Would you seek the truth……despite the cost?

Imprisoned by his father, betrayed by scholarly authority and enslaved in a strange land: All obstacles on the arduous Journey of Salman the Persian.

This is the story of one man’s struggle to find the truth.

Relive the journey as Salman journeys from Persia to Syria to Arabia…as a Zoroastrian priest, a dedicated Christian, and finally a Companion of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.

The Unique Vantage Point in a World Awaiting Muhammad ﷺ

Islam came to the Arabs, whereas Salman traversed from outside the Arab world searching high and low. He brought with him insight and experience strange to the Arabs of the time:

-Intimate view of the Persian and Roman empires of the time
-Time spent in Persia as a Zoroastrian Fire Keeper
-Experience with the dying strands of early Christianity
-Study in Nestorian churches of each town he visited
-Entering Madinah recognizing it as the prophesied city of the Prophet
-Powerful moment of meeting the Prophet ﷺ for the very first time

Overcome Your Own Struggles With Seeking the Truth. Every path to truth is met with obstacles. Most experience just one or two, whereas Salman encountered them all.

Non-practicing and/or adversarial parents
Corrupted teachers and scholarly leadership
Lack of resources
Face of doubt and insecurities
Alienation and isolation upon accepting the truth
Classical sources in foreign languages

How the Prophet ﷺ Treated Salman

Not only are there lessons for every truth seeker…

...learn how the Prophet ﷺ cared, integrated, welcomed and learned from Salman the Persian.

These are lessons for anyone with:
-an inquisitive mind
-a friend asking critical questions about Islam
-a family member coming back to religion
-a convert community trying to transition
-anyone struggling with the truth
-The Prophet ﷺ placed his hand upon Salman’s and said,
“By the One in whose Hand is my soul! If faith were on Pleiades (the stars) then men among these people would reach it.” [Tirmidhi]

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, Houston, TX, United States