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Imagine living for generations in a land where the government pushes you and your family out. As you seek to find a new home in another nation as a refugee, you're turned away because they're unwilling to accept you.

We're talking about Rohingya, the Muslim minority in Myanmar (Also known as Burma).

We're blessed with abundance and we enjoy it in this holy month. But, let's not forget about families who are suffering in unimaginably difficult circumstances right now.

AlMaghrib Institute are partnering with Islamic Relief to bring to you “Earning the Love of Allah” a bandwidth busting ilminar this Sunday, July 12th, that will be broadcast globally in support of the Muslims of Rohingya.

We're expecting a full house and bandwidth is limited.

Join this distinguished line-up of speakers who will be presenting:
Waleed Basyouni
Omar Suleiman
Majed Mahmoud
Riad Ouarzazi
Yasir Qadhi
Kamal El Mekki
Yahya Adel Ibrahim
Abdul Nasir Jangda
Saad Tasleem
Shaykh Abdullah Hakim Quick
Ahsan Hanif
Yaser Birjas
Navaid Aziz
AbdulBary Yahya
Reda Bedeir
Mohammed Ahmed Khalil External Event Url
Islamic Relief Canada
3506 Mainway, Burlington, ON, Canada