and families in need ! Purchase your tickets today! October 8th, 4:30pm to 7:30pm Arizona State University Neeb Hall, Room # 105 920 S Forest Mall Tempe, AZ 85281 $15 per person https://www.icnarelief.org/comedytour
10/8/2017 4:30:00 PM -07:00
Ordinary People Creating Extraordinary Communities
A Benefit Dinner for ICNA Relief's Women's Trasnitional homes, Refugee Program and Services. With Guests Dr. Altaf Husain Husain and Dunia Shuaib **We are opening a Food Pantry at Muslim Community Center of Chesterfield, Inc. $20 Single $50 Families *DInner Will Be Served* Contact: Amir Saeed 804-922-7356 Shakil Rehman 804-426-3062
10/7/2017 6:00:00 PM -04:00
Comedy for a Cause w/ Jeremy McLellan & Azhar Usman
Come out and have some biryani and MANY LAUGHS all while helping a good cause! Join us on Oct. 7th, along with Jeremy McLellan Comedy and AZ = Azhar Usman to help raise funds for ICNA Relief's Refugee programs all while having some great food and awesome entertainment! Where? Wayne Tree Manor Conference Center 35100 Van Born Rd, Wayne, MI 48184 When? 12:30 pm -3:30 pm www.icnarelief.org/comedytour
10/7/2017 12:00:00 PM -04:00
APPNA National Health Care Day Drive
Health Fair in Houston When: Saturday October 7th 10:00am-3:00pm Where: ICNA Relief Refugees Empowerment Center 5645 Hillcroft Avenue #404, Houston TX 77036
10/7/2017 10:00:00 AM -05:00
The Finer Things Club (Reading Group)
A monthly book club discussing literary fiction. The group is co-ed and open to all ages. We meet every first Thursday of the month, 8pm-10pm. Please contact for more info: youthcentre@icnareliefcanada.ca
10/5/2017 8:00:00 PM -04:00
Senior's Program Workshop, Women's Workshop- October 2nd, 2017
ICNA Relief Canada's Mississauga Resource Center and Food bank presents the first workshop of the Senior's Program Fall/Winter Workshop Series. This will be for our Senior Women! We will focus on mental health, self-awareness, and self-care. Please see the flyer for details. Please join it and support our seniors!.
10/2/2017 11:00:00 AM -04:00
Burma Relief Fundraising Dinner
You are cordially invtied to ICNA Relief Canada's Burma Relief Fundraisinhg Dinner. Join us as we come together to raise funds and awareness for our Rohingya brothers and sisters. Imam Abu Noman Tarek will be our Guest Speaker and we will have commentary from our team in Bangaldesh, in sha Allah. We encourage you to bring your families. This event is a great opportunity for youth and adults to engage and truly gain a deeper understaning of this crisis at hand. You will find the link to purchase tickets below. Date: Sunday, October 1st, 2017 Time: 7pm Venue: Pearl Banquet Hall, Mississauga Tickets: $20 Adult ; $75 for family of 4 Link: https://icnareliefcanada.ca/rohingya-fundraiser If you have any questions, plesase message, email, or call ICNA Relief Canada at (905) 997-8777 or info@icnareliefcanada.ca #saverohingya #rohingya #burma
10/1/2017 7:00:00 PM -04:00
Mind Body Therapy with Jen - its not too late to register!
"Omg I feel so relaxed and loose! I came home and took a nap and I feel like a million bucks! I know we didn't do an intense session but my goodness I noticed such a big difference. I'm sitting here sipping on tea and my breathing is so chilled and calm and my breaths are long and soothing:) my shoulders feel soooooo light too!! thanks soooo muchhhh:)" - Ashika, mother of 3 and daycare/shuttle business owner. An unprovoked testimonial from a student in the 10:30 am class! Come join us on a 6 week journey of Mind Body Therapy to improve stress management and focus in prayer. There has been a request for a second group to be added to the series that meets at 9:00 am -10:15 am. If interested in this group or the 10:30 am group, please call ISOC (714) 531-1722 to register! **Regisration for the 10:30 am group closes 10/1/2017**
10/1/2017 10:30:00 AM -07:00
Refugee Comedy Tour
9/30/2017 8:00:00 PM -04:00
Refugee Relief Tour
Free your schedules for our upcoming Refugee Relief Comedy Tour with Jeremy McLellan Comedy and Faizan Mumtaz! All proceeds will be going to our refugee services inshaAllah, so purchase your tickets before they run out!
9/29/2017 6:00:00 PM -04:00
Youth & Family Matrimonial Event
Youth and Family Matrimonial Event 2017 Date : September 29 Time : 7:00PM-10:00PM Registration @6:30 Address :Maple Banquet Hall Mississagua 1325 Eglinton Ave E, Mississauga, ON L4W 4L9 Ticket : $30 per person available online, non refundable tickets. Dress code : Business formal men Party wear for women Dinner included Limited spots For inquires call 905-997-1827 or. Email: matrimonial@icnareliefcanada.ca
9/29/2017 4:00:00 PM -04:00
Comedy Tour with Jeremy McLellan!
Get super excited for our upcoming ten-city comedy tour with the brilliant Jeremy McLellan and Faizan Mumtaz! All proceeds (including the registration tickets) will be going towards our refugee projects and families. Join us for a night you will never forget. Also, did I mention FOOD will be provided! Spread the word and purchase your tickets today! When: Sunday, September 24th, 5-8pm Where: Hunter College, West Building, Room 615 (address: 695 Park Ave, NY, 10065) Ticket: $15 per person https://www.icnarelief.org/comedytour
9/24/2017 5:00:00 PM -04:00
Writing Workshops Sessions
DESCRIPTION A writer's workshop where members can share their writings with others and receive constructive feedback. We meet every 4 th Sunday of the month, 10am-12pm. for 18+ 15-3375 Thomas St, Mississauga, ON L5M 0P7, Canada
9/24/2017 10:00:00 AM -04:00
SHAMS Clinic Comedy Tour
Join us for ICNA Relief's Comedy Relief Tour with LIVE STAND UP COMEDY by Jeremy McLellan, with Faizan Mumtaz as MC! All proceeds will go toward ICNA Relief's SHAMS Clinic. Join us for a night you will never forget. Also, did I mention FOOD will be provided! Spread the word and purchase your tickets today! Saturday, September 23rd 2017 Doors Open at 6pm Dinner will be served Location MYCP (Muslim Youth Center of Philadelphia) 11080 Knights Road Philadelphia, PA 19154 Admission $10 Student $20 Single $50 Family Children ages 3 and under free. For more information: Br Ammar Shahid Ashahid08@gmail.com Sr Dana Mohamed dmohamed@icnarelief.org ICNA Relief’s SHAMS (Social Health and Medical Services) Clinic is a non-profit organization that endeavors to improve the health and social well-being of underserved communities in Pennsylvania as rooted in the charitable principals of the Islamic faith. We are in the processing of launching a fully functional clinic in Philadelphia where we will provide primary care and counseling in a diverse array of matters. For more information about the Philadelphia Clinic please email shamsclinic@icnarelief.org
9/23/2017 6:00:00 PM -04:00
Hurricane Harvey & Irma Disaster Relief Packages
Hurricane Harvey has left homes flooded, every possesion ruined or gone for hundreds and thousands of families. Help us help them by donating to icnarelief.org/hurricaneharvey or icnarelief.org/irma or by donating the items designated for the Disaster Relief Bucket or Comfort Care Packs.
9/23/2017 12:00:00 AM -05:00
NJ Stand up Comedy Night w/ Jeremy McLellan
Get super excited for our upcoming ten-city comedy tour with the talented Jeremy McLellan Comedy AND Faizan Mumtaz ! All proceeds from our ten-city tour will be going towards refugee projects and families in need ! Purchase your tickets today! NJ: Friday, September 22nd 7:30 PM- 9:30 PM Busch Campus Center, 604 Bartholomew Rd, Piscataway Township, NJ 08854 7:30 PM- 9:30 PM $15 per person https://www.icnarelief.org/comedytour
9/22/2017 7:30:00 PM -04:00
Stand up Comedy Night w/ Jeremy McLellan
Comedian and biryani enthusiast Jeremy Mclellan is coming to Atlanta! Mclellan’s jokes focus in on the most essential aspects of society; religion, culture, and politics. His honesty and his background sets him apart from the more run of the mill comedians; a white Christian catholic man whose main audience is desi Muslims. A paradox in a nation where these sorts of paradoxes are vital. Buy tickets to see his show at icnarelief.org/comedytour. All proceeds from the tour will go towards refugee empowerement projects.
9/17/2017 5:45:00 PM -04:00
Stand up Comedy Night w/ Jeremy McLellan
Comedian and biryani enthusiast Jeremy Mclellan is coming to Chicago! Mclellan’s jokes focus in on the most essential aspects of society; religion, culture, and politics. His honesty and his background sets him apart from the more run of the mill comedians; a white Christian catholic man whose main audience is desi Muslims. A paradox in a nation where these sorts of paradoxes are vital. Buy tickets to see his show at icnarelief.org/comedytour. All proceeds from the tour will go towards refugee empowerement projects.
9/16/2017 7:30:00 PM -05:00
Car Workshop
Ever find yourself stuck on the side of the road with a flat tire and no idea what to do? Or you get back to your car after a long day at school/work and your car battery is dead? Be flustered no more! Come learn how to: - Change a tire - Jump a battery - Pump air in a tire - Check your oil And much more!
9/16/2017 1:00:00 PM -04:00
Back-2-School Bonanza
We're giving the families & children from the Astoria houses a treat tomorrow! MAS (Muslim American Society) & ICNA Relief (Islamic Circle of North America Relief) have partnered up to launch their annual Back 2 School Bonanza. This year we're starting with the Astoria housing projects on September 9. This special event will uplift the hearts, minds and physique of needy families. Families will enjoy a + FREE BBQ, food made fresh by our volunteers + Children will receive FREE SCHOOL BAGS to empower their education + Parents will receive FREE HEALTH CHECKUPS, improving their quality of life + Children will receive FREE Haircuts & Braiding from professional barbers + Children will receive beautiful Henna Painting Join us as a guest or a volunteer, or BOTH!
9/9/2017 2:00:00 PM -04:00
Volunteer Event: Bagging School Supplies
Valley Ranch Islamic Center is partnering with ICNA Relief in preparing school bags and supplies on Sunday, September 3, from 2-5pm insha Allah. The backpacks that are prepared will be donated to the South Dallas, Texas community, to children from lower income families. Please volunteer and make an impact in a child's future. Learn more about the project at www.Back2SchoolGiveaway.com
9/3/2017 2:00:00 PM -05:00
MA Back 2 School Refugee Support
Support new students by sponsoring a backpack full of school supplies for newly arrived Refugee children in and around the Boston area. Donate today - Knowledge is Power!! $25 suggested donation but every little bit helps a family in need.
9/1/2017 5:00:00 PM -04:00
A night dedicated to all Mothers and Daughters (Ages 13 years +)
Celebrating this beautiful bond with games, chit chat, snacks, songs, picture booth, and more. Please Bring a Dish to Share DressCode: Formal party wear
8/24/2017 7:00:00 PM -04:00
Men's Senior Program
Topic: Ontario Drugs Benefit Plan
8/24/2017 11:00:00 AM -04:00
Back2School Giveaway
Muslim organizations and businesses across South Florida are working together to help students reach their potential by providing them the tools they need to get there. FHII, MWO-SFL, CAIR, and ICNA Relief are working locally to distribute 1,200 backpacks to students in South Florida. If you would like to sponsor the cause, send us a message! Each school bag we give contains essential school supplies, helping children in lower income communities gear up for school. Education is the passport for success, and the lack of education is linked to many of the problems in our communities today. Chapters across the USA work annually to provide over 20,000 backpacks throughout the country. There are 3 parts to this project: 1. School Supply Drive: This year we are collecting donations to add to the supplies in our backpacks. For more information, https://goo.gl/3ssE4h 2. Backpack Assembly: Once we have the supplies, we need your help to get those supplies into the backpacks. Assembly location will be throughout South Florida. Be on the lookout for when we’re in your area! 3. Backpack Distribution: All of our work culminates to giving out the backpacks to students in our community. Knowing that you were able to positively impact their future and bring smiles to their faces makes all the hard work worthwhile. Make sure to check your notifications for updates! For more information, send us a message!
8/15/2017 12:00:00 AM -04:00
Back2School Giveaway Pennsylvania 2017
The 2017 PA Back2School Giveaway Project is now underway in Pennsylvania!! Last year we supplied over 500 bags locally in PA to students in need. Thank you for your continued support in making a difference in childrens lives. Education is POWER! We can't do it without you, our donors and volunteers! Please donate to the cost of bags in Pennsylvania here: https://www.icnarelief.org/Apps/Give/Give.php?a=btsg&ap=1&tid=btsg About Our Back 2 School Giveaway Program As the school year approaches, parents are helping their children prepare for classes while trying to purchase all necessary supplies. However, unfortunately, many schools and families cannot afford these school supplies due to difficult financial situations ICNA Relief has stepped up to the challenge – Since 2009, throughout the months from July to September, the organization and its many divisions/branches have worked together to launch the Back-2-School Giveaway Program, where school backpacks filled with basic school supplies were given to children residing in low-income areas. The giveaway events took place in over 26 states so far, and over 100,000 school bags have been distributed since its initiation. We believe in the motto, “Education is Power”, it’s the passport for success and the lack of it is linked to many of the problems resting in our communities today. Our Back 2 School Giveaway program has reached 26 states and is increasing each year! Sponsor a child at $15.00 per bag! http://www.back2schoolgiveaway.com/ If you would like to volunteer at one or more of the distribution events, please contact Sr Dana Mohamed at (484) 686-4257 or by email at dmohamed@icnarelief.org Stay tuned for update on various distribution sites here on this page! We will announce them as they are confirmed. Distributions in PA Islamic Society of Greater Harrisburg- Saturday, Aug 19th 1:30pm 407 N Front Street, Steelton, PA 17113 Villanova Academy for Honor Studies (VAHS), Friday, August 25th, 1-3pm 1860 Montgomery Ave, Villanova, PA 19085 Muslim Youth Center of Philadelphia (MYCP)- Thursday, August 24th, 5-7pm 11080 Knights Road, Philadelphia, PA - 19154 Islamic Cultural Center of Willow Grove- Saturday, August 26th, 3-6pm 502 Easton Road, Willow Grove PA 19020 Let's make this years giveaway the best yet! Flash back to last years giveaways: https://goo.gl/photos/8NmZF3YgWJ65M7N79
8/15/2017 12:00:00 AM -04:00
Mental Health Training Courses [ICNA Relief]
New dates for our mental health training courses are in the works. First one coming up is July 30th Sunday at the West Coast Islamic Center. Please share and spread the word and register for free here: mentalhealth.icnarelief.org. Currently 4 locations available to choose from. Limited seating. July 30th Sunday at West Coast Islamic Center in Adult Mental Health Training August 12th Saturday at Burbank Islamic Center in Youth Mental Health Training August 20th Sunday at Islamic Society of Orange County in Adult Mental Health Training August 26th Saturday at Islamic Community Center of Redlands in Youth Mental Health Training For more information please visit mentalhealth.icnarelief.org or email us at icnareliefsocal@icnarelief.org. Sometimes first aid isn't a bandage, or CPR or calling 911. Sometimes first aid is YOU. You are more likely to encounter someone in an emotional or mental crisis than someone having a heart attack. Learn how to help a friend, family member, coworker or neighbor in need. Get trained in Mental Health First Aid.
7/30/2017 8:30:00 AM -07:00
Free Terra Cotta Tour for Families
Free Terra Cotta Tour for Families by ICNA Relief & Credit Valley Conservation Like past year, we are organizing a tour of Terra Cotta Conservation Area, 14452 Winston Churchill Boulevard, Halton Hills, for FAMILIES on Thursday, July 27, 2017. The detail is as follows: · Free Event. · The bus will leave ICNA Relief premises (6120 Montevideo Road) at 9:30 a.m. and will arrive back at 2:00 p.m. · Food: Bring your own food/water. · First come first served · Registration required. Kindly register at nargis@icnareliefcanada.ca
7/27/2017 9:30:00 AM -04:00
Parents' Night Out
When was the last time you enjoyed an evening, just husband and wife? Well here's your chance! We will babysit for you so you can have yourself a relaxing evening with your significant other!
7/22/2017 6:00:00 PM -04:00
Free Terra Cotta Tour for Women
Like past year, we are organizing a tour of Terra Cotta Conservation Area, 14452 Winston Churchill Boulevard, Halton Hills, for LADIES on Wednesday, July 12, 2017. The detail is as follows: · Free Event. · The bus will leave ICNA Relief premises (6120 Montevideo Road) at 9:30 a.m. and will arrive back at 2:00 p.m. · Food: Bring your own food/water. · First come first served · Registration required. Kindly register at nargis@icnareliefcanada.ca
7/12/2017 9:30:00 AM -04:00
Youth Leadership Development Program (Mississauga 2017)
Looking to complete your volunteer hours? Here is a chance to complete 20 of your volunteer hours! (Even more !) NOTICE OF VIDEO, AUDIO AND PHOTOGRAPHY When you attend any event or program of ICNA Relief Canada, you are aware that photography, audio, and video recording will be done by staff and volunteers. By entering the event or premises you are giving consent to interview(s), photography, audio recording, video recording their release, publication, exhibition, or reproduction to be used for news, web casts, promotional purposes, telecasts, advertising, inclusion on websites, social media, or any other purpose by ICNA Relief Canada and its affiliates and representatives. Images, photos and/or videos may be used to promote similar events in the future. You release ICNA Relief Canada, Staff and all persons involved from any liability connected with the taking, recording, digitizing, or publication and use of interviews, photographs, computer images, video and/or or sound recordings. You also waive any right to check or approve any photo, video, or audio recording taken by ICNA relief Canada or the volunteer or entity designated to do so by ICNA Relief Canada You have been fully informed of your consent, waiver of liability, and release before entering the event. Please fill form: https://icnareliefcanada.ca/yldp
7/8/2017 10:00:00 AM -04:00
Young Professional Girls Eid Get-Together
Ladies, Salam and Eid Mubarak. We will be getting together this Friday July 7th at 7 PM at the Youth Studio to celebrate Eid, meet each other (we r all very educated and inspiring young women so we shud all connect) and discuss why this group was formed and brainstorm what we, as a team, can iA acheive. It'll be a potluck iA (light snack-like items). Please confirm attendance. See you there. https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/irc-undergraduate-girls-young-professional-women-social-tickets-32397525872#
7/7/2017 7:00:00 PM -04:00
3rd Annual Eid Toy Drive
Please join us for a gift wrapping event with your families! We are collecting new and unwrapped toys for underprivileged children in our community. Toys will be given to children of domestic violence (DHF), Syrian and Burmese refugees, ICNA relief and other kids in our local community. Please visit our Amazon wish list to purchase a toy of any price range, or drop off toys in our collection box at Bayshore Mosque (MDQ), or bring it to our wrapping event with you on June 18th Feel free to message for any questions or if you would like to sponsor any of this event. Thank you to our amazing community for your unwavering support to help these kids! Visit the Amazon wishlist at: ETD.projectniyyah.com
6/18/2017 2:00:00 PM -04:00
Eid Market
رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم قَالَ " لأَنْ يَتَصَدَّقَ الْمَرْءُ فِي حَيَاتِهِ بِدِرْهَمٍ خَيْرٌ لَهُ مِنْ أَنْ يَتَصَدَّقَ بِمِائَةٍ عِنْدَ مَوْتِهِ " . Narrated AbuSa'id al-Khudri: The Prophet (ﷺ) said: A man giving a dirham as sadaqah (charity) during his life is better than giving one hundred dirhams as sadaqah (charity) at the moment of his death. Towards the end of Ramadan, many of us spend the last few days or even week to shop for our Eid clothes, gifts and so on. Let us put together that experience for our dear brothers and sisters who are not able to bring that joy to their families and loved ones. Join the ISBCC community in collaboration with ICNA Relief Boston as part of our Service Sunday this Ramadan in collecting good quality or new clothes and toys for those who are less fortunate in our community. Please donate by Saturday, June 10th inshaa Allah and join us on Sunday, June 18th from 3-7:30pm to volunteer your time in setting up the ISBCC’s Function Hall as an Eid Market for community members to “shop” for their clothes and toys for their children. Clothes and Toys Drive Saturday, June 10, 2017 Drop off at the ISBCC Eid Market Sunday, June 18, 2017 3-7:30pm ISBCC 3rd Floor Function Hall Volunteers needed. Please contact KMaruf@ICNARelief.org if you're interested in volunteering.
6/18/2017 12:00:00 AM -04:00
Mississauga Fundraising Iftar and Dinner
ICNA Relief Canada is hosting its annual fundraising iftar and dinner during this Ramadan. Our honorable guest for the evening is Sheikh Ahmad Shehab. All donations will be given to our relief efforts to alleviate drought and famine in East Africa and Somailia. InshAllah. Please Purchase your tickets, for an evening of safe and family friendly environment, and maximize your charity this Ramadan. Date: Sunday June 11, 2017 Time: 7:00 PM Cost: $20 per person or $70 per family of 4 Free for children under 8 Location: Maple Banquet Hall 1325 Eglinton Ave Mississauga, ON L4W 4L9
6/11/2017 7:00:00 PM -04:00
Fundraiser to Support KC Women's Shelter
In 2016, Kansas City Shelter served 82 residents. You can make a difference! Help ICNA Relief in Sheltering Our Sisters. Guest Speaker - Dr Altaf Hussain (VP ISNA) June 10th, 2017 (7 pm) Overland Park Marriott 10800 Metcalf Ave, Overland Park, KS 66210 Tickets: $20 Adult/$30 Family - Free Baby Sitting
6/10/2017 7:00:00 PM -05:00
Fundraising Iftar & Dinner for East Africa Famine Relief
Fundraising Iftar & Dinner for East Africa Famine Relief Speaker: Sheikh Ahmad Shehab Tickets: ---------- Adults: $20 Family of 4: $70 (Children under 8 are free) To buy tickets, please buy online through our ticketing link (included in this post), or call Abdul Ghaffar Ghaffari at 778-895-3690. East African Famine: --------------------------- -In Ethiopia, Somalia and Kenya, 18.1 million people are in need of emergency food and water due to severe drought. -In South Sudan 100,000 people are experiencing famine. Half the country is expected to suffer from extreme hunger by July 2017. -In Nigeria, 4.4 million are in desperate need of emergency food. -In Yemen, over 7 million people do not know where their next meal will come from. How is ICNA Relief Helping: ------------------------------------- ICNA Relief Canada is on the ground and currently, working with local partners providing: -Emergency food -Clean water and sanitation facility to drought affected areas
6/4/2017 7:00:00 PM -07:00
Fundraising Iftaar - Somalia relief
ICNA Relief Canada - Calgary will be hosting its Annual Fundraising Iftaar on June 2, 2017 at Akram Jomaa Centre, and is in collaboration with Muslim Council of Calgary and Somali Canadian Society of Calgary. We hope to bring relief to our Somali brothers and sister who are facing a crisis of famine right now. This cannot be done without the support of generous donors like you, hence, we encourage you to join us at the Fundraising event and restore the peace in the lives of our brothers and sisters in Somalia.
6/2/2017 8:00:00 PM -06:00
Community Iftar with Guest Speaker UST. Faizan Mumtaz
Join us for a night of Iftar as we break bread together in benefit of the efforts of our community & ICNA Relief with Guest Speaker UST. Faizan Mumtaz ( Graduate of Egypt & Instructor at Bayyinah )
5/28/2017 6:30:00 PM -04:00
Heartfelt Gratitude : Community Picnic
The BBQ will bring the families together from 11 am to 5 pm in a warm, fun, and informative environment. As a special gesture of appreciation from the Muslim Community (especially Syrian Refugee families) towards Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, the guests will be signing a Thank you card. Various fun activities planned for the families to enjoy and the Media would be invited as well to cover the event, and below are some highlights: 1 pm: Food starts 3 pm: Clown show Bouncy Castle, Henna, Face painting, Photo Fun, games, cotton Candy and all other fun activities are open all day! The price for food is only $5 (per person) and includes a burger (or sausage), chips, and soda (or juice or water). Lots of activities are planned for a day filled with fun and excitement for families for only $5/ child and includes bouncy castle, face paint, cotton candy, henna, games, sports, clown show, and more or $1 per activity. InshaAllah see you all there!
5/21/2017 11:00:00 AM -06:00
Eat for a Cause with Halal Pho & Grill & ICNA Relief
Come join us as we team up with Halal Pho & Grill to raise money for ICNA Relief services and projects such as Food Pantry, Feeding The Hungry, Counseling Services, Free Health Services and much more. Join us Friday-Sunday on May 12-14th and 19-21st at Halal Pho and Grill (located inside Fresh Choice Grocerry). Mention ICNA Relief and they will donate 20% of your total purchase back to ICNA Relief. Invite your friends and family and spread the word. :) Enjoy some yummy and food and donate to charity similatenously.
5/21/2017 12:00:00 AM -07:00
Youth Studio: Boys Meet Up (Ages 13 - 18)
5/20/2017 5:00:00 PM -04:00
Women Shelter Open House!
Let's kick off Ramadan as a community at a place we can all agree on supporting! ICNA Relief will be having an open house of our Women Shelter, and a grand opening of our new Community Resource Center. WOMEN ONLY. Questions, comments, concerns, or to get the address: Aqsa Cheema (954) 716-5812 ICNA Relief currently has 15+ transitional homes across the USA. Women in need find shelter and support when they come to us. We work with them to help them get on their feet. The process usually takes 3-6 months (longer in some cases). In this time, they can get classes for technical skills, ESL classes, and jobs so they can save and make it on their own. Learn more at icnarelief.org/shelter ICNA Relief USA seeks to alleviate human suffering by providing caring and compassionate service to victims of adversities and survivors of disasters. ICNA Relief USA strives to build healthy communities, strengthen families and create opportunities for those in despair while maintaining their dignity and advocating for their basic human needs. Learn more at icnarelief.org
5/20/2017 1:00:00 PM -04:00
Professional Women/Undergrad Girls Social
After the success of the first Professional Women/Undergrad Girls networking event, which was attended by many young women and the studio space was well-received. The next Professional Women/Undergrad Girls Social is May 19th , 7:00 – 9:30 PM at the IRC Youth Studio (Thomas & Tenth Line). Bring your friends along. Light refreshments will be served. Register @ http://Ircgirlsclub.eventbrite.ca
5/19/2017 7:00:00 PM -04:00
Seniors Get-Together Men 55+
Tazkeer information session by service Canada Entertainment /networking Healthy food The event will be videotaped and photographed.
5/18/2017 11:00:00 AM -04:00
Seniors' Get-Together Women 55+
Networking Presentation Tazkeer Healthy food
5/15/2017 7:45:00 AM -04:00
Mother, Way to Paradise Benefit Luncheon
ICNA Relief USA presents Mother, Way To Paradise Benefit Luncheon- Sisters Only. Join us for a lovely early afternoon talk and lunch honoring mothers, this Mothers Day! Keynote Speaker: Sr. Dunia Shuaib, Marriage Educator, Author & Speaker Family Counselor: Sr. Rabab Alma, MBS, MA *Exclusive Book Signing and Course Sign Up with Sr. Dunia Shuaid! Location: IQRA Institute, 2550 Eisenhower Avenue, Suite B205, Trooper, PA 19403 Time: 12:30pm Sharp MUST REGISTER, Space Limited: Tickets are $10 per person. Register at: www.icnarelief.org/pa Sponsors: ICNA Greater Philadelphia, SHAMS Clinic, IQRA Institute, YM Devon Questions? Contact Sr Dana Mohamed (484) 686-4257 or dmohamed@icnarelief.org
5/14/2017 12:30:00 PM -04:00
2nd Annual ICNA Relief Gift Eid Smiles Toy Drive
ICNA Relief USA- Pennsylvania is proud to announce our 2nd Annual Gift Eid Smiles Toy Drive!! Ramadan is approaching, InshaAllah. For many refugee families in Pennsylvania, this will be their first EID in the USA. Let's make this EID a special one for the families who have endured so much in their lives. Gift Eid Smiles- in partnership with GLOW Skincare MD! We are starting the collections early this year, as we have many more families than last Eid to provide for. April 1st through June 20th we will be collecting TOYS (new only) for refugee children in Pennsylvania. What better way to spend in charity than to put a smile on a child’s face and ease the burden for their parents. WHAT: ICNA Relief’s PA Gift Eid Smiles Toy Drive WHEN: April 1st through June 20th, 2017 HOW: Here are the steps to participate: 1. Announce the Toy Drive to your community/employees/friends and family (see attached flyer). Encourage the youth to also participate, whether selecting new toys, wrapping the toys or making homemade Happy Eid Cards…. 2. Set up a collection space in your facility, business or in selected community member homes. Start collecting new toys! Get the children involved in gift selection and wrapping. 3. Please be sure to note on the outside of the gifts, the age and gender the gift is geared toward for easy distribution later. 4. Once your collection space is full, contact Sr Dana Mohamed, to arrange pick up or drop off. Multiple pick ups can be arranged if needed. Dmohamed@icnarelief.org or (484) 686- 4257 Other ways to help: Donate funds to help us purchase toys, wrapping supplies etc. Checks can be made payable to ICNA Relief USA, in note field specify Philly Eid Gifts. Mail checks to: Dana Mohamed, c/o ICNA Relief USA, 114 Lynbrook Road, Paoli, PA 19301 Questions: Contact Sr Dana Winsey-Mohamed, ICNA Relief USA, PA Program Manager (484) 686-4257, dmohamed@icnarelief.org
5/14/2017 12:00:00 AM -04:00
Mental Health Training(Masjid Taqwa 13th, Hidaya 14th,ICOI 20th)
REGISTRATION FOR THESE COURSES IS REQUIRED. Sometimes first aid isn't a bandage, or CPR or calling 911. Sometimes first aid is YOU. You are more likely to encounter someone in an emotional or mental crisis than someone having a heart attack. Learn how to help a friend, family member, coworker or neighbor in need. Get trained in Mental Health First Aid. ICNA Relief is proud to host 2 Mental Health First Aid Training workshops with the help of Providence St. Joseph Health. Three workshop locations to choose from: Saturday May 13th | 8:30AM-5:30PM (8-hour course) Masjid Taqwa | 2183 Lake Ave., Altadena, CA 91001 COURSE IS FULL. REGISTRATION FOR MASJID TAQWA IS CLOSED. Sunday May 14th | 8:30AM-5:30PM (8-hour course) Masjid Hidayah | 5109 W 5TH ST., SANTA ANA, CA 92703 Saturday May 20th | 8:30AM-5:30PM (8-hour course) Islamic Center of Irvine | 2 Truman St, Irvine, CA 92620 Attendees who complete this course will be Certified Mental Health First Aid Responder for 3 years. A $170 value, this course is provided at no cost through the generous support of Providence St. Joseph Health. To register visit www.mentalhealth.icnarelief.org.
5/13/2017 8:15:00 AM -07:00
Peace At Home: The Power Of Change Is In Our Hand
Presented by ICNA Relief & CAIR - Philadelphia Chapter What does it take to create a happy family when modern life threatens to overwhelm us? This symposium brings together experts (Rabab Alma, Khalid Iqbal, Suzy Ismail, and Sahir Muhammad) who will present ideas that can easily be put to use in your own home to bring families closer together and build stress-free, strong, healthier, happier relationships where everyone flourishes and even the teenager treasures family time. The aim of the presentations and workshops is to: • Build a spousal relationship foundation • Become a better parent • Manage family members’ behavioral issues • Enhance child-parent connection Presentations: Rabab Alma - Healthy Tips: Communication Skills ScreamFree Parenting & Staying Calm and Connected Khalid Iqbal - RELAX – Alternatives to Anger & Domestic Violence from Islamic Perspective Suzy Ismail - Happily Ever After: Integrating Care and Mercy in our Homes Sahir Muhammad - The Need For Qualified Muslim Psychologists and Therapists Workshops: • Khalid Iqbal - Recognizing and preventing domestic violence • Rabab Alma - Addressing the nature of parent-teen conflicts • Suzy Ismail - Integrating care and mercy in our homes • Sahir Muhammad - Practical steps to address marriage, divorce, and other social ills in the Muslim Community • Herman “Abdus Salaam” Davis - Domestic violence, forgiveness, and self esteem • Mariam Abuawadeh - Addressing the needs of a child witnessing or experiencing trauma, violence at home or in the neighborhood Sponsors: • Al-Aqsa Islamic Society • Bentley Group • CAIR • Cornerstone • Emerge USA • Foundation for Islamic Education • Halal Guys • Hogan & Vandenberg LLC • ICNA Relief • IQRA Institute • Islamic Community Center of Lancaster • Islamic Society of Chester County • Masjid Al-Madinah • Masjid Ar-Rahman • Masjid Muhammad • Masjidullah • North Penn Mosque • PA Refugee Task Force • Peace & Love • Quba Institute • Southwest Community Center • Zubaida Foundation
5/13/2017 9:45:00 AM -04:00
Youth Studio: Girls Meet-up
Movie/ Spa Night! Overview Socialization evening for teenage girls (ages 13-18) where they can: Hangout, enjoy snacks and activities Gain meaningful social connections Engage in meaningful discussions with their fellow peers All activities will be supervised by IRC staff at all times. Upcoming Events May 12 Registration ircyouthclub.eventbrite.ca When you attend any event or program of ICNA Relief Canada, you are aware that photography, audio, and video recording will be done by staff and volunteers. By entering the event or premises you are giving consent to interview(s), photography, audio recording, video recording their release, publication, exhibition, or reproduction to be used for news, web casts, promotional purposes, telecasts, advertising, inclusion on websites, social media, or any other purpose by ICNA Relief Canada and its affiliates and representatives. Images, photos and/or videos may be used to promote similar events in the future. You release ICNA Relief Canada, Staff and all persons involved from any liability connected with the taking, recording, digitizing, or publication and use of interviews, photographs, computer images, video and/or or sound recordings. You also waive any right to check or approve any photo, video, or audio recording taken by ICNA relief Canada or the volunteer or entity designated to do so by ICNA Relief Canada You have been fully informed of your consent, waiver of liability, and release before entering the event
5/12/2017 6:30:00 PM -04:00
Information sessions for female International Medicine Graduates
ICNA Relief Canada is organizing information sessions to assist female International Medicine Graduates (IMGs) to get into practice or alternative medicine fields. The first group session will be on Sunday, May 7th, 4-6 PM at Unit 15- 3375 Thomas Street, Mississauga. There is no fee for these sessions but RSVP will be required as spots are limited. These are a series of information sessions, that will be held monthly. Possible topics covered (more can be added based on feedback): - Overview/assistance with CarMS application - Interview preparation - tips/ discussion - Mock interviews - Advice on alternative medical careers - Exploring opportunities across provinces - Exam preparation tips and resources - Conducting selected OSCE practice sessions Register at: icnauniversity@gmail.com These sessions will be photographed.
5/7/2017 4:00:00 PM -04:00
2nd Annual Mental Health Symposium: The Road to Resilienc
This event is for anyone who wants to learn about mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, stress management, family conflict mediation and resolution, counseling vs. medication, self-care and more. Find practical tools and get support, both in large group sessions and smaller group workshops. New this year: Parallel sessions for youth/teens! When: Day 1 | Friday, May 5 | 8:00pm - 9:15pm (right after Maghrib till Isha) Day 2 | Saturday, May 6 | 10:00am - 9:00pm (lunch and dinner will be available for purchase) Day 3 | Sunday, May 7 | 10:00am - 5:00pm (lunch will be available for purchase) Where: Islamic Center of Irvine (ICOI) 2 Truman, Irvine, CA 92620 Registration: Admission is $15 per day for Saturday or Sunday, or $25 for both days. Friday night (day 1) is free and open to all. To register, please visit www.mhsymposium.icnarelief.org
5/7/2017 12:00:00 AM -07:00
ICNA Relief MA Annual Banquet
Join us in Massachusets for our annual banquet to support our Amals Women's Center and our various projects and services. Enjoy dinner while listening to key note speakers, Sr. Malika MacDonald, Sh. Mikaeel Smith, and Dr. Abdul Hakim. Saturday, May 6th | 6:00 pm Sharp Holiday Inn | 30 Washington St. Somerville, MA 02143 Register at www.amal.icnarelief.org Individual Tickets - $25 Family (of 5) - $100 Child's Ticket - $10 For more information contact: Malika MacDonald-Rushdan malika@icnarelief.org, (347)754-1067
5/6/2017 6:00:00 PM -04:00
The Opening; ICNA Relief MA Banquet
Join us as we celebrate our accomplishments!! "The Opening" The dream has become a reality; the ICNA Relief Amal Women's Center is finally open Alhumdilllah. Come see the before and after pictures of our journey together. This is truly a special event which we are honored to share with you InshaAllah. Come learn more about the programs and services of the ICNA Relief USA; MA Field Office and our work on the National level all made possible first and foremost by the will of Allah and also by people just like you. Together we are changing lives MashaAllah; ordinary people creating extraordinary communities. This is our night, please plan to attend InshaAllah. Together we can do more!! TICKET INFO: http://amal.icnarelief.org/ Plenty of Free Parking MBTA Accessible Babysitting Available
5/6/2017 6:00:00 PM -04:00
Mental Illness and Social Perils
BEAUTIFUL MINDS: Mental Illness and Social Perils Let's raise awareness on mental health. Let's discuss the roles we can play to maintain a healthy and positive dynamic in our communities. Professionals from different academic backgrounds will explain the importance of each individual in a family setting and how we can help improve the lives of our fellow community members who suffer from mental health disorders. Saturday April 29th 5:30-8:30 PM -Mirim Bhutta Therapist/ Counselor -Kaiser Aslam Chaplain Rutgers University -Farhana Matin Director, ICNA Relief NJ Learn about -Social Problems & Muslim youth. -Mental Health,Faith & the Community -Caring effectively for those with Mental illness Location: NBIC 1330 Livingston Ave, North Brunswick , NJ 08902 Dinner Served
4/29/2017 5:30:00 PM -04:00
Youth & Family Networking Event
To engage Muslim families for over a long period of time by organizing social networking events like dinners, potlucks, picnics, camping, and chand raats. These programs will provide halal and protected outlets for the families who have less networking and socialization facilities. We will provide, delicious food, beautiful ambiance and good company for everyone. Our main focus is to serve those parents with children of ages 20 or above. Specially, Parents that are struggling to find right match for their children due to lack of community resources. ICNA Relief Canada is organizing these events to give community the platform, tools and engagement they need to support their family’s wellness with specific focus on their future matrimonial needs. The event is on a first come, first serve basis. Ticket: $25 per person To Purchase Tickets (Online): https://icnareliefcanada.ca/networking-event Notice: Tickets are non refundable. Dress code : Business Formal men Party wear women Dinner will be served. For any questions, please call Dr. Humaira at 905-997-1827 or 905-997-8777
4/28/2017 6:00:00 PM -04:00
Youth Studio: Boys Meet-up
Come join us for another night of fun, friends and games. A great way for you to socialize in a safe environment. Only for Boys, ages 13 - 18 years. register Ircyouthclub.eventbrite.ca When you attend any event or program of ICNA Relief Canada, you are aware that photography, audio, and video recording will be done by staff and volunteers. By entering the event or premises you are giving consent to interview(s), photography, audio recording, video recording their release, publication, exhibition, or reproduction to be used for news, web casts, promotional purposes, telecasts, advertising, inclusion on websites, social media, or any other purpose by ICNA Relief Canada and its affiliates and representatives. Images, photos and/or videos may be used to promote similar events in the future. You release ICNA Relief Canada, Staff and all persons involved from any liability connected with the taking, recording, digitizing, or publication and use of interviews, photographs, computer images, video and/or or sound recordings. You also waive any right to check or approve any photo, video, or audio recording taken by ICNA relief Canada or the volunteer or entity designated to do so by ICNA Relief Canada You have been fully informed of your consent, waiver of liability, and release before entering the event.
4/27/2017 6:00:00 PM -04:00
Senior Brothers Get-Together
We humbly invite our senior brothers for a conversation around health - physical and mental. Allong with a jolly time with friends, and light refreshments. Please share.
4/27/2017 11:00:00 AM -04:00
Senior Ladies Get-Together
We invite all our beautiful and gracious senior ladies to join us for afternoon on healthy living; body, mind and spirit. As always, light refreshments, fun activities and lots of laughter. InshAllah. Please bring your friends.
4/26/2017 12:00:00 AM -04:00
Charity Event
What is the meaning of April? the blossoming of flowers. Let our hearts blossom to the beautiful and insightful words of poetry. ICNA Relief Canada is organising multiple Urdu and Punjabi Poetry Night with Amjad Islam Amjad and Prof. Anwar Masood across Canada. We hope this is not only an opportunity for people to appreciate poetry from some of the very famous poets from Pakistan, but also support education in the rural areas of Pakistan as the proceeds from this event will go to this cause. Tickets: Asif Jamie I 647 283 5656 Syed Agha I 905 997 8777
4/23/2017 6:00:00 PM -04:00
Youth Studio: Girls Meet-up
After the sucess of our first youth night, we will be having another one on April 21st but only for girls. So that girls can relax, enjoy each others company, play games and further develop their social skills in a safe and comfortable environment. Only for Girls, ages 13 - 18 years. When you attend any event or program of ICNA Relief Canada, you are aware that photography, audio, and video recording will be done by staff and volunteers. By entering the event or premises you are giving consent to interview(s), photography, audio recording, video recording their release, publication, exhibition, or reproduction to be used for news, web casts, promotional purposes, telecasts, advertising, inclusion on websites, social media, or any other purpose by ICNA Relief Canada and its affiliates and representatives. Images, photos and/or videos may be used to promote similar events in the future. You release ICNA Relief Canada, Staff and all persons involved from any liability connected with the taking, recording, digitizing, or publication and use of interviews, photographs, computer images, video and/or or sound recordings. You also waive any right to check or approve any photo, video, or audio recording taken by ICNA relief Canada or the volunteer or entity designated to do so by ICNA Relief Canada You have been fully informed of your consent, waiver of liability, and release before entering the event.
4/21/2017 6:00:00 PM -04:00
Women's Yoga, Health & Empowerment Workshop
ICNA Relief Canada Presents Adult & Youth Ladies Workshop on Health & Wellness By Founder of Move N Improve Canada A nonprofit organization for Women's Health, Wellness Certified: Yoga Instructor Nutrition and Wellness Coach Can fit Pro Personal Trainer and Fitness Instructor Specialist Spiritual Caregiver at Scarborough General Hospital Session Thursday, April 20th, 2017 5:15 pl-6:45 pm 15-3375 Thomas Street, Mississauga, L5M, 6V8 Limited Seats - First come first served Register: nargis@icnareliefcanada.ca, (905) 858-1067
4/20/2017 5:15:00 PM -04:00
ICNA Relief NY Benefit Fundraiser Luncheon
Join ICNA Relief in NY for an afternoon filled with an inspiring talk by Sr. Dunia Shuaib and lunch, as we work towards raising funds to support our women's shelter and hunger prevention programs. Purchase tickets today! $20/person or $50/family For more information, contact: Br. Qamar Mansor 457-524-7388 Br. Saad Yasin 917-428-5259
4/9/2017 12:00:00 PM -04:00
ICNA Relief Annual Banquet
Refugee families, today, are at growing risk. Help ICNA Relief lay the foundation for its new Refugee Resource Center and Food Pantry on Devon Ave, our second, to serve our refugee clients closer to where they live. Your attendance will help us provide services ranging from car donations, food, counseling, ESL to case management. Let's join hands to put our refugee brothers and sisters on the path of self-sufficiency, insha Allah. They absolutely need our help and support. PURCHASE TICKETS at http://chi.icnarelief.org Early Bird Ends March 15: $50/adult; $500/Table After March 15: $60/adult; $600/Table Children under 10: $10 Baby Sitting Available We anticipate 700 attendees and a sold out event, similar to last year. Our services depend on the support we receive. Without you, we wouldn’t be able to assist the vulnerable and underserved in our community. Sponsorship Opportunities: Email chicago@icnarelief.org for packages 1. Booth only (limited number): $ 2000 plus 2 tickets 2. Two facebook mentions:$300 3. Single e-newsletter mention: $500 4. Advertising in our Annual Review (circulated year-round): 8.5 x 11 Full Page: $850 | 8 x 5Half Page: $650 Deadline for ads and sponsorships: March 15th. Checks can be made / mailed to: ICNA Relief Chicago, 1793 Bloomingdale Road, Suite #5, Glendale Heights, IL 60139. For questions, email chicago@icnarelief.org or text (847) 909-3621.
4/8/2017 6:00:00 PM -05:00
Little Muslim's Library - Grand Opening!
The Little Muslim's Library is opening its doors to welcome you on April 8, 2017 and as a special treat sister Eman S (Muslim children's book author) and sister Madiha M (Early Childhood Educator) will read books for the kids! Enjoy light refreshments and checkout the current collection as well. Raffles will be drawn to distribute gifts (sponsored by Discovery Dome) to the kids. Come join us in the fun!
4/8/2017 4:00:00 PM -07:00
Habitat for Humanity
Get out your overalls cuz we're gonna paint the town red! Ok, maybe not the town cuz that's a lot of work so probably just a house. And probably not red cuz it doesn't work with a lot of funiture. This project is in collaboration with NSU IMAN, FAU MSA, FIU MSA, BC MSA and more TBA. If you would like to partner with ICNA Relief on this or any future projects, send us a message!
4/8/2017 7:30:00 AM -04:00
ICNA Relief Georgia's Annual Banquet
ICNA Relief Atlanta served over 24,000 people in Metro Atlanta in 2016. ICNA Relief established below projects in Atlanta area: 1.) Hunger Prevention 2.) Women Shelters 3.) Refugee Assistance - ESOL, RACE and SAT, SAHI 4) Health Clinics - Atlanta/Athens 5.) Food Pantry at Clarkston 6.) Back2School Giveaway 7.) Muslim Family Services 8.) Qurbani/Udhiyah Meat Distribution 9.) Ramadan Ifhtar 10.) Internship/ Volunteer Training program 11.) Disaster Services 12.) Fitrah Management Free BabySitting will be provided
4/1/2017 6:45:00 PM -04:00
Annual NY Banquet with Linda Sarsour and Imam Siraj Wahhaj
Ordinary People, Creating Extraordinary Communities A benefit dinner for ICNA Relief's Women's Shelters, Refugee Services, Food Pantries, Free Health Clinics and other humanitarian projects. Featured Guests: Imam Siraj Wahhaj Sister Linda Sarsour $40/person - $50/person at the door - $500/table for 10 Children Under 5 are free! Childcare available! For more information: Arshad Jamal: (484) 264 - 5577 Moviz Siddiqi: (631) 902 - 2470 We look forward to seeing you there, insha'Allah! Visit us on our website for more information on our projects: http://icnarelief.org/ About ICNA Relief: ICNA Relief USA seeks to alleviate human suffering by providing caring and compassionate service to victims of adversities and survivors of disasters. ICNA Relief USA strives to build healthy communities, strengthen families and create opportunities for those in despair while maintaining dignity and advocating for basic human needs.
4/1/2017 6:30:00 PM -04:00
ICNA Relief MD Annual Banquet
Join ICNA Relief for a night of inspiring talks and presentations for our annual benefit dinner. Imam Khalid Latif will be joining us from New York, along with our esteemed local speakers, Dr Mohsin Ansari and Sheikh Yaseen. Purchase tickets today at: http://md.icnarelief.org/
4/1/2017 6:00:00 PM -04:00
Mi Space Youth Centre
ICNA Relief Canada is starting a Youth Centre for boys and girls (ages 13-18). It is set to launch Thurs, March 30th, 2017. NOTE: First program is for all but there will be separate monthly meeting days and activities for boys and girls. Purpose: To bring together the young communities within the GTA in a safe, judgement free zone where they can (1) Hang-out and have fun (boys and girls separate) while also enjoying snacks, and activities such as board games, video games, foosball, arts and crafts, music, etc. (2) Gain meaningful social connections (3) Engage in meaningful discussions with their fellow peers, such as related to academics, post secondary pathways, volunteering, or other topics of interest of teenager boys and girls All activities will be supervised by IRC staff at all times. Join the club NOW! Don't forget to tell your friends to join as well! Parents are welcome to see the centre, meet the coorindators, provide feedback, and are encouraged to volunteer with IRC Youth Centre. For more information, contact: icnauniversity@gmail.com. Call: 905 997 8777 Please sign up here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/irc-youth-club-boys-and-girls-ages-13-18-tickets-32394858895
3/30/2017 7:00:00 PM -04:00
Seniors' Get Together (Ladies Only)
To celebate our 4 years of service of to our senior ladies, we are hosting our senior ladies get together on March 27, 2017 to celebrate healthy living. InshaAllah, please join us with your friends. NOTICE OF VIDEO, AUDIO AND PHOTOGRAPHY When you attend any event or program of ICNA Relief Canada, you are aware that photography, audio, and video recording will be done by staff and volunteers. By entering the event or premises you are giving consent to interview(s), photography, audio recording, video recording their release, publication, exhibition, or reproduction to be used for news, web casts, promotional purposes, telecasts, advertising, inclusion on websites, social media, or any other purpose by ICNA Relief Canada and its affiliates and representatives. Images, photos and/or videos may be used to promote similar events in the future. You release ICNA Relief Canada, Staff and all persons involved from any liability connected with the taking, recording, digitizing, or publication and use of interviews, photographs, computer images, video and/or or sound recordings. You also waive any right to check or approve any photo, video, or audio recording taken by ICNA relief Canada or the volunteer or entity designated to do so by ICNA Relief Canada You have been fully informed of your consent, waiver of liability, and release before entering the event.
3/27/2017 10:30:00 AM -04:00
Mi Space Program for Young Women
ICNA Relief Canada is starting a Youth Club for Undergraduate Girls & Young Professional women. It is set to launch Friday, March 24th, 2017, 7-9:30 PM. Refreshments will be served. Space is Limited. Purpose: To bring together the young communities within the GTA in a safe, judgement-free space where they can (1) Gain meaningful social connections and broaden in network (2) Engage in meaningful discussions with their fellow peers, such as on topics related to academics, career building, leadership, or other topics of interest and/or issues surrounding young women. (3) Enjoy coffee, snacks, games, etc. Come March 24th and check out the youth space! Don't forget to spread the word amongst your network! For more information, please contact: icnauniversity@gmail.com. NOTICE OF VIDEO, AUDIO AND PHOTOGRAPHY When you attend any event or program of ICNA Relief Canada, you are aware that photography, audio, and video recording will be done by staff and volunteers. By entering the event or premises you are giving consent to interview(s), photography, audio recording, videorecording and its/their release, publication, exhibition, or reproduction to be used for news, web casts, promotional purposes, telecasts, advertising, inclusion on websites, social media, or any other purpose by ICNA Relief Canada and its affiliates and representatives. Images, photos and/or videos may be used to promote similar events in the future. You release ICNA Relief Canada, Staff and all persons involved from any liability connected with the taking, recording, digitizing, or publication and use of interviews, photographs, computer images, video and/or or sound recordings.You also waive any right to check or approve any photo, video, or audio recording taken by ICNA relief Canada or the volunteer or entity designated to do so by ICNA Relief Canda You have been fully informed of your consent, waiver of liability, and release before entering the event.
3/24/2017 7:00:00 PM -04:00
Seniors' Get-Together (Men Only)
After the success of our first senior mens get together, we are hosting another one on March 23, 2017. As always we will discuss an important issue relevant to our senior populace, have some meaningful and insightful conversation sprinkled with intrigue and joy. Please Like and Share. NOTICE OF VIDEO, AUDIO AND PHOTOGRAPHY When you attend any event or program of ICNA Relief Canada, you are aware that photography, audio, and video recording will be done by staff and volunteers. By entering the event or premises you are giving consent to interview(s), photography, audio recording, video recording their release, publication, exhibition, or reproduction to be used for news, web casts, promotional purposes, telecasts, advertising, inclusion on websites, social media, or any other purpose by ICNA Relief Canada and its affiliates and representatives. Images, photos and/or videos may be used to promote similar events in the future. You release ICNA Relief Canada, Staff and all persons involved from any liability connected with the taking, recording, digitizing, or publication and use of interviews, photographs, computer images, video and/or or sound recordings. You also waive any right to check or approve any photo, video, or audio recording taken by ICNA relief Canada or the volunteer or entity designated to do so by ICNA Relief Canada You have been fully informed of your consent, waiver of liability, and release before entering the event.
3/23/2017 11:00:00 AM -04:00
Open House at New Refugee Resource Center & Food Pantry
On Feb.14, 2017, Commissioner Gainer, from the 10th district, representing the Chicago Board of Commissioners addressed attendees, welcoming ICNA Relief and its new Refugee Resource Center and Food Pantry on Devon. We had a full house with visitors that included representatives of the Pakistan Embassy, congresswoman Jan Schakowsky's office, Mammal Foundation and more. It was an emotional morning with testimonials from our beneficiaries. Chicago Tribune covered the inauguration with this report: http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-devon-resource-center-preview-met-20170214-story.html Now, it's your turn! We'd love to have you visit us and, inshallah, help #LayTheFoundation by contributing towards $200,000 in annual operating expenses. And remember to bring a friend of another faith! We serve all races, religions and ethnicities. You can also help us #LaytheFoundation to make our new Refugee Resource Center and Food Pantry a success by supporting our banquet on April 8th. Purchase tickets now at chi.icnarelief.org #FaithInAction
3/18/2017 11:00:00 AM -05:00
Mission Monroe (Disaster Response Trip)
Louisiana has been the victim of multiple natural disasters. While still recovering from past damage, it was once again flooded last year. We need a team from Florida to assist in the ongoing repair efforts. Limited space available. Date: March 11–18, 2017 Cost: $150 (financial aid available) Food, shelter, work, and travel is included. As of now, accomdations have been made for brothers. If there is an interest, arrangements will be made for sisters as well. For more information: Taha Qureshi (954) 806-8283 or tqureshi@icnarelief.org
3/18/2017 12:00:00 AM -06:00
Become an Ansar with AbdelRahman Murphy!
Become an Ansar! Adopt a Refugee Join us for an evening of inspiration. Learn about all the ways you can help refugees that are and have settled in the United States. FREE Admission Dinner will be served For more information, please contact: Vaqar Sharief: (302) 588 - 9401 Arshad Jamal: (484) 264-5577
3/17/2017 6:00:00 PM -04:00
Fundraising Weekend- Halal Guys and ICNA Relief
Who is ready for some delicious halal food for a GREAT Cause? ICNA Relief PA has teamed up with Halal Guys King of Prussia, PA for a fundraising weekend! Visit or order from Halal Guys KOP Friday March 10th thru the 12th, mention ICNA Relief and 20% of your total will be donated back to ICNA Relief PA programs! Friday, March 10 thru Sunday March 12th Easy Peasy! Questions, contact Sr Dana at dmohamed@icnarelief.org Address of The Halal Guys 150W Dekalb Pike, Ste. 100 King of Prussia, PA (484)679-1444
3/12/2017 12:00:00 AM -05:00
Comfort Care Packs; Monthly
Sponsor a Comfort Care Pack: Monthly Distribution $25 per pack includes; essential personal hygiene products and household cleaners which can not be purchased with SNAP (Food Stamp) benefits. Sponsor Here: https://icnarelief.org/Apps/Donation/Donation.php?a=relief&b=&c= (Comment: Comfort Care Pack) Standard Pack Includes the Following Items; * Toilet Paper (4 pack) * Soap (3 pack) * Toothpaste * Toothbrush * Shampoo and Conditioner * Sanitary Pads 16 count * Laundry Detergent 10oz * Dish Soap 16oz Requested items could also be dropped off at the ICNA Relief USA: MA Field Office located at 100 Malcolm X Blvd. Boston, MA 02120 ***Please ONLY drop off items requested as each Care Pack will be standard.
3/11/2017 11:00:00 AM -05:00
Islamic Books Drive (Feb 15 - Mar 15)
Kids Islamic books at home that are no longer in use can be donated to our Little Mulims Library (opening March 2017). We are hoping to create a gently used/ new Islamic books collection to encourage kids and parents to read together. Parents are welcome to checkout other interesting books that their kids may not have read yet. For those intersted in donating ($30 or more - PayPal: https://goo.gl/IOzyhn) to purchase new or series Islamic books, tax deductible receipts are available as well. We would like to thank the community in advance for their support! Please get in touch with us at 403-457-4266 | calgaryfb@icnareliefcanada.ca | www.icnareliefcanada.ca
3/1/2017 12:00:00 AM -07:00
Parenting Workshop Series in Mississauga
Focus is to provide tips and tools on positive parenting and healthy relationships ,women only, registeration required, register@ Dr.Nargis 905-858-1067 or Dr. Humaira 905-997-1827 or nargis@icnareliefcanada.ca This event will be videotaped and photographed. By attending this event you are giving consent of taking pictures, audio recording, and video recording,
2/27/2017 11:00:00 AM -05:00
Shake The Stigma: Mental Health Online Workshop
Introducing our first ever virtual workshop. This month's topic is all about MENTAL HEALTH and our speaker is Sr. Aliah Azmeh, one of our Muslim Family Services counselor. You can join this FREE workshop from the comfort of your home: ONLINE. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions When: Sunday Feb 26th 1pm EST Where: Online (once you register you will get further details) Everyone must register here: http://goo.gl/49drl5
2/26/2017 1:00:00 PM -05:00
Volunteer Fair: Be Different
There are a lot of things that need to happen. If we stay the way we are, the community will stay the way it is. There are plenty of of opportunities for you. Come learn about the different ways you can get involved in your community! From making phone calls to moving furniture, or from attending workshops to planning them, YOUR COMMUNITY NEEDS YOU! Although the event is hosted by ICNA Relief, there will be other organizations recruiting volunteers as well! Be sure to check the wall for important updates! “Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.” ~Elizabeth Andrew
2/26/2017 12:00:00 PM -05:00
ICNA Relief Fundraising Week Feb 19-Feb 26
Come join ICNA Relief So Cal as we host our very first Fundraising Week at Kitchen 360. It's very simple. All you have to do is order food at Kitchen 360, a new halal restaurant, during the week of Feb 19-26, mention to the cashier that you are here for ICNA Relief, and Kitchen 360 will donate 20% of your purchase back to ICNA Relief and our many programs. What a great way to enjoy some good halal food and donate back to a great cause. Check out our flier for more details! Kitchen 360 address- 510 N. Brookhurst Street, Unit 103, Anaheim, CA 92801 If you have any questions please email us at icnareliefsocal@icnarelief.org.
2/26/2017 12:00:00 AM -08:00
Annual Banquet with Linda Sarsour and Imam Omar Suleiman
Ordinary People, Creating Extraordinary Communities A benefit dinner for ICNA Relief's Women's Shelters, Refugee Services, Food Pantries, Free Health Clinics and other humanitarian projects. Featured Guests: Shaykh Omar Suleiman Sister Linda Sarsour Monzer Taleb $35 Presale | $50 at the Door | Buy @ sfl.icnarelief.org Babysitting available For more info: Taha Qureshi (954) 806-8283 We look forward to seeing you there, insha'Allah! Visit us on our website for more information on our projects: http://icnarelief.org/ About ICNA Relief: ICNA Relief USA seeks to alleviate human suffering by providing caring and compassionate service to victims of adversities and survivors of disasters. ICNA Relief USA strives to build healthy communities, strengthen families and create opportunities for those in despair while maintaining dignity and advocating for basic human needs.
2/11/2017 6:00:00 PM -05:00
Rebuilding Refugee Lives: A Dinner for Burma Refugees
Rebuilding Refugee Lives With over a decade of refugee work in America, ICNA Relief now sets its sights on the biggest refugee crisis in recent history. By attending and benefiting this cause you will be positioning ICNA Relief as a frontrunner in assisting our refugee brothers and sisters. Join us with Dr AbdulHakim Mohamed (former president of NAIF (North American Imams Federation) as he maximizes our Allah-Given potential to expand our hearts. Other Speakers include: Abdul Khadir Ilmi ( Masjid As-Salam) Abdul Rehman Yaki ( ICCD) Ahmad Abu Hakmeh (Al-Hidaya Center) Mohamed Rabie (Masjid Arqam) ICNA RELIEF presents a beautiful and not to be missed dinner event featuring a program around the Burma Refugee crisis, featuring local Burma refugee families. Sisters and gentle-men, this is your opportunity to eat some ethnic food and enjoy an evening that benefits local refugee projects and more. For more information contact Amira Mohammad (518) 364-3106 Shahid Farooqi (315) 534-0790
2/11/2017 5:30:00 PM -05:00
Rebuild OK: Help Build Sheds For Tornado Survivors
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! http://rebuild.icnarelief.org/ Rebuild Oklahoma with ICNA Relief on February 4-5, 8AMam - 4:30PM @ Moore, OK Volunteer on Saturday and/or Sunday and make a difference! Join ICNA Relief in a special community service project for the Survivors of the Moore Tornado - We're looking for 30 VOLUNTEERS - Volunteers will get HANDS ON experience - FREE TRAINING provided for all volunteers - ICNA Relief will provide FREE LUNCH for all Volunteers! - All Volunteers will receive Certificates for their participation Signup Now @ http://rebuild.icnarelief.org/
2/5/2017 12:00:00 AM -06:00
Monthly seniors' event for men
Networking, Presentation on Cardiovascular diseases and a healthy lifestyle,Men only,registeration required @ 905-858-1067 or nargis@icnareliefcanada.ca This event will be videotaped and photographed. By attending this event you are giving consent of taking pictures, audio recording and video recording,
1/30/2017 11:00:00 AM -05:00
Seniors get-together for ladies
Networking, presentation,women only, registeration required. Register @ 905-858-1067 or nargis@icnareliefcanada.ca
1/23/2017 10:30:00 AM -05:00
ICNA Relief Orlando Annual Banquet
Asalaam Alaikum, Brothers and Sisters of Orlando. ICNA Relief is hosting its annual banquet on January 22nd, 2017. Please come and join us, as we are honored to have these distinguish guest, speak on how ordinary people create extraordinary communities. This banquet is to assist and benefit the Orlando community by Feeding the Hungry (food pantries), Empowering the Women (women shelter), and Elevate the community. This is to help promote and represent actions by the community showcasing the true image of Islam.
1/22/2017 6:00:00 PM -05:00
ICNA Relief's SHAMS Clinic Health Fair
Join ICNA Relief's SHAMS Clinic in partnership with Prince of Peace Lutheran Church for our First Annual Health Fair! We will offer FREE services, provided by licensed professionals. Sugar, Diet, Blood Pressure and Counseling! Lunch will be provided. Details: Date: Saturday, January 21st, 2017 Time: 11:00am - 2:00pm Location: Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, 6001 Colgate Street Philadelphia, PA 19111 For further questions, please contact Sr Dana Mohamed, dmohamed@icnarelief.org or (484) 686-4257, or Pastor Ben Krey at (215) 342-3535 We are looking for clinical and non-clinical volunteers. If you are interested, please fill out the form below! https://goo.gl/forms/xUHwKrMVWMxTlEiC3
1/21/2017 11:00:00 AM -05:00
High Tea Luncheon
ICNA Relief-Dallas and Suffa Islamic Seminary invite you to join us for a High Tea Luncheon to support our Refugee ESL and Life Skills Classes. We are taking the next step in settling refugees into their new lives in the United States. As the proverb states, Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
1/9/2017 11:30:00 AM -06:00
Painting the Garage
We are converting the Women's Shelter garage into a Refugee Resource Center ( a classroom for the refugees to learn English, computer skills, etc). We've done the demolition inside, have begun the electrical, and will be done drywalling by then, so we need your help to paint the room. It's in West Palm Beach so let us know if you want to carpool. Send us a message for the details!
1/7/2017 12:00:00 PM -05:00
Canceled - The Divine Reality
ICNA Relief presents: Ever wondered how Islam deals with atheism? Ustadh Hamza Tzortzis, an expert on logic and dealing with questions related to Islamic theology, tackles this question and more in his class: The Divine Reality, Islam's response to atheism. The class is 100% free, but please register with Eventbrite here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-divine-reality-class-dar-al-hijrah-tickets-30008990699
1/1/2017 12:00:00 PM -05:00
Canceled - The Divine Reality
ICNA Relief presents: Ever wondered how Islam deals with atheism? Ustadh Hamza Tzortzis, an expert on logic and dealing with questions related to Islamic theology, tackles this question and more in his class: The Divine Reality, Islam's response to atheism. The class is 100% free, but we ask that you register via Eventbrite here:
12/31/2016 12:00:00 PM -05:00
Halal Food Drive
Asslaam o alaykum, Our shelves are almost empty as new families register every week. We currently are struggling to help around 250 registered families every month. Your support is needed urgently and we request that you forward this (please see poster) to your family and friends. The Food Drive will be from Dec 17 - 31 at the ICNA Relief Food Bank located at: Bay 705 - 4656 Westwinds Drive NE, Calgary AB, T3J 3Z5 Monday to Friday (2pm - 7pm) and Sunday (11am - 4pm) or at the stores listed on poster. Funds or in-kind donations (non perishable) can be given, and tax deductible receipts for in-kind donations can only be given against store receipts. Any and all support from the community is greatly appreciated!
12/31/2016 12:00:00 AM -07:00
Ordinary People Creating Extraordinary Communities
Numerous families in our community, whether they are homeless, refugees or the general needy, struggle on a daily basis to support themselves and provide a stable environment for their future generations to prosper. Join us on Dec 17 for a Benefit Dinner dedicated to supporting the needy, our neighbors in need have a right over us. Guest Speakers: - Ustadh AbdelRahman Murphy is a graduate of the UIC, he's is currently pursuing his Master’s in Mental Health Counseling. He has served as a youth director, Muslim chaplain, and assistant imam in a full-time capacity since 2009. - Ustadh Haris Qudsi graduated from the University of Maryland, a seminary school student at the Islamic Society of Baltimore, as well as an Outreach Director for ICNA Relief in the DMV area. Reservation Details: $20 / Person, Free Babysitting Register here: http://icnarelief.org/austin Contact information: Mutuza Ali (717) 599-0492 We look forward to seeing you there, insha'Allah! Visit us on our website for more information on our projects: http://icnarelief.org About ICNA Relief: ICNA Relief USA seeks to alleviate human suffering by providing caring and compassionate service to victims of adversities and survivors of disasters. ICNA Relief USA strives to build healthy communities, strengthen families and create opportunities for those in despair while maintaining dignity and advocating for basic human needs.
12/17/2016 7:00:00 PM -06:00
From Muslims With Love: How We Help America By Helping Refugees
From Muslims With Love: How We Help America By Helping Refugees With over a decade of refugee work in America, ICNA Relief now sets its sights on the biggest refugee crisis in recent history. By attending and benefiting this cause you will be positioning ICNA Relief as a frontrunner in assisting our refugee brothers and sisters. Join us with Ustadh Wisam Sharieff and Imam Rafiq Mahdi (Willilam Henderson) as they maximize our Allah-Given potential to expand our hearts. ICNA Relief highlights our duty to help those in need. ICNA RELIEF NJ presents a beautiful and not to be missed dinner event with sumptuous appetizers cooked & baked by local Syrian Refugees, dinner and inspirational speeches. There will be crafts up for grabs for sale by our refugees: • Winter scarves • Embroidered tablecloths • Art- framed calligraphy/ drawings So let the excitment begin! Sisters and gentle-men, this is your opportunity to eat some ethnic food and enjoy an evening that benefits local refugee projects and more. For more information contact Atif Usman (201) 344-4146, Appetizers, sweets & crafts made by Syrian Refugees at this event! To inquire about babysitting ages 2+ potty trained contact usiddiqi@icnarelief.org
12/17/2016 5:00:00 PM -05:00
Peace at Home: Building a Healthy, Happy Family
REGISTRATION REQUIRED - PURCHASE YOUR TICKETS TODAY! Presented by ICNA Relief & CAIR - Philadelphia Chapter What does it take to create a happy family when modern life threatens to overwhelm us? This symposium brings together four experts (Rabab Alma, Khalid Iqbal, Suzy Ismail, and Safiyya Shabazz, M.D.) who will present ideas that can easily be put to use in your own home to bring families closer together and build stress-free, strong, healthier, happier relationships where everyone flourishes and even the teenager treasures family time. The aim of the presentations and workshops is to: • Build a spousal relationship foundation • Become a better parent • Manage family members’ behavioral issues • Enhance child-parent connection Workshops: • Khalid Iqbal - Recognizing and preventing domestic violence • Rabab Alma - Addressing the nature of parent-teen conflicts • Herman “Abdus Salaam” Davis - Domestic violence, forgiveness, and self esteem • Dr. Safiyya Shabazz - Getting past the mental, stress and depression stigma • Shirley Jones Abdus Shakur - The benefits and blessing of being kind in the home • Dr. Rashidah Abdul-Khabir - Support systems for domestic violence victims • Mariam Abuawadeh - Addressing the needs of a child witnessing or experiencing trauma, violence at home or in the neighborhood • Herman “Abdus Salaam” Davis - Domestic violence, forgiveness, and self esteem • Suzy Ismail - Integrating care and mercy in our homes Sponsors: • Al-Aqsa Islamic Society • Bentley Group • CAIR • Cornerstone • Emerge USA • Foundation for Islamic Education • Halal Guys • Hogan & Vandenberg LLC • ICNA Relief • IQRA Institute • Islamic Community Center of Lancaster • Islamic Society of Chester County • Masjid Al-Madinah • Masjid Ar-Rahman • Masjid Muhammad • Masjidullah • North Penn Mosque • PA Refugee Task Force • Peace & Love • Quba Institute • Zubaida Foundation
12/17/2016 9:00:00 AM -05:00
ICNA Relief Tampa Banquet
Asalaam Alikum Tampa brothers and sisters. ICNA Relief is hosting a banquet in Tampa FL, and we would like you to join us. Come find out how ordinary people creating extraordinary communities. This banquet is to assist and benefit the Tampa community by Feeding the hungry, Empowering the women, and Elevate the Tampa community. Please join us on December 16th, 2016. You can purchases tickets @https://icna-relief-usa.ticketleap.com/icna-relief-tampa/
12/16/2016 6:00:00 PM -05:00
Importance of Family - A Benefit Dinner To Uplift Families
ICNA Relief Kansas City invites you to attend a benefit dinner to uplift families in distress. Honorable Guest - Orya Maqbool Jan (Famous Columnist/Speaker) & Syed Salman Gilani
12/10/2016 6:00:00 PM -06:00
Importance of Family
ICNA Relief USA presents- Importance of Family A Benefit Dinner to Uplift Families in Distress Honorable Guest: Orya Maqbool Jan (Famous Columnist/Speaker) Featured Poet: Syed Salman Gilani Saturday, December 3rd , 2016 5:30pm Quality Inn 943 South High Street, West Chester, PA 19382 Free Parking Available, Dinner Provided, Babysitting Available Tickets: $20/Person Tickets can be purchased online at: http://icnarelief.org/site2/index.php/campaigns/696-importance-of-family Questions? Sister Dana Mohamed (dmohamed@icnarelief.org) Br Khalid Munir 215-971-6138 Br Saiful Islam 406-967-6840 Br Bilal Baqai 484-369-9636 Br Masood Sadiq 302-293-7307
12/3/2016 5:30:00 PM -05:00
Let's Give: Annual Thanksgiving Giveaway in Atlantic City
What Can You Bring To The Table? This Thanksgiving, Islamic Circle of North America New Jersey (ICNA-NJ) and ICNA Relief NJ will distribute food, household supplies, personal care products, and clothing. These items will be distributed to the most vulnerable families in Atlantic City who were affected by Hurricane Sandy in 2012. This year is especially important. Show your civic engagement. Our generous sponsors are bringing Hot meals Winter clothing Cooking oil Canned food We need your help with the following contributions: Cereal Boxes Blankets Diapers Baby Wipes Please contribute whatever supplies you can! Drop-off Location: WhyIslam Center, 1320 Hamilton St. Somerset, NJ 08873 Please drop off your donations by Wednesday, November 23rd! VOLUNTEERS are also needed to help with distribution in Atlantic City. Please sign up to be a volunteer: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeG1Urvds9eBj82ltGAxfA5IzS-sBVnOXlbw-FMK6tMnLtPYw/viewform 600 beneficiaries look to us to support this event. We can’t let them down. You can get involved in the following ways: 1.Sponsorship: If your organization would to sponsor this event, please contact: Farhana Matin at fmatin@icnarelief.org .We need good, warm blankets which cost $10 each at bulk price. 2.Individuals: Support the giveaway by making a donation to cover costs of hot food, nonperishable food, warm blankets and more www.icnarelief.org/givethanks 3.Sign up to volunteer: Umber Siddiqi usiddiqi@icnarelief.org 4.Spread the word to your friends, family, halaqa groups and community members Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1705970699625343/ No donation is too small. On the authority of Abu Hurairah (r.a) from the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) who said, “ Allah (swt) said: "SPEND ON CHARITY OH SON OF ADAM, AND I SHALL SPEND ON YOU."
11/26/2016 12:30:00 PM -05:00
Matrimonial Event
If you are single ( previously not married) Muslim, looking for a suitable match, come and attend ICNA Relief Canada Matrimonial Event. Registration:- Pre-registration is a must* Ticket: $20 (includes light refreshments) Arrive at event and purchase ticket at door Cash only. Exact change required. Information required for registration: Name, age, gender, marital status, education, profession , ethnicity, contact number and email. Register @ miltonfb@icnareliefcanada.ca Inquiries contact: Sr.Yasmeena 647-855-8050.
11/12/2016 1:00:00 PM -05:00
They Are Listening- Are You Talking?
A session design about children and teens: What your child is going through and how to talk to them about it. No parent can afford to miss this! Counseling session appointment for married couples, families and individual sisters will be available after the presentation and can be made by emailing: secretary@malv.org Sr. Miriam Bhutta, MHC is a Therapist/Counselor working with ICNA Relief. She counsels individuals, children and adolescents, couples and families. Muslim Association of Lehigh Valley 1988 Schadt Ave, Whitehall, PA 18052
11/6/2016 11:30:00 AM -05:00
ICNA Relief's 2nd Annual Steps for Relief (5K in Orlando)
The Steps for Relief 5k is ICNA Relief’s second annual. We will be hosting a day of friendly competition and fun where our community will get together and make memories while helping others. This event is to raise awareness and funding for our Food Pantry, Women’s Transitional Home, and Shifa Clinic.
11/6/2016 8:00:00 AM -05:00
Challenge Winter: ICNA Relief & ISBCC Winter Drive
ICNA Relief; MA Field Office in collaboration with the ISBCC are conducting an annual collection of Winter Items for Winter Blessing Bags for the Homeless; "Challenge Winter"! View our Amazon Wish List for Items Needed (**NOTE: each Blessing Bag will contain the items on our wish list, please choose from our list or donate similar new items.) https://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/ref=cm_reg_rd-upd?ie=UTF8&id=1N4GPKMXU9U6K&type=wishlist Help us challenge winter by providing warm winter items for Boston area homeless; help them bare the elements this winter InshaAllah - prepare now so we can ensure 100 Blessing Bags reach those in need before the 1st frost and bitter cold. Items for the Homeless yet you earn the Blessings!! JazakullahKhair for your support!!
10/31/2016 1:00:00 PM -04:00
What you need to know- Post-secondary pathways
After the success of Bridging the Gap convention, ICNA Relief Canada presents a FREE info night for Grades 11 and 12 students and their Parents to help guide you through Post-Secondary selection and application process. There is growing concern that highschool guidance is insufficient, university admission requirements are very competetive, and parents/students are indecisive when it's time to apply in Gr. 12. Sign up at icnauniversityprep.eventbrite.ca/ for an opportunity where frequently asked questions and myths related to pathways from Gr. 12 to post-secondary institution are addressed. The event features an informative presentation followed by a panel Q&A session. This will be the night to prepare, get tips, and ask questions so you make the Right Decision...the most important decision for you and your child! Register early to guarantee spot (spaces limited). Entry limited to ONLY high school students and accompanying parents. For further information, contact icnauniversity@gmail.com. Event Agenda: 5:50 - Registration starts 6:00 - 7:00 PM - Presentation 7:00 - 7:30 PM - Panel Q&A 7:00 - 7:30 PM - Individual Q&A (for those who wish)
10/29/2016 6:00:00 PM -04:00
Challenge The Winter Drive ALL of October
What can you SPARE that they can WEAR? Donate through all of October. Your donations of warm clothing and funds will be used towards distributing much needed warm clothing & items by ICNA Relief NJ to refugees and low-income families in NJ as well as Burmese refugees living in Albany NY. Drive runs from October 1st through October 15th. We are looking for CLEAN, LIGHTLY USED or UNUSED clothing for children, women and men. We are collecting: Winter coats Blankets Mittens/Gloves Winter Scarves Warm clothes Boots You can also donate online https://icnarelief.org/Apps/Donation/Donation.php?a=WinterChallenge We also need volunteers to wash clothes. One can offer to do 1, 2 or more loads of laundry (easily reimbursed if needed); volunteer hours can be recorded for children for school if needed. *Please note one medium bag per individual; we will not take random garbage bag(s) filled with off season items. Kindly follow instructions so the people can benefit from your donation. Drop off times at Why Islam Center (Upstairs at ICNA Relief office) 1320 Hamilton St Somerset NJ: Oct. 5, 6, and 7 from 9 AM to 1 PM Oct.12, 13, 14 from 9 AM to 1 PM Call for other dates or stay tuned for updates for the rest of October. Drop off only at these dates and times; refrain from dropping off at other times as it will distract other offices and will most likely be discarded. For more info call Laila Elfane at 917-670-2251.
10/25/2016 12:00:00 AM -04:00
Benefit Dinner
10/22/2016 5:30:00 PM -07:00
Habitat for Humanity with FIU MSA
Salam. Get out your overalls cuz we're gonna paint the town red! Ok, maybe not the town cuz that's a lot of work so probably just a house. And probably not red cuz it doesn't work with a lot of funiture. If you would like to partner with ICNA Relief on this or any future projects, send us a message!
10/15/2016 7:45:00 AM -04:00
PA Refugee Task Force OPEN HOUSE
Join Us! The PA Refugee Task Force is having an OPEN HOUSE! Come Learn About Who We Are and How You Can Get Involved! The initiative of assisting incoming refugees has been in force for over a year now. Passionate, local community members have been handling multiple facets of the project on their own with great difficulty. Recently, we formed a more formal group, the PA Refugee Task Force led by MYCP and ICNA Relief USA, to help alleviate some of the common challenges in resettlement. The Task Force was born out of the need of efficiency, streamlined case management and transparent financial management. Saturday, October 8th, 2016 5:00pm - 8:00pm MYCP (Muslim Youth Center of Philadelphia) 11080 Knights Rd. Philadelphia, PA 19154 We look forward to seeing you all there! Don't forget to tell friends and family! Together we can do MORE!
10/8/2016 5:00:00 PM -04:00
Car Workshop
Ever find yourself stuck on the side of the road with a flat tire and no idea what to do? Or you get back to your car after a long day at school/work and your car battery is dead? Be flustered no more! Come learn how to: - Change a tire - Jump a battery - Pump air in a tire - Check your oil And much more!
10/1/2016 1:00:00 PM -04:00
Event Moved to New Page
We Have Moved to Our NEW Event Page Under the Official New England Muslim Festival: Find Us Here * Don't Miss a Beat!! https://www.facebook.com/events/1698133940511310/
9/25/2016 1:00:00 PM -04:00
Feed the Homeless; Boston, MA
ICNA Relief MA Field Office and the Islamic Society of Framingham's Young Basheers Youth Group are Partnering to FEED 1000 Homeless Individuals Insha'Allah. Join Us for One of Our Largest Street Distributions Yet Masha'Allah. We will Need YOU; Our Volunteers to Help Us Carry Out this Noble Endeavor Insha'Allah. We will Meet at the ICNA Relief MA Field Office the Day of the Mission at 3:00PM and Break into 2 Teams to Hit the Streets. MEET UP: 100 Malcolm X Blvd. Boston, MA 02120 **Youth Under 18 Must be Accompanied by an Adult
9/24/2016 3:00:00 PM -04:00
6 Flags Eid Celebration for Our Syrian refugee Neighbors
This Eid, instead of holding an Eid toy drive for our struggling refugee brothers and sisters, ICNA Relief has decided to give the children the gift of memories to last a lifetime: 6 Flags Muslim Family Day Tickets! http://bit.ly/2cfGLAw We need to raise approximately $4,000 to help women (moms) and their children attend. Alhamdulilah we have food and transportation sponsors: Layla transportation & Douglas Pizza and Grill in Franklin have sponsored half the cost! Now we need your help. With only $500 raised out of 4K, we are miles away from our goal. Donate today: http://bit.ly/2cfGLAw If you love this idea, please donate online $32 per ticket and invite others to share this fun-filled event. Donate a little or as many tickets as possible! https://icnarelief.org/Apps/Give/Give.php?a=6flagsforRefuge
9/23/2016 11:00:00 AM -04:00
Qurbani Meat Drive; Massachusetts
"(The righteous are those) who feed the poor, the orphan and the captive for the love of God, saying: 'We feed you for the sake of God Alone; we seek from you neither reward nor thanks.'" (The Holy Quran, 76:8-9) Fulfill your obligation with ICNA Relief USA. Locally we distribute meat to low income and refugee families throughout Massachusetts. It is an honor for us to conduct the sacrifice on your behalf and ensure those most in need recieve their share. Sponsor Here: http://www.icnarelief.org/qurbani NOTE: We are not able to keep a share; meat from the entire animal is given to those in need on your behalf InshaAllah.
9/19/2016 12:00:00 AM -04:00
Udhiyyah (Qurbani) Drive
EID MUBARAK! Well, almost! With Eid preps having started, we wanted to let you know about another one of ICNA Relief's Services: Udhiyah Drive. There are two ways to participate: Nationally - You can donate your entire Udhiyah (Qurbani) online at icnarelief.org for it to be distributed in the most needed areas across the states. OR Locally - You can drop off meat to donate at any one of our collecting Masaajid across South Florida! Be sure to drop it in the specifically marked freezers! 1. Islamic Center of Boca Raton - 3480 NW 5th Ave, Boca Raton, FL 33431 2. Islamic Center of South Florida - 1641 NW 15th St, Pompano Beach, FL 33069 3. Nur Ul Islam - 10600 SW 59th St, Cooper City, FL 33328 4. Masjid Muttaqeen - 1010 SW 196th Ave, Pembroke Pines, FL 33029 5. Islamic School of Miami - 11699 SW 147th Ave, Miami, FL 33196 Just so you know, once we get the meat, we cut it up, and distribute it to those in need in our local communities. Volunteers will be needed for all of this so if you're interested, let us know!
9/17/2016 12:00:00 AM -04:00
Back 2 School Giveaway Boston
Please join us this AUGUST for our annual Back 2 School Project, in empowering children and their families and promoting the importance of education in communities NATIONWIDE and of course in BOSTON!!! Donate Here ($15 per bag) https://icnarelief.org/Apps/Give/Give.php?a=btsg_boston For 100's and 1000's of low-income families across the U.S, buying school supplies for their children can be an unexpected burden. According to the National Retail Federation, parents spent over $630 on school supplies for their children last year. That's a price out of reach for many immigrants and low-income families. That's why ICNA Relief began its Back 2 School Giveaway several years ago -- to give kids the tools they need to start the school year. For just $15, you'll put a school bag filled with supplies like notebooks and pencils in the hands of a child. The smile you will receive in return will be priceless. Support ICNA Relief's Back 2 School Giveaway 2016 campaign today. Distribution Dates: * 8/6 Masjid Al'Quran Annual Street Festival * 8/20 Back to School Block Party for Peace * 8/20 Bobby Mendes Peace Legacy Back to School BBQ * TBA
8/31/2016 12:00:00 AM -04:00
NY Back 2 School Giveaways
Join us this month for our annual Back 2 School Project, in empowering children and their families and promoting the importance of education in communities nationwide. We're proud to partner with Muslim American Society - MAS NY this year on many of our events in NYC! NYC locations include: (Dates TBA) Brooklyn, New York: 1) Masjid At Taqwa 2) MAS Sheepshead Bay Community Center 3) ICNA Brooklyn Community Center 4) Brighton Beach (TBA) 5) East New York (TBA) 6) Flatbush (TBA) Bronx, New York: 1) Bronx Muslim Center Queens, New York: 1) ICNA Al-Markaz Masjid - Friday, August 13, 3pm Sharp 2) Masjid Dar-Al-Dawah - Saturday, August 27, 3pm-4:30pm 3) Jamaica, Queens - 9/24/2016 - TBA Staten Island, New York: 1) MAS Staten Island Center - Saturday, Aug 20, 10:30am - 12pm Westchester, New York: 1) Andalusia Islamic School - Saturday, Aug 20, 10:30am - 12pm Suffolk County, New York: 1) Long Island Muslim Society / Masjid Allahu Akbar Want to volunteeer? http://www.back2schoolgiveaway.com/volunteer Donate online at http://bit.ly/2aev7ov Learn more: http://www.back2schoolgiveaway.com/ For 100's and 1000's of low-income families across the U.S, buying school supplies for their children can be an unexpected burden. According to the National Retail Federation, parents spent over $630 on school supplies for their children last year. That's a price out of reach for many immigrants and low-income families. That's why ICNA Relief began its Back 2 School Giveaway several years ago -- to give kids the tools they need to start the school year. For just $15, you'll put a school bag filled with supplies like notebooks and pencils in the hands of a child. The smile you will receive in return will be priceless. Support ICNA Relief's Back 2 School Giveaway 2016 campaign today. STAY TUNED as we bring project updates and give you opportunities to be involved in this awesome project!
8/28/2016 12:00:00 AM -03:00
Habitat for Humanity (Boca)
8/27/2016 8:00:00 AM -04:00
Back2School Campaign
How Can You Join Our Back2School Campaign? In 2015, ICNA Relief distributed 20,000 backpacks and supplies to children in 16 states. We'd like to give 1000 children in the Chicago area a headstart, in 2016. Like last year, we hope to distribute our backpacks to local schools in need; among refugee children; at the DuPage County Back to School Fair for underserved children; and to homeless children hosted by our partner organization, Bridge Communities, a Glen Ellyn, IL, based non-profit. Deadline for donations: Aug 10th. How Can You Help Make it Happen, Inshallah (God willing)? 1) Share the Cost: $15/ backpack; $25 for supplies. Mail checks to ICNA Relief, 1793 Bloomingdale Road, Suite 5, Glendale Heights, IL 60139. In the memo add ‘B2S’ OR 2) Donate Online www.back2schoolgiveaway.com OR 3) Drop supplies at our B2School Box in your masjid OR 4) Drop off at our office on Aug 10th, at the address above. 5) BackPack Assembling: Date and venue TBA. 6) Help Distribute Backpacks (varied times/dates/venues to be announced) Sign up at http://bit.ly/DonateTime Businesses interested in sponsoring our Back2School campaign, contact Chicago@icnarelief.org
8/27/2016 12:00:00 AM -05:00
Back 2 School Giveaway with Pittsburgh Steeler's Ryan Harris
Get FREE school bags & supplies and meet Ryan Harris of the Pittsburgh Steelers! The event will start at 4PM Sharp at the Northview Heights Playground. Want to volunteeer? http://www.back2schoolgiveaway.com/volunteer Donate online at http://bit.ly/2aev7ov Learn more: http://www.back2schoolgiveaway.com
8/21/2016 4:00:00 PM -04:00
Back2School Backpack Drive
Muslim organizations and businesses across South Florida are working together to help students reach their potential by providing them the tools they need to get there. FHII, FIA, MWO-SFL, CAIR, Shoe Fashions USA, and ICNA Relief are working locally to distribute 1,000 backpacks to students in South Florida. If you would like to sponsor the cause, send us a message! Each school bag we give contains essential school supplies, helping children in lower income communities gear up for school. Education is the passport for success, and the lack of education is linked to many of the problems in our communities today. Chapters across the USA work annually to provide over 25,000 backpacks throughout the country. There are 3 parts to this project: 1. Notebook Drive: This year we are collecting notebooks to add to the supplies in our backpacks. For more information, https://goo.gl/UKpH5H 2. Backpack Assembly: Once we have the supplies, we need your help to get those supplies into the backpacks. Assembly location will be throughout South Florida. Be on the lookout for when we’re in your area! 3. Backpack Distribution: All of our work culminates to giving out the backpacks to students in our community. Knowing that you were able to positively impact their future and bring smiles to their faces makes all the hard work worthwhile. Make sure to check your notifications for updates! For more information, send us a message!
8/15/2016 12:00:00 AM -04:00
St. Louis Back 2 School Giveaway
Join us this month for our annual Back 2 School Project, in empowering children and their families and promoting the importance of education in communities nationwide. Our St. Louis event info below: 10520 Page Ave, St. Louis, MO 63132 Saturday, August 13, 11AM Sharp Want to volunteeer? http://www.back2schoolgiveaway.com/volunteer Donate online at http://bit.ly/2aev7ov Learn more: http://www.back2schoolgiveaway.com/ For 100's and 1000's of low-income families across the U.S, buying school supplies for their children can be an unexpected burden. According to the National Retail Federation, parents spent over $630 on school supplies for their children last year. That's a price out of reach for many immigrants and low-income families. That's why ICNA Relief began its Back 2 School Giveaway several years ago -- to give kids the tools they need to start the school year. For just $15, you'll put a school bag filled with supplies like notebooks and pencils in the hands of a child. The smile you will receive in return will be priceless. Support ICNA Relief's Back 2 School Giveaway 2016 campaign today. STAY TUNED as we bring project updates and give you opportunities to be involved in this awesome project!
8/13/2016 11:00:00 AM -05:00
Back 2 School Giveaway
Free School Supplies! While supplies last; your child must be present. Sign up to volunteer here: http://www.back2schoolgiveaway.com/volunteer/ Donate: https://icnarelief.org/Apps/Give/Give.php?a=btsg&ap=1&tid=1605btsg
8/6/2016 12:00:00 PM -04:00
Parents' Night Out
Asalaamwalekum! When was the last time you enjoyed an evening, just husband and wife? Well here's your chance! We will babysit for you so you can have yourself a relaxing evening with your significant other!
7/23/2016 6:00:00 PM -04:00
Family Picnic
We would like to invite you to attend our upcoming event. The ticekt is $10 per person. Children under 5 are free. Food will be served. Some of the activities are: facepaiting, tug-of-war, board games, hena tattos, soccer, cricket and more. The dignitaries attending this event are: Bonnie Crombie (Mayor Mississauga), Iqra Khalid (MP Mississauga Erin Mills), Sue McFadden (Councillor Ward 10), Zeeshan Hamid (Councillor Milton) and Nokha Dakroub (Trustee PDSB) . We are requesting everyone attending this event, to bring a gift for draw. Please pass this on to invite family and friends. Registration required. For inquiries and registration call: Dr. Nargis @ 905-997-8777 ext 245 or Dr. Humaira @ 905-997-1827 or email ircfamilyevent@gmail.com or matrimonial@icnareliefcanada.ca
7/17/2016 12:00:00 PM -04:00
Food Pantry Sorting
Salam! AlhamdulIllah the canned food drive was very succesful but now we have to sort everything we recieved! Volunteers are needed to help sort out all of the canned foods! Post on the wall if you would like to carpool!
7/13/2016 12:00:00 PM -04:00
Ramadan Food Baskets for Those in Need $50
Help a family in Ramadan! Alhamdulilah, it is our pleasure to distribute boxes of food to those who need it the most in the month of increased rewards. Join us in this Opportunity for Reward during Ramadan. Items that each family receives may includes items such as Dry Milk- 1 Sugar- 10 pounds Canola Oil-1 gallon Elbow Macaroni- 2 pounds Spaghetti-2 pounds Rice- 10 pounds Peanut Butter-40 ounce Coffee-Instant Regular-Large Cornflakes-1 box Honey Nut Oats-1 box Honey Nut Cheerios-1 box Black Beans-2 pounds Chick Peas-2 pounds When you give a box of food to a Syrian or Burmese Refugee as ICNA Relief is doing, you are helping your neighbors. Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Charity does not decrease wealth, no one forgives another except that Allah increases his honor, and no one humbles himself for the sake of Allah except that Allah raises his status.” Donate generously today: http://bit.ly/Ramadanfood
7/7/2016 12:00:00 AM -04:00
Potluck Iftar-Dinner & Chand Raat
We would like to invite you to attend our upcoming event. The event is free but registration is required. Some of the dignitaries attending this event are: Iqra Khalid (MP), Nokha Dakroub (Trustee), Sue McFadden (Councillor Ward 10) and Pat Saito (Councillor Ward 9). We are requesting everyone attending this event, to bring 5 goody bags for kids and a gift for draw. Also, please bring one dish for potluck. Please pass this on to invite female members of your family and friends. Limited seats - first come, first serve. For inquiries and registration call: Dr. Nargis @ 905-997-8777 ext 245 or Dr. Humaira @ 905-997-1827 or email matrimonial@icnareliefcanada.ca or nargis@icnareliefcanada.ca.
7/5/2016 8:15:00 PM -04:00
ICNA Relief Ramadan Food Drive
Sponsor 1000 food boxes for our Ramadan Food Drive from now through Ramadan, INSHALLAH $100 for 2 Boxes per family $300 for 6 boxes $500 for 10 Boxes Help us procure corporate donations and donate online at www.icnarelief.org and choose Hunger Prevention. Or Mail checks to ICNA Relief Chicago, 1793 Bloomingdale Rd, Suite #5 Glendale Heights, IL 60139. Or see below for in-kind donations. Donations will be accepted through out Ramadan. Volunteers must pre-register at http://bitly.com/ICNAReliefVolunteers. Donations of cereal, dates, atta flour (10 lbs), rice (10 lbs), oil ( 48 oz), lentils (2 or 4 lbs), pasta, pasta sauce, salt, sugar (4lbs), tea, coffee, milk powder, canned chick peas, canned tomatoes, canned tomato sauce, canned corn, canned tuna, juice, crackers, cookies, ramen noodles are also welcome. Questions? Email chicago@icnarelief.org.
7/4/2016 11:00:00 PM -05:00
Ramadan Fundraising Events with Dr. Munir El-Kassem-THORNCLIFFE
6/26/2016 6:30:00 PM -04:00
Ramadan Fundraising Events with Dr. Munir El-Kassem-MILTON
6/25/2016 7:00:00 PM -04:00
The 8th Call: ICNA Relief Banquet Dinner
Please join us for the annual ICNA Relief Banquet for Humanitarian Relief where funds will be raised for our many projects including: ICNA Relief DMV Projects: The newly established DC Area Women's Shelter ICNA Relief DMV Food Pantires Ramadan Iftar Feeding Program in Baltimore Tickets can be purchased for $30 here: https://icnarelief.org/Apps/Donation/Registration.php?a=bq_8thcall For more information contact: Saad Malik (443) 670-2130 Tanweer Khan (703) 855-7438
6/25/2016 7:00:00 PM -04:00
Ramadan Fundraising Events with Dr. Munir El-Kassem - Mississauga
6/19/2016 7:00:00 PM -04:00
A Home Away From Home
Join us for Iftaar with Sheikh Monther Talib as we celebrate 11 years of Muslim Women's Shelters throughout the US!
6/18/2016 6:00:00 PM -04:00
Ramadan Fundraising Events with Dr. Munir El-Kassem-SURREY
6/12/2016 7:00:00 PM -04:00
IRC Fundraising Dinner 2016
ICNA Relief Canada has been hosting their Auunal Fundraising Dinners in Calgary since 2010, and every year an overwhelming support from the Calgary's Muslims Community makes these events successful MashaAllah! We hope that you will continue to support us, inorder to continue our support to those who are in dire need of help! There is no better time to share the blessings Allah SWT has blessed you with, than Ramadan. This year the event's venue is: Throncliffe Greenview Community Association June 11, 2016 at 8:30pm Tickets: $15 (individual)\ $50 (family of four) Children under 4 are free. Tickets can be purchased online (link below) or call 403-457-4266 Please contact 403-457-4266 or calgaryfb@icnareliefcanada.ca for any further details.
6/11/2016 8:30:00 PM -06:00
Ramadan Fundraising Events with Dr. Munir El-Kassem-CALGARY
6/11/2016 8:30:00 PM -04:00
Ramadan Fundraising Events with Dr. Munir El-Kassem-EDMONTON
6/10/2016 8:00:00 PM -04:00
The Need to Feed: Ramadan Food Baskets
1st Distribution June11, 2016 @ 2:00PM Garage of the ISBCC THE NEED TO FEED ICNA Relief MA's Ramadan Food Baskets Earn the reward of feeding a fasting person InshaAllah. ICNA Relief MA serves some of the most deserving among us MashaAllah; some 175+ families each distribution week. Take advantage of this opportunity and boost your blessings this Ramadan InshaAllah. DONATE HERE: https://icnarelief.org/Apps/Donation/Donation.php?a=RMDN_Bost16 OR Donate the Following Items by Filling Out Our Form Here: https://docs.google.com/a/icnarelief.org/forms/d/13qRf_nhaLqd-Sn5yEBswpqQQnlxMKSuVuGMJc0ArQtw/viewform WEEK 1 Distribution (200 bags); 10 lb Basmati Rice 1 gallon Vegetable Oil 5lbs Sugar 5lbs flour 1 lb dates Peanut Butter ~28 oz Grape Jelly ~30 oz Spaghetti (2lb = 2 boxes) Pasta Sauce 24 oz Lipton Tea 100 bags (YELLOW BOX) Dried Bagged Lentil Dried Bagged Black Eye Peas Oatmeal 40 oz Canister Canned Peaches in Fruit Juice WEEK 2 Distribution (200 bags); 5lbs Sugar 5lbs flour 1 lb dates Peanut Butter ~28 oz Grape Jelly ~30 oz Spaghetti (2lb = 2 boxes) Pasta Sauce 24 oz Lipton Tea 100 bags (YELLOW BOX) Dried Bagged Lentil Dried Bagged Black Eye Peas Oatmeal 40 oz Canister Canned Peaches in Fruit Juice DROP OFF LOCATION: ICNA Relief MA: 100 Malcolm X Blvd, Boston, MA 02120
6/7/2016 12:00:00 AM -04:00
Keepers of Amal Ramadan Campaign
Keepers of Amal Ramadan Campaign We are looking for at least 1000 people to donate just $10 (or more) for the ICNA Relief Amal Women's Center InshaAllah. Amal It's All of US!! SHARE SHARE SHARE!! DONATE HERE: https://icnarelief.org/Apps/Donation/Donation.php?a=KeepersOfAmal WE NEED YOUR HELP: Traditional Ramadan fundraising efforts have become difficult and competitive - truth be told, no one enjoys fundraising activities in the Masjid during Taraweeh prayers, not even us!! HELP US by supporting the Amal Women's Center with a $10 donation and encourage all your friends and family to donate as well InshaAllah - we need your help, together we can make a huge difference in the lives of others InshaAllah. PLEASE SHARE and help us reach our goal - we can't do it without YOU!! If you believe in the Amal Women's Center, if you believe in supporting women then donate today and ask others to donate too InshaAllah!! ***The Amal Women's Center is Zakaat Elidgible as well
6/6/2016 10:00:00 PM -04:00
UICM's Food Drive for ICNA Relief's Food Bank
Drop off food in the bins located at 3095 Wolfedale Road, Building A # 2, Mississauga, ON L5C 1V8, Canada, any time. For details and volunteeer oppurtunities contact Fasih Syed @ 416-875-5793
6/3/2016 12:00:00 AM -04:00
Fort McMurray Evacuees aid supply needed!
Thousands of evacuees have reached Edmonton, and all the items and funds donated will be delivered to Edmonton on May 22, 2016. You can drop off your donations at any 4 locations mentioned in the poster by May 22. Please share this with as many as you can so that maximum help can be provided.
5/22/2016 10:00:00 PM -06:00
A Night of Hope
Please join us for an unforgettable evening marking the Grand Opening of the 1st Muslim Shelter Home in New England; the Amal Women's Center InshaAllah, making history today Alhumdilillah. This is an exciting endeavor which is long overdue!! Help us celebrate this monumental project which will provide a safe space for homeless Sisters in our community InshaAllah. The home will fill a huge need in our community and Alhumdilillah you have been chosen to be a part of this exciting evening - Imagine the reward for providing safe shelter to a homeless woman in need!! May Allah bless all those who have supported this project from the beginning and we can't wait to open our doors!! Come celebrate with us InshaAllah. May 20, 2016 7:00PM Sr. Dunia Shuaib "Forgotten Pearls" 7:30PM Dinner w/ Imam Siraj Wahhaj and Sr. Linda Sarsour Venue Holiday Inn 30 Washington Street Somerville, MA 02143 Speakers: * Imam Siraj Wahhaj * Sr. Linda Sarsour * Sr. Dunia Shuaib Special Children's Program w/ Pizza Purchase Tickets Here: http://icnarelief.org/Apps/Donation/Registration.php?a=bq_boston Adult $20 Online / $25 at the Door Children Under 9 $10 Online / $15 at the Door Family (5) $75 Online / $100 at the Door Table Sponsorship: $400 FREE PARKING AVAILABLE ON SITE Walking Distance from Sullivan Square MBTA Train Station MENU (please let us know in advance if you have any food allergies or prefer vegetarian) Baby spinach salad with dried cranberries and goat cheese crumbles Oven-roasted salmon with herb crust and lemon butter Rice Pilaf Fresh Vegetables Turtle cheesecake
5/20/2016 7:00:00 PM -04:00
Parents' Night Out
FOR MARRIED COUPLES ONLY When was the last time you enjoyed an evening, just husband and wife? Well here's your chance! Leave your kids with us and have yourself a relaxed evening with your significant other! Children ages 3+ only. Children must be potty-trained able to feed themselves. Limited space available. Questions or to RSVP: Taha Qureshi at tqureshi@icnarelief.org
4/30/2016 7:00:00 PM -04:00
4th ILF Quiz Competition
ILF Kansas City is pleased to announce the 4th Annual Quiz Competition on Saturday, April 30th, 2016 (2:30 PM - 4:30 PM) Islamic Society Community Center (ISGKC Gym) 8501 E 99th St. Kansas City, MO 64134 Registration Fee: $5/Participant Purpose The purpose of the Islamic Quiz is to impart a basic understanding and knowledge of Islamic fundamentals among the youth, to provide a platform for healthy competition among them and to encourage them to acquire Islamic knowledge by providing them with an incentive. Format: Written Contest: All Participants MUST bring a No. 2 pencil, soft eraser & Sharpner For syllabus and more details please visit www.icnakc.org
4/30/2016 2:30:00 PM -05:00
Annual Hunger Relief Day
ICNA Relief Central Florida Presents 1st Annual Hunger Relief Day Join us to serve warm meals to local residents in need! April 30th from 2-6 PM Downton Orlando Intersection of Parramore Avenue and Anderson Street For more information contact Br. Jerry Muscadin at (407) 930-7701 Central Florida Office: 701 South Kirkman Road Suit #713 Orlando, Fl 32811 A big thanks to all our sponsors
4/30/2016 2:00:00 PM -04:00
Project Downtown on National Muslim Soup Kitchen Day
Salam! ICNA Relief is hosting Project Downtown on National Muslim Soup Kitchen Day! We want you to come out and join us in this collective effort. Be sure to wear YOUR organization's to T-shirt to show the diversity South Florida has in organizations coming together for a cause! If you are interested in bringining something or donating, send us a message. We look forward to hearing from you! NMSKD is a day when EVERYONE comes together to make sure no one in their community goes hungry. This day will be recognized as the last Saturday of every April. ICNA Relief's hunger relief program provides individuals and families with the fuel to survive and thrive. Following the ordinance of Allah SWT to feed the needy, ICNA Relief’s development of key public food assistance programs raise awareness of the hunger epidemic facing our nation as a whole. To learn more about ICNA Relief's work, visit ICNARelief.org.
4/30/2016 1:00:00 PM -04:00
A Day To Honor Women
ICNA Relief Presents A Family benefit Dinner for Women in Need Date: Sunday April 24th @ 4 PM Speakers: Mufti Hussain Kamani Malika MacDonald Venue: Madina Acadmy 519 Palisado Av, Windsor, CT 06095 Suggested Entrance Fee: $10/person or $50/family For more info: Br.Fareed Khan 860-680-1392 Br. Ihsaan Ul Haq 203-415-4758
4/24/2016 4:00:00 PM -04:00
Making America Great, ICNA Relief 2016 NY Banquet
ICNA Relief USA Annual 2016 Banquet in NY Making America Great A Benefit Dinner for Humanitarian Aid Speakers: Shaikh Wisam Sharieff Shaikh Abdel Rahman Alkhawaldeh Location: LaGuardia Airport Marriott 102-05 Ditmars Blvd. NY 11369 Sponsor A Table: $500 Suggested Ticket Price: $20/person, $100/family Free babysitting available Contact: (631) 902-2470 (718) 658-7028
4/16/2016 6:00:00 PM -04:00
ICNA Relief Chicago Annual Banquet
Prices $45 per Adult | Table $400 | Ages 3-12: $10 - Special Program Purchase tickets at www.icnarelief.org Shalimar Banquet Hall, 280 W North Ave, Addison, IL 60101 chicago@icnarelief.org (630) 517-3495 We are so honored to have Sheik Kifah from Orland Park Masjid, Mufti Hussain Kamani and Ahmed Rehab, Executive Director, CAIR, speaking at our upcoming banquet,inshallah. This is a special needs, MUHSEN friendly event. "We give where it is most needed globally, but we must also give locally to strengthen our communities. Giving to one's home community is both a sound Prophetic tradition and, in the case of American Muslims, an emphatic declaration to friend and foe that America is our home too." Ahmed Rehab. Official Photographer: Shaista Hussain
4/10/2016 6:15:00 PM -05:00
Making America Great
Your heart can change with every step you take towards helping humanity. Join us for lunch with speaker Sheikh Waleed Basyouni as we discuss how to make America, our home, great for all by providing necessary social services to those in need. Event details: Sunday, April 10th at 12:30 pm NJHA (New Jersey Hospital Association) 760 Alexander Rd. Princeton, NJ 08540 Lunch will be served. See how Muslims across the US are changing the hearts & minds of people. Watch how touching Sheikh Waleed Basyouni's speech is and imagine how it will illuminate your heart & mind LIVE.
4/10/2016 12:30:00 PM -04:00
Making America Great: ICNA Relief GA's Annual Banquet
Join Us for a night to provide much-needed humanitarian aid! Speakers: Sh. Waleed Basyouni Sh. Monzer Taleb When & Where: Saturday, April 9th Premier Event Halls 3520 Breckinridge Blvd. Duluth, GA 30096 Tickets $20/person Free babysitting available Contact: Hamid Qureshi 770-300-0067, relief@icnaatlanta.com
4/9/2016 6:30:00 PM -04:00
Love Thy Neighbor: Embracing Each Other Through Our Differences
ICNA Relief invites you to a Family Banquet: Love Thy Neighbor: Embracing Each Other Through Our Differences Date : April 9th 6.00-8.00 pm Venue : Holiday Inn 250 Johnnie Dodds Blvd, Mt Pleasant SC 29464 Speakers: Shaikh Wisam Sharieff Imam Mabrouk Adult pre sale $35 and after April 4th $45 Baby sittiing $10 per child less than 12 yrs old Shifa Clinic 1092 Johnnie dodds blvd , Suite 108 Mt Pleasant SC 29464 Phone: 843 352 4580 Registration will be up at shifa101.com
4/9/2016 6:00:00 PM -04:00
Making America Great
Your heart can change with every step you take towards helping humanity! Join us for an ICNA Relief USA PA Banquet with speaker Sheikh Waleed Basyouni and Dr. Monzer Talib as we discuss how to make America, our home, great for all! Event details: Friday, April 8th, 2016 7pm - 11pm Barren Hill Volunteer Fire Company 647 Germantown Pike, Lafayette Hill, PA 19444 Dinner will be served. Tickets: Single: $10.00 Family: $50.00 Registration is open at 6:15pm Tickets sold at the door only! Come early For more information: Sr. Dana (484) 686-4257 Br. Arshad (484) 264-5577
4/8/2016 7:00:00 PM -04:00
The Most Beloved People
Your heart can change with every step you take towards helping humanity. Join us for a fundraising banquet that will discuss how to make America, our home, great for all by providing necessary social services to those in need. Featured Speakers: Wisam Sharieff Imam Rafiq Mahdi Event details: Saturday, April 2nd at 6 pm Annoor Academy of Knoxville 724 Foxvue Rd SW, Knoxville, TN 37922 Dinner will be served. Baby sitting will be available Contact Imam Rafiq Mahdi (865) 256-9826
4/2/2016 6:00:00 PM -04:00
Welcome Refugee Lunch Invite Only
Assalamu Alaikum, We would like to invite you to a program dedicated to the Syrian refugees who have been relocated to New Jersey by the IRC (International Rescue Committee). Please join us along with Imam Chebli as we welcome Syrian refugees to our community. There is a suggested donation of $30 per person. Proceeds will go towards aid for the Syrian families. Donations can be made online at: https://icnarelief.org/refugees Please type "Welcome Refugees NJ" in the comments section of the donation page. Please note we only have 150 seats available, once 150 people have paid and RSVP'd this evite will expire. LUNCH WILL BE SERVED! JazakAllah khair Note: There will be no active fundraising at the event.
3/20/2016 1:00:00 PM -04:00
Building Beautiful Minds
Some people are gifted and have beautiful minds by default and others are even more gifted because they are able to build their own beautiful mind by design. This program focuses on the process of Building Beautiful Minds by design. Beautiful Minds learn to give by caring and sharing. Beautiful Minds learn to excel by learning to develop a personal vision, empowered learning and continuous improvement. Beautiful Minds learn to convert potential into tangible and significant results. Beautiful minds learn to transform destiny by developing the power of ‘imaan, yaqeen and taqwa.’ Beautiful Minds learn to live with values of honesty, integrity, generosity and looking for good in others.” Prof. Nasser Aziz obtained his master’s degree in management from Yale University and specializes in designing and conducting customized training programs for institutions like Nestle, Shell, Paktel, Indus Motors and a whole host of corporations and Pakistani universities.
3/20/2016 12:00:00 AM -04:00
Comfort of my Eyes- Marriage and Parenting Workshop for Sisters
ICNA RELIEF USA's Muslim Family Services Presents Comfort of my Eyes Marriage and Parenting Workshop for Sisters March 12-13 2016 2 Day Workshop each day from 3PM to 6 PM By Farhana Matin at ICEB 402 New Brunswick Ave, East Brunswick, NJ 08816 "Our Lord! comfort our eyes with our spouse and our children, and make us leaders of the pious.”(25:74)
3/12/2016 3:00:00 PM -05:00
Sexual Abuse Workshop for Fathers and Mothers
Sexual Abuse Workshop for Fathers and Mothers - Featuring Saadia Z. Yunus, MA, LMFT Licensed (Marriage & Family Therapist) - Learn the signs and effects of child and teen sexual abuse - Learn how to communicate with your child/teen on the subject - Learn what to do as a parent to protect your child[ren]. - Learn how to help your child if he/he has been sexually abused. Venue: ICNA Community Center 1529 Jericho Tpke New Hyde Park 11040 Saturday, February 27, 7:00 PM Contact: info@saadiazyunus.com
2/27/2016 7:00:00 PM -05:00
A Night To Honor Women
Join us to learn about how ICNA Relief supports homeless women and provides financial assistance to families in need throughout the country. ICNA Relief Fundraiser A Night To Honor Women All are invited please bring your friends and family. When: February 20th, 2016 @ 5:30 PM Where: Aetna Hall 400 Ogletown Rd. Newark, Delaware 19711 Speakers: Shaykh Wisam Sharieff Shaykh AbdulHadi Shehata Contacts: Arshad Jamal 484-264-5577 ajamal@icnarelief.org Vaqar Sharief 302-588-9401 shariefva@yahoo.com Sadiq Ali Khan 302-983-5252 mirsadiq@gmail.com
2/20/2016 5:30:00 PM -05:00
Countering Islamophobia
Association of Pakistani Physicians of Kentucky and Indiana (APPKI) and ICNA Relief Present: Countering Islamophobia Learn how ICNA Relief's social service programs help in countering the ongoing rise of Islamophobia. Venue: Ramada Plaza Hotel, 9700 Bluegrass Parkway, Louisville, KY 40299 Date: 2/13/2016 at 7 PM Ticket: $10/person Special Guests: Khalid Irfan, Prominent Urdu Poet Faiq Siddiqui, TV Anchor Local Interfaith Speakers Contacts: Asad Ismail, M.D. (502) 387-8104 Rukhsana Rahman, M.D. (812) 989-3674 Dinner will be served.
2/13/2016 7:00:00 PM -05:00
Building Beautiful Minds
Come join ICNA Relief at MCMC:The Muslim Center of Middlesex County for lunch and learn the power of a Beautiful Mind, the concept of human excellence. * Beautiful people have beautiful minds that nurture, sustain and help the community grow. * Beautiful minds enable people to create beautiful results for themselves and the community they live in. Speaker: Professor Nasser Aziz MA, Yale University Professor Nasser Aziz's Creative Management Workshops help you learn to create value by understanding: -The power of a Beautiful Mind. -The concept of human excellence. - Converting potential into significant achievements. - Determining destiny by design. Convert your potential into significant achievements! For more Info contact Atif Usman ausman@icnarelief.org
2/13/2016 4:30:00 PM -05:00
Building Beautiful Minds Jersey City
Come join ICNA Relief at Masjid Al hoda and learn the power of a Beautiful Mind, the concept of human excellence. * Beautiful people have beautiful minds that nurture, sustain and help the community grow. * Beautiful minds enable people to create beautiful results for themselves and the community they live in. Speaker: Professor Nasser Aziz MA, Yale University Professor Nasser Aziz's Creative Management Workshops help you learn to create value by understanding: -The power of a Beautiful Mind. -The concept of human excellence. - Converting potential into significant achievements. - Determining destiny by design. Convert your potential into significant achievements! For more Info contact Atif Usman ausman@icnarelief.org
2/13/2016 12:30:00 PM -05:00
ICNA Relief South Florida Annual Banquet
ICNA Relief USA seeks to alleviate human suffering by providing caring and compassionate service to victims of adversities and survivors of disasters. ICNA Relief USA strives to build healthy communities, strengthen families and create opportunities for those in despair while maintaining dignity and advocating for basic human needs. Guest Speakers: Shaykh Yasir Qadhi Mufti Hussain Kamani Dr. Altaf Hussain $20 Presale | $30 at the Door Purchasing info coming soon Free babysitting available
2/6/2016 6:00:00 PM -05:00
ICNA Relief Central Florida Annual Banquet
ICNA Relief USA seeks to alleviate human suffering by providing caring and compassionate service to victims of adversities and survivors of disasters. ICNA Relief USA strives to build healthy communities, strengthen families and create opportunities for those in despair while maintaining dignity and advocating for basic human needs. Guest Speakers: Shaykh Yasir Qadhi Shaykha Tamara Gray Sh. Abdel Rauf Alkhawaldeh $20 Presale | $30 at the Door | $500 Sponsor a table For Ticket Purchasing : centralfl@icnarelief.org | 407-930-7701 Free babysitting available
2/5/2016 6:00:00 PM -04:00
Essentials Pantry: ICNA Relief MA
Essentials Pantry providing personal hygiene products, household cleansers, baby items and prepared ready to eat foods for low income individuals, families and the homeless. DONATE HERE: https://icnarelief.org/Apps/Donation/Donation.php?a=EssentialMA THIS IS AN ON-GOING DRIVE Purchase Items Online: https://amzn.com/w/3TXBV00T7RBYZ ITEMS REQUESTED: Deodorant & Body Spray Shampoo & Conditioner Shaving Cream / Disposable Razors Dental Supplies (Brushes/Paste) Lotion & Moisturizers Nail Clippers & Emory Boards Combs & Brushes Moist Towelettes / Diaper Wipes Undergarments & Socks (new only) Female Sanitary Pads & Tampons Feminine Wash Diapers (All Sizes) Toilet Paper Dish Soap Laundry Detergent Household Cleaners Easy Open / Pop Top Cans: Tuna, Soups, Fruits, Crackers and Prepared Frozen Microwavable Foods Drop Off Items @ ICNA Relief MA Office: 100 Malcolm X Blvd. Boston, MA 02120
1/31/2016 12:00:00 AM -05:00
What Does it Take to be a Foster Parent?
There are approximately 20,000 children in foster care in the state of Illinois. Whether you are single, or married, you can be a foster parent, in Illinois. Learn whether being a foster parent is for you. What are the state requirements? What is the Islamic perspective? Can you be a foster parent to refugee children in Illinois? Please bring a friend. This event is free and open to all. Babysitting provided. ICNA Relief and MECCA Center are committed to strengthening our communities and its families. And we need your help to do it. Sign up to attend: http://bitly.com/FosterParentingWorkshop
1/30/2016 10:30:00 AM -06:00
Become a Certified Chaplain in New York
Become a certified Chaplain in New York! Every Saturday 2 PM- 4 PM Beginning January 16th. Become a certified chaplain to provide spiritual and religious guidance: · Facilitate individual and communal prayer · Coordinate religious rites · Develop effective working relationships with Muslims and people of other faiths · Respond to emotional and spiritual crisis of Muslims and people of other faiths · Cater the religious needs of Muslim congregations · Assist in shaping religiously inclusive institutional policies · Protect the religious rights of Muslims and people of other faiths With AED, CPR & First Aid Training! For more information contact: Shahid Farooqi Director Northeast Outreach & Resource Development ICNA Relief USA Cell: (315) 534-0790 Email: shahidfarooqi@icnarelief.org
1/16/2016 2:00:00 PM -05:00
Happy Muslim Family Program
ICNA Relief USA Presents…. Happy Muslim Family Program and Dinner with Kids Program featuring Ilyas & Duck ! Program Uplifting & Developing Our Children, with Imam Mohammed Ibn Ahmed also featuring a talk with Sr. Miriam Bhutta, Counselor + special presentation by VAHS Students - - Instill love for the deen, Allah and His Rasool (s) - - Practice what you preach - - Spend quality time with your kids - - Bond & befriend your children Kids Program with Ilyas & Duck! (Happening simultaneously on campus) - - Interactive Story Time - - Arts & Crafts - - Omar Khawaja, Author Meet & Greet - - Book Signing and Purchases Event date: Saturday, January 16, 2016 2:00 pm to 6:30 pm Location: Villanova Academy for Honor Studies/Foundation for Islamic Education, 1860 Montgomery Avenue, Villanova, PA 19087 Purchase Tickets online at http://icnarelief.org/Philly or in person at VAHS (Sr Salima). Tickets will also be sold at the door. $10/Person $25/Family Questions? Email Sr. Dana dmohamed@icnarelief.org
1/16/2016 2:00:00 PM -05:00
A Night To Honor Women
ICNA Relief Presents A Family benefit Lunch for women in need Date: Sunday Dec 20th Keynote Speaker: Sheikh Ajmal Masroor Malika MacDonald Venue: The Crystal Room 67 Olympia Blvd Staten Island NY 10305 Time 12:30 pm for more information Arshad Jamal 484-264-5577 Qamar Manzoor 347-254-5262
12/20/2015 12:30:00 PM -05:00
Syrian Refugee Sponsorship
12/18/2015 6:00:00 PM -07:00
Foster Parenting Workshop
Join ICNA Relief and ChildNet as we learn step-by-step how to become foster parents! Ordinary people in our community do extraordinary things. Your family, friends and neighbors have made a huge difference in the lives of children, opening their hearts and homes to children who have been abused, abandoned or neglected. They have taken on the toughest job they’ll ever love — they have become a foster parent. DID YOU KNOW! - Foster parents may be a working parent, married or single, home owner or renter, have children or have never been a parent. - They must be able to provide a safe, loving home. They receive formal training, support from professional staff and other foster parents, access to free medical, dental and child care services. - They receive financial support for children in their care. - Typically this is $450 per month, but it may be higher depending upon the specific needs of the child and training of the parent.
12/5/2015 1:00:00 PM -05:00
Let's Give
It's time for ICNA-NJ's Annual Giveaway, Please support ICNA-NJ & ICNA Relief's anaul event by making a donation to cover costs of hot food, nonperishable food, warm blankets, and more by donating at icnarelief.org/Givethanks JazakumAllah khair to all of our sponors. Want to volunteer? email Shahid Farooqi shahidfarooqi@icnarelief.org
11/28/2015 12:30:00 PM -05:00
How to teach English Workshop
With refugees coming into Central Florida and with an already large immigrant population ICNA Relief is launching our ESL classes. To accomplish this we need your help. By attending this workshop you will be trained to begin teaching English Language classes. As ICNA Relief and others work with the refugee community it is important that we begin to set up an infrastructure to help them grow. Join us.
11/20/2015 9:15:00 AM -05:00
Poetry and Refugees: Providing A Sustainable Future For Our Refugees
With over a decade of refugee work in America, ICNA Relief now sets its sights on the biggest refugee crisis in recent history. By attending and benefiting this cause you will be positioning ICNA Relief as a frontrunner in assisting our refugee brothers and sisters. Join us with renowned poet Ammar Al Shukry, and California Imam Muhammad Faqih as the the two take us through a beautiful evening of Islamic poetry as ICNA Relief highlights our duty to those in need.
11/6/2015 6:00:00 PM -05:00
Drugs 101: What Parents Want to Know
An Informative and educational program FREE for adults to learn about the signs, symptoms and current trends of teen drug use. A highlight of this program is a mock teenager's bedroom set up for adults to observe and attempt to identify the obvious and not-so-obvious drug related paraphernalia. There will be 3 sessions for this workshop. Register for one today using the 'tickets' link above. MCWS Canton: Tuesday October 6th 6:30 PM-8:30 PM ICD Detroit: Thursday October 15th 6:30 PM-8:30 PM Arab American Cultural Center: Thursday November 5th 6:30 PM-8:30 PM
11/5/2015 12:00:00 AM -04:00
ICNA Relief SoCal Banquet
Let's Cultivate Change Through Community Support of a Women's Shelter, Food Pantry, Counseling Center & Medical Clinic-all near to you, here in So Cal !! Come & own these projects so we can show the local communities-the true face of ISLAM. Saturday, October 24 Registration at 5:30 PM Dinner Served at 6:30 PM SHARP Please RSVP icnareliefsocal@icnarelief.org with Keynote Speaker Shaykh Yasir Qadhi Yasir Qadhi was born in Houston, Texas and completed his primary and secondary education in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. He graduated with a B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Houston, after which he was accepted as a student at the Islamic University of Madinah. After completing a diploma in Arabic, he graduated with a B.A. from the College of Hadith and Islamic Sciences. Thereafter, he completed a M.A. in Islamic Theology from the College of Dawah, after which he returned to America and completed his doctorate, in Religious Studies, from Yale University. Currently he is the Dean of al-Maghrib Institute, the Resident Scholar of the Memphis Islamic Center, and a professor at Rhodes College, in Memphis, TN.
10/24/2015 5:30:00 PM -07:00
Mini International Food Festival
Shifa Free Clinic cordially invites you all to Fun filled Mini International Food festival with children's activities and Henna on 10/17/2015 from 12-3 pm. Please see the attached flyer for details. All proceeds will go towards Feed the Hungry program of the Free clinic. This program provides food to needy children, adults and homeless in our community. We look forward to your support and welcome you to join us in our efforts to put smile on many families in need. Your support will make an immediate difference in lives of many. Local community members of all faiths, culture and nationalities are coming together and preparing the dishes for sale. We highly appreciate donation of any two non perishable items as a part of food drive . If you wish to volunteer or help us with the event please sign up on the link below . " http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c054caeaf29a4fa7-mini
10/17/2015 12:00:00 PM -04:00
Car Workshop
Ever find yourself stuck on the side of the road with a flat tire and no idea what to do? Or you get back to your car after a long day at school/work and your car battery is dead? Be flustered no more! Come learn how to: - Change a tire - Jump a battery - Pump air in a tire - Check your oil And much more!
10/3/2015 3:00:00 PM -04:00
Steps For Relief 5k Run/Walk
ICNA Relief Florida hosts our first ever 5k Run/Walk. Proceeds will go towards the ICNA Relief Women's Transitional Home in Florida. For the past 5 years ICNA Relief has operated in the state of Florida in order to bring much needed social services to the faith based community. By joining this 5k not only will you be promoting healthy living in accordance to the way of life of a believer but you also will be promoting a cause that is in need of support, a cause of thousands of women across the state and millions nationwide that are in need of your help. They need a home and every step you take on September 27th will bring them much needed relief. Schedule 9:00am On Site Registration 9:30am 5k Kickoff 10:00am Kids Run 10:30am Awards/Announcements/Medals To purchase a booth to sell or market your organization please call the ICNA Relief office at 407-930-7701 or email centralfl@icnarelief.org Children under 5 do not need a ticket to run.
9/27/2015 9:00:00 AM -04:00
ICNA Relief Florida Workshop
Kathy Foster from Community Based Care of Central Florida will be presenting on the process of becoming a foster parent in the state of Florida. In the past year ICNA Relief has come across several cases of young people in the state of Florida in need of homes. Due to a shortage of Muslim foster parents in Florida there have been no options for Muslim children. Help us change that. Please attend and share widely.
9/17/2015 6:00:00 PM -04:00
Back 2 School Giveaway / Massachusetts
It’s the most wonderful time of the year….. Back 2 School ICNA Relief believes that every child deserves to have the basic necessities for a proper education. Together we can ensure every child in need has the tools to succeed – Donate Today!! 1 backpack filled with essential school supplies for just $10 sends a deserving child to school ready to learn InshaAllah. DONATE HERE: https://icnarelief.org/Apps/Donation/Donation.php?a=BTSG_Boston15 Learn more: http://back2schoolgiveaway.com/
9/1/2015 12:00:00 AM +00:00
Mushaira & Muzakira with Wasi Shah, Khalid Masood, Sohail Warraich, & Hussain Paracha-Houston
Join us for a thought provoking night and learn more about your role as a Pakistani in America. Topic of Discussion: The role of the Pakistani Muslim Community living in the United States. Pakistani Poets & Thinkers Dr. Hussain Ahmad Paracha (Journalist) Mr. Khalid Masood Khan (Poet) Mr. Sohail Warraich (Host: Ek Din Geo Ke Saath) Mr. Syed Wasi Shah (Poet) Dinner will be served. All proceeds will go towards ICNA Relief's charity projects.
8/30/2015 6:30:00 PM -05:00
مشاعرہ ومذاکرہ
Join us for a beautiful evening of Mushaira and Muzakira organized by Pakistani Thinkers Forum in different cities. All proceeds are to be donated to ICNA Relief, inshallah. Topic: The role of the Pakistani Muslim Community Living in the United States. Pakistani Poets & Thinkers Dr. Hussain Ahmad Paracha (Journalist) Mr. Khalid Masood Khan (Poet) Mr. Sohail Warraich (Host: Ek Din Geo Ke Saath) Mr. Syed Wasi Shah (Poet) Mr. Iftekhar Sahil (Poet) Mr. Lateef Saif shair and member of UCNA Tickets: $20. Available online and from: Dr Muzafaruddin Farooqui: (847) 245 7488 Shagufta Hashmi: (630) 527-0595 Aejaz Haashmi: (630) 544-8210 Jawed Aslam: (630) 926-0235 Light refreshments will be served. Event follows Maghrib prayer at 8:00 p.m. All proceeds will go towards ICNA Relief's charity projects. Sponsored by Urdu Circle of North America (UCNA)
8/22/2015 8:00:00 PM -05:00
Back2School Giveaway - Houston 2015
The time of the year has arrived when the schools are reopening and school season shopping is underway. However, for many families right here in Houston, their economical circumstances prevent them from properly equipping their children for the beginning of the school year. We are proud to present the 4th Annual Back to School Giveaway, in which we will be distributing backpacks filled with school supplies to kids living in economically disadvantaged areas, who otherwise wouldn't have the means to start school off with basic educational necessities, Insha'Allah. We are counting on YOUR support and participation in facilitating a rewarding experience to many children in underserved areas as they begin school. We have set a goal of distributing over 1,500 backpacks this year and although a tall task, the need in the community is great and with your help, we are confident we can reach this goal, insha'Allah. Not to mention, this will serve as an excellent da’wah opportunity to showcase the generosity that is embedded in the teachings of Islam! Please join us in this Back2School initiative in empowering children and their families by promoting the importance of education in our community. Ways you can be involved in this project: · SPONSOR a backpack: $10 per backpack including supplies · DONATE backpacks and school supplies at our designated drop off locations · VOLUNTEER your time in assembling backpacks and in distribution at various locations in underserved areas. For more information on our nationwide project, please visit http://back2schoolgiveaway.com/. There, you can find donation information if you would like to contribute online. Personal donations of backpacks/supplies, as well as monetary contributions, will be collected at the following locations: • ICNA Relief Food Pantry - 5645 Hillcroft Ave #405 Houston, TX 77036 on Tuesday thru Friday from 4:00-6:30pm and Saturday from 12:00-2:00pm. • Islamic Outreach Center - 19130 Wilks Dr, Cypress, TX 77433 during prayer timings. • ICNA Relief Women’s Shelter Home - 4021 Baden St Houston, TX 77009 (please call Sr. Seemi Bukhari at 832-382-1669 before arriving). • Masjid Tawhid - 5514 Hirsch Rd, Houston, TX 77026 CONFIRMED LOCATIONS: --- ICNA Relief Food Pantry (5645 Hillcroft Ave #405 Houston, TX 77036) - August 7 from 6pm - 8pm --- Madrasah Islamiah (6665 Bintliff Dr Houston, TX 77074) - August 8 from 7pm - Maghrib --- Burmese location gathering (meetup at food pantry then head there) - August 9 from 6:30pm - Maghrib --- Somali refugee gathering (meetup at food pantry then head there) - August 11 from 7pm - Maghrib --- EFS Group (3302 Avenue H Suite 112 Rosenberg, TX 77471) - August 15 from 9am - 11am --- Masjid Tawhid (5514 Hirsch Rd, Houston, TX 77026) - August 16 from 10am - 3pm More information regarding confirmed dates and location for assembly and distribution, as well as volunteer signups, will be posted shortly, insha'Allah. JazakAllah khair for your involvement! May Allah (SWT) reward all those who partake in this initiative, may He (SWT) enable this project to be successful, and may he (SWT) allow the youth to prosper in their educational goals.
8/22/2015 12:00:00 AM -05:00
A Day To Honor Women
ICNA Relief cordially invites you to A Woman's Benefit Lunch for the women of America. This event will help support ICNA Relief USA in its advancement of benefiting women all across the United States. Learn how women & families are offered much needed assistance. Speakers: Malika MacDonald Saadia Z. Yunus TIME: 12 PM Noon LUNCH SERVED TICKETS: $10 INDIVIDUAL / $30 Family Location: Antuns Catering Hall 244 Old Country Road Hicksville, NY For More Information Contact: Shahid Farooqi @ 315-534-0790 Arshad Jamal @ 484-264-5577 nysisters@gmail.com Sisters only! Bring your daughters and friends
8/16/2015 12:00:00 PM -04:00
Back2School Campaign - Giving Families in Need a HeadStart
1) Back Pack Assembling: Sunday, Aug. 16th at 11:00 am at MEC in Morton Grove. 2) Help Distribute Backpacks (varied times/dates/venues) Sign up at http://bit.ly/DonateTime 3) Share the Cost: $15/ backpack. Optional: $25 Walmart Gift Card for Shoes. Mail checks to ICNA Relief, 1793 Bloomingdale Road, Suite 5, Glendale Heights, IL 60139. In the memo add ‘B2S’ Or donate at www.back2schoolgiveaway.com Ques? Contact (630)-506-2312; chicago@icnarelief.org SUPPLIES per student ( You can bring these to the events, if you'd rather donate supplies) 2 dozen #2 pencils (not mechanical) 1 Sharpener 1 bottle hand sanitizer 2 boxes of tissues 1 box colored pencils or crayons – classic colors 2 red pens 4 yellow highlighters 1 flash drive 1 plastic pouch for pencils 3 single subject spiral notebooks 1 composition notebook 2 folder, 2-pocket with prongs 2 folders, 2-pocket without prongs 1 graph composition notebook 1 box Crayola washable markers – broad tip/classic 1 expandable folder with 6-7 pockets 2 large glue sticks 2 Pink Erasers 1 1” binder 1 70 page spiral notebook, wide ruled SPONSORS Include: MCNA, ICW, MECCA, MCC, ICNA Sisters Wing, YM (Young Muslims), MCNA (Muslim Children of North America). This list will be updated to reflect incoming additional sponsorships, inshallah.
8/16/2015 11:00:00 AM -05:00
Back2School Giveaway - Assembly Events (South Florida)
Salam. The Back2School giveaway is back! According to a study done in Sun Sentinel, approximately 500,000 children under 18 live in low-income households throughout Broward, Palm Beach, and Miami-Dade counties. For the past five years, several Muslim organizations have come together to support community efforts with a collaborated Back to School Backpack giveaway. But we need YOUR help! We need volunteers at each of the listed events to assemble backpacks with school supplies and transporting the materials between storage, assembly, and distribution points. Sign up below for what you would like to help with! We are proud to partner with the following organizations: Friends Of Humanity International, Inc. 501c3 Charitable Organization CAIR Florida Florida Islamic Association (FIA) Emerge USA Kids For Cause MWO- of South Florida! Project Downtown Miami Project Downtown Ft. Lauderdale
8/4/2015 12:00:00 AM -04:00
Foster Parenting Workshop
You asked for it and we heard you! ICNA Relief Presents A Foster Parenting Workshop Join us Saturday, August 1st. 2015 6 PM Speakers: Shahid Farooqi from ICNA Relief and Sandra Benitez, Recruitment Specialist at Nassau County's Dept. of Social Services Location: ICNA Nassau Community Center Spread the word to your NY friends on Facebook! “It is imperative that we certify a large group of foster families to accommodate the cultural diversities of the children who enter foster care in our communities,” - Maria Lauria, Director of Children’s Services
8/1/2015 6:00:00 PM -04:00
ICNA Relief Ramadan Food Drive
The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said, “Whoever feeds a fasting person will have a reward like that of the fasting person, without any reduction in his reward [At-Tirmidhi, authenticated by Al-Albani.] Please Sponsor: 2 Food Boxes / Family - $100 6 Food Boxes - $300 10 Food Boxes - $500 Donate online at www.icnarelief.org or mail checks to ICNA Relief, 1701 Bloomingdale Road, Glendale Heights, IL 60139
7/19/2015 12:00:00 AM -05:00
Sharing our Joy with those in Need (Annual Eid Gifts Drive)
Abu Huraira reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Give each other gifts and you will love each other.” As we are preparing to partake in our joyous Eid celebrations with our family and friends, let us not forget those who have little to share their happiness with. Every year, ICNA Relief strives to provide Eid Gifts to many of the families that frequent our food pantry and shelter home, as their means to provide gifts to each other is limited. Join us in helping put a smile on many families' and especially children's faces as we collect various items to present as gifts to the many refugee and needy Muslims families in the Houston area. We will be accepting new or very gently used items such as kitchen appliances, household essentials, toys, candy, goodie bags, clothes, gift cards, cash, groceries, among other items that may be useful for families who don't have much. Please consider participating in this project as we Share our Joy with the Needy and help put a smile on their faces. You can drop off any items or donations you would like be gifted at our food pantry, located on 5645 Hillcroft Ave #405 Houston, TX 77036 from Tuesday thru Friday 4:00-6:30pm and Saturday 12:00-2:00pm. Please contact our food pantry manager, Br. Shabbir, at 832-302-1681 or our Women's Shelter Manager, Sr. Seemi Bukhari, at 832-383-1669 via call or text for inquiries about acceptable gift items. You can also email inquiries and pictures to houston@icnarelief.org. If you would like to donate online, you can do so at https://icnarelief.org/Apps/Donation/Donation.php?a=relief and indicate "Muslim Family Services" in the preferences and write "Eid Gifts Houston" in the comments box. We will also be needing volunteers to help decorate Eid cards, package, and present these gifts to the families, so please stay tuned for more information regarding that, insha'Allah. Let's make this Eid-ul-Fitr a memorable one for the many Muslim needy families here in Houston! JazakAllah khair!
7/19/2015 12:00:00 AM -05:00
Ramadan Benefit Barrels
The month of Ramadan is a month of reflection and getting closeness to God. One of the ways the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ drew closer to God was by assisting those in need. Various Locations will be hosting a Benefit Barrel and encouraging the community to bring non-perishable canned foods to the Mosque. Collection will end on Eid and starts the first day of Ramadan July 18th. Locations: Masjid Al Qassam (Tampa) The Muslim Connection Office (Tampa) Apnaa Bazaar (Orlando) Aisha Cultural Center (Orlando) American Muslim Community Center (Longwood) BBQ Tonight (Orlando) ICNA Relief Office (Orlando) Masjid Al Birr (Kissimmee) Islamic Center of Orlando/ Jama Masjid (Orlando)
7/18/2015 12:00:00 AM +00:00
Ramadan Essential Food Baskets MA
Helping families with limited income have the essentials they need to enjoy Ramadan InshaAllah. DONATE ONLINE: https://icnarelief.org/Apps/Donation/Donation.php?a=RMDN_Boston (suggested $40) NO TIME TO SHOP; SHOP ONLINE http://www.peapod.com/ Let us know from the list below what you will be contributing: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HSwTFFTylujfZwNimAcvvfgaCtjPgda9_Oc-j5lSCfk/edit?usp=sharing Help Us to Help Others!! Alhumdilillah Our Ramadan Food Baskets were so Successful Last Year We Hope to Do it Again this Year InshaAllah. NEED 200 Each Item • 10lb Bags of Basmati Rice • 5lb Box Dates NEED 400 Each Item • 48 oz. Cooking Oil • 5lb Bags Sugar • 5lb Bags Flour • 1lb Box Spaghetti • 42 oz. Oatmeal • 10 oz. Can Fruit (Peaches/Fruit Salad) • 15 oz. Peanut Butter • 18 oz. Grape Jelly • 16 oz. Dried Black Eye Peas • 100 Bag Box Tea (Lipton Yellow Box) DROP OFF: 100 Malcolm X Blvd, Boston, MA 02120 Just the Basics!! Last Year We Distributed Food Baskets on a Weekly Basis; this Year We Hope to Do 2 Food Basket Distributions During the Month of Ramadan InshaAllah. DISTRIBUTION: 6/27 and 7/11 Bags will be assembled the Friday before each distribution day InshaAllah; Volunteers needed 3PM to 5PM all days InshaAllah (Friday & Saturday)
7/17/2015 12:00:00 AM +00:00
ICNA Relief Canada Fundraising Iftar & Dinner -- MILTON
For the people of Syria, Burma, Palestine, Nepal & Yemen. Special Feature video on the Rohingya situation in Burma and ICNA Relief Canada's relief efforts so far.
7/11/2015 7:00:00 PM -04:00
Ramadan: Sharing is Caring (Annual Ramadan Food Basket Drive)
The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said, “Whoever feeds a fasting person will have a reward like that of the fasting person, without any reduction in his reward [At-Tirmidhi, authenticated by Al-Albani.] Our annual Ramadan Food Basket drive is back, alhamdulillah! With an increasing population of Muslim refugees settling in Houston, as well as other Muslims who are struggling to provide a consistent supply of food for their families, it is imperative that we do what we can to share the Ramadan spirit with our fellow brothers and sisters in Islam. Please consider sponsoring food baskets to be given to needy families so that they don't have to worry about how they will feed their families and in turn, spend more time getting closer to Allah (SWT) during the blessed month of Ramadan. These food baskets are packed with essential food items and you are more than welcome to stop by the food pantry to see what exactly goes in. Last year, we distributed around 300 food baskets and this year, we would like go well past 300 as the number of families exhibiting need has increased. Here are the general sponsor details: 1 Food Box - $50 2 Food Boxes for a family - $100 6 Food Boxes - $300 10 Food Boxes - $500 You can donate online at https://icnarelief.org/Apps/Donation/Donation.php?a=relief&b=&c= and select "food vouchers/feeding programs" in the preference section and SPECIFY in the comments section that you want your donation to go towards the Ramadan Food Basket program in Houston. You can also mail checks and visit in person at our food pantry: ICNA Relief, 5645 Hillcroft Avenue #405, Houston, TX 77036 For in-kind donations, please see the list below: SPECIFIC ITEMS REQUESTED: Dates Basmati or Jasmine Rice Dried beans; (Black Eye Peas, Fava) Can / powdered milk Pasta (Spaghetti) Pasta Sauce / Canned Tomatoes Halal Meat(s) – goat or chicken (pre-packaged, family size portions) Bottled Juices (unrefrigerated) Tea bags Instant Coffee Sugar Honey Pancake mix Maple Syrup Cream of Wheat Oatmeal Tuna Fish Peanut Butter Jelly / Jams Boxed Mixes; cake or muffin Cooking oil; Olive or Vegetable Can Vegetables; (corn) Wheat Flour We will be needing volunteers to help pack and distribute these boxes so please stay tuned for when we post when we need your help. You can visit us at our food pantry to drop off donations of talk to us at 5645 Hillcroft Avenue #405, Houston, TX 77036. Our operation hours are Tuesday-Friday from 4PM to 6:30PM and Saturday from 12PM to 2PM. Our phone number at any time is 832-302-1681 and you can email us at houston@icnarelief.org. JazakAllah khair for your contributions!
7/11/2015 12:00:00 AM -05:00
Fundraising Iftar & Dinner in Mississauga for the people of Syria, Burma, Palestine, Nepal and Yemen.
July is just around the corner, and so is ICNA Relief Canada's Annual Fundraising Iftar Dinner on Friday, July 3rd to help benefit our brothers and sisters in SYRIA, BURMA, PALESTINE, NEPAL & YEMEN. Friday, 03rd July, 2015 @ 7:30 pm. Maple Banquet Halls – Mississauga 1325 Eglinton Ave E, Mississauga, ON L4W 4L9 Guest Speaker: Shk. Abu Noman Tarek (Imam Brantford Masjid) Adults: $15/person Family of 4: $50/person Children 8 and under: FREE This is a sold out event each year. Purchase your tickets NOW via our website: https://icnareliefcanada.ca/fundraising-dinner
7/3/2015 7:30:00 PM -04:00
ICNA Supporters' Family Iftar
Wednesday, July 1st at 7:00 PM
7/1/2015 7:00:00 PM -05:00
NJ Ramadan Food Basket Giveaway
"Ramadaan has come to you, it is a month of blessing, in which Allah covers you with blessing, for He sends down Mercy decreases sins and answers prayers. In it Allah, looks at your competition (in good deeds), and boasts about you to His angels. So show Allah goodness from yourselves, for the unfortunate one is he who is deprived in (this month) of the mercy of Allah, the Mighty, the Exalted" (Narrated by Tabarani)" Our annual Ramadan Food Basket drive is back, alhamdulillah! We will be giving a basket to families in need from NJ masjids from locations such as Newark. Baskets will be filled with food items such as: Dates Rice Dried or canned beans Pasta Pasta Sauce Tea bags Sugar Oatmeal Cereal Tuna Fish Peanut Butter Jelly / Jams Cooking oil; Olive or Vegetable Please consider sponsoring food baskets to be given to needy families in need during the blessed month of Ramadan. Sponsor details: 1 Food Box - $40 2 Food Boxes for a family - $80 5 Food Boxes - $200 10 Food Boxes - $400 DONATE ONLINE 1. You can donate online at https://icnarelief.org/Donation 2. Select "food vouchers/feeding programs" in the preference section and SPECIFY in the comments section that you want your donation to go towards the NJ Ramadan Food Basket program. DONATE BY MAIL: You can also mail checks to ICNA Relief 87-91 144th St. Jamaica NY 11435 QUESTIONS? Email fmatin@icnarelief.org.
7/1/2015 12:00:00 AM +00:00
Ramadan Interfaith Kitchen Kit Drive for Refugees
Will you Help a Refugee Family Feel at Home? Join hands with friends, neighbors, mosques, temples, churches, youth groups and more to create a kit valued at approximately $300 each. Drop off complete kits on June 27th from Noon - 2 p.m. Live far away? Online donations welcome. We'd also love for you to volunteer with us! Kids ages 8 and above welcome, with parent; unaccompanied minors ages 13 and above need parental consent. Sign up to volunteer at bitly.com/KitchenKit2015
6/27/2015 12:00:00 PM -05:00
Volunteers needed! Fundraising for Nepal, Burma, Syria, Yemen, Gaza
Volunteers needed for 2 or 3 hours for various tasks. Please contact Betty at 587-897-2534 or bettyismail@hotmail.com for detailed info. Fundraising
6/27/2015 12:00:00 AM +00:00
A Night of Hope in MA
Tonight's the Night InshaAllah - Very Excited!!!! A Night of Hope w/ Sh. Omar Suleiman - A Night of Inspiration!! Tickets are Selling Out Quick at this Point - Reserve Yours Now InshaAllah. Seating is Very Limited and We Can Not Accommodate Over 220 (max occupancy) - Purchase Here: https://icnarelief.org/Apps/Donation/Donation.php?a=FR_Boston $20 Adult $10 Youth 12 and Under $50 Family 4 in Advance $25/$15/$55 at Door ICNA Relief MA Field Office; Ramadan Iftar Speakers: Sh. Omar Suleiman Reggie Lewis Center 1350 Tremont St, Roxbury Crossing, MA 02120 June 20, 2015 6:30PM to 10:00PM ** UPDATE: Child Care will be Provided @ the ISBCC directly across the street 3rd floor w/ professional providers. Pizza will be served InshaAllah. Directions and Parking: http://www.rcc.mass.edu/reggie-lewis-about-us/reggie-lewis-directions-and-parking Supporting Our Community Programs: * Food / Essentials Pantry * Financial Assistance * Back 2 School Giveaway * Blessing Bags for the Homeless * Amal Women's Center: Housing * Zakat ul-Fitr Distribution * Qurbani Distribution * Special Events & Community Service * Advocacy, Referrals, Workshops and Trainings
6/20/2015 6:30:00 PM -04:00
A Night of Hope with Sh. Omar Suleiman & Sr. Malika MacDonald
Celebrate the 5th Anniversary of Our Women's Shelter Home. A Benefit Dinner Did you know that the ICNA Relief operates a Women's Shelter here in Houston? Did you know that over 100 women have had their lives completely changed through this shelter after enduring much hardship in the past? Did you know that these women who have had no other choice but to seek shelter assistance have become self-sufficient or successfully married, even giving back and helping the current sisters residing in the shelter? Alhamdulilah, our doors have been open to women in need for the past five years. Let us continue this genuine effort for five or more. We are honored to welcome Sheikh Omar Suleiman as our guest speaker, along with Sr. Malika MacDonald, ICNA Relief's National Director of Women's Transitional Housing. Registration is $20.00/person or $200.00/table and dinner is included. To register, please go on the following link: http://bit.ly/1HQq0k4 RSVP: houston@icnarelief.org Dr. Asif Hussain: 281-739-8389 Sr. Seemi Bukhari, 832-382-1669 Br. Shabbir Hasan, 832-302-1681 More information: Houston is blessed to have this sort of alternative housing project operating full time for the past 5 years which offers shelter, food, counseling, case management, job training, education, and more, to women who have fallen under extremely tough circumstances. Please Join us for a Benefit Dinner to Recognize the 5th Anniversary of Our Women's Shelter Home and pray for our sisters who are going through hard times. This much needed initiative needs your support to continue providing services and expanding our capacity to help more of our sisters. Please join us and learn more about this cause, become informed about what exactly we have been doing and are planning to do, as well as listen to words of wisdom by our speakers. The address of our local office and Women's Shelter is located at 4021 Baden St Houston, TX 77009. Please register promptly, spots are limited and we will not be selling tickets beyond capacity. JazakAllah khair and we hope you to see you on June 13, insha'Allah!
6/13/2015 6:30:00 PM -05:00
BBQ Picnic! (proceeds go to Iftaar Food Hampers)
As we will sit down to enjoy iftaar with our families this Ramadan, we may not realize that some of our Muslim brothers and sisters perhaps are not as fortunate as we are to have a bountiful table before us. Yes! Though many may argue, it is a fact that several Muslims in Calgary struggle to feed their families decent meals everyday. The BBQ is organized to raise money to purchase items for the Iftaar Basket that are needed or is insufficient in stock, and ALL proceeds will go towards the baskets. The BBQ is $5 only, but we would like to encourage you to open your hearts for whatever you can help with. We would like to invite your family to join us for a fun way to support your Muslim brothers and sisters. June 13, 2015 is the last Saturday before Ramadan and is one more chance to have fun before we get serious in our Ibadah and Saum. The BBQ will be held at the Edworthy Park - Site 6 (reserved for us) from 12pm - 3pm. There will be food, games, face painting, and lots of fun for everyone! Under 5 year old Free! Due to limited space we do require that you RSVP us with number of people (names required) joining and if the are adult or children (children ages required) to me at 587-897-2534 or reply to this e-mail (bettyismail@hotmail.com). Ticket purchasing can be done on the day of BBQ but information is required for planning and preperation. Last day to confirm is June 10th Inshallah. If you would like to volunteer please let me know, and volunteer get a free meal!
6/13/2015 12:00:00 PM -06:00
Bus available for BBQ Picnic ($5/ person)
Asslaam o alaikum all! We have a bus available to take you to the BBQ Picnic on June 13. The bus is scheduled to depart from McKnight LRT at 11:30am sharp and will take you the Edworthy Park, and will depart Edworthy Park at 3pm and bring you back to Mcknight LRT station. The cost is $5/ person. If you are interested please reply with total number of people interested as the max capacity is 48 adults. ONLY AVAILABLE IF YOU CONFIRM. LAST DAY TO CONFIRM JUNE 10TH. Jazaak Allah Khair. Betty 587-897-2534 bettyismail@hotmail.com calgaryfb@icnareliefcanada.ca
6/13/2015 11:30:00 AM -06:00
Paint The Town!
ICNA Relief USA is working with Project Downtown Ft. Lauderdale and Young Muslims - YM South Florida to help the Broward County Commissioner's office and Pioneer Construction clean-up the city of Ft. Lauderdale! We will be painting two houses for senior citizens in order to help the community improve. When you look good, you feel good. And that's what we're doing with our city, in'shaAllah! We'll be running two shifts: 8am - 12pm 1pm - 6pm Be sure to specify which one you're coming to in the pinned comment!
6/6/2015 8:00:00 AM -04:00
Family Hurricane Preparedness Workshops
Presented by: Jane Aslam, Director of Disaster Response Services; ICNA Relief USA Locations: Islamic Center of South Florida Friday June 5th 5:30 PM- 9 PM 1641 NW 15th St Pompano Beach FL 33069 Nur Spirituality Institute Sunday June 7th 12 PM-4 PM 3950 S US Hwy 17-92, STE 2000, Casselberry, Florida 32707 Islamic Center of Orlando Monday June 8th 12 PM- 4 PM 11543 Ruby Lake Road Orlando, FL 32836 Contact Taha Qureshi (South Florida) 954-806-8283 ICNA Relief Office (Orlando) 407-930-7701
6/5/2015 12:00:00 AM +00:00
Women Essentials Campaign 5/1 - 5/31
Donate Online: http://bit.ly/1GwBTjO Or Drop off at Venues below. ICNA Relief USA is collecting #PersonalHygiene Kits for Homeless and Women in Need During the Month of May (5/1 - 5/31). (NEW PACKAGED ONLY) Items Requested: * Deodorant and Body Sprays * Sanitary Pads and Tampons * Feminine Wash * Shampoo and Conditioner * Lotion and Moisturizers * Undergarments * Nail Clippers and Emory Boards * Combs and Brushes * Tooth Brushes and Toothpaste * Mouth Wash (non-alcohol) Donate Online: http://bit.ly/1GwBTjO You may donate online for items to be purchased, ship or drop off requested items to the locations below. Feminine products such as sanitary napkins and tampons can be difficult for homeless women to obtain and are not typical items donated to our food pantries and shelter homes. For a poor or homeless women these items can make a world of difference in preserving their dignity and respect. DROP OFF LOCATIONS: ICNA Relief Midwest Office, 1701 Bloomingdale Rd Glendale Height,IL 60139 844-414-4862 Monday- Thursdays 10:00 am -3:00 pm ICNA Relief Thrift Store, 17w731 Roosevelt Rd. Oalbrook Terrace, 60181 Phone: 1-866-497-9037 Timings: 10:00 am to 6:00 pm Open every day except Fridays Dawah Center Food Pantry 6224 N.California Ave. Chicago, IL Call Sr Ahlam 773-739-3224 Every day 12:00-2:00 Masjids: MSI, 1785 Bloomingdale Rd, Glendale Heights, IL 60139 ICW, 900 E Geneva Rd, Wheaton, IL 60187 ICN, 2844 W Ogden Ave, Naperville, IL 60540 ICCD, 480 Potter Rd, Des Plaines, IL 60016 Latino Muslims of Chicago If you want to start this in your neighborhood/masjid Please contact: chicago@icnarelief.org 844-414-4862
5/31/2015 12:00:00 AM +00:00
Women's Essentials Campaign 5/1-5/31
ICNA Relief USA's National Transitional Housing Network; 13 Homes are collecting Personal Hygiene Products for Homeless and Women in Need During the Month of May (5/1 - 5/31). ***JUST ADDED: Baltimore Collection May 23-25 @ ICNA-MAS Convention, Memorial Day Weekend, Baltimore, MD. We will be collecting personal hygiene items and assembling Blessing Bags during the convention for a day of service in Baltimore. Donate Online: http://bit.ly/1GwBTjO Items Requested: (NEW PACKAGED ONLY) * Deodorant and Body Sprays * Sanitary Pads and Tampons * Depends (adult incontinence) * Feminine Wash * Shampoo and Conditioner * Lotion and Moisturizers * Undergarments / Socks (NEW PACKAGED ONLY) * Nail Clippers and Emory Boards * Combs and Brushes * Tooth Brushes and Toothpaste * Mouth Wash (non-alcohol) * Soft / Chewy Granola Bars You may donate online for items to be purchased or drop off requested items at one of our ICNA Relief USA Field Offices nationwide. Donate Online: http://bit.ly/1GwBTjO We will purchase items on your behalf. LOCAL DROP OFF LOCATIONS: (More TBA) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mSMlJ9UM8Z3ORzKFAjC05DDYsWJZR1UC3P8KzC95zdw/edit?usp=sharing Feminine products such as sanitary napkins and tampons can be difficult for homeless women to obtain and are not typical items donated to our food pantries and shelter homes. For a poor or homeless women these items can make a world of difference in preserving their dignity and respect. If you want to conduct a drive in your neighborhood/masjid Please contact your local ICNA Relief USA representative. Contact your local office for collection (drop-off) locations. List of Field Offices: http://icnarelief.org/site2/index.php/aboutus/fieldoffices To learn more about ICNA Relief's Transitional Housing; http://icnarelief.org/site2/index.php/programsummary/womenshelter Join Our Facebook Page: ICNA Relief USA; National Transitional Housing Network for Women
5/31/2015 12:00:00 AM +00:00
Amal Women's Center Banquet
Join us for an inspiring night of supporting the Amal Women's Center. We will be coming together to hear the president of ICNA, Naeem Baig, and successful young professional, Dr. Mariam Ismail, speak about the importance of such projects for our future. The Amal Women's Center is a transitional housing facility that will serve homeless women and their children in the Boston area. Set to open within the next few months, the center will be serving both Muslims and Non-Muslims. This unprecedented project deserves your support! Join us on May 30th at 6pm @ ICB Wayland. Tickets (Sold at door): $30/person $10/child (10 and under) If you have any questions, please contact Ariz Saleem at asaleem@icnarelief.org. Looking forward to seeing you there!!!
5/30/2015 6:00:00 PM -04:00
Foster Care Information Session
Taking care of orphans, elderly, widowed and the community in general is a part of our Deen, but sadly other communities have taken a lead role and we are left behind in the race of good deeds. As Muslims, we all proudly talk about the fact that the Welfare, Foster Care, Judicial, Economic systems was introduced by Islam, and yet we are not prevalent in the society today for being providers for these works. This free information session is dedicated to bringing awareness to the Muslim Community about the facts, and what and how can they be involved Inshallah! Sheikh Mahdi Qasqas will be sharing with us the importance and benefits of fostering, and we also have guest speakers from the Calgary & District Foster Parents Association that will explain the current situation and the process. There is no commitment required, but the least we can do is find out about the concern and educate and encourage each other to Enjoining Good. *Refreshments served
5/30/2015 3:00:00 PM -06:00
Restoring Hope in Baltimore
ICNA Relief USA Day of Service In Collaboration with Muslim Social Service Agency in Baltimore, MD @ the ICNA-MAS Convention May 23-25 Blessing Bags for the Homeless and Impacted Assembly: Saturday 6:00PM to 8:00PM Convention Lobby Near Registration Distribution: Sunday 12:30PM to 4:00PM Meet in Convention Lobby. We will be walking 1 1/2 miles to distribution site and praying at location InshaAllah. ***MUST BE 18 or Accompanied by a Parent/Guardian for Distribution Sponsor Bags Here: http://icnarelief.org/baltimoreblessings $20 purchases 3 bags Visit the ICNA Relief USA Booths 512 and 611 to Donate Requested Items, Help Assemble Blessing Bags and to Volunteer for a Day of Service in Baltimore. Items Requested (NEW PACKAGED ONLY): * Deodorant * Shampoo and Conditioner * Hand Lotion / Sanitizer * Soap * Wetnaps / Moist Towelettes * Undergarments / Socks * Soft / Chewy Granola Bars
5/23/2015 12:00:00 AM +00:00
Changing the Course of History: Al-Israa' wal Mi'raaj A Family Benefit Dinner
Changing the Course of History: Al-Israa' wal Mi'raaj A Family Benefit Dinner: A Family Benefit Dinner Bring Your Family & Friends- All Are Invited! 6 PM Speakers: Sheikh Hafiz Inyatullah Hafiz Inayatullah Imam of Alhedaya Islamic Center of ICNA GA and Imam Rafiq Mahdi Outreach Coordinator" ICNA Relief USA Imam, Muslim Community of Knoxville Masjid Al-Wali 9 Olsen Ave, Edison, NJ 08820 Ticket: $10 Individual Family $50 Contact information: Atif Usman: (201) 344-4146 Farhana Matin: fmatin@icnarelief.org
5/16/2015 6:00:00 PM -04:00
The Complete Believer - Intellect, Spirit and Action
5/9/2015 8:00:00 PM -05:00
Islam in America: Problems & Solutions, A Benefit Dinner
ICNA Relief NY's First Ever Banquet in Buffalo, NY Join us May 3rd for a night of insightful discussion over a delicious dinner with the one and only Sheikh Yasir Qadhi Tickets: $20 individual $100 family Venue: Adams Mark Hotel 120 Church St. Buffalo, NY 14202 Contact Information: Imam Yahye Harary 716-578-0735 Anwar Khokan 978-930-6175
5/3/2015 5:00:00 PM -04:00
ICNA Relief & Harbor House Present: Standing against Domestic Abuse
Please join ICNA Relief and Harbor House in the city of Orlando as they present a series of discussions and a training seminar to educate the community on the dangers of Domestic Abuse. These discussions will take place in various locations across the Central Florida region and will end with a training at the ICNA Relief office in Orlando, FL. The training will be done by Harbor House and they will recognize you as a partner in our stand against Domestic Abuse. Please RSVP by calling 407-930-7701 (office) or emailing centralfl@icnarelief.org If you have any questions please call the office. Food will be provided for Saturday and Sunday Discussion and Training. Friday 9:30pm AMCC (AMCCENTERS.org) 811 Wilma Street, Longwood Florida 32750 Saturday Islamic Center of Orlando (Jama Masjid icorlando.org) 11543 Ruby Lake Rd, Orlando FL 32836 Sunday ICNA Relief Office 701 South Kirkman Rd. Suite 713 Orlando, FL 32811 Who is Harbor House? Harbor House seeks to eliminate domestic violence by providing safety, shelter, counseling, education, advocacy and justice. Since the inception of the domestic violence movement in the 1970’s, Harbor House has been highly regarded as one of the best comprehensive domestic violence programs in the State of Florida. We have five main programs to support our mission: emergency shelter, children’s services, community outreach, legal advocacy services and community & professional education. The main program is the 110 bed emergency shelter that is operated 24 hours a day for women and child survivors of family violence. This life saving program has been in operation for 34 years and is the only State certified domestic violence shelter in Orange County. harborhousefl.com
4/26/2015 12:00:00 AM -04:00
ICNA Relief Chicago's Annual Banquet.The Invisible Society - Unveiling a whole new world!
Order tickets via Eventbrite: http://bit.ly/IRChi or email us at chicago@icnarelief.org or call (866) 552-4262 As ICNA Relief, Chicago, strives to expand its programs and services to the community, we hope you will attend our annual fundraising banquet on Sunday April 19th, 2015 at 6:00 p.m., for a first-hand view of the services you’ve supported so far. Dinner promptly at 7:00 p.m. Mufti Hussain Kamani will be our keynote speaker. The theme of our fundraiser is “The Invisible Society: Unveiling a Whole New World.” The venue is the Albanian Center, Berkeley IL.
4/20/2015 12:00:00 AM -05:00
ICNA Relief Chicago's Annual Banquet: An Invisible Society, Unveiling a Whole New World
An Invisible Society, Unveiling a Whole New World ICNA Relief Chicago Invites You To The Annual Banquet Sunday April 19th @ 7PM- 10:30 PM Tickets EventBrite http://bit.ly/IRChi Albanian-American Islamic Center 5825 Saint Charles Road | Berkeley | IL 60163 Keynote Speaker: Mufti Hussain Kamani Azhar UsmanSheikh Mohammad Hassan Early Bird Prices $30/Adult, Table $300 After April 5th $40/Adult, Table $400 Children $10 | Limited Seating Special MCNA Program for Kids Purchase Your Tickets Today via EventBrite http://bit.ly/IRChi or email us at chicago@icnarelief.org or call (866) 552-4262
4/19/2015 7:00:00 PM -05:00
Faith and Service: Humanity: Guidance from the Quran.
Faith and Service: Humanity: Guidance from the Quran. Join Wisam Sharieff , Arthur Richards and Sadiq Chaudhry for a Family Benefit Dinner. This event will help benefit ICNA Relief USA in its advancement of benefiting those in need in the United States. Support our local programs such as the Shifa Clinic http://shifa101.com/ Date: Saturday,April 18th at 6 PM Tickets: Adults $30 / $5 Child under age 12 Babysitting will be available. Register at : http://shifa101.com/ Reshma Khan 843-352-4580 Location: Embassy Suites, 5055 International Boulevard, North Charleston,South Carolina, 29418 Guests: Imam @Wisam Sharieff is the founder and director of AQL Online (Advocating Quranic Literacy) Br. Arthur Richards, ICNA Relief Director Br. Sadiq Choudhry, President, PICNA Peace and Integration Council of North America
4/19/2015 12:00:00 AM -04:00
ICNA Relief New York Banquet
ICNA Relief Presents: Muhammad Mercy to Mankind A Family Banquet This event will help benefit ICNA Relief USA in its continued pledge to benefit women & families in their time of need. Special Guest Speakers: Imam Siraj Wahhaj Naeem Baig Ajmal Masroor Ariz Saleem Date: Saturday, April 18th at 7:30 PM Tickets: Adults $20 individual / $100 for family Dinner Will Be Served Location: Hilton Hotel 144-02 135th Ave Jamaica, NY 08065
4/18/2015 7:30:00 PM -04:00
Nurturing Healthy Families (Free event)
This Saturday, April 4th, Join ICNA Relief for a potluck dinner, dessert, and a talk on "Nurturing Healthy Families" with Sr, Malika MacDonald at the Islamic Center of Wheaton Malika MacDonald is an Irish American Muslim who embraced Islam in 1995. She’s earned over 10yrs experience working with at-risk, street involved youth. While working at ROCA; Malika co-founded the Al-Huda Society, a multicultural youth and community development project focused on the needs of refugee families. Malika’s work within the community bestowed her with the prestigious US Senator John F. Kerry Leadership award. Malika served as the pioneer director of Community Organizing for Somerville Community Corporation which earned her a fellowship at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government. Upon moving to New York, Malika served as the assistant director of the 21stCentury Community of Learners at Hillcrest Public High School in Jamaica, NY, an in depth after school enrichment program. Later she joined the Islamic Circle of North America in the relief division; as Assistant Director of the 911 Civil Liberties Project. While with ICNA Relief she developed a successful homeless shelter model, opening the 1st shelter in 2008 in Jamaica, NY. Today she oversees 12 facilities housing homeless women.
4/4/2015 5:45:00 PM -05:00
100 for $100 Florida Campaign [April 1st to April 30th]
Join Our 100 Florida Campaign Make a Difference in Your Community. Donate $100 to: - Feed the Hungry - Shelter our Women - Educate our Children Campaign Ends April 30th Questions? Call 407-930-7301 Make Checks Payable to: ICNA Relief 701 South Kirkman Rd Suite 713 Orlando FL 32811
4/1/2015 12:00:00 AM +00:00
A Night to Honor Women
A Night to Honor Women Featured Speakers: Stories of Individuals Who have struggled Imam Siraj Wahhaj Sheikh Qutaibah J. Abbasi A Family Benefit Dinner for the women of America. This event will help benefit ICNA Relief USA in its pledge to benefit women & families in their time of need. Date: Saturday, March 21st at 6pm Tickets: Adults $10 individual / $30 for family Dinner Will Be Served Location: Palmyra Community Center 30 W Broad Street Palmyra, NJ 08065 Contact Information: Atif Usman: (201) 344-4146 Farhana Matin: Farhana Matin fmatin@icnarelief.org
3/21/2015 6:00:00 PM -04:00
Dawah In action
3/19/2015 11:30:00 AM -05:00
Motherhood: Heaven Beneath her Feet
Join us in honoring mothers and supporting growing families. We will have fun, games, giveaways and an introduction to the latest program "The Mommy League," which serves mothers before and after pregnancy. For more information check out our website at www.theleagueofmoms.com
3/8/2015 1:00:00 PM -05:00
Free Tax Clinic
Free Tax Services for families with an income less than $50,000. Contact: icnareliefsocal@icnarelief.org
3/1/2015 10:00:00 AM -08:00
Restoring Hope, Transforming Lives : ICNA Relief Banquet
ICNA Relief has brought to Southern California a Free Medical Clinic and Women's Shelter, needs your help to start this work in San Diego and continue supporting OVERLOOKED sections of our society. ICNA Relief's | Fundraising Dinner : Restoring Hope, Transforming Lives ICNA Relief San Diego Presents Restoring Hope, Transforming Lives Fundraising Banquet Benefiting Free Medical Clinic, Back to School and new local projects on Saturday, February 28th, 2015 at 6 PM. Featured speakers Ustad Wissan Sharieff Dr. Mohammed Hassan Abu Hurairah narrated that the Messenger of Allah said: " Whoever relieves a Muslim of a burden from the burdens of the world, Allah will relieve him of a burden from the burdens on the Day of Judgement. And whoever helps ease a difficulty in the world, Allah will grant him ease from a difficulty in the world and in the Hereafter. " at Four Points by Sheraton San Diego 8110 Aero Dr, San Diego, CA 92123 For more info contact: Khalid Memon kmemon@icnarelief.org, (909) 486-8050.
2/28/2015 6:00:00 PM -08:00
A Family Benefit Dinner: A Night For Our Women
A Family Benefit Dinner for the women of America. This event will help benefit ICNA Relief USA in its advancement of benefitting women all across the United States. By attending and pledging to donate to this organization you are pledging to - Helping ICNA Relief USA build larger facilities for shelters in Florida and Nationwide. - Helping ICNA Relief USA provide food for the millions of Food insecure homes both in Florida and Nationwide. - Help to make ICNA Relief USA a competitor with Social Services organizations within the State of Florida. Date: Saturday, February 28th at 7pm Tickets: Adults $50 Babysitting will be available. Dinner will be served at 7:30pm. Location: Sheraton Lake Buena Vista Resort 12205 S Apopka Vineland Rd, Orlando, Florida 32836 Guests: Sr. Dunia Shuaib, Islamic Speaker Sr. Malika Rushdan, ICNA Relief Director of Women's Home Ustadha Yasmin Mogahed, Writer and Teacher of Islamic Studies. Contact Information: Arthur Richards - 407-227-3016, ICNA Relief USA - SE Regional Coordinator Jerry-Abdullah Muscadin - 321-297-2767, ICNA Relief USA - Community Development Director for Central Florida
2/28/2015 7:00:00 PM -05:00
ICNA Relief South Florida Annual Banquet
ICNA Relief South Florida is proud to present it's annual banquet! Join us for a wonderful evening featuring world renown speakers: Imam Zaid Shakir, Sheikh Yaser Birjas, and Dr. Altaf Hussain Come learn about the work ICNA Relief USA is doing Nationwide and the work your local directors and volunteers are doing right here in South Florida! Tickets are $20 and can be purchased online or in person. For tickets or more information: Br Abdur-Rauf Khan - (954) 342-6235 Br Raa'id Khan - (954) 907-7452 Br. Taha Qureshi - (954) 806-8283
2/21/2015 6:00:00 PM -05:00
Volunteer Meeting for Banquet
Salam. Volunteer meeting time and location TBD. This event is to gather all those interested so that we may communicate with easily in'shaAllah.
2/21/2015 4:00:00 PM -05:00
Orlando Office Meeting
Come to the Local ICNA Relief USA Office in Orlando Florida to help us get our new office and pantry ready for operation! We will be painting and cleaning office from 10am- 4 pm We will have a meeting to discuss the following information from 2:00 pm (noon) until 4 pm. Find Agenda here. - Local Can Food Drive on Behalf of FeedingTheirLegacy.org - February 28th "A Night for our Women" Campaign
2/14/2015 10:00:00 AM -05:00
Love, Hate, & The Fine Line Between Them
ICNA Relief, in association with Lifespan Holistic Health Network, presents a free workshop! SPEAKERS: Sis. Malika MacDonald - Director, ICNA Relief MA Field Office - National Director, Shelter Operations Sheikh Mohammad Hassan - Ph. D in Islamic Studies from Indiana, USA TOPICS: 1) The importance of communication 2) The value of respect & forgiveness 3) How to deal with domestic violence Refreshments will be served!
2/7/2015 10:00:00 AM -05:00
ICNA Relief Sponsors Project Downtown Miami
ICNA Relief South Florida will be sponsoring Project Downtown Miami on a monthly basis for the next six months inshaAllah. Join us as we assist our brothers and sisters in need. Dates: January 9th February 6th* March 6th April 3rd May 1st June 5th We will meet Friday 6:00 PM at 201 Northwest 1st Avenue Miami, FL 33128, at the parking lot under the Government Station Metro-rail parking. Spread the word.
2/6/2015 6:00:00 PM -05:00
Eye Clinic
ICNA Relief USA Shifa Clinic brings you free eye screenings. Tests will conducted to check for glaucoma, cataracts, and other such ailments. If you or anyone you know over the age of 45 would like to get checked, come to MJAM tomorrow to get checked out!
1/24/2015 9:30:00 AM -05:00
Tackling Homelessness as a Faith Community
Speakers: Mr. George Cope Representative of Central Florida Coalition of Homeless Arthur Richards Hunger Prevention Director, ICNA Relief USA Join us for an evening as the faith based community comes together to discuss our role in preventing and eradicating homelessness in Central Florida. ICNA Relief local directors Br. Abdullah-Jerry Muscadin and Br. Arthur Richards will share the microphone as we come up with solid ways to work together. Location : AMCC 811 Wilma St Longwood, Florida 32750 Contact: Arthur Richards arichards@icnarelief.org 407-227-3016
1/23/2015 8:00:00 PM -05:00
ICNA Relief Sponsors Project Downtown Miami
ICNA Relief South Florida will be sponsoring Project Downtown Miami on a monthly basis for the next six months inshaAllah. Join us as we assist our brothers and sisters in need. Dates: January 9th February 6th* March 6th April 3rd May 1st June 5th We will meet Friday 5:30 PM at 201 Northwest 1st Avenue Miami, FL 33128, at the parking lot under the Government Station Metro-rail parking. Spread the word.
1/9/2015 5:30:00 PM -05:00
ICNA Relief's Exclusive Fund Raising Event
Assalam alaikom, ICNA Relief would like to invite you to the event below. The event has free admission but it is only for select people. Please RSVP to sazfar@icnarelief.org JazakumAllah khayr. Your prompt RSVP is appreciated!
12/13/2014 6:20:00 PM -06:00
Liberate Our Minds | ICNA-MAS South Convention
8th Annual ICNA-MAS South Central Regional Convention 2014 - Houston, TX 3-day Convention - Liberate Our Minds Speakers Lineup: Siraj Wahhaj Nouman Ali Khan Yasir Qadhi Omar Suleiman Abdul Nasir Jangda Qasim Mazhar Yaser Birjas Saad Tasleem Khalid Griggs Fahad Tasleem Abdool Rahman Khan Hafiz Inayatullah Naeem Baig Anees Rehman & many more national and local speakers A wonderful event for the entire family! Thanksgiving Weekend Date: November 28 - 30, 2014 (Friday - Sunday) Venue: Houston Marriott Westchase (2900 Briar Park Dr Houston, TX 77042) 3 days of amazing fun featuring... Highlights: - Bazaar - Midnight Brothers Basketball Tournament - Rides - Da'wah Exhibition - Interactive Presentations - Parallel Sessions - Youth lectures - Workshops *Friday Khutbah at 1:30pm and Salaah at 2pm, Insha'Allah! Timings for the convention: Friday - 1pm (There will be arrangements for Jumauh Khutbah)- Midnight Saturday - 9:30am- Midnight Sunday - 9am- 1:30pm More info: Registration: http://icnatexas.org/?page_id=603 Vendor/Bazaar: http://icnatexas.org/?page_id=30 Volunteer sign-up: http://icnatexas.org/?page_id=308 Free parking will be available. For more info: Web: ICNATexas.org Email - convention@icnahouston.org | info@icnatexas.org Phone - 844-888-ICNA(4262) Ext. 6
11/30/2014 12:00:00 AM -06:00
A Community United: Second Annual ICNA Relief Central Florida Banquet
Join us for an evening with special guest speakers Imam Wisam Sharieff from AQL, Ustadh Majed Mahmoud, and Sh. Muhammad Hassan from ICNA Relief. Come learn about the work ICNA Relief USA is doing Nationwide and the work your local directors and volunteers are doing right here in Central Florida. Tickets are on sale online now!
11/15/2014 6:00:00 PM -05:00
Qurbani/ Udhiya ( Seeking Allah’s pleasure)
This Eid, Donate your Qurbani via ICNA Relief at www.icnarelief.org/Qurbani What is Udhiya/ Qurbani? What is Udhiya?” He replied, “It is the Sunnah of your father Ibrahim (peace be upon him).” They asked again, “What benefit do we get from it?” He answered, “A reward for every hair (of the sacrificed animal).” “And [what reward is there for animals with] wool, O Messenger of Allah?” they asked. “A reward”, he said, “for every fiber of the wool.” (Sunan Ibn Majah) See how easily you can give the gift of meat this holiday season to a family in need right here at home. EZ Qurbani - Carried out on your behalf. Call (866) 354-0102 or visit the Qurbani link! Note: Eid date varies Ibn al-Qayyim said : Sacrifice at the appropriate time, such as during Hajj and on Eid al-Adha, is better than giving its price in charity even if one gives more, because offering a sacrifice and shedding blood is what is required, and it is an act of worship that is mentioned alongside prayer, as Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): “Therefore turn in prayer to your Lord and sacrifice (to Him only)” [al-Kawthar: 108:2]
10/4/2014 12:00:00 AM +00:00
Dar Al-Hijrah Backpack Drive
We will be distributing backpacks to families in need so if you would like to join us please don't hesitate to show up and help! Volunteers are more than welcome!
9/6/2014 12:00:00 PM -04:00
Babysitting with Islamic Character!
ICNA Relief:Chicago presents a new program for frazzled parents!!!! Need a few hours to yourself to finish errands or even some alone time...BUT are worried about whom to leave your children with or how expensive it may be? ICNA Counseling Department has developed an amazing cutting edge program for Children ages 13 and younger. Every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday drop your children off 1pm to 3pm for some FUN interactive games and activities to foster Islamic Character, inshAllah. All Programming is developed under trained Islamic School Counselor and Clinical Therapist. Call ahead or email to make sure there is enough space! At 734-355-9917 or aliyahbanister@gmail.com Each day is only $5 per FAMILY! AND ALL PROCEEDS GO STRICTLY TO THE RELIEF PROGRAM BENEFITS 1) FREE TIME to complete errands 2)$5 of quality programming for 2 hrs!! 2) Islamic Character Education for your Children 3) AND best of all help another Muslim to pay their bills on time or help them pay for groceries, etc. WHO COULD PASS ON THIS OFFER, MASHALLAH! PLEASE INVITE THOSE WHO MAY BENEFIT, inshAllah!
8/19/2014 12:00:00 AM -05:00
Back2School Giveaway
Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa barakatuhu, Dear volunteers, friends and supporters, We hope that you had blessed Ramadan and pray that Allah SWT accept our fasts, our prayers, our charity and all the volunteer work we did for His pleasure. Ameen. ICNA Relief is pleased to announce yet another opportunity to help the needy in our communities. Our Back 2 school project is beginning. We will be distributing back packs filled with school supplies to kids among refugee populations and other under-served areas. We will be distributing a total of 500 back packs insha Allah. We count on you for supporting us in this project which is a great community service and also a dawah opportunity. Creating awareness in the society about social issues and promoting Islamic values of compassion and care through service is our hallmark. Ways you can help: 1. Volunteer to prepare the back packs for distribution. 2. Donate your time to help in distribution. 3. Share the cost of back packs - $20 per bag. 4. Make lots of dua for all the good works to be accepted by Allah SWT.
8/15/2014 12:00:00 AM -05:00
Youth Leadership Development Program 2014
*FOR GRADE 9 - 12* In Mississauga, Thorncliffe & Calgary! DEADLINE JULY 30th! More info at www.icnareliefcanada.ca/yldp.php Our Youth Leadership Development Program (YLDP) is unique in its "learning by doing" approach. Through a series of seminars, workshops and exciting field projects, YLDP is designed to teach the practical skills most-needed by effective and successful youth leaders. Starts Aug 2nd!
8/2/2014 10:00:00 AM -04:00
Urgent Help needed
“Whosoever relieves from a believer some grief pertaining to this world, Allah will relieve from him some grief pertaining to the Hereafter.”(Hadith) Homeless Family & Victims of Domestic Abuse Seeking Help ICNA Relief Chicago needs your urgent help to provide housing for one homeless family of seven and two victims of domestic violence. All three families include children. Please donate generously. Make checks to ICNA Relief, with "Housing" in the memo. Mail to 1701 Bloomingdale Rd Glendale heights, IL 60139 Phone number 1 (630) 506-2312
7/22/2014 6:00:00 AM +00:00
Food drive
Ramadhan food drive, $40/ box make checks for "ICNA relief" mail it to 1701 bloomingdale rd, Glendale heights, IL 60139 or donate Rice, flour, lentil,oil, sugar and dates. Food collection date: July 10th , Open house Food boxes assembly July 11th & 12th @ 11:00 am to 4:30 Food distribution July 13th Register your name and phone number for volunteering @ sazfar@icnarelief.org
7/15/2014 12:00:00 AM +00:00
KC Women's Shelter - Fundraiser Iftar Dinner
Alhamdulillah, by the grace and mercy of Allah (swt), we got the occupancy permit for ICNA Relief Supportive House for Women and Children in Raytown MO. We need your support to pay off the loan and operational cost. We would like to invite you to attend the fundraiser iftar to support this project. Please join us in securing a better future for our community. Tickets - $15/Adult, $25/Family @ http://icnakc.org/ . Day Care will be provided.
7/13/2014 7:30:00 PM -05:00
July 12th 2014 Thanks to Allah, and you, we have food donations for 350 families! MashaAllah! During these final days of the food drive, from July 8 – 12, please consider donating $40/family or contributing food supplies. Checks can be made to ICNA Relief, with ‘Ramadan Food Baskets’ in the memo OR Donate Rice, Flour, Lentil, Oil, Sugar and Dates. Mail Checks to or Drop Donations at ICNA Relief Office, 1701 Bloomingdale tf, Glendale geights, il Or go online at www.icnarelief.org Food Distribution Sunday, July 13th, 6:30 pm At Masjid Al-Farooq 8950 S. Stony Island Chicago, IL 60617 Volunteers must pre-register. Email ………………..or call 630-506-2312 Our beloved Prophet peace be upon him said; “In Paradise there are rooms that their inside can be seen from outside and outside can be seen from inside.” He was asked, “For whom are these rooms, O Messenger of Allah?” He said, “They are for he who soften his speech, feeds the people, continues to fast, and prays at night while the people are asleep.” [Ahmad]
7/13/2014 6:30:00 PM -05:00
Fundraising Iftar ・ Syria Relief & Orphan Sponsorship!
The Prophet PBUH said, “The best charity is that given in Ramadhan.” [At-Tirmithi]. Join us during this blessed month for an event to help the less fortunate around the world. Tickets ・ $15/Person ・ $45/Family Venue ・ Maple Banquet Hall Date ・ 13th July, 2014 ICNA Relief Canada has consistently strived to help humanity across the globe. This year, we are organizing this special gathering for all of you to come help us in our mission to assist our brothers and sisters around the world. We will be focusing on helping our operations in Syria Relief & Orphan Sponsorship!
7/13/2014 7:00:00 PM -04:00
Youth Girls Ramadan Workshops
Free Girls Only Sessions! Take a Journey through the Quran EVERY Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday during Ramadan. 2:30pm to 4 Let's all take advantage of these special days by filling them with fun and interactive lessons from the Quran. These long hot days will go by faster filling our hearts with Islam and good companionship, inshAllah! Drop in whenever you can or come each day! But take advantage of this blessed time!!! 13 to 28! (Divided based on age)
6/30/2014 7:30:00 PM +00:00
Istaqbaal E Ramadan
Let's Prepare for Ramadan together! Sisters Only Program Program in Urdu for Mothers Program in English for Youth Girls
6/22/2014 2:00:00 PM -05:00
Learning From Sandy: A Disaster Relief Workshop in NJ
Get prepared for disasters! Join Jane Aslam, Director of Disaster Response Services of ICNA Relief USA, as she teaches our family and our community how to prepare and respond to disasters. Who is this Workshop for: - Community/Masjid leadership - Leaders of Social Service organizations - Parents who want to protect their family next time a disaster strikes - MSA and Youth leadership who want to enlighten their members Saturday April 12th 11am-6pm DISASTER CERTIFICATION TO BE PROVIDED (Certificate of Participation) Why Islam Center 1320 Hamilton St. Somerset, NJ Free Registration Lunch served
4/12/2014 11:00:00 AM -04:00
ICNA Relief Banquet - Miami Florida
Banquet Dinner with Arnoud Van Doorn & Sheikh Omar Omar Suleiman and Imam AbdulMalik Date: Sunday, March 30th, 2014 Doors Open: 4:00PM Tickets: $20/person & Sponsor a table with $500 Venue: Marriott Coral Springs Hotel & Golf Club | 11775 Heron Bay Blvd | Coral Springs | FL 33076 Contact person: Abdulrauf Khan | Phone: (321) 216-7937 | Email: arauf@icnarelief.org
3/30/2014 4:00:00 PM -04:00
From Darkness To Light: Featuring Arnoud Van Doorn, Wisam Sharieff, Farhan Abdul Aziz
ICNA Relief USA invites you to Our Banquet: From Darkness To Light: The Story of Arnoud Van Doorn Featuring Arnoud Van Doorn, Wisam Sharieff, Farhan Abdul Aziz Listen to the story of the Former "Big Critic" Who Made a Movie Against the Prophet Muhammad (saw) but is now Calling the World to Islam Arnoud Van Doorn was not as well known as his former boss the notorious Islamophobe Geert Wilders, but he is now after his conversion to Islam early last year. The 47-year-old Dutchman worked as a youth and family counselor before he joined Wilders anti-Islam Freedom party in The Netherlands several years ago. Doorn wrote speeches for Wilders and helped produced the short film "Fitna" which depicts Islam as an evil and violent religion. He was also a member of the Dutch parliament and The Hague City Council. But after hearing Muslims counter his criticisms of Islam, he decided to learn the religion for himself. He converted to Islam within a few months and performed Hajj, the pilgrimage to Makkah, this past October. "I felt ashamed standing in front of the Prophet’s grave. I thought of the grave mistake which I had made by producing that sacrilegious film. I hope that Allah will forgive me and accept my repentance," Doorn told the Saudi Gazette at the time. ICNA Relief has invited our new brother in Islam to the U.S. where he will personally share what led him from hating Islam to embracing it. Date: Saturday, March 29th, 2014 Doors Open at 7:00PM Sharp Tickets: $20/person Venue: Woodhaven Manor | 96-01 Jamaica Ave | Woodhaven | NY 11421 For More Info Contact: Shahid Farooqi | (315) 534-0790 | shahidfarooqi@icnarelief.org * Babysitting is available * Free Valet Parking included
3/29/2014 7:00:00 PM -04:00
Darkness To Light: Featuring Arnoud Van Doorn, Omar Suleiman, Wisam Sharieff & Farhan Abdul Aziz - Houston, TX
Need some inspiration to refresh your Imaan? Learn about the blessing of faith that we often take for granted from someone who had to struggle, experience and figure it out, but the urge of truth finally brought him success! His path began with hatred for Islam and left him with love and respect for Islam. Houston Banquet Dinner with: Mr. Arnoud Van Doorn Sheikh Omar Suleiman Imam Wisam Sherieff Dr. Farhan Abdul Aziz Time: 7:30PM, After Maghrib Suggested Donation $20/person DINNER will be provided! The online sign-up for registration will close at 12:00 pm (noon) on March 24th 2014 Venue: Houston Marriott Westchase | 2900 Briarpark Drive | Houston, TX 77042 Join us and support ICNA Relief Houston for the following Houston projects: -Women's Shelter -Mercy on Wheels -Back-To-School Drive -Food Pantry -Disaster Case Management -Udhiya Meat Distribution -Counseling Services Contact person: Shabbir Hasan | Phone: (832) 302-1681 Email: houston@icnarelief.org | shabbir@icnarelief.org Donate: http://bit.ly/1kEob3U
3/28/2014 7:30:00 PM -05:00
Help Rebuild Homes This Spring Break
Rebuilding Sandy-Damaged Homes Monday, March 17th- Sunday, March 23rd During Spring Break we will meet up at the Long Island Muslim Society (LIMS) at 8am each day, located at 475 East Meadow Ave, East Meadow, NY 11554. From there, we'll have a quick breakfast and orientation and head together to the home(s) we'll be rebuilding. All volunteers must be 18 years or older. Sign- up today at: www.muslimspitchin.com
3/23/2014 12:00:00 AM -04:00
Mercy on Wheels-Houston
To alleviate the national hunger crisis striking families throughout America, ICNA Relief has established its hunger relief effort which targets individuals and families alike in providing the basic needs of food and sustenance. "(The righteous are those) who feed the poor, the orphan and the captive for the love of God, saying: 'We feed you for the sake of God Alone; we seek from you neither reward nor thanks." (The Holy Quran, 76:8-9) Every Saturday, we meet up at our Women's Shelter (4021 Baden Street, Houston, Texas 77009) and go to the downtown area to serve hot meals. How can you participate: 1. Spread the word! Invite as many friends to participate. 2. Volunteer with us: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1jC--OVZ-xRqD3MKvroGC58AhNsSeTPzIim_pYZR3Rz8/viewform We do provide credit for community service hours, if informed earlier. 3. Donate: http://icnarelief.org/site2/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=38&Itemid=34 ICNA Relief-Houston 4021 Baden Street, Houston, Texas 77009
3/15/2014 12:00:00 AM +00:00
ICNA Relief presents Omar Suleiman, Mayor Mohamed Khairullah and A'laa ElSaadawi in Somerset, NJ 3/9/14
UPDATE: DATE OF BANQUET IS NOW RESCHEDULED TO MARCH 9TH Due to inclement weather, the March 2nd ICNA Relief Banquet "Restoring Hope & Transforming Lives" is being rescheduled to the following Sunday, March 9th inshaAllah. ICNA Relief NJ presents A Night of remembering those less fortunate. A Banquet Dinner for the entire family with 3 INSPIRING SPEAKERS. Speakers: Sh. Omar Suleiman Mayor Mohamed Kharullah Sh. A'laa ElSaadawi and more... ALL 3 in NJ for an unforgettable event. SAVE THE DATE. Alhamdulillah by the blessings of Allah (swt) ICNA Relief has been working diligently in New Jersey for the past couple of years providing services to the community at large. Some of our projects include: - Sandy Relief - Back 2 School Giveaway - Meat Distribution - Family Services - Hunger Prevention and much more... Date: Sunday March 9, 2014 Venue: DoubleTree Somerset Franklin Township, NJ 08873 Want to bring exposure to your company/organization? Here are the co-sponsorship packages: ICNA RELIEF BANQUET SPONSORSHIPS March 2nd, 2014 1 table + 1 banner + Flyer distribution to attendees + 5 minute video/presentation to entire audience $1,500 (1 available) 1 table + 1 banner + Flyer distribution to attendees $1,000 (2 available) 1 table + 1 standing banner in bazaar area $500 1 table $250 For more info: NJ@icnarelief.org
3/9/2014 6:30:00 PM -04:00
Mercy on Wheels-Houston
To alleviate the national hunger crisis striking families throughout America, ICNA Relief has established its hunger relief effort which targets individuals and families alike in providing the basic needs of food and sustenance. "(The righteous are those) who feed the poor, the orphan and the captive for the love of God, saying: 'We feed you for the sake of God Alone; we seek from you neither reward nor thanks." (The Holy Quran, 76:8-9) Every Saturday, we meet up at our Women's Shelter (4021 Baden Street, Houston, Texas 77009) and go to the downtown area to serve hot meals. How can you participate: 1. Spread the word! Invite as many friends to participate. 2. Volunteer with us: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1jC--OVZ-xRqD3MKvroGC58AhNsSeTPzIim_pYZR3Rz8/viewform We do provide credit for community service hours, if informed earlier. 3. Donate: http://icnarelief.org/site2/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=38&Itemid=34 ICNA Relief-Houston 4021 Baden Street, Houston, Texas 77009
2/22/2014 10:00:00 AM -06:00
Sheikh Omar Suleiman: Exclusive Family Program
Join Sheikh Omar Suleiman and Br. Raymond Brock Murray, Ph. D (licensed professional counselor) Jan. 17-18 for workshops for couples, parents, and anyone interested in ICNA Relief projects! January 17th- Sheikh Omar Suleiman Jummah Khutbah January 18th- Sheikh Omar Suleiman & Br. Raymond Brock Murray, Ph. D Exclusive Program for Parents/ Married Couples PLUS an Exclusive workshop for Young Muslims (brothers) Ages 14 & up. 11:15 AM-1:15 PM 1st Workshop 1:45 PM-2:45 PM 2nd Workshop BABYSITTING AVAILABLE Contact: Dr. Mohsin Ansari 410-845-1084 Mohamed Bangura 703-459-6166
1/18/2014 11:15:00 AM -05:00
Restoring Hope Transforming Life ICNA RELIEF invites you to attend our ANNUAL FUNDRAISING BANQUET on SUNDAY DECEMBER 8th 2013 at 5:00pm at the Sheraton Park Hotel at the Anaheim Resort. FOR TICKETS OR FURTHUR INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT SR.REHMAT MEMON REHMAT@ICNARELIEF.ORG (714) 558- 5580 BR.KHALID MEMON KMEMON@ICNARELIEF.ORG (909) 496-8050
12/8/2013 5:00:00 PM -08:00
Happy Muslim Family
Featuring: Shahid Farooqi, Habeeb Hussaini, Mustapha Elturk, Saadia Yunus, Tahani Aboushi
11/23/2013 7:00:00 PM -05:00
“While Others Sleep" A Heart-Softening Program
ICNA Relief USA & Young Muslims Present Our 3rd Annual Qiyam Ul Layl: “While Others Sleep" A Heart-Softening Program Speaker: SHEIKH OMAR SULEIMAN: A fundraiser to help our Women's & Children's Shelters Across the US, as well as support our other urgently needed US-based programs DATE & TIME: July 28th late night (technically July 29th,Night between July 28t & July 29) Time: Monday, July 29th at 1:00am Eastern To attend, visit: www.icnarelief.org/live or http://InstantTeleseminar.com/?eventID=44030667 OR Listening method: Phone + Web Simulcast Phone number: (206) 402-0100 PIN Code: 559767# ***share the invite- INVITE YOUR FRIENDS**** WHY: To raise funds If you give, Proceeds Will Go towards ICNA Relief Projects- If you want to help a widow, a neighbor a needy person, than ICNA Relief is a deserving organization. See our services: - Disaster Relief Services (DRS) - Islamic Women's Shelters - Back To School Giveaway - Hunger prevention - Muslim Family Services (MFS): Counseling, Crisis hotline, - Foster Parenting Classes for Muslims - Refugee Services - Halal food pantries - Funeral fund - Medical clinics - Legal advocacy TIMINGS: 1:00 AM EST 12:00 AM CST 10:00 PM PST Webinar link: TBA ( PLEASE TRY TO LISTEN VIA ONLINE AS WE HAVE LIMITED PHONE LINES) We pray you join us and in the highest state of Eman (Ameen). May Allah (SWT) accept our Siyam & Qiyam.(Ameen) Please spread the word by email or making copies of the flyer and passing it out at Tarawih InshAllah. ICNA Relief USA | www.icnarelief.org | https://twitter.com/#!/ICNARelief
7/29/2013 1:00:00 AM -04:00
Restoring Hope, Transforming Lives Banquet Dinner
with Imam Omar Suleiman & Imam Rafiq Mahdi ICNA Relief Presents: Restoring Hope Transforming Lives Dinner Program An EVENT to remember the forgotten. Tickets: $30 /person Speakers: Imam Omar Suleiman & Imam Rafiq Mahdi Date: Friday May 17th, 2013 Doors Open: 7:30PM | Salatul Maghrib: 8:10PM | Dinner: 8:30PM @ Hilton New York JFK Airport | 144-02 135 Ave | Jamaica | NY Tickets: https://icnarelief.org/Apps/Donation/Donation.php?a=fr&b=Fund-RaisingNYC More info: (718) 658-7028 | Email: rsvp@icnarelief.org ***Share the Good- INVITE YOUR FAMILY & FRIENDS**** Your proceeds will go towards ICNA Relief Projects- If you want to help a widow, a neighbor a needy person, you could do so through ICNA Relief USA. See our services: - Disaster Relief Services (DRS) - Islamic Women's Shelters - Back To School Giveaway - Hunger prevention - Muslim Family Services (MFS): Counseling, Crisis hotline, - Foster Parenting Classes for Muslims - Refugee Services - Halal food pantries - Funeral fund - Medical clinics - Legal advocacy
5/17/2013 7:30:00 PM -04:00
Hurricane Sandy Volunteer Appreciation Dinner (Invite to Volunteers Only)
Hurricane Sandy Volunteer Appreciation Dinner: Remembering the Work We Did, and Will Continue to Do Your and your families are invited as a token of appreciation for all of the time you donated in order to help the Sandy survivors in obtain their immediate needs. Dinner Information On Friday, February 22, 2013, we will gather at the Sound Studios at 3718 Northern Blvd Long Island City, NY, to honor the volunteers of ICNA Relief's Disaster Response Team who provided support to Sandy Victims. Drinks and appetizers will be served from 7:00 PM to 7:30 PM., followed by dinner. Dessert and coffee will be served after an inspiring program lead by Imam Siraj Wahhaj and our New York Lead for Disaster Response Service Shahid Farooqi Please RSVP to shahidfarooqi@icnarelief.org by 5 PM on Wednesday Feb 13, 2013. Questions? Call (315) 534-0790
2/22/2013 7:00:00 PM -05:00
Restoring Hope, Transforming Lives Banquet Dinner
Restoring Hope ,Transforming Lives Banquet Dinner with Sheikh Shakiel Humayun & Dr. Osama Abu Irshaid Date: Saturday, February 23rd, 2013 Time: 6:30 PM (Dinner will be served at 7:30PM) Venue (changed, from Marriott to Convention Center): Hartford Convention Center, Ballroom A 100 Columbus Blvd | Hartford | Connecticut 06103 $50 per person , Children less than 14 $20 per child Contact person: Br. Fareed Ahmed Khan: (860) 680-1392 Br. Anis Ahmed Sheikh : (860) 655-7860
2/23/2013 12:00:00 AM +00:00
Hurricane Sandy Relief
Join us in these upcoming weeks to help Hurricane Sandy survivors get hot meals, supplies, and help clean & restore their homes in Brooklyn, Staten Island, Long Beach, Far Rockaway and more! All volunteers are requested to sign up at www.MuslimsPitchIn.org Saturday, December 1st: Brighton Beach, Brooklyn - 12/1/2012, 9am-4pm All volunteers are requested to sign up at www.MuslimsPitchIn.org Volunteers will meet up at 9AM at Shama Restaurant (232 Neptune Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11235), Breakfast & orientation will be at 9AM. Task: Volunteers will help gut out and clean up homes damaged by Hurricane Sandy. Be ready to get your hands dirty, as well as witness some heartbreaking stories and sights. Volunteers should wear jeans and long sleeves, and boots are preferred. All other equipment will be provided by ICNA Relief. 20 volunteers needed! View previous event photos Contacts: Abdur Rehman Badat 281.857.1615 Steve 205.413.9035 Staten Island - 12/1/2012, 11am-1pm All volunteers are requested to sign up at www.MuslimsPitchIn.org Volunteers will meet up at 11AM at a house we were working on last week (420 Hamden Ave, Staten Island, NY 10306). Task: We will finish cleaning up a house, moving furniture and junk. Brunch will be provided to volunteers. Limited transportation may be provided - email/call if needed. Volunteers should wear long sleeves and preferably jeans. Masks, gloves and tools will be provided. 10 volunteers needed! Contacts: Omar Ranginwala 347.460.6627 Far Rockaway, Queens - 12/1/2012, 9:30am-1:30pm All volunteers are requested to sign up at www.MuslimsPitchIn.org Volunteers will meet up at 9:30am at a 8601 Rockaway Beach Blvd, Far Rockaway, NY 11693. Task: We will distribute supplies and food to the community. 8 volunteers needed! Contacts: Haroon Bhatti 347.515.0603 Sunday, December 2nd: Brighton Beach, Brooklyn - 12/2/2012, 9am-4pm All volunteers are requested to sign up at www.MuslimsPitchIn.org Volunteers will meet up at 9AM at Shama Restaurant (232 Neptune Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11235), Breakfast & orientation will be at 9AM. Task: Volunteers will help gut out and clean up homes damaged by Hurricane Sandy. Be ready to get your hands dirty, as well as witness some heartbreaking stories and sights. Volunteers should wear jeans and long sleeves, and boots are preferred. All other equipment will be provided by ICNA Relief. 20 volunteers needed! View previous event photos Contacts: Abdur Rehman Badat 281.857.1615 Steve 205.413.9035 Monday, December 3rd: Brighton Beach, Brooklyn - 12/3/2012, 9am-4pm All volunteers are requested to sign up at www.MuslimsPitchIn.org Volunteers will meet up at 9AM at Shama Restaurant (232 Neptune Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11235), Breakfast & orientation will be at 9AM. Task: Volunteers will help gut out and clean up homes damaged by Hurricane Sandy. Be ready to get your hands dirty. Volunteers should wear jeans and long sleeves, and boots are preferred. All other equipment will be provided by ICNA Relief. 20 volunteers needed! View previous event photos Contacts: Abdur Rehman Badat 281.857.1615 Steve 205.413.9035 Tuesday, December 4th: Brighton Beach, Brooklyn - 12/4/2012, 9am-4pm All volunteers are requested to sign up at www.MuslimsPitchIn.org Volunteers will meet up at 9AM at Shama Restaurant (232 Neptune Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11235), Breakfast & orientation will be at 9AM. Task: Volunteers will help gut out and clean up homes damaged by Hurricane Sandy. Be ready to get your hands dirty. Volunteers should wear jeans and long sleeves, and boots are preferred. All other equipment will be provided by ICNA Relief. 20 volunteers needed! View previous event photos Contacts: Abdur Rehman Badat 281.857.1615 Steve 205.413.9035 Wednesday, December 5th: Brighton Beach, Brooklyn - 12/5/2012, 9am-4pm All volunteers are requested to sign up at www.MuslimsPitchIn.org Volunteers will meet up at 9AM at Shama Restaurant (232 Neptune Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11235), Breakfast & orientation will be at 9AM. Task: Volunteers will help gut out and clean up homes damaged by Hurricane Sandy. Be ready to get your hands dirty. Volunteers should wear jeans and long sleeves, and boots are preferred. All other equipment will be provided by ICNA Relief. 20 volunteers needed! View previous event photos Contacts: Abdur Rehman Badat 281.857.1615 Steve 205.413.9035 Thursday, November 22nd, 11am-3pm @ Long Beach Volunteers will meet up at 11AM at the MLK Center (615 Riverside Blvd, Long Beach, NY 11561), Please be on time! There we will be serving hot delicious meals to the public. 20 volunteers needed! Contacts: Salman Khan 917-584-0759 Shahid Farooqi 315.534.0790 Thursday, November 22nd, 11am-3pm @ Staten Island Volunteers will meet up at 11AM at an Sandy Drop Off Zone (489 Midland Ave, Staten Island, NY 10306), Please be on time! There we will be serving hot delicious meals to the public. 20 volunteers needed! Contacts: Omar Ranginwala 347.460.6627 Arslan Rahman 347.276.4335 Thursday, November 22nd, 11am-3pm @ Far Rockaway Volunteers will meet up at 11AM, the location will be announced later today (working on permission), Please contact Haroon Bhatti for details. There we will be serving hot delicious meals to the public. 20 volunteers needed! Contacts: Haroon Bhatti (347) 515-0603 Saturday, November, 10am-2pm @ Staten Island: Volunteers will meet up at 10AM at a house we were working on last week (188 Moreland Street, Staten Island, NY 10306). There we will finish cleaning up the houses. Lunch will be provided to volunteers. Volunteers should wear long sleeves and preferably jeans. Masks, gloves and tools will be provided. 20 volunteers needed! Contacts: Omar Ranginwala 347.460.6627 Arslan Rahman 347.276.4335 --PAST EVENTS-- Friday, November 16th: Location: Brighton Beach, Brooklyn - 11/16/2012, 9am-4pm Volunteers will meet up at 9AM at Shama Restaurant (232 Neptune Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11235), from there they will be dispersed with their assigned teams/areas. Please try to be on time! Breakfast & orientation will be at 9AM. View previous event photos The following is the task for the day: Mucking/Gutting Homes (20 volunteers needed) - Volunteers will help gut out and clean up homes damaged by Hurricane Sandy. Be ready to get your hands dirty, as well as witness some heartbreaking stories and sights. Volunteers should wear jeans and long sleeves, and boots are preferred. All other equipment will be provided by ICNA Relief. Contacts: Steve (205) 413-9035 / Fami (347) 658-7601 Saturday, November 17th: Location: Staten Island - 11/17/2012, 9am-4pm Volunteers will meet up at 9AM at the MAS Community Center (180 Burgher Ave Staten Island, NY 10304), from there they will be dispersed with their assigned teams/areas. Please try to be on time! Breakfast & orientation will be at 9AM. View previous event photos The following is the task for the day: Mucking/Gutting Homes (100 volunteers needed) - Volunteers will help gut out and clean up homes damaged by Hurricane Sandy. Be ready to get your hands dirty, as well as witness some heartbreaking stories and sights. Volunteers should wear jeans and long sleeves, and boots are preferred. All other equipment will be provided by ICNA Relief. Contacts: Omar 347.460.6627 / Steve (205) 413-9035 Sunday, November 18th: Location: Far Rockaway (Queens) - 11/18/2012, 9:30am-2pm Volunteers will meet up at 9:30AM at the ICNA Headquarters (166-26 89th Ave, Jamaica, NY 11432), from there they will carpool volunteers to Far Rockaway, where we will setup a distribution point where meals and supplies will be served. Please try to be on time! Breakfast will be facilitated insha Allah. View previous event photos The following is the task for the day: Hot Meals & Supply Distribution (10 volunteers needed) - Volunteers will help set up distribution point, serve meals, distribute supplies and handle security as well. Contacts: Haroon (347) 515-0603 Location: Brighton Beach, Brooklyn - 11/18/2012, 9am-4pm Volunteers will meet up at 9AM at Shama Restaurant (232 Neptune Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11235), from there they will be dispersed with their assigned teams/areas. Please try to be on time! Breakfast & orientation will be at 9AM. View previous event photos The following is the task for the day: Mucking/Gutting Homes (45 volunteers needed) - Volunteers will help gut out and clean up homes damaged by Hurricane Sandy. Be ready to get your hands dirty, as well as witness some heartbreaking stories and sights. Volunteers should wear jeans and long sleeves, and boots are preferred. All other equipment will be provided by ICNA Relief. Information Booth (5 volunteers needed) - Volunteers will give survivors info on FEMA, ICNA Relief, and other forms of assistance available to them. Contacts: Steve (205) 413-9035 / Fami (347) 658-7601
12/2/2012 12:00:00 AM +00:00
Vote for ICNA Relief Campagin- Chase Giving
Vote for us please before Sept.19! ICNA Relief via Chase has a chance to share in $5 million in grants! We applied and we are happy to compete with 500 other charities in 41 states! VOTE: http://apps.facebook.com/chasecommunitygiving/charity/view/ein/04-3810161?ref=73f42b3d3d Please secure a vote for us! Support our programs such as the Back2School Giveaway, 6 women's shelters, Disaster Relief Services, and Financial Assistance programs. VOTE: http://apps.facebook.com/chasecommunitygiving/charity/view/ein/04-3810161?ref=73f42b3d3d Free services provided: -Disaster Relief Services (DRS) -Women's Shelters - Back To School Giveaway - Hunger prevention - Muslim Family Services (MFS): Counseling, Crisis hotline, - Foster Parenting Classes for Muslims - Refugee Services - Halal food pantries - Funeral fund - Medical clinics - Legal advocacy
9/19/2012 12:00:00 AM +00:00
Living Out Eman Fundraising Banquet
The Houston ICNA Relief Fundraiser is planned for the 28th of July at the Shahnai Restaurant. We are happy to anounce Sheikh Omar Suleiman as our motiavtional keynote speaker. ICNA Relief USA provides disaster relief and social services to under served populations within the United States. Our clients consist primarily of immigrants and minorities whose access to services has been obstructed by numerous hurdles, including language barriers and cultural misconceptions. Free services provided: -disaster relief - safe women's and family shelters - Back To School Giveaway - medical clinics - legal advocacy - counseling - hunger prevention - crisis hotline - refugee rervices - halal food pantries - family services - funeral fund Support our local fundrasier! Spread the word and please do join us! make a difference by thinking globally and acting locally!!
7/28/2012 7:30:00 PM -05:00
'While Others Sleep' An Online Qiyam ul-layl Program w/ USTADH WISAM SHARIEFF & SHEIKH OMAR SULEIMAN
ICNA Relief Presents a talk & purification process: “While Others Sleep" A Qiyam Ul Layl, A Heart-Softening Program Speakers: USTADH WISAM SHARIEFF & SHEIKH OMAR SULEIMAN: -A fundraiser to help our Women's & Children's Shelters Across the US, as well as support our other urgently needed US-based programs ***share the invite- INVITE YOUR FRIENDS**** DATE & TIME: July 27th late night (technically July 28th,Night between July 27 & July 28) WHY: To raise funds If you give, Proceeds Will Go towards ICNA Relief Projects- If you want to help a widow, a neighbor a needy person, than ICNA Relief is a deserving organization. See our services: - Disaster Relief Services (DRS) - Islamic Women's Shelters - Back To School Giveaway - Hunger prevention - Muslim Family Services (MFS): Counseling, Crisis hotline, - Foster Parenting Classes for Muslims - Refugee Services - Halal food pantries - Funeral fund - Medical clinics - Legal advocacy We invite you to see it with your own eyes: We have information sessions where stories are shared. Come visit our Women's Shelter in Jamaica, NY contact usiddiqi@icnarelief.org for an appointment. TIMINGS: 1:30 AM EST 12:30 AM CST 10:30 PM PST Webinar link: www.ICNARelief.org/LIVE ( PLEASE TRY TO LISTEN VIA ONLINE AS WE HAVE LIMITED PHONE LINES) We pray you join us and in the highest state of Eman (Ameen). May Allah (SWT) accept our Siyam & Qiyam.(Ameen) Please spread the word by email or making copies of the flyer and passing it out at Tarawih InshAllah. ICNA Relief USA
7/28/2012 1:30:00 AM -04:00
Florida Banquet Dinner
Sheikh Omar Suleiman Holiday Inn
7/20/2012 7:00:00 PM -04:00
NY ICNA Relief Banquet
In Dallas, we're fixing homes which are not longer homes, but broken structures. In Miami, we're helping the dejected and desperate. Do you know any Islamic orgs with 4 women's shelters in FL, LA, NYC and TX with a safe, secure atmosphere? Join us April 14. All proceeds go to ICNA Relief Muslims are Active. Join us for a night of reflection- it's a Banquet fundraising dinner. Keynote speaker: Former Congresswoman and Green Party US Presidential Candidate Cynthia McKinney Other speakers: Founder of Salaam Hearts Kamal Shaarawy --Poet Ammar AlShukry --Moderator: Debbie Almontaser (Founding/former Principal of Khalil Gibran Int. Academy- Educator) --Ahmed Bedier is a Florida-based human rights advocate and radio show host. Bedier is an expert on Islam, media relations, human rights,& president of the Tampa Human Rights Council and More! Register Here: $50 per ticket! https://icnarelief.org/Donation/index1.php?a=fr&b=Fund-RaisingNYC
4/14/2012 6:00:00 PM +00:00
Miami Fundraising Banquet Dinner: Keynote Speaker Lauren Booth
2/11/2012 7:00:00 PM +00:00
ICNA Relief Banquet Featuring Lauren Booth -Schenectady NY
Islamic Center of the Capital District 21 Lansing Rd NORTH Schenectady NY 12304 RSVP here:
1/21/2012 7:00:00 PM +00:00
Banquet Dinner: Keynote Guest Lauren Booth
More info email office@icnarelief.org
1/20/2012 7:00:00 PM +00:00
Imam Siraj Wahhaj - ICNA Relief Benefit Dinner
ICNA Relief requests your presence at our Benefit Dinner Featuring inspiring lectures from: Imam Siraj Wahhaj | Dr. Essam Tellawi | Sh. Mohammed Hassan Saturday, January 7, 2012 6:00PM - 8:30PM @ Best Western Tysons Corner West Park Hotel 8401 Westpark Drive McLean, VA 22102 Contact Person: Mohamed Bangura - mbangura@icnarelief.org
1/7/2012 6:00:00 PM +00:00
ICNA Relief Banquet Featuring Lauren Booth - Secaucus, NJ
12/16/2011 7:00:00 PM +00:00
ICNA Relief Banquet Featuring Lauren Booth - Piscataway, NJ
12/3/2011 7:00:00 PM +00:00
Dinner Fundraiser Banquet with Sr. Lauren Booth!
Worcester Islamic Center (WIC) 248 East Mountain Street, Worcester, MA
12/2/2011 7:00:00 PM +00:00
Qurbani/Udhiyah Meat Distribution - Masjid Adam
ICNA Relief USA in collaboration with Masjid Adam will be distributing Qurbani/Udhiyah meat to families this Saturday. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! When? Saturday, November 12th, 3PM-4:30PM Where? 2263 Crotona Avenue Bronx, NY 10457
11/12/2011 3:00:00 PM +00:00
Qurbani/Udhiyah Meat Distribution - Masjid Al-Huda
ICNA Relief USA in collaboration with Masjid Al-Huda will be distributing Qurbani/Udhiyah meat to families this Saturday. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! When? Saturday, November 12th, 12:45PM-2:00PM Where? 3979 White Plains Rd Bronx, NY 10466
11/12/2011 12:30:00 PM +00:00
Qurbani/Udhiyah Meat Distribution
ICNA Relief USA in collaboration with Madina School and Westchester Muslim Center will be distributing Qurbani/Udhiyah meat to families this Saturday. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! When? Saturday, November 12th, 11AM-12PM Where? Westchester Muslim Center - 22 Brookfield Rd, Mount Vernon, NY For more info contact Imam Amjad - 914.522-5008
11/12/2011 11:00:00 AM +00:00
Back-2-School Giveaway
Volunteer and Join us in this occasion! What? Back-2-School Giveaway - 500 school bags will be given to the local community When? Friday, September 2nd, 4:00PM-6:30PM Where? The Malcolm X & Dr. Betty Shabazz Memorial and Educational Center 3940 Broadway, New York, NY Next to Columbia University. This is the historic site of the assassination of Malcolm X, the Audubon Theater. This event is an initiative of ICNA Relief. This event is sponsored by: The Malcolm X & Dr. Betty Shabazz Memorial and Educational Center Community Association of Progressive Dominicans (ACDP) Community League of the Heights (CLOTH) Washington Heights BID
9/2/2011 4:00:00 PM +00:00
Back 2 School Giveaway
8/31/2011 12:00:00 AM +00:00
Jersey City Back 2 School Giveaway
Jersey City Muslims show they care through school bag distribution --FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE-- On Saturday, August 27, 2011, Jersey City Muslims will be extending a helping hand to their neighbors during these tough economic times. The Jersey City branch of ICNA will be distributing school bags filled with school supplies to local children in partnership with Al-Tawheed mosque during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. This initiative is part of ICNA Relief’s national Back-2-School Giveaway Project, which is hosting over 30 similar events across the U.S. These efforts are helping over 15,000 children nationwide, where each child present will receive a school bag filled with supplies such as notebooks, pens, pencils, sharpeners, erasers, rulers, crayons and scissors. The month of Ramadan also gives special importance to increasing charitable acts, as fasting develops compassion for those who are poor and needy, inspiring the act of giving. Through the Back to School Giveaway, ICNA will inspire the American Muslim community to partake in this commendable act of helping struggling, low-income families provide for their children. Back-2-School Giveaway, Jersey City Event Information Saturday, August 27, 2011, 2:00 PM - 4:00PM Masjid Al-Tawheed 984 West Side Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07306 Press Contact Azeem Khan E-mail: azeem@icnait.com Cell: (516)-369-6542 To view all of our giveaway locations please visit: http://www.back2schoolgiveaway.com ICNA Relief is the social services branch of the Islamic Circle of North America, a leading American Muslim organization dedicated to the betterment of society through the promotion of Islamic values. ICNA Relief’s projects include women’s housing, hunger prevention, family counseling, medical aid, emergency financial support and funeral and burial assistance. For more information on ICNA Relief please visit http://icnarelief.org For more information, contact: E-mail: info@Back2SchoolGiveaway.com
8/27/2011 2:00:00 PM +00:00
Sisters Only Qiyam ul Layl Program on Night of 25th Ramadan
UPDATE: tHE ROOM IS FULL. jOIN us via call: ROOM IS FULL - Sisters can also join via phone: 712-451-6000 pin: 78726 Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah We pray and hope that this email finds you in the highest state of Eman (Ameen).May Allah (SWT) accept our Siyam & Qiyam.(Ameen) InshAllah we will be having A Program entitled Purifying Your Self, Wealth, and Bounties" for Sisters only Speaker: SHEIKH OMAR SULEIMAN: DATE & TIME: August 24th (technically Aug 25th, 25th night of Ramadan) 1:30 - 3:00 AM EST Flyer: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=149025928516844#!/photo.php?fbid=10150282348962770&set=a.10150122587632770.292547.61878332769&type=1&theater VENUE: Paltalk (www.paltalk.com for free download) in TGQ11 room - no password required WHEN: ON THE NIGHT OF 25th RAMADAN (Night between AUG 24th & AUG 25th) WHERE: ON PALTALK (Free download on www.paltalk.com) ROOM TGQ11 ................No password required TIMINGS: 1:30 AM EST 12:30 AM CST 10:30 PM PST Please spread the word by email or making copies of the flyer and passing it out at Tarawih InshAllah. Wasalam, UM Tarbiyah Dept & Dawah Dept. ICNA Sister's Wing ICNA Relief
8/25/2011 1:30:00 AM +00:00
ICNA Relief - Banquet with Sr. Lauren Booth in MO
6/26/2011 6:30:00 PM +00:00
ICNA Relief - Banquet with Sr. Lauren Booth in CT
Friday, June 24th @7:30 PM Ticket: $25/person $200/Table
6/24/2011 7:30:00 PM +00:00
No More Silence on Domestic Violence
ICNA Relief Workshop Well Being and Empowerment Build Self Esteem Through Positive Talking Presenters Dr Shamshad Ahmed, PhD. Richard Khan, MA. Dr Shamshad Ahmed, Ph.D., LPC, NCC Assistant Professor Counseling/Psychology Licensed Professional Counselor National Certified Counselor CACREP Compliance Officer CSI -Pi Chapter Advisor Marywood University Scranton
5/29/2011 11:30:00 AM +00:00
The Role of the Muslim Families in American Community Service
Executive director of ICNA Relief Br. Maqsood Ahmad and Sr. Jane Aslam. Director of Disaster Relief at ICNA Relief USA will share there experience and expertize with you. ICNA Relief is the only Muslim organization working in the disaster relief area in the US. Currently we are working in North Carolina and Alabama and after today's tornado in Missouri ICNA Relief is working with the local Muslim community to launch the response effort there. Speakers: Sr. Jane Aslam Br. Maqsood Ahmad
5/29/2011 11:30:00 AM +00:00
Social Services and Community Building
Social Services in the light of Quran Br. Maqsood Ahmad Merciful Marriage Br. Steven James Hernandez Counseling Path of Sunnah Br. Imam Omar Suleiman
5/29/2011 10:00:00 AM +00:00
FREE family counseling at ICNA-MAS Convention
we are providing free family counseling opportunities to Muslim families. Qualified and experienced family counselors will be available to discretely work with families on specific family issues. Please take advantage of this beneficial service and register online promptly. https://icnarelief.org/Registration
5/29/2011 12:00:00 AM +00:00
Ingredients for Happy Relationships
And of His Signs is that He has created mates for you from your own kind that you may find peace in them and He has set between you love and mercy. Surely there are Signs in this for those who reflect. (30:21) Speakers: Br. Dr. Ahmed Taha ( Ingredients for a Healthy Relationship) Sr. Malika Rushdan ( Recipe for Disaster)
5/28/2011 9:00:00 PM +00:00
ICNA Relief Banquet Feat. Lauren Booth (Tony Blair's sister-in-law) - NJ
A Special Night with Sh. Dr. Hassan and Sr. Laureen Booth, a Journalist, Human Rights Activist and Broadcaster. She is also Tony Blair's Sister-in-Law GPU event: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgXedDnVbBs Position on Gaza: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlF_HQ6U1C8 Entrance: $50/Individual or $100/Family Saturday, April 9th, 8PM @ Shahnawaz Palace 159 Jackson Avenue, Edison, NJ 08837 RSVP via office@icnarelief.org or http://www.icnarelief.org/
4/9/2011 8:00:00 PM +00:00
ICNA Relief Banquet Featuring Lauren Booth - NYC
A Special Night with Sh. Dr. Hassan and Sr. Laureen Booth, a Journalist, Human Rights Activist and Broadcaster. GPU event: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgXedDnVbBs Position on Gaza: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlF_HQ6U1C8 Entrance: $50/Individual or $100/Family Friday, April 8th, 8PM @ International JFK Airport Hotel 14402 135th Avenue, Jamaica, NY 11436 RSVP via office@icnarelief.org http://www.icnarelief.org
4/8/2011 8:00:00 PM +00:00
ICNA Relief Banquet Featuring Lauren Booth - Dallas, TX
A Special Night with Sh. Dr. Hassan and Sr. Laureen Booth, a Journalist, Human Rights Activist and Broadcaster. GPU event: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgXedDnVbBs Position on Gaza: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlF_HQ6U1C8 Thursday, April 7th @ 8PM Islamic Association of North Texas 840 Abrams Rd. Richardson TX 75081 RSVP via office@icnarelief.org http://www.icnarelief.org/
4/7/2011 8:00:00 PM +00:00
ICNA Relief Banquet Featuring Lauren Booth - Atlanta, GA
A Special Night with Sh. Dr. Hassan and Sr. Laureen Booth, a Journalist, Human Rights Activist and Broadcaster. GPU event: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgXedDnVbBs Position on Gaza: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlF_HQ6U1C8 Entrance: $25/person Tuesday, April 5th Holiday Inn (Perimeter) 4386 Chamblee-Dunwoody Rd Atlanta, GA 30341 Registration open @ 7:30PM Dinner @ 8:30 RSVP via office@icnarelief.org http://www.icnarelief.org/
4/5/2011 7:30:00 PM +00:00