Since RMCC was established in 2010, we always had a vision to have a community center to serve the social and educational needs of our community. Praise to Allah, with everyone's hard work and the continuous contributions from monthly membership fees , we leased a building in March 2015. Your continuous support is needed to transition to a permanent home when the lease in up in 2017.
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Journey of Peace

"Journey of Peace" Join in the Journey of Building Relationships Through mutual respect and understanding Sunday, December 10th, 2017 Lunch at Kabab Restaurant Hosted by the Muslim Community Topic: " An Islamic Perspective of Compassion " Program: A short presentation about practicing compassion in your daily life. Speaker: Jehad Almasri Opportunity for questions & answers One-on-one talks and discussions Food from a variety of cultures RSVP: Please email us by Thursday, December 7 RSVP is required Feel free to forward the email to family, friends, and co-worker who may be interested in attending.We wish to continue the journey of peace effort initiated by the sisters of Assisi-Heights. Sincerely, Rana Mikati Ghazala Hamid Rashid Fehmi

12/10/2017 12:30:00 PM -06:00

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EID UL FITR Celebrations

MENU: Catered from Holy Land COST: 13 years - Adults $22 (members receive a 15% discount) 7-12 years $12 (members receive a 15% discount) 3-6 years $5 (members receive a 15% discount) Under 2 years Free KIDS' ACTIVITY: Magician (The magic show will begin at 8:00 p.m. There will be treat bags for kids as well.) DEADLINE: Please purchase your tickets by June 23rd via PayPal at Your PayPal receipt will be your ticket. ABSOLUTELY NO TICKET SALES AFTER THE DEADLINE AND AT THE EVENT.

6/26/2017 6:00:00 PM -05:00

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Eid-al-Adha celebration

COST: $20 per family. $10 for singles. (15% discount for members) Please make your payment through PayPal by clicking on the following link, (Cost includes rent, supplies, and janitor.) Contributions above and beyond are always welcome. RSVP: Please sign up for a dish by Saturday, September 10th by following the instructions below SIGN-UP: 1. Go to 2. See food items (appetizer, beef, chicken, mutton, rice, pasta, salad, vegetable, dessert) 3. Choose a dish/item by clicking on "Claim This" (first column) 4. Enter your name (first and last name). 5. Click on the blue disk to save it. REMINDER: For the safety of all, children should not run in the cafeteria or be left unattended. Also, we need everyone's help in making sure we leave the hall just the way we find it, so, please help by throwing away your trash, cleaning up any spills, and watching your children.

9/12/2016 6:00:00 PM -05:00

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RMCC Outreach Open house

Greetings! Rochester Muslim Community Circle is opening its doors to reach out to other communities living in Rochester area. Objective is to share the views with a broader group help promote understanding and harmony among the diverse Rochester area residents. To pursue this goal, we are holding first monthly open house at our Community Center. This event is an opportunity for the community to meet Muslim neighbors and ask questions about Islam. Kindly share this information with your friends, co-workers and neighbors. Please come and join us! RMCC Rochester Muslim Community Circle Email us at Visit us at Like us on Facebook!

2/20/2016 10:00:00 AM -06:00
