Ustadh Ammar Alshukry will be giving the Jummah Khutbah and the Friday night program at ICGA! Invite your friends and families InshAllah!

Jummah Khutbah 1PM
Program: After Maghreb
Topic: When Mountains Crumble: The last verses of Surat Al-Hashr

About Ustadh Ammar: He has been a part of Al-Maghreb Institute since 2001 and is now an Instrucor at Al-Maghreb. He has traveled around the east coast doing multiple lecutresand confrences. He is a poet from Queens, New York. He began his study of the Arabic language at an early age and has been working to translate works o classical and contemporary Arabic poets. He has published an abridged translation of the Diwan collegtion of Imam AlShafi'ee. External Event Url
Islamic Center of Greater Austin (ICGA)
5110 Manor Rd, Austin, TX, United States