Esselamu alejkum poštovane džematlije,
Ove godine obilježavamo 21. godišnjicu bosanskog genocida u sklopu komemorativnog programa za srebreničke zrtve. Više od 8000 ljudi je masakrirano u Srebrenici i okolim mjestima, i do današnjeg dana mnogi od njih nisu nađeni. Njihove porodice još uvijek traže kosti svojih najdražih da ih zakopaju i nađu smiraj u tome. Ovaj program je otvoren za javnost, pa slobodno dovedite svoje porodice, prijatelje i kolege. Poziv smo uputili i međuvjerskoj zajednici Seattlea, te očekujemo brojne goste.
Detalji programa:
Datum: Nedjelja, 10. juli, 2016.
1:30 pm - podne namaz i tevhid
2:30 pm - glavni program
Mjesto: Shoreline džamija

This year, we mark the 21st anniversary of the Bosnian Genocide in the week when we commemorate the genocide in Srebrenica. Over 8,000 people were massacred in Srebrenica and to this day, many of their loved ones continue to look for the remains of their family members, in order to perform a proper burial and bring closure. The event is public so please bring your family members, coworkers and friends. We have also extended this invitation to the interfaith community in Seattle, and we expect many of them to join us.
Details of the program
Date: July 10, Sunday 2016 @ Shoreline masjid
1:30pm Dhuhr prayer and Tehvid
2:30pm Main program
We alejkumu selam External Event Url
Islamic Community of Bosniaks in Washington
20001 25th Ave NE, Shoreline, WA, United States