The 40 Paths to Paradise: A Prophetic Road Map to Eternal Success

This course gives us clear and practical ways to bring the beautiful example of the Messenger of Allah (peace & blessings be upon him) into our lives.

Join us as we learn about these practical pathways to Jannah.

The course will be based on the work Tamam al-Minnah bibayan al-Khisal al-Mujibah li al-Jannah by the great Shaykh and Muhaddith, AbduLlah al-Gumari.

In this course, Shaykh Abdurragmaan Khan, of Cape Town, South Africa, will explain these pathways to Jannah–and the Eternal Good Pleasure, Love, and Closeness to Allah–from the practical and inspiring guidance of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).

#Register now for this #free online course:

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On Line Row, Garland, TX 75040, USA