As-salaamu 'alaikum!

Please join us at M.E.C.C.A. on Saturday, September 9 from 2-5 p.m. and get a glimpse into the fantastic courses and activities we will be offering this fall*, insha' Allah. We will be hearing from two of our wonderful teachers, Ustadh Tariq Ameer and Ustadh Meurad Osman, who will be discussing two topics of critical importance to our ‘ummah:

Session 1 - 2pm-3pm:
Ustadh Tariq Ameer will answer the ever important questions, "What is a madhhab, and why is it necessary to follow one?"

Session 2 - 3pm-4pm:
Ustadh Meurad Osman will discuss the immense importance of learning and understanding the essential science of Aqidah."

Refreshments will be served.

To RSVP for the Open House, email

*Early registration deadline for our fall semester is Sept 12. Please register in person at the open house or visit our website at External Event Url
4 W 43rd St, Ste 416, New York, NY, United States